blob: cc1fcd05c38f23f9f1b1ff1f23fdc80e3eb5049e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2008-2015 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <arch.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <lib/backtrace.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fxt/thread_ref.h>
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock.h>
#include <lib/relaxed_atomic.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/thread_annotations.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/listnode.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/object.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/scheduler.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/arch_thread.h>
#include <arch/defines.h>
#include <arch/exception.h>
#include <arch/ops.h>
#include <fbl/canary.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_double_list.h>
#include <fbl/macros.h>
#include <fbl/null_lock.h>
#include <fbl/wavl_tree_best_node_observer.h>
#include <kernel/cpu.h>
#include <kernel/deadline.h>
#include <kernel/koid.h>
#include <kernel/preempt_disabled_token.h>
#include <kernel/restricted_state.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler_state.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <kernel/task_runtime_stats.h>
#include <kernel/timer.h>
#include <ktl/array.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
#include <ktl/optional.h>
#include <ktl/string_view.h>
#include <lockdep/thread_lock_state.h>
#include <vm/kstack.h>
class Dpc;
struct BrwLockOps;
class OwnedWaitQueue;
class StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval;
class ThreadDispatcher;
class VmAspace;
class WaitQueue;
struct WaitQueueLockOps;
struct Thread;
class ThreadDumper; // A class which is a friend of the various internal thread
// state classes and structures, allowing it to access
// private variables for debugging purposes during debug
// dumps of thread state.
// These forward declarations are needed so that Thread can friend
// them before they are defined.
static inline Thread* arch_get_current_thread();
static inline void arch_set_current_thread(Thread*);
// These forward declarations allow us to identify the thread's or wait_queue's
// lock and make static analysis work, even through we are currently dealing
// with an incomplete definition of Thread. Later on, after Thread/WaitQueue
// has been fully declared, we can implement GetThreadsLock/GetWaitQueuesLock,
// and declare that it returns the object's lock as a capability. As long as
// the invocation of a given method marked as requiring a thread's lock takes
// place _after_ the implementation of GetThreadsLock/GetWaitQueuesLock has been
// declared, Clang seems happy to use the annotations present on the
// implementation to identify which capability is actually required.
static inline ChainLock& GetThreadsLock(const Thread*);
static inline ChainLock& GetThreadsLock(const Thread&);
static inline ChainLock& GetWaitQueuesLock(const WaitQueue*);
static inline ChainLock& GetWaitQueuesLock(const WaitQueue&);
// When blocking this enum indicates the kind of resource ownership that is being waited for
// that is causing the block.
enum class ResourceOwnership {
// Blocking is either not for any particular resource, or it is to wait for
// exclusive access to a resource.
// Blocking is happening whilst waiting for shared read access to a resource.
// The types of affinity the scheduler understands.
enum class Affinity { Hard, Soft };
static inline fbl::NullLock is_current_thread_token;
// Whether a block or a sleep can be interrupted.
enum class Interruptible : bool { No, Yes };
// When signaling to a wait queue that the priority of one of its blocked
// threads has changed, this enum is used as a signal indicating whether or not
// the priority change should be propagated down the PI chain (if any) or not.
enum class PropagatePI : bool { No = false, Yes };
// A WaitQueueCollection is the data structure which holds a collection of
// threads which are currently blocked in a wait queue. The data structure
// imposes a total ordering on the threads meant to represent the order in which
// the threads should be woken, from "most important" to "least important".
// One unusual property of the ordering implemented by a WaitQueueCollection is
// that, unlike an ordering determined completely by properties such as thread
// priority or weight, it is dynamic with respect to time. This is to say that
// while at any instant in time there is always a specific order to the threads,
// as time advances, this order can change. The ordering itself is determined
// by the nature of the various dynamic scheduling disciplines implemented by
// the Zircon scheduler.
// At any specific time |now|, the order of the collection is considered to
// be:
// 1) The deadline threads in the collection whose absolute deadlines are in the
// future, sorted by ascending absolute deadline. These are the threads who
// still have a chance of meeting their absolute deadline, with the nearest
// absolute deadline considered to be the most important.
// 2) The deadline threads in the collection whose absolute deadlines are in the
// past, sorted by ascending relative deadline. These are the threads who
// have been blocked until after their last cycle's absolute deadline. If
// all threads were to be woken |now|, the thread with the minimum relative
// deadline would be the thread which has the new absolute deadline across
// the set.
// 3) The fair threads in the collection, sorted by their "virtual finish time".
// This is equal to the start time of the thread plus the scheduler's maximum
// target latency divided by the thread's weight (normalized to the range
// (0.0, 1.0]. This is the same ordering imposed by the Scheduler's RunQueue
// for fair threads, and is intended to prioritize higher weight threads,
// while still ensuring some level of fairness over time. The start time
// represents the last time that a thread entered a run queue, and while high
// weight threads will be chosen before low weight threads who arrived at
// similar times, threads who arrived earlier (and have been waiting for
// longer) will eventually end up being chosen, no matter how much weight
// other threads in the collection have compared to it.
// TODO(johngro): Instead of using the start time for the last time a
// thread entered a RunQueue, should we use the time at which the thread
// joined the wait queue instead?
// In an attempt to make the selection of the "best" thread in a wait queue as
// efficient as we can, in light of the dynamic nature of the total ordering, we
// use an "augmented" WAVL tree as our data structure, much like the scheduler's
// RunQueue. The tree keeps all of its threads sorted according to a primary
// key representing the minimum absolute deadline or a modified version its
// virtual finish time, depending on the thread's scheduling discipline).
// The virtual finish time of threads is modified so that the MSB of the time is
// always set. This guarantees that fair threads _always_ come after in the
// sorting of threads. Note that we could have also achieved this partitioning
// by tracking fair threads separately from deadline thread in a separate tree
// instance. We keep things in a single tree (for now) in order to help to
// minimize the size of WaitQueueCollections to help control the size of objects
// in the kernel (such as the Mutex object).
// There should be no serious issue with using the MSB of the sort key in this
// fashion. Absolute timestamps in zircon use signed 64 bit integers, and the
// monotonic clock is set at startup to start from zero, meaning that there is
// no real world case where we would be searching for a deadline thread to
// wake using a timestamp with the MSB set.
// Finally, we also maintain an addition augmented invariant such that: For
// every node (X) in the tree, the pointer to the thread with the minimum
// relative deadline in the subtree headed by X is maintained as nodes are
// inserted and removed.
// With these invariants in place, finding the best thread to run can be
// computed as follows.
// 1) If the left-most member of the tree has the MSB of its sorting key set,
// then the thread is a fair thread, and there are _no_ deadline threads in
// the tree. Additionally, this thread has the minimum virtual finish time
// across all of the fair threads in the tree, and therefore is the "best"
// thread to unblock. When the tree is in this state, selection is O(1).
// 2) Otherwise, there are deadline threads in the tree. The tree is searched
// to find the first thread whose absolute deadline is in the future,
// relative to |now|. If such a thread exists, then it is the "best" thread
// to run right now and it is selected. When the tree is in this state,
// selection is O(log).
// 3) If there are no threads whose deadlines are in the future, the pointer to
// the thread with the minimum relative deadline in the tree is chosen,
// simply by fetching the best-in-subtree pointer maintained in |root()|.
// While this operation is O(1), when the tree is this state, the over all
// achieved order was O(log) because of the search which needed to happen
// during step 2.
// Insert and remove order for the tree should be:
// 1) Insertions into the tree are always O(log).
// 2) Unlike a typical WAVL tree, removals of a specific thread from the tree
// are O(log) instead of being amortized constant. This is because of the
// cost of restoring the augmented invariant after removal, which involves
// walking from the point of removal up to the root of the tree.
class WaitQueueCollection {
// fwd decls
struct BlockedThreadTreeTraits;
struct MinRelativeDeadlineTraits;
using Key = ktl::pair<uint64_t, uintptr_t>;
// Encapsulation of all the per-thread state for the WaitQueueCollection data structure.
class ThreadState {
ThreadState() = default;
// Disallow copying.
ThreadState(const ThreadState&) = delete;
ThreadState& operator=(const ThreadState&) = delete;
bool InWaitQueue() const { return blocked_threads_tree_node_.InContainer(); }
zx_status_t BlockedStatus() const { return blocked_status_; }
void Block(Thread* const current_thread, Interruptible interruptible, zx_status_t status)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, GetThreadsLock(current_thread));
void Unsleep(Thread* thread, zx_status_t status) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token)
void AssertNoOwnedWaitQueues() const {}
void AssertNotBlocked() const {
DEBUG_ASSERT(blocking_wait_queue_ == nullptr);
WaitQueue* blocking_wait_queue() { return blocking_wait_queue_; }
const WaitQueue* blocking_wait_queue() const { return blocking_wait_queue_; }
Interruptible interruptible() const { return interruptible_; }
// WaitQueues, WaitQueueCollections, and their List types, can
// directly manipulate the contents of the per-thread state, for now.
friend struct BrwLockOps;
friend class OwnedWaitQueue;
friend class Scheduler;
friend class WaitQueue;
friend class WaitQueueCollection;
friend struct WaitQueueCollection::BlockedThreadTreeTraits;
friend struct WaitQueueCollection::MinRelativeDeadlineTraits;
// Dumping routines are allowed to see inside us.
friend class ThreadDumper;
// If blocked, a pointer to the WaitQueue the Thread is on.
WaitQueue* blocking_wait_queue_ = nullptr;
// A list of the WaitQueues currently owned by this Thread.
fbl::DoublyLinkedList<OwnedWaitQueue*> owned_wait_queues_;
// Node state for existing in WaitQueueCollection::threads_
fbl::WAVLTreeNodeState<Thread*> blocked_threads_tree_node_;
// Primary key used for determining our position in the collection of
// blocked threads. Pre-computed during insert in order to save a time
// during insert, rebalance, and search operations.
uint64_t blocked_threads_tree_sort_key_{0};
// State variable holding the pointer to the thread in our subtree with the
// minimum relative deadline (if any).
