blob: da3e7397a604ae733e0b167acfab434e2e6ec4de [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock.h>
#include <lib/kconcurrent/chainlock_transaction.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/macros.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/wait.h>
#include <ktl/atomic.h>
// A basic counting semaphore used to control access to a shared resource.
// Think of Semaphore as a gatekeeper that allows a certain number of threads to
// pass through a gate so they can access some resource.
// Threads queue up at the gate by calling Wait and then block until the
// gatekeeper lets them through or they give up and leave the queue because of
// timeout or thread signal. In the case of timeout or thread signal, the
// waiter may not proceed to the resource.
// Calling Post tells the gatekeeper that they may immediately admit one through
// the gate (if there's a waiter in the queue) or admit one in the future once a
// waiter has queued up.
class Semaphore {
explicit Semaphore(int64_t initial_count = 0) : count_(initial_count) {}
Semaphore(const Semaphore&) = delete;
Semaphore(Semaphore&&) = delete;
Semaphore& operator=(const Semaphore&) = delete;
~Semaphore() = default;
// Unblocks a single thread if any are waiting. If none are waiting, this
// operation logically increments the count such that a future call to |Wait|
// may return without blocking.
// |Post| has release memory order semantics and synchronizes with |Wait|.
void Post() TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
// If the count is positive, decrement the count and return ZX_OK. Otherwise,
// decrement the count and wait until some other thread wakes us via |Post|,
// or our wait is interrupted by timeout, thread suspend, or thread kill.
// The return value can be ZX_ERR_TIMED_OUT if the deadline had passed or one
// of ZX_ERR_INTERNAL_INTR errors if the thread had a signal delivered.
// |Wait| has acquire memory order semantics and synchronizes with |Post|.
zx_status_t Wait(const Deadline& deadline) TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
// Observe the current internal count of the semaphore.
// This should only be used for testing/diagnostic purposes.
int64_t count() const { return count_.load(ktl::memory_order_relaxed); }
// Observe the current internal count of waiters.
// This should only be used for testing/diagnostic purposes.
uint64_t num_waiters() const TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, waitq_.get_lock()) {
SingletonChainLockGuardIrqSave guard{waitq_.get_lock(), CLT_TAG("Semaphore:num_waiters")};
return waitq_.Count();
// This class has two fields that must be kept in sync, a count and a
// WaitQueue. There are some rules for keeping them in sync. See the
// implementation comments of |Post| and |Wait| for details.
// When |count_| is greater than zero, a call to |Wait| will decrement the
// count and "fall through" without blocking.
// When |count_| is zero or negative, a call to |Wait| will decrement |count_|
// and block. Note, a negative value does not necessarily imply there are
// currently waiters in the |waitq_|. It's possible to have a negative count
// and no waiters because a |Wait| can timeout or be interrupted (e.g. by
// thread kill or thread suspend). The next call to |Post| after an
// interrupted |Wait| will update the |count_|.
// Many methods on |waitq_| require the caller to be holding the WaitQueue's
// lock. In order to reduce lock contention and improve scalability, the
// |Post| and |Wait| operations are designed to only acquire the lock when
// necessary. In particular:
// 1. |Post| does not need to access |waitq_| if it knows that no threads are
// blocked (i.e. when |count_| is non-negative).
// 2. |Wait| does not need to access the |waitq_| if the caller does not need
// to block (i.e. when |count_| is greater than zero).
// It's critical that the lock protecting |waitq_| be held when transitioning
// |count_| from negative to non-negative or from non-negative to negative.
ktl::atomic<int64_t> count_;
WaitQueue waitq_;