Thread* subtree_min_rel_deadline_thread_{nullptr};
// Return code if woken up abnormally from suspend, sleep, or block.
zx_status_t blocked_status_ = ZX_OK;
// Are we allowed to be interrupted on the current thing we're blocked/sleeping on?
Interruptible interruptible_ = Interruptible::No;
// Storage used by an OwnedWaitQueue, but held within a thread
// instance, while that thread is blocked in the wait queue.
SchedulerState::WaitQueueInheritedSchedulerState inherited_scheduler_state_storage_{};
constexpr WaitQueueCollection() {}
~WaitQueueCollection() {
void Validate() const {
// TODO(johngro): We could perform a more rigorous check of the two maintained
// invariants of the threads_ collection, however we probably only want to do
// so if kSchedulerExtraInvariantValidation is true.
// Passthrus for the underlying container's size and is_empty methods.
uint32_t Count() const { return static_cast<uint32_t>(threads_.size()); }
bool IsEmpty() const { return threads_.is_empty(); }
// The current minimum inheritable relative deadline of the set of blocked threads.
SchedDuration MinInheritableRelativeDeadline() const;
// Peek at the first Thread in the collection.
Thread* Peek(zx_time_t now);
const Thread* Peek(zx_time_t now) const {
return const_cast<WaitQueueCollection*>(this)->Peek(now);
Thread& PeekOnlyThread() {
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(threads_.size() == 1, "Expected size 1, not %zu", threads_.size());
return threads_.front();
Thread* PeekFront() { return threads_.is_empty() ? nullptr : &threads_.front(); }
inline SchedulerState::WaitQueueInheritedSchedulerState* FindInheritedSchedulerStateStorage();
// Add the Thread into its sorted location in the collection.
void Insert(Thread* thread) TA_REQ(GetThreadsLock(thread));
// Remove the Thread from the collection.
void Remove(Thread* thread) TA_REQ(GetThreadsLock(thread));
// Either lock every thread in the collection, or fail with
// LockResult::kBackup, releasing any locks which were obtained in the
// process. ASSERTs if any cycles are detected by the ChainLock. Used by
// WaitQueue WakeAll. Note that it is not possible to statically annotate
// this, and needs to be used with extreme care. If LockAll returns success,
// it is critical that the caller (eventually) drops all of the locks.
ChainLock::LockResult LockAll() TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token);
// Const accessor used in some debug/validation code.
const auto& threads() const { return threads_; }
// Disallow copying and moving.
WaitQueueCollection(const WaitQueueCollection&) = delete;
WaitQueueCollection& operator=(const WaitQueueCollection&) = delete;
WaitQueueCollection(WaitQueueCollection&&) = delete;
WaitQueueCollection& operator=(WaitQueueCollection&&) = delete;
static constexpr uint64_t kFairThreadSortKeyBit = uint64_t{1} << 63;
struct BlockedThreadTreeTraits {
static Key GetKey(const Thread& thread);
static bool LessThan(Key a, Key b) { return a < b; }
static bool EqualTo(Key a, Key b) { return a == b; }
static fbl::WAVLTreeNodeState<Thread*>& node_state(Thread& thread);
struct MinRelativeDeadlineTraits {
// WAVLTreeBestNodeObserver template API
using ValueType = Thread*;
static ValueType GetValue(const Thread& node);
static ValueType GetSubtreeBest(const Thread& node);
static bool Compare(ValueType a, ValueType b);
static void AssignBest(Thread& node, ValueType val);
static void ResetBest(Thread& target);
static inline bool IsFairThreadSortBitSet(const Thread& t) TA_REQ_SHARED(GetThreadsLock(t));
using BlockedThreadTree = fbl::WAVLTree<Key, Thread*, BlockedThreadTreeTraits,
fbl::DefaultObjectTag, BlockedThreadTreeTraits,
BlockedThreadTree threads_;
// NOTE: must be inside critical section when using these
class WaitQueue {
constexpr WaitQueue() : WaitQueue(kMagic) {}
WaitQueue(WaitQueue&) = delete;
WaitQueue(WaitQueue&&) = delete;
WaitQueue& operator=(WaitQueue&) = delete;
WaitQueue& operator=(WaitQueue&&) = delete;
// Lock access. Many operations performed on a WaitQueue will require that we
// hold the queue's lock.
ChainLock& get_lock() const TA_RET_CAP(lock_) { return lock_; }
// Remove a specific thread out of the wait queue it's blocked on, and deal
// with any PI side effects. Note: when calling this function:
// 1) The thread |t| must be actively blocked in the WaitQueue instance
// indicated by |this|.
// 2) In addition to |t|'s lock, all of the ChainLocks downstream of |t|
// (starting from |t| and ending at the target of |t|'s PI graph) must be
// held. Note that we are only able to statically assert that the first
// two of these locks; |t|'s lock, and the lock of the wait queue |t| is
// currently blocked in.
// 3) During the call UnblockThread, all of the locks identified in #2 (above)
// will be released.
zx_status_t UnblockThread(Thread* t, zx_status_t wait_queue_error)
TA_REL(lock_, GetThreadsLock(t)) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, preempt_disabled_token);
// Block on a wait queue.
// The returned status is whatever the caller of WaitQueue::Wake_*() specifies.
// A deadline other than Deadline::infinite() will abort at the specified time
// and return ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT. A deadline in the past will immediately return.
zx_status_t Block(Thread* const current_thread, const Deadline& deadline,
Interruptible interruptible) TA_REL(lock_)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, GetThreadsLock(current_thread)) {
return BlockEtc(current_thread, deadline, 0, ResourceOwnership::Normal, interruptible);
// Block on a wait queue with a zx_time_t-typed deadline.
zx_status_t Block(Thread* const current_thread, zx_time_t deadline, Interruptible interruptible)
TA_REL(lock_) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, GetThreadsLock(current_thread)) {
return BlockEtc(current_thread, Deadline::no_slack(deadline), 0, ResourceOwnership::Normal,
// Block on a wait queue, ignoring existing signals in |signal_mask|.
// The returned status is whatever the caller of WaitQueue::Wake_*() specifies, or
// ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT if the deadline has elapsed or is in the past.
// This will never timeout when called with a deadline of Deadline::infinite().
zx_status_t BlockEtc(Thread* const current_thread, const Deadline& deadline, uint signal_mask,
ResourceOwnership reason, Interruptible interruptible) TA_REL(lock_)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, GetThreadsLock(current_thread));
// Returns the current highest priority blocked thread on this wait queue, or
// nullptr if no threads are blocked.
Thread* Peek(zx_time_t now) TA_REQ(lock_) { return collection_.Peek(now); }
const Thread* Peek(zx_time_t now) const TA_REQ(lock_) { return collection_.Peek(now); }
// Release one or more threads from the wait queue.
// wait_queue_error = what WaitQueue::Block() should return for the blocking thread.
// Returns true if a thread was woken, and false otherwise.
bool WakeOne(zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, lock_);
void WakeAll(zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, lock_);
// Locked versions of the wake calls. These calls are going to need to obtain
// locks for each of the threads woken, which could result in needing to back
// off and start the operation again. Each routine returns a
// std::optional (bool or u32).
// ++ If the optional holds a value, then the value is the number of threads
// which were woken, and the operation succeeded.
// ++ Otherwise, the operation failed with a Backoff error and the queue's
// lock needs to be dropped before trying again.
// It is assumed that forming a lock cycle should be impossible. If such a
// cycle is detected (like, if the caller was holding the lock of one of the
// thread's blocked in this queue at the time of the call) it will trigger a
// Either way, unlike the non-Locked versions of these routines, the wait
// queue's lock is held for the duration of the operation, instead of being
// release as soon as possible (during the call to SchedulerUnlock)
ktl::optional<bool> WakeOneLocked(zx_status_t wait_queue_error)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, lock_, preempt_disabled_token);
ktl::optional<uint32_t> WakeAllLocked(zx_status_t wait_queue_error)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, lock_, preempt_disabled_token);
// Whether the wait queue is currently empty.
bool IsEmpty() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) { return collection_.IsEmpty(); }
uint32_t Count() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) { return collection_.Count(); }
// Recompute the effective profile of a thread which is known to be blocked in
// this wait queue, reordering the thread in the queue collection as needed.
// This method does not deal with the consequences of profile inheritance, and
// should only ever be called from one of the OwnedWaitQueue's Propagate
// methods (which will deal with the consequences)
void UpdateBlockedThreadEffectiveProfile(Thread& t) TA_REQ(lock_, GetThreadsLock(t));
// OwnedWaitQueue needs to be able to call this on WaitQueues to
// determine if they are base WaitQueues or the OwnedWaitQueue
// subclass.
uint32_t magic() const { return magic_; }
explicit constexpr WaitQueue(uint32_t magic) : magic_(magic) {}
// Inline helpers (defined in wait_queue_internal.h) for
// WaitQueue::BlockEtc and OwnedWaitQueue::BlockAndAssignOwner to
// share.
inline zx_status_t BlockEtcPreamble(Thread* const current_thread, const Deadline& deadline,
uint signal_mask, ResourceOwnership reason,
Interruptible interuptible)
TA_REQ(lock_, GetThreadsLock(current_thread));
// By the time we have made it to BlockEtcPostamble, we should have dropped
// the wait_queue lock, and only be holding the lock for current thread (who
// is about to block). We have already (successfully) added the thread to the
// queue and set our blocked state. All we need to do now is set up our
// timer, and finally descend into the scheduler in order to block and select
// a new thread.
inline zx_status_t BlockEtcPostamble(Thread* const current_thread, const Deadline& deadline)
TA_EXCL(lock_) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, GetThreadsLock(current_thread));
// Dequeue the specified thread and set its blocked_status. Do not actually
// schedule the thread to run.
void DequeueThread(Thread* t, zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_REQ(lock_, GetThreadsLock(t));
// Move the specified thread from the source wait queue to the dest wait queue.
static void MoveThread(WaitQueue* source, WaitQueue* dest, Thread* t)
TA_REQ(source->lock_, dest->lock_, GetThreadsLock(t));
// The OwnedWaitQueue subclass also manipulates the collection.
friend class OwnedWaitQueue;
// Ideally, the special WaitQueueLock and BrwLock operation(s) could just be
// member's of the WaitQueue itself, but they need to understand what a
// Thread::UnblockList is, so they need to be declared after the Thread
// structure is declared.
friend struct BrwLockOps;
friend struct WaitQueueLockOps;
static void TimeoutHandler(Timer* timer, zx_time_t now, void* arg);
// Internal helper for dequeueing a single Thread.
void Dequeue(Thread* t, zx_status_t wait_queue_error) TA_REQ(lock_, GetThreadsLock(t));
// Validate that the queue of a given WaitQueue is valid.
void ValidateQueue() TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_);
// Note: Wait queues come in 2 flavors (traditional and owned) which are
// distinguished using the magic number. The point here is that, unlike
// most other magic numbers in the system, the wait_queue_t serves a
// functional purpose beyond checking for corruption debug builds.
static constexpr uint32_t kMagic = fbl::magic("wait");
uint32_t magic_;
mutable ChainLock lock_;
WaitQueueCollection collection_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Returns a string constant for the given thread state.
const char* ToString(enum thread_state state);
typedef int (*thread_start_routine)(void* arg);
// Thread trampolines are always called with:
// 1) The thread's lock held
// 2) interrupts disabled.
// Implementers of trampolines must always remember to unconditionally release
// the current thread's lock, and *then* enable interrupts, before jumping to
// the thread's entry point.
// Sadly, there does not seem to be a good way to statically annotate this.
typedef void (*thread_trampoline_routine)() __NO_RETURN;
// clang-format off
#define THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED (1 << 0)
#define THREAD_FLAG_FREE_STRUCT (1 << 1)
#define THREAD_FLAG_IDLE (1 << 2)
#define THREAD_FLAG_VCPU (1 << 3)
#define THREAD_SIGNAL_KILL (1 << 0)
#define THREAD_SIGNAL_SUSPEND (1 << 1)
// clang-format on
// thread priority
#define NUM_PRIORITIES (32)
// stack size
class PreemptionState {
// Counters contained in state_ are limited to 15 bits.
static constexpr uint32_t kMaxCountValue = 0x7fff;
// The preempt disable count is in the lowest 15 bits.
static constexpr uint32_t kPreemptDisableMask = kMaxCountValue;
// The eager resched disable count is in the next highest 15 bits.
static constexpr uint32_t kEagerReschedDisableShift = 15;
static constexpr uint32_t kEagerReschedDisableMask = kMaxCountValue << kEagerReschedDisableShift;
// Finally, the timeslice extension flags are the highest 2 bits.
static constexpr uint32_t kTimesliceExtensionFlagsShift = 30;
static constexpr uint32_t kTimesliceExtensionFlagsMask =
~(kPreemptDisableMask | kEagerReschedDisableMask);
enum TimesliceExtensionFlags {
// Thread has a timeslice extension that may or may not be Active.
Present = 0b01 << kTimesliceExtensionFlagsShift,
// Thread has an Active (in use) timeslice extension.
Active = 0b10 << kTimesliceExtensionFlagsShift,
cpu_mask_t preempts_pending() const { return preempts_pending_.load(); }
void preempts_pending_clear() {; }
void preempts_pending_add(cpu_mask_t mask) { preempts_pending_.fetch_or(mask); }
bool PreemptIsEnabled() const {
// Preemption is enabled iff both counts are zero and there's no runtime
// extension.
return state_.load() == 0;
uint32_t PreemptDisableCount() const { return PreemptDisableCount(state_.load()); }
uint32_t EagerReschedDisableCount() const { return EagerReschedDisableCount(state_.load()); }
// PreemptDisable() increments the preempt disable counter for the current
// thread. While preempt disable is non-zero, preemption of the thread is
// disabled, including preemption from interrupt handlers. During this time,
// any call to Reschedule() will only record that a reschedule is pending, and
// won't do a context switch.
// Note that this does not disallow blocking operations (e.g.
// mutex.Acquire()). Disabling preemption does not prevent switching away from
// the current thread if it blocks.
// A call to PreemptDisable() must be matched by a later call to
// PreemptReenable() to decrement the preempt disable counter.
void PreemptDisable() {
const uint32_t old_state = state_.fetch_add(1);
ASSERT(PreemptDisableCount(old_state) < kMaxCountValue);
// PreemptReenable() decrements the preempt disable counter and flushes any
// pending local preemption operation. Callers must ensure that they are
// calling from a context where blocking is allowed, as the call may result in
// the immediate preemption of the calling thread.
void PreemptReenable() {
const uint32_t old_state = state_.fetch_sub(1);
ASSERT(PreemptDisableCount(old_state) > 0);
// First, check for the expected situation of dropping the preempt count to zero
// with a zero eager resched disable count and no timeslice extension.
if (old_state == 1) {
// Things must be more complicated. Check for the various situations in
// decreasing order of likeliness.
// Are either of the counters non-zero?
if (EagerReschedDisableCount(old_state) > 0 || PreemptDisableCount(old_state) > 1) {
// We've got a non-zero count in one of the counters.
// The counters are both zero. At this point, we must have a timeslice
// extension installed. This extension may be inactive, active and
// not-yet-expired, or active and expired.
// Is there an active extension?
if (HasActiveTimesliceExtension(old_state)) {
// Has it expired?
if (ClearActiveTimesliceExtensionIfExpired()) {
// It has. We can flush.
// We have an extension that's either inactive or active+unexpired.
void PreemptDisableAnnotated() TA_ACQ(preempt_disabled_token) {
void PreemptReenableAnnotated() TA_REL(preempt_disabled_token) {
// PreemptReenableDelayFlush() decrements the preempt disable counter, but
// deliberately does _not_ flush any pending local preemption operation.
// Instead, if local preemption has become enabled again after the count
// drops, and the local pending bit is set, the method will clear the bit and
// return true. Otherwise, it will return false.
// This method may only be called when interrupts are disabled and blocking is
// not allowed.
// Callers of this method are "taking" ownership of the responsibility to
// ensure that preemption on the local CPU takes place in the near future
// after the call if the method returns true.
// Use of this method is strongly discouraged outside of top-level interrupt
// glue and early threading setup.
// TODO(johngro): Consider replacing the bool return type with a move-only
// RAII type which wraps the bool, and ensures that preemption event _must_
// happen, either by having the user call a method on the object to manually
// force the preemption event, or when the object destructs.
[[nodiscard]] bool PreemptReenableDelayFlush() {
const uint32_t old_state = state_.fetch_sub(1);
ASSERT(PreemptDisableCount(old_state) > 0);
// First, check for the expected situation of dropping the preempt count to zero
// with a zero eager resched disable count and no timeslice extension.
if (old_state == 1) {
const cpu_mask_t local_mask = cpu_num_to_mask(arch_curr_cpu_num());
const cpu_mask_t prev_mask = preempts_pending_.fetch_and(~local_mask);
return (local_mask & prev_mask) != 0;
if (EagerReschedDisableCount(old_state) > 0 || PreemptDisableCount(old_state) > 1) {
// We've got a non-zero count in one of the counters.
return false;
// The counters are both zero. At this point, we must have a timeslice
// extension installed. This extension may be inactive, active and
// not-yet-expired, or active and expired.
// Is there an active extension?
if (HasActiveTimesliceExtension(old_state)) {
// Has it expired?
if (ClearActiveTimesliceExtensionIfExpired()) {
// It has.
const cpu_mask_t local_mask = cpu_num_to_mask(arch_curr_cpu_num());
const cpu_mask_t prev_mask = preempts_pending_.fetch_and(~local_mask);
return (local_mask & prev_mask) != 0;
// We have an extension that's either inactive or active+unexpired.
return false;
// EagerReschedDisable() increments the eager resched disable counter for the
// current thread. When early resched disable is non-zero, issuing local and
// remote preemptions is disabled, including from interrupt handlers. During
// this time, any call to Reschedule() or other scheduler entry points that
// imply a reschedule will only record the pending reschedule for the affected
// CPU, but will not perform reschedule IPIs or a local context switch.
// As with PreemptDisable, blocking operations are still allowed while
// eager resched disable is non-zero.
// A call to EagerReschedDisable() must be matched by a later call to
// EagerReschedReenable() to decrement the eager resched disable counter.
void EagerReschedDisable() {
const uint32_t old_state = state_.fetch_add(1 << kEagerReschedDisableShift);
ASSERT(EagerReschedDisableCount(old_state) < kMaxCountValue);
// EagerReschedReenable() decrements the eager resched disable counter and
// flushes pending local and/or remote preemptions if enabled, respectively.
void EagerReschedReenable() {
const uint32_t old_state = state_.fetch_sub(1 << kEagerReschedDisableShift);
ASSERT(EagerReschedDisableCount(old_state) > 0);
// First check the expected case.
if (old_state == 1 << kEagerReschedDisableShift) {
// Counts are both zero and there's no timeslice extension.
// Flushing all might reschedule this CPU, make sure it's OK to block.
if (EagerReschedDisableCount(old_state) > 1) {
// Nothing to do since eager resched disable implies preempt disable.
// We know we can at least flush remote. Can we also flush local?
if (PreemptDisableCount(old_state) > 0) {
// Nope, we've got a non-zero preempt disable count.
// Is there an active extension?
if (HasActiveTimesliceExtension(old_state)) {
// Has it expired?
if (ClearActiveTimesliceExtensionIfExpired()) {
// Yes, preempt disable count is zero and the active extension has
// expired. We can flush all.
// Extension is active, can't flush local.
// We have an inactive extension or an unexpired active extension. Either
// way, we can flush remote, but not local.
void EagerReschedDisableAnnotated() TA_ACQ(preempt_disabled_token) {
void EagerReschedReenableAnnotated() TA_REL(preempt_disabled_token) {
// Sets a timeslice extension if one is not already set.
// This method should only be called in normal thread context.
// Returns false if a timeslice extension was already present or if the
// supplied duration is <= 0.
// Note: It OK to call this from a context where preemption is (hard)
// disabled. If preemption is requested while the preempt disable count is
// non-zero and a timeslice extension is in place, the extension will be
// activated, but preemption will not occur until the count has dropped to
// zero and the extension has expired or has been clear.
bool SetTimesliceExtension(zx_duration_t extension_duration) {
if (extension_duration <= 0) {
return false;
uint32_t state = state_.load();
if (HasTimesliceExtension(state)) {
return false;
// Make sure that the timeslice extension value becomes visible to an
// interrupt handler in this thread prior to the state_ flag becoming
// visible. See comment at |timeslice_extension_|.
return true;
// Unconditionally clears any timeslice extension.
// This method must be called in normal thread context because it may trigger
// local preemption.
void ClearTimesliceExtension() {
// Clear any present timeslice extension.
const uint32_t old_state = state_.fetch_and(~kTimesliceExtensionFlagsMask);
// Are the counters both zero?
if ((old_state & ~kTimesliceExtensionFlagsMask) == 0) {
// PreemptSetPending() marks a pending preemption for the given CPUs.
// This is similar to Reschedule(), except that it may only be used inside an
// interrupt handler while interrupts and preemption are disabled, between
// PreemptDisable() and PreemptReenable(). It is similar to Reschedule(),
// except that it does not need to be called with thread's lock held.
void PreemptSetPending(cpu_mask_t reschedule_mask = cpu_num_to_mask(arch_curr_cpu_num())) {
// Are we pending for the local CPU?
if (reschedule_mask & cpu_num_to_mask(arch_curr_cpu_num() == 0)) {
// Nope.
// Evaluate the thread's timeslice extension (if present), activating or
// expiring it as necessary.
// Returns whether preemption is enabled.
bool EvaluateTimesliceExtension() {
const uint32_t old_state = state_.load();
if (old_state == 0) {
// No counts, no extension. The common case.
return true;
if (!HasTimesliceExtension(old_state)) {
// No extension, but we have a non-zero count.
return false;
if (HasActiveTimesliceExtension(old_state)) {
if (!ClearActiveTimesliceExtensionIfExpired()) {
return false;
// The active extension has expired. If the counts are both zero, then
// we're ready for preemption.
return (old_state & ~kTimesliceExtensionFlagsMask) == 0;
// We have a not-yet-active extension. Time to activate it.
// See comment at |timeslice_extension_| for why the signal fence is needed.
const zx_duration_t extension_duration = timeslice_extension_.load();
if (extension_duration <= 0) {
// Already expired.
return (old_state & ~kTimesliceExtensionFlagsMask) == 0;
const zx_time_t deadline = zx_time_add_duration(current_time(), extension_duration);;
// See comment at |timeslice_extension_deadline_| for why the signal fence
// is needed.
return false;
// Resets the preemption state. This should only be called when reviving an
// idle/power thread that halted while taking a CPU offline.
void Reset() {
state_ = 0;
preempts_pending_ = 0;
timeslice_extension_ = 0;
timeslice_extension_deadline_ = 0;
friend class PreemptDisableTestAccess;
static inline uint32_t EagerReschedDisableCount(uint32_t state) {
return (state & kEagerReschedDisableMask) >> kEagerReschedDisableShift;
static inline uint32_t PreemptDisableCount(uint32_t state) { return state & kPreemptDisableMask; }
static inline bool HasTimesliceExtension(uint32_t state) {
return (state & TimesliceExtensionFlags::Present) != 0;
static inline bool HasActiveTimesliceExtension(uint32_t state) {
return (state & TimesliceExtensionFlags::Active) != 0;
// A non-inlined helper method to set the preemption timer when a timeslice
// has been extended. This must be non-inline to avoid an #include cycle with
// percpu.h and thread.h.
static void SetPreemptionTimerForExtension(zx_time_t deadline);
// Checks whether the active timeslice extension has expired and if so, clears
// it and returns true.
// Should only be called when there is an active timeslice extension.
bool ClearActiveTimesliceExtensionIfExpired() {
// Has the extension expired?
// See comment at |timeslice_extension_deadline_| for why the signal fence is needed.
if (current_time() >= timeslice_extension_deadline_.load()) {
return true;
return false;
enum Flush { FlushLocal = 0x1, FlushRemote = 0x2, FlushAll = FlushLocal | FlushRemote };
// Flushes local, remote, or all pending preemptions.
// This method is split in two so that the early out case of no pending
// preemptions may be inlined without creating a header include cycle.
void FlushPending(Flush flush) {
// Early out to avoid unnecessarily taking the thread lock. This check races
// any potential flush due to context switch, however, the context switch can
// only clear bits that would have been flushed below, no new pending
// preemptions are possible in the mask bits indicated by |flush|.
if (likely(preempts_pending_.load() == 0)) {
void FlushPendingContinued(Flush flush);
// state_ contains three fields:
// * a 15-bit preempt disable counter (bits 0-14)
// * a 15-bit eager resched disable counter (bits 15-29)
// * a 2-bit for TimesliceExtensionFlags (bits 30-31)
// This is a single field so that both counters and the flags can be compared
// against zero with a single memory access and comparison.
// state_'s counts are modified by interrupt handlers, but the counts are
// always restored to their original value before the interrupt handler
// returns, so modifications are not visible to the interrupted thread.
RelaxedAtomic<uint32_t> state_{};
// preempts_pending_ tracks pending reschedules to both local and remote CPUs
// due to activity in the context of the current thread.
// This value can be changed asynchronously by an interrupt handler.
// preempts_pending_ should only be non-zero:
// * if PreemptDisableCount() or EagerReschedDisable() are non-zero, or
// * after PreemptDisableCount() or EagerReschedDisable() have been
// decremented, while preempts_pending_ is being checked.
RelaxedAtomic<cpu_mask_t> preempts_pending_{};
// The maximum duration of the thread's timeslice extension.
// This field is only valid when |state_|'s
// |kTimeSliceExtensionFlags::Present| flag it set.
// This field may only be accessed by its owning thread or in an interrupt
// context of the owning thread. When reading this field, be sure to issue an
// atomic_signal_fence (compiler barrier) with acquire semantics after
// observing the Present flag. Likewise, when writing this field, use an
// atomic_signal_fence with release semantics prior to setting the Present
// flag. By using these fences, we ensure the flag and field value remain in
// sync.
RelaxedAtomic<zx_duration_t> timeslice_extension_{};
// The deadline at which the thread timeslice extension expires.
// This field is only valid when |kTimeSliceExtensionFlags::Active| flag it
// set.
// This field may only be accessed by its owning thread or in an interrupt
// context of the owning thread. When reading this field, be sure to issue an
// atomic_signal_fence (compiler barrier) with acquire semantics after
// observing the Active flag. Likewise, when writing this field, use an
// atomic_signal_fence with release semantics prior to setting the Active
// flag. By using these fences, we ensure the flag and field value remain in
// sync.
RelaxedAtomic<zx_time_t> timeslice_extension_deadline_{};
// TaskState is responsible for running the task defined by
// |entry(arg)|, and reporting its value to any joining threads.
// TODO: the detached state in Thread::flags_ probably belongs here.
class TaskState {
TaskState() = default;
void Init(thread_start_routine entry, void* arg);
zx_status_t Join(Thread* const current_thread, zx_time_t deadline) TA_REL(get_lock())
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, GetThreadsLock(current_thread));
// Attempt to wake all of our joiners. This operation might fail because of a
// conflict while attempting to obtain the required locks, in which case the
// caller needs to back off (drop all currently held chain locks) and try
// again..
bool TryWakeJoiners(zx_status_t status)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, preempt_disabled_token);
thread_start_routine entry() const { return entry_; }
void* arg() const { return arg_; }
int retcode() const { return retcode_; }
void set_retcode(int retcode) { retcode_ = retcode; }
ChainLock& get_lock() TA_RET_CAP(retcode_wait_queue_.get_lock()) {
return retcode_wait_queue_.get_lock();
// Dumping routines are allowed to see inside us.
friend class ThreadDumper;
// The Thread's entry point, and its argument.
thread_start_routine entry_ = nullptr;
void* arg_ = nullptr;
// Storage for the return code.
// TODO(johngro): This is logically protected by our thread's lock. What is a
// good way to represent this with a static annotation?
int retcode_ = 0;
// Other threads waiting to join this Thread.
WaitQueue retcode_wait_queue_;
// Keeps track of whether a thread is allowed to allocate memory.
// A thread's |MemoryAllocationState| should only be accessed by that thread itself or interrupt
// handlers running in the thread's context.
class MemoryAllocationState {
void Disable() {
disable_count_ = disable_count_ + 1;
void Enable() {
DEBUG_ASSERT(disable_count_ > 0);
disable_count_ = disable_count_ - 1;
// Returns true if memory allocation is allowed.
bool IsEnabled() {
return disable_count_ == 0;
// Notice that we aren't using atomic operations to access the field. We don't need atomic
// operations here as long as...
// 1. We use atomic_signal_fence to prevent compiler reordering.
// 2. We use volatile to ensure the compiler actually generates loads and stores for the value (so
// the interrupt handler can see what the thread see, and vice versa).
// 3. Upon completion, an interrupt handler that modified the field restores it to the value it
// held at the start of the interrupt.
volatile uint32_t disable_count_ = 0;
struct Thread {
// TODO(kulakowski) Are these needed?
// Default constructor/destructor declared to be not-inline in order to
// avoid circular include dependencies involving Thread, WaitQueue, and
// OwnedWaitQueue.
static Thread* CreateIdleThread(cpu_num_t cpu_num);
// Revive the idle/power thread for the given CPU so that it starts fresh after
// halting while taking the CPU offline. Most state is preserved, including
// stack memory locations (useful for debugging) and accumulated runtime stats.
static void ReviveIdlePowerThread(cpu_num_t cpu_num) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
// Creates a thread with |name| that will execute |entry| at |priority|. |arg|
// will be passed to |entry| when executed, the return value of |entry| will be
// passed to Exit().
// This call allocates a thread and places it in the global thread list. This
// memory will be freed by either Join() or Detach(), one of these
// MUST be called.
// The thread will not be scheduled until Resume() is called.
static Thread* Create(const char* name, thread_start_routine entry, void* arg, int priority);
static Thread* Create(const char* name, thread_start_routine entry, void* arg,
const SchedulerState::BaseProfile& profile);
static Thread* CreateEtc(Thread* t, const char* name, thread_start_routine entry, void* arg,
const SchedulerState::BaseProfile& profile,
thread_trampoline_routine alt_trampoline);
// Public routines used by debugging code to dump thread state.
void Dump(bool full) const TA_EXCL(lock_);
static void DumpAll(bool full) TA_EXCL(list_lock_);
static void DumpTid(zx_koid_t tid, bool full) TA_EXCL(list_lock_);
// Same stuff, but skip the locks when we are panic'ing
inline void DumpDuringPanic(bool full) const TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
static inline void DumpAllDuringPanic(bool full) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
static inline void DumpTidDuringPanic(zx_koid_t tid, bool full) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
// Internal initialization routines. Eventually, these should be private.
void SecondaryCpuInitEarly();
// Associate this Thread to the given ThreadDispatcher.
void SetUsermodeThread(fbl::RefPtr<ThreadDispatcher> user_thread) TA_EXCL(lock_);
void AssertIsCurrentThread() const TA_ASSERT(is_current_thread_token) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(this == Thread::Current::Get());
// Returns the lock that protects the thread's internal state, particularly with respect to
// scheduling.
ChainLock& get_lock() const TA_RET_CAP(lock_) { return lock_; }
fbl::NullLock& get_scheduler_variable_lock() const TA_RET_CAP(scheduler_variable_lock_) {
return scheduler_variable_lock_;
static auto& get_list_lock() TA_RET_CAP(list_lock_) { return list_lock_; }
// Get the associated ThreadDispatcher.
ThreadDispatcher* user_thread() { return user_thread_.get(); }
const ThreadDispatcher* user_thread() const { return user_thread_.get(); }
// Returns the koid of the associated ProcessDispatcher for user threads or
// ZX_KOID_INVLID for kernel threads.
zx_koid_t pid() const { return pid_; }
// Returns the koid of the associated ThreadDispatcher for user threads or an
// independent koid for kernel threads.
zx_koid_t tid() const { return tid_; }
// Return the pid/tid of the thread as a tracing thread reference.
fxt::ThreadRef<fxt::RefType::kInline> fxt_ref() const { return {pid(), tid()}; }
// Implicit conversion to a tracing thread reference.
operator fxt::ThreadRef<fxt::RefType::kInline>() const { return fxt_ref(); }
// Called to mark a thread as schedulable.
void Resume() TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
zx_status_t Suspend() { return SuspendOrKillInternal(SuspendOrKillOp::Suspend); }
void Forget();
zx_status_t RestrictedKick();
// Marks a thread as detached, in this state its memory will be released once
// execution is done.
zx_status_t Detach();
zx_status_t DetachAndResume();
// Waits |deadline| time for a thread to complete execution then releases its memory.
zx_status_t Join(int* retcode, zx_time_t deadline);
// Deliver a kill signal to a thread.
void Kill() { SuspendOrKillInternal(SuspendOrKillOp::Kill); }
// Checks whether the kill or suspend signal has been raised. If kill has been
// raised, then `ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR_KILLED` will be returned. If suspend has
// been raised, then `ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR_RETRY` will be returned. Otherwise,
// `ZX_OK` will be returned.
zx_status_t CheckKillOrSuspendSignal() const;
// Erase this thread from all global lists, where applicable.
void EraseFromListsLocked() TA_REQ(list_lock_);
* @brief Set the base profile for this thread.
* The chosen scheduling discipline and its associate parameters are defined by the BaseProfile
* object.
* @param params The weight to apply to the thread.
void SetBaseProfile(const SchedulerState::BaseProfile& profile) TA_EXCL(lock_);
void* recursive_object_deletion_list() { return recursive_object_deletion_list_; }
void set_recursive_object_deletion_list(void* ptr) { recursive_object_deletion_list_ = ptr; }
// Get/set the mask of valid CPUs that thread may run on. If a new mask
// is set, the thread will be migrated to satisfy the new constraint.
// Affinity comes in two flavours:
// * "hard affinity", which will always be respected by the scheduler.
// The scheduler will panic if it can't satisfy this affinity.
// * "soft affinity" indicating where the thread should ideally be scheduled.
// The scheduler will respect the mask unless there are no other
// options (e.g., the soft affinity and hard affinity don't contain
// any common CPUs).
// If the two masks conflict, the hard affinity wins.
// Setting the affinity mask returns the previous value to make pinning and
// restoring operations simpler and more efficient.
// See scheduler.h for the declaration of the affinity setters.
cpu_mask_t SetCpuAffinity(cpu_mask_t affinity) TA_EXCL(lock_);
cpu_mask_t GetCpuAffinity() const TA_EXCL(lock_);
cpu_mask_t SetSoftCpuAffinity(cpu_mask_t affinity) TA_EXCL(lock_);
cpu_mask_t GetSoftCpuAffinity() const TA_EXCL(lock_);
enum class MigrateStage {
// The stage before the thread has migrated. Called from the old CPU.
// The stage after the thread has migrated. Called from the new CPU.
// The Thread is exiting. Can be called from any CPU.
// The migrate function will be invoked twice when a thread is migrate between
// CPUs. Firstly when the thread is removed from the old CPUs scheduler,
// secondly when the thread is rescheduled on the new CPU. When the migrate
// function is called, |thread_lock| is held.
// TODO(johngro): what to do about this? It is all fine and good to say that
// a MigrateFn needs to have the thread's lock held when it is called, but
// there does not seem to be any good way to annotate this as a property of
// the fit::inline function's callable type. Perhaps the best thing to do is
// annotate the migrate function member itself with being guarded by the
// thread's lock, so that invocation (at least) would require holding the
// lock?
// Implementers of migrate functions should be able to annotate their
// callbacks as requiring the thread's lock in order to be invoked, but
// unfortunately this does not work along side of the fit::inline_function's
// type. If a user attempts to annotate their lambda as such, the
// fit::inline_function fails expansion when its `operator()` attempt to call
// the lambda which requires that the lock be held. If there was some way
// using the static lock annotation system to have the operator() inherit
// these annotations from its templated target type, we could avoid the issue,
// but that does not seem to be an option.
using MigrateFn = fit::inline_function<void(Thread* thread, MigrateStage stage), sizeof(void*)>;
void SetMigrateFn(MigrateFn migrate_fn) TA_EXCL(list_lock_, lock_);
void SetMigrateFnLocked(MigrateFn migrate_fn) TA_REQ(list_lock_, lock_);
void CallMigrateFnLocked(MigrateStage stage) TA_REQ(lock_);
// Call |migrate_fn| for each thread that was last run on the current CPU.
// Note: no locks should be held during this operation, and interrupts need to
// be disabled.
static void CallMigrateFnForCpu(cpu_num_t cpu);
// The context switch function will be invoked when a thread is context
// switched to or away from. This will be called when a thread is about to be
// run on a CPU, after it's stopped from running on a CPU, or about to exit.
using ContextSwitchFn = fit::inline_function<void(), sizeof(void*)>;
void SetContextSwitchFn(ContextSwitchFn context_switch_fn) TA_EXCL(lock_);
void SetContextSwitchFnLocked(ContextSwitchFn context_switch_fn) TA_REQ(lock_);
// Call |context_switch_fn| for this thread.
void CallContextSwitchFnLocked() TA_REQ(lock_) {
if (unlikely(context_switch_fn_)) {
void OwnerName(char (&out_name)[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN]) const;
// Return the number of nanoseconds a thread has been running for.
zx_duration_t Runtime() const TA_EXCL(lock_);
// Last cpu this thread was running on, or INVALID_CPU if it has never run.
cpu_num_t LastCpu() const TA_EXCL(lock_);
cpu_num_t LastCpuLocked() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_);
// Return true if thread has been signaled.
bool IsSignaled() { return signals() != 0; }
bool IsIdle() const { return !!(flags_ & THREAD_FLAG_IDLE); }
// Returns true if this Thread's user state has been saved.
// Caller must hold the thread's lock.
bool IsUserStateSavedLocked() const TA_REQ(lock_) { return user_state_saved_; }
// Callback for the Timer used for SleepEtc.
static void SleepHandler(Timer* timer, zx_time_t now, void* arg);
void HandleSleep(Timer* timer, zx_time_t now);
// Request a thread to check if it should sample its backtrace. When the thread returns to
// usermode, it will take a sample of its userstack if sampling is enabled.
static void SignalSampleStack(Timer* t, zx_time_t, void* per_cpu_state);
// All of these operations implicitly operate on the current thread.
struct Current {
// This is defined below, just after the Thread declaration.
static inline Thread* Get();
// Scheduler routines to be used by regular kernel code.
static void Yield();
static void Preempt();
static void Reschedule() TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
static void Exit(int retcode) __NO_RETURN;
static void Kill();
static void BecomeIdle() __NO_RETURN;
// Wait until the deadline has occurred.
// If interruptible, may return early with ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR_KILLED if
// thread is signaled for kill.
static zx_status_t SleepEtc(const Deadline& deadline, Interruptible interruptible,
zx_time_t now) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
// Non-interruptible version of SleepEtc.
static zx_status_t Sleep(zx_time_t deadline);
// Non-interruptible relative delay version of Sleep.
static zx_status_t SleepRelative(zx_duration_t delay);
// Interruptible version of Sleep.
static zx_status_t SleepInterruptible(zx_time_t deadline);
// Transition the current thread to the THREAD_SUSPENDED state.
static void DoSuspend();
// Write the current thread's stack to the assigned sampler buffers
static void DoSampleStack(GeneralRegsSource source, void* gregs);
// |policy_exception_code| should be a ZX_EXCP_POLICY_CODE_* value.
static void SignalPolicyException(uint32_t policy_exception_code,
uint32_t policy_exception_data);
// Process any pending thread signals.
// This method may never return if the thread has a pending kill signal.
// Interrupt state - This method modifies interrupt state. It is critical that this method be
// called with interrupts disabled to eliminate a "lost wakeup" race condition. While
// interrupts must be disabled prior to call this method, the method may re-enable them during
// the processing of certain signals. This method guarantees that if it does return, it will do
// so with interrupts disabled.
static void ProcessPendingSignals(GeneralRegsSource source, void* gregs);
// Migrates the current thread to the CPU identified by target_cpu.
static void MigrateToCpu(cpu_num_t target_cpuid);
static void SetName(const char* name);
static PreemptionState& preemption_state() {
return Thread::Current::Get()->preemption_state();
static MemoryAllocationState& memory_allocation_state() {
return Thread::Current::Get()->memory_allocation_state_;
// If a restricted kick is pending on this thread, clear it and return true.
// Otherwise return false.
// Must be called with interrupts disabled.
[[nodiscard]] static bool CheckForRestrictedKick();
static RestrictedState* restricted_state() {
return Thread::Current::Get()->restricted_state();
static VmAspace* active_aspace() { return Thread::Current::Get()->aspace_; }
static VmAspace* switch_aspace(VmAspace* aspace) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return Thread::Current::Get()->switch_aspace(aspace);
// These three functions handle faults on the address space containing va. If there is no
// aspace that contains va, or we don't have access to it, a ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned.
// Calling any of these methods on a pure kernel thread (i.e. one without an associated
// `ThreadDispatcher`) is a programming error.
static zx_status_t PageFault(vaddr_t va, uint flags) {
return Fault(FaultType::PageFault, va, flags);
static zx_status_t SoftFault(vaddr_t va, uint flags) {
return Fault(FaultType::SoftFault, va, flags);
static zx_status_t AccessedFault(vaddr_t va) { return Fault(FaultType::AccessedFault, va, 0); }
// Generate a backtrace for the calling thread.
// |out_bt| will be reset() prior to be filled in and if a backtrace cannot
// be obtained, it will be left empty.
static void GetBacktrace(Backtrace& out_bt);
// Generate a backtrace for the calling thread starting at frame pointer |fp|.
// |out_bt| will be reset() prior to be filled in and if a backtrace cannot
// be obtained, it will be left empty.
static void GetBacktrace(vaddr_t fp, Backtrace& out_bt);
static void Dump(bool full) { Thread::Current::Get()->Dump(full); }
static void DumpDuringPanic(bool full) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Handles a virtual memory fault in the address space that contains va. If there is no aspace
// that contains va, or we don't have access to it, a ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND is returned.
enum class FaultType : uint8_t { PageFault, SoftFault, AccessedFault };
static zx_status_t Fault(FaultType type, vaddr_t va, uint flags);
}; // struct Current;
// Trait for the global Thread list.
struct ThreadListTrait {
static fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<Thread*>& node_state(Thread& thread) {
return thread.thread_list_node_;
using List = fbl::DoublyLinkedListCustomTraits<Thread*, ThreadListTrait>;
// Traits for the temporary unblock list, used to batch-unblock threads.
struct UnblockListTrait {
static fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<Thread*>& node_state(Thread& thread) {
return thread.unblock_list_node_;
using UnblockList = fbl::DoublyLinkedListCustomTraits<Thread*, UnblockListTrait>;
struct Linebuffer {
size_t pos = 0;
ktl::array<char, 128> buffer{};
// Called by the scheduler to update runtime stats.
void UpdateRuntimeStats(thread_state new_state);
// Accessors into Thread state. When the conversion to all-private
// members is complete (bug 54383), we can revisit the overall
// Thread API.
thread_state state() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) { return scheduler_state_.state(); }
// The scheduler can set threads to be running, or to be ready to run.
void set_running() TA_REQ(lock_) { scheduler_state_.set_state(THREAD_RUNNING); }
void set_ready() TA_REQ(lock_) { scheduler_state_.set_state(THREAD_READY); }
// While wait queues can set threads to be blocked.
void set_blocked() TA_REQ(lock_) { scheduler_state_.set_state(THREAD_BLOCKED); }
void set_blocked_read_lock() TA_REQ(lock_) {
// The thread can set itself to be sleeping.
void set_sleeping() TA_REQ(lock_) { scheduler_state_.set_state(THREAD_SLEEPING); }
void set_death() TA_REQ(lock_) { scheduler_state_.set_state(THREAD_DEATH); }
void set_suspended() TA_REQ(lock_) { scheduler_state_.set_state(THREAD_SUSPENDED); }
// Accessors for specific flags_ bits.
bool detatched() const { return (flags_ & THREAD_FLAG_DETACHED) != 0; }
void set_detached(bool value) {
if (value) {
} else {
bool free_struct() const { return (flags_ & THREAD_FLAG_FREE_STRUCT) != 0; }
void set_free_struct(bool value) {
if (value) {
} else {
bool idle() const { return (flags_ & THREAD_FLAG_IDLE) != 0; }
void set_idle(bool value) {
if (value) {
} else {
flags_ &= ~THREAD_FLAG_IDLE;
bool vcpu() const { return (flags_ & THREAD_FLAG_VCPU) != 0; }
void set_vcpu(bool value) {
if (value) {
} else {
flags_ &= ~THREAD_FLAG_VCPU;
// Access to the entire flags_ value, for diagnostics.
unsigned int flags() const { return flags_; }
unsigned int signals() const { return signals_.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed); }
bool has_migrate_fn() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) { return migrate_fn_ != nullptr; }
bool migrate_pending() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) { return migrate_pending_; }
TaskState& task_state() { return task_state_; }
const TaskState& task_state() const { return task_state_; }
PreemptionState& preemption_state() { return preemption_state_; }
const PreemptionState& preemption_state() const { return preemption_state_; }
SchedulerState& scheduler_state() TA_REQ(lock_) { return scheduler_state_; }
const SchedulerState& scheduler_state() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) { return scheduler_state_; }
SchedulerQueueState& scheduler_queue_state() TA_REQ(scheduler_variable_lock_) {
return scheduler_queue_state_;
const SchedulerQueueState& scheduler_queue_state() const TA_REQ(scheduler_variable_lock_) {
return scheduler_queue_state_;
WaitQueueCollection::ThreadState& wait_queue_state() TA_REQ(lock_) { return wait_queue_state_; }
const WaitQueueCollection::ThreadState& wait_queue_state() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) {
return wait_queue_state_;
lockdep::ThreadLockState& lock_state() { return lock_state_; }
const lockdep::ThreadLockState& lock_state() const { return lock_state_; }
RestrictedState* restricted_state() { return restricted_state_.get(); }
void set_restricted_state(ktl::unique_ptr<RestrictedState> restricted_state) {
restricted_state_ = ktl::move(restricted_state);
arch_thread& arch() { return arch_; }
const arch_thread& arch() const { return arch_; }
KernelStack& stack() { return stack_; }
const KernelStack& stack() const { return stack_; }
// Rules for the aspace_ member.
// 1) Raw VmAspace pointers held by Thread object are guaranteed to always be
// "alive" from a C++ perspective (the object has not been destructed, and
// the memory is still alive). The actual VmAspace object is a ref-counted
// object which is guaranteed to be alive because:
// 1a) It is a member of a thread's process (the main aspace, as well as the
// restricted mode aspace), and a thread's process object cannot be
// destroyed while the thread is still alive. Or --
// 1b) It is a special statically allocated aspace object, such as the EFI
// address space, or the kernel address space.
// 2) Only the current thread is permitted to mutate its own aspace_ member.
// The only exception to this is during initialization, before the thread
// is running, by VmAspace::AttachToThread.
// 3) The currently running thread is allowed to access its own currently
// assigned aspace without needing any locks.
// 4) Any other thread who wishes to access a thread's aspace must do so via
// either GetAspaceRef or GetAspaceRefLocked, which will return a RefPtr to
// the thread's current aspace as long as the thread has not entered the
// THREAD_DEATH state.
// 5) Other threads who access a thread's aspace via GetAspaceRef cannot
// assume that either the thread or the aspace is still alive after the
// thread's lock is dropped. At best, they know that the RefPtr is keeping
// the VmAspace object alive from a C++ perspective, nothing more.
// 6) The scheduler and low level context switch routines are allowed to
// directly access the aspace_ of both the old and new threads involved in the
// context switch. Neither one is currently really running (the aspace_
// members cannot change), and both threads have to be alive enough that
// their process is still alive, and therefore so is their aspace_ (see
// #1). Note; it is possible that the old thread involved in a context
// switch is in the process of dying, but we know that its process cannot
// exit (destroying its aspace in the process) until after it has context
// switched for the last time.
fbl::RefPtr<VmAspace> GetAspaceRef() const TA_EXCL(lock_);
fbl::RefPtr<VmAspace> GetAspaceRefLocked() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_);
VmAspace* aspace() TA_REQ(is_current_thread_token) { return aspace_; }
const VmAspace* aspace() const TA_REQ(is_current_thread_token) { return aspace_; }
VmAspace* switch_aspace(VmAspace* aspace) TA_REQ(is_current_thread_token) {
VmAspace* old_aspace = aspace_;
aspace_ = aspace;
return old_aspace;
// Returns the currently active address space, which is the address space currently hosting
// page tables for the thread.
// The active address space should be used only when context switching. It should not be used for
// resolving faults, as it may be a unified aspace that does not keep track of its own mappings.
// Kernel-only thread -- This will return nullptr, unless a caller has explicitly set aspace_
// using `switch_aspace`, which is done by a few kernel unittests.
// User thread -- If the thread is in Restricted Mode, this will return the restricted aspace.
// Otherwise, it will return the process's normal aspace.
// Note, the normal aspace is, by definition, the aspace that's active when a thread is in Normal
// Mode. All threads not in Restricted Mode are said to be in Normal Mode. See
// `ProcessDispatcher::normal_aspace()` for more information.
VmAspace* active_aspace() { return aspace_; }
const VmAspace* active_aspace() const { return aspace_; }
const char* name() const { return name_; }
// This may truncate |name|, so that it (including a trailing NUL
// byte) fit in ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN bytes.
void set_name(ktl::string_view name);
Linebuffer& linebuffer() { return linebuffer_; }
using Canary = fbl::Canary<fbl::magic("thrd")>;
const Canary& canary() const { return canary_; }
// Generate a backtrace for |this| thread.
// |this| must be blocked, sleeping or suspended (i.e. not running).
// |out_bt| will be reset() prior to be filled in and if a backtrace cannot be
// obtained, it will be left empty.
void GetBacktrace(Backtrace& out_bt) TA_EXCL(lock_);
StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval* stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval() {
return stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval_;
// Returns the last flow id allocated by TakeNextLockFlowId() for this thread.
uint64_t lock_flow_id() const {
return lock_flow_id_;
return 0;
// Returns a unique flow id for lock contention tracing. The same value is
// returned by lock_flow_id() until another id is allocated for this thread
// by calling this method again.
uint64_t TakeNextLockFlowId() {
return lock_flow_id_ = lock_flow_id_generator_ += 1;
return 0;
void RecomputeEffectiveProfile() TA_REQ(lock_) { scheduler_state_.RecomputeEffectiveProfile(); }
SchedulerState::EffectiveProfile SnapshotEffectiveProfileLocked() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) {
return scheduler_state_.effective_profile_;
SchedulerState::EffectiveProfile SnapshotEffectiveProfile() const
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, lock_);
SchedulerState::BaseProfile SnapshotBaseProfileLocked() const TA_REQ_SHARED(lock_) {
return scheduler_state_.base_profile_;
SchedulerState::BaseProfile SnapshotBaseProfile() const
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, lock_);
// The architecture-specific methods for getting and setting the
// current thread may need to see Thread's arch_ member via offsetof.
friend inline Thread* arch_get_current_thread();
friend inline void arch_set_current_thread(Thread*);
// OwnedWaitQueues manipulate wait queue state.
friend class OwnedWaitQueue;
// ScopedThreadExceptionContext is the only public way to call
// SaveUserStateLocked and RestoreUserStateLocked.
friend class ScopedThreadExceptionContext;
// StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval is the only public way to set/clear the
// stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval().
friend class StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval;
// Dumping routines are allowed to see inside us.
friend class ThreadDumper;
// Type used to select which operation (suspend or kill) we want during a call
// to SuspendOrKillInternal.
enum class SuspendOrKillOp { Suspend, Kill };
// The default trampoline used when running the Thread. This can be
// replaced by the |alt_trampoline| parameter to CreateEtc().
static void Trampoline() __NO_RETURN;
// Dpc callback used for cleaning up a detached Thread's resources.
static void FreeDpc(Dpc* dpc);
// Save the arch-specific user state.
// Returns true when the user state will later need to be restored.
[[nodiscard]] bool SaveUserStateLocked() TA_REQ(lock_);
// Restore the arch-specific user state.
void RestoreUserStateLocked() TA_REQ(lock_);
// Common implementation of Suspend and Kill.
zx_status_t SuspendOrKillInternal(SuspendOrKillOp op) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
// Returns true if it decides to kill the thread, which must be the
// current thread. The thread_lock must be held when calling this
// function.
// TODO: move this to CurrentThread, once that becomes a subclass of
// Thread.
bool CheckKillSignal() TA_REQ(lock_);
// These should only be accessed from the current thread.
bool restricted_kick_pending() const {
void set_restricted_kick_pending(bool value) {
if (value) {
} else {
__NO_RETURN void ExitLocked(int retcode) TA_REQ(lock_);
static void DumpAllLocked(bool full) TA_REQ(list_lock_);
static void DumpTidLocked(zx_koid_t tid, bool full) TA_REQ(list_lock_);
struct MigrateListTrait {
static fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<Thread*>& node_state(Thread& thread) {
return thread.migrate_list_node_;
using MigrateList = fbl::DoublyLinkedListCustomTraits<Thread*, MigrateListTrait>;
static inline DECLARE_SPINLOCK(Thread) list_lock_ TA_ACQ_BEFORE(lock_);
// The global list of threads with migrate functions.
static MigrateList migrate_list_ TA_GUARDED(list_lock_);
Canary canary_;
// These fields are among the most active in the thread. They are grouped
// together near the front to improve cache locality.
mutable ChainLock lock_;
__NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS mutable fbl::NullLock scheduler_variable_lock_;
unsigned int flags_{};
// TODO( Write down memory order requirements for accessing signals_.
ktl::atomic<unsigned int> signals_{};
SchedulerState scheduler_state_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
SchedulerQueueState scheduler_queue_state_ TA_GUARDED(scheduler_variable_lock_);
WaitQueueCollection::ThreadState wait_queue_state_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
TaskState task_state_;
PreemptionState preemption_state_;
MemoryAllocationState memory_allocation_state_;
// Must only be accessed by "this" thread. May be null.
ktl::unique_ptr<RestrictedState> restricted_state_;
// This is part of ensuring that all stack ownership of loaned pages can be boosted in priority
// via priority inheritance if a higher priority thread is trying to reclaim the loaned pages.
StackOwnedLoanedPagesInterval* stack_owned_loaned_pages_interval_ = nullptr;
// state for runtime lock validation when in thread context
lockdep::ThreadLockState lock_state_;
// The current address space this thread is associated with.
// This can be null if this is a kernel thread.
// See the comments near active_aspace() for more details.
RelaxedAtomic<VmAspace*> aspace_{nullptr};
// Saved by SignalPolicyException() to store the type of policy error, and
// passed to exception disptach in ProcessPendingSignals().
uint32_t extra_policy_exception_code_ TA_GUARDED(lock_) = 0;
uint32_t extra_policy_exception_data_ TA_GUARDED(lock_) = 0;
// Is this thread allowed to own wait queues? Set to false by a thread as
// it exits, but before it reaches the DEAD state.
bool can_own_wait_queues_ TA_GUARDED(lock_) = true;
// Strong reference to user thread if one exists for this thread.
// In the common case freeing Thread will also free ThreadDispatcher when this
// reference is dropped.
fbl::RefPtr<ThreadDispatcher> user_thread_;
// When user_thread_ is set, these values are copied from ThreadDispatcher and
// its parent ProcessDispatcher. Kernel threads maintain an independent tid.
zx_koid_t tid_ = KernelObjectId::Generate();
zx_koid_t pid_ = ZX_KOID_INVALID;
// Architecture-specific stuff.
arch_thread arch_{};
KernelStack stack_;
// This is used by
void* recursive_object_deletion_list_ = nullptr;
// This always includes the trailing NUL.
char name_[ZX_MAX_NAME_LEN]{};
// Buffering for Debuglog output.
Linebuffer linebuffer_;
// The flow id allocated before blocking on the last lock.
RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> lock_flow_id_{0};
// Generates unique flow ids for tracing lock contention.
inline static RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> lock_flow_id_generator_{0};
// Indicates whether user register state (debug, vector, fp regs, etc.) has been saved to the
// arch_thread_t as part of thread suspension / exception handling.
// When a user thread is suspended or generates an exception (synthetic or architectural) that
// might be observed by another process, we save user register state to the thread's arch_thread_t
// so that it may be accessed by a debugger. Upon leaving a suspended or exception state, we
// restore user register state.
bool user_state_saved_ TA_GUARDED(lock_){false};
// For threads with migration functions, indicates whether a migration is in progress. When true,
// the migrate function has been called with Before but not yet with After.
// TODO(johngro): What to do about this? Should it be protected by the
// thread's lock? Does the thread's lock need to be held exclusively when a
// thread's migrate function is called?
bool migrate_pending_ TA_GUARDED(lock_){};
// Provides a way to execute custom logic when a thread must be migrated between CPUs.
MigrateFn migrate_fn_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// Provides a way to execute custom logic when a thread is context switched to or away from.
ContextSwitchFn context_switch_fn_;
// Used to track threads that have set |migrate_fn_|. This is used to migrate
// threads before a CPU is taken offline.
fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<Thread*> migrate_list_node_ TA_GUARDED(list_lock_);
// Node storage for existing on the global thread list.
fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<Thread*> thread_list_node_ TA_GUARDED(list_lock_);
// Node storage for existing on the temporary batch unblock list.
fbl::DoublyLinkedListNodeState<Thread*> unblock_list_node_ TA_GUARDED(lock_);
// For the moment, the arch-specific current thread implementations need to come here, after the
// Thread definition. One of the arches needs to know the structure of Thread to compute the offset
// that the hardware pointer holds into Thread.
#include <arch/current_thread.h>
Thread* Thread::Current::Get() { return arch_get_current_thread(); }
void arch_dump_thread(const Thread* t) TA_REQ_SHARED(t->get_lock());
class ThreadDumper {
static void DumpLocked(const Thread* t, bool full) TA_REQ_SHARED(t->get_lock());
inline void Thread::DumpDuringPanic(bool full) const TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
ThreadDumper::DumpLocked(this, full);
inline void Thread::DumpAllDuringPanic(bool full) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Skip grabbing the lock if we are panic'ing
inline void Thread::DumpTidDuringPanic(zx_koid_t tid, bool full) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// Skip grabbing the lock if we are panic'ing
DumpTidLocked(tid, full);
// TODO(johngro): Remove this when we have addressed Right now, this
// is used in only one place (x86_bringup_aps in arch/x86/smp.cpp) outside of
// thread.cpp.
// Normal users should only ever need to call either Thread::Create, or
// Thread::CreateEtc.
void construct_thread(Thread* t, const char* name);
// Other thread-system bringup functions.
void thread_init_early();
void thread_secondary_cpu_entry() __NO_RETURN;
void thread_construct_first(Thread* t, const char* name);
// Call the arch-specific signal handler.
extern "C" void arch_iframe_process_pending_signals(iframe_t* iframe);
// find a thread based on the thread id
// NOTE: used only for debugging, its a slow linear search through the
// global thread list
// Note: any thread pointer borrowed by this function is only guaranteed to be
// alive as long as the Thread::list_lock is held. Once this is dropped, the
// thread could cease to exist at any time, and the pointer must be considered
// to be invalid.
Thread* thread_id_to_thread_slow(zx_koid_t tid) TA_REQ(Thread::get_list_lock());
// RAII helper that installs/removes an exception context and saves/restores user register state.
// The class operates on the current thread.
// When a thread takes an exception, this class is used to make user register state available to
// debuggers and exception handlers.
// Example Usage:
// {
// ScopedThreadExceptionContext context(...);
// HandleException();
// }
// Note, ScopedThreadExceptionContext keeps track of whether the state has already been saved so
// it's safe to nest them:
// void Foo() {
// ScopedThreadExceptionContext context(...);
// Bar();
// }
// void Bar() {
// ScopedThreadExceptionContext context(...);
// Baz();
// }
class ScopedThreadExceptionContext {
explicit ScopedThreadExceptionContext(const arch_exception_context_t* context);
Thread* thread_;
const arch_exception_context_t* context_;
bool need_to_remove_;
bool need_to_restore_;
// RAII helper to enforce that a block of code does not allocate memory.
// See |Thread::Current::memory_allocation_state()|.
class ScopedMemoryAllocationDisabled {
ScopedMemoryAllocationDisabled() { Thread::Current::memory_allocation_state().Disable(); }
~ScopedMemoryAllocationDisabled() { Thread::Current::memory_allocation_state().Enable(); }
// AssertInWaitQueue asserts (as its name implies) that this thread is
// currently blocked in |wq|, and that the wait queue is locked. This should
// be sufficient to establish (at runtime) that it is safe to allow
// read-access to the thread's members which are used to track the thread's
// state in the queue.
// TODO(johngro) : Link to something documenting the reasoning behind this.
// 1) Consider making these asserts extra-debug-only asserts, so that most
// builds do not need to suffer the runtime overhead of using them.
// 2) Consider ways to limit the scope of the read-only capability to just the
// wait queue state (and other things protected by the fact that we are
// blocked in the wait queue) and nothing else. While the wait queue state
// cannot mutate while we exist in the wait queue (at least, not without
// holding both the wait queue and thread's lock), other things can.
static inline void AssertInWaitQueue(const Thread& t, const WaitQueue& wq) TA_REQ(wq.get_lock())
TA_ASSERT_SHARED(t.get_lock()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(t.wait_queue_state().blocking_wait_queue() == &wq);
inline ChainLock& GetThreadsLock(const Thread* t) TA_RET_CAP(t->get_lock()) {
return t->get_lock();
inline ChainLock& GetThreadsLock(const Thread& t) TA_RET_CAP(t.get_lock()) { return t.get_lock(); }
inline ChainLock& GetWaitQueuesLock(const WaitQueue* wq) TA_RET_CAP(wq->get_lock()) {
return wq->get_lock();
inline ChainLock& GetWaitQueuesLock(const WaitQueue& wq) TA_RET_CAP(wq.get_lock()) {
return wq.get_lock();
// Note: This implementation *must* come after the implementation of GetThreadsLock.
inline bool WaitQueueCollection::IsFairThreadSortBitSet(const Thread& t)
TA_REQ_SHARED(GetThreadsLock(t)) {
const uint64_t key = t.wait_queue_state().blocked_threads_tree_sort_key_;
return (key & kFairThreadSortKeyBit) != 0;
// Here and below, we need to deal with static analysis. Right now, we need to
// disable static analysis while we figure it out.
// WaitQueue collection trait implementations. While typically these would be
// implemented in-band in the trait class itself, these definitions must come
// last, after the definition Thread. This is because the traits (defined in
// WaitQueueCollection) need to understand the layout of Thread in order to be
// able to access both scheduler state and wait queue state variables.
inline WaitQueueCollection::Key WaitQueueCollection::BlockedThreadTreeTraits::GetKey(
const Thread& thread) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
// TODO(johngro): consider extending FBL to support a "MultiWAVLTree"
// implementation which would allow for nodes with identical keys, breaking
// ties (under the hood) using pointer value. This way, we would not need to
// manifest our own pointer in GetKey or in our key type.
return {thread.wait_queue_state().blocked_threads_tree_sort_key_,
inline fbl::WAVLTreeNodeState<Thread*>& WaitQueueCollection::BlockedThreadTreeTraits::node_state(
return thread.wait_queue_state().blocked_threads_tree_node_;
inline Thread* WaitQueueCollection::MinRelativeDeadlineTraits::GetValue(const Thread& thread)
// TODO(johngro), consider pre-computing this value so it is just a fetch
// instead of a branch.
return (thread.scheduler_state().discipline() == SchedDiscipline::Fair)
? nullptr
: const_cast<Thread*>(&thread);
inline Thread* WaitQueueCollection::MinRelativeDeadlineTraits::GetSubtreeBest(const Thread& thread)
return thread.wait_queue_state().subtree_min_rel_deadline_thread_;
inline bool WaitQueueCollection::MinRelativeDeadlineTraits::Compare(Thread* a, Thread* b)
// The thread pointer value of a non-deadline thread is null, an non-deadline
// threads are always the worst choice when choosing the thread with the
// minimum relative deadline.
// clang-format off
if (a == nullptr) { return false; }
if (b == nullptr) { return true; }
const SchedDuration a_deadline = a->scheduler_state().effective_profile().deadline.deadline_ns;
const SchedDuration b_deadline = b->scheduler_state().effective_profile().deadline.deadline_ns;
return (a_deadline < b_deadline) || ((a_deadline == b_deadline) && (a < b));
// clang-format on
inline void WaitQueueCollection::MinRelativeDeadlineTraits::AssignBest(Thread& thread, Thread* val)
thread.wait_queue_state().subtree_min_rel_deadline_thread_ = val;
inline void WaitQueueCollection::MinRelativeDeadlineTraits::ResetBest(Thread& thread)
// In a debug build, zero out the subtree best as we leave the collection.
// This can help to find bugs by allowing us to assert that the value is zero
// during insertion, however it is not strictly needed in a production build
// and can be skipped.
thread.wait_queue_state().subtree_min_rel_deadline_thread_ = nullptr;
inline void PreemptDisabledToken::AssertHeld() {
DEBUG_ASSERT(Thread::Current::preemption_state().PreemptIsEnabled() == false);
inline SchedulerState::WaitQueueInheritedSchedulerState*
WaitQueueCollection::FindInheritedSchedulerStateStorage() TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return threads_.is_empty()
? nullptr
: &threads_.back().wait_queue_state().inherited_scheduler_state_storage_;
struct BrwLockOps {
// Attempt to lock the set of threads needed for a BrwLock wake operation. If
// the first thread to wake is a writer, the set consists of just this thread.
// If the first thread to wake is a reader, then the set to wake is all of the
// readers we encounter until we hit another writer, or run out of threads to
// wake.
// On success, the list of threads to wake is returned with each thread
// locked, and with each thread prepared to unblock as if Dequeue had been
// called (blocked_status has been set to OK, and blocking_wait_queue has been
// cleared).
// On failure, no list is returned, and all threads will be unlocked and
// waiting in the collection.
struct LockForWakeResult {
Thread::UnblockList list;
uint32_t count{0};
static ktl::optional<LockForWakeResult> LockForWake(WaitQueue& queue, zx_time_t now)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, queue.get_lock());
struct WaitQueueLockOps {
// Attempt to lock one or all threads for waking.
// When successful, removes the threads from the wait queue, moving them to a
// temporary unblock list and setting their wake result in the process.
// Callers may then perform any internal bookkeeping before dropping the queue
// lock, and finally waking the threads using Scheduler::Unblock.
// Returns std::nullopt in the case that a backoff condition is encountered.
static ktl::optional<Thread::UnblockList> LockForWakeAll(WaitQueue& queue,
zx_status_t wait_queue_error)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, queue.get_lock());
static ktl::optional<Thread::UnblockList> LockForWakeOne(WaitQueue& queue,
zx_status_t wait_queue_error)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, queue.get_lock());