blob: 7336b2c54aea953c4190204de55b8ae7f8907052 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/fxt/interned_string.h>
#include <lib/relaxed_atomic.h>
#include <lib/zircon-internal/macros.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/scheduler.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/system.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_pointer_traits.h>
#include <fbl/intrusive_wavl_tree.h>
#include <fbl/wavl_tree_best_node_observer.h>
#include <ffl/fixed.h>
#include <kernel/auto_lock.h>
#include <kernel/owned_wait_queue.h>
#include <kernel/scheduler_state.h>
#include <kernel/spinlock.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#include <kernel/wait.h>
// Forward declarations.
struct percpu;
namespace kconcurrent {
struct RescheduleContext;
struct SchedulerUtils;
} // namespace kconcurrent
// Ensure this define has a value when not defined globally by the build system.
// Ensure this define has a value when not defined globally by the build system.
// Performance scale of a CPU relative to the highest performance CPU in the
// system.
using SchedPerformanceScale = ffl::Fixed<int64_t, 31>;
// Converts a userspace CPU performance scale to a SchedPerformanceScale value.
constexpr SchedPerformanceScale ToSchedPerformanceScale(zx_cpu_performance_scale_t value) {
const size_t FractionaBits = sizeof(value.fractional_part) * 8;
return ffl::FromRaw<FractionaBits>(uint64_t{value.integral_part} << FractionaBits |
// Converts a SchedPerformanceScale value to a userspace CPU performance scale.
constexpr zx_cpu_performance_scale_t ToUserPerformanceScale(SchedPerformanceScale value) {
using UserScale = ffl::Fixed<uint64_t, 32>;
const UserScale user_scale{value};
const uint64_t integral = user_scale.Integral().raw_value() >> UserScale::Format::FractionalBits;
const uint64_t fractional = user_scale.Fraction().raw_value();
return {.integral_part = uint32_t(integral), .fractional_part = uint32_t(fractional)};
// Implements fair and deadline scheduling algorithms and manages the associated
// per-CPU state.
class Scheduler {
// Default minimum granularity of time slices.
static constexpr SchedDuration kDefaultMinimumGranularity = SchedMs(1);
// Default target latency for a scheduling period.
static constexpr SchedDuration kDefaultTargetLatency = SchedMs(8);
// The threshold for cross-cluster work stealing. Queues with an estimated
// runtime below this value are not stolen from if the target and destination
// CPUs are in different logical clusters. In a performance-balanced system,
// this tunable value approximates the cost of cross-cluster migration due to
// cache misses, assuming a task has high cache affinity in its current
// cluster. This tunable may be increased to limit cross-cluster spill over.
static constexpr SchedDuration kInterClusterThreshold = SchedMs(2);
// The threshold for early termination when searching for a CPU to place a
// task. Queues with an estimated runtime below this value are sufficiently
// unloaded. In a performance-balanced system, this tunable value approximates
// the cost of intra-cluster migration due to cache misses, assuming a task
// has high cache affinity with the last CPU it ran on. This tunable may be
// increased to limit intra-cluster spill over.
static constexpr SchedDuration kIntraClusterThreshold = SchedUs(25);
// The per-CPU deadline utilization limit to attempt to honor when selecting a
// CPU to place a task. It is up to userspace to ensure that the total set of
// deadline tasks can honor this limit. Even if userspace ensures the total
// set of deadline utilizations is within the total available processor
// resources, when total utilization is high enough it may not be possible to
// honor this limit due to the bin packing problem.
static constexpr SchedUtilization kCpuUtilizationLimit{1};
// The maximum deadline utilization permitted for a single thread. This limit
// is applied when scaling the utilization of a deadline task to the relative
// performance of a candidate target processor -- placing a task on a
// processor that would cause the scaled thread utilization to exceed this
// value is avoided if possible.
static constexpr SchedUtilization kThreadUtilizationMax{1};
// The adjustment rates of the exponential moving averages tracking the
// expected runtimes of each thread.
static constexpr ffl::Fixed<int32_t, 2> kExpectedRuntimeAlpha = ffl::FromRatio(1, 4);
static constexpr ffl::Fixed<int32_t, 0> kExpectedRuntimeBeta = ffl::FromRatio(1, 1);
Scheduler() = default;
~Scheduler() = default;
Scheduler(const Scheduler&) = delete;
Scheduler& operator=(const Scheduler&) = delete;
// Accessors for total weight and number of runnable tasks.
SchedWeight GetTotalWeight() const TA_EXCL(queue_lock_);
size_t GetRunnableTasks() const TA_EXCL(queue_lock_);
// Dumps the state of the run queue to the specified output target. Note that
// interrupts must be disabled in order to call this method.
void Dump(FILE* output_target = stdout) TA_EXCL(queue_lock_);
// Dumps info about the currently active thread (if any). Note that
// interrupts must be disabled in order to call this method.
void DumpActiveThread(FILE* output_target = stdout) TA_EXCL(queue_lock_);
// Returns the number of the CPU this scheduler instance is associated with.
cpu_num_t this_cpu() const { return this_cpu_; }
// Returns the index of the logical cluster of the CPU this scheduler instance
// is associated with.
size_t cluster() const { return cluster_; }
// Returns the lock-free value of the predicted queue time for the CPU this
// scheduler instance is associated with.
SchedDuration predicted_queue_time_ns() const {
return exported_total_expected_runtime_ns_.load();
// Returns the lock-free value of the predicted deadline utilization for the
// CPU this scheduler instance is associated with.
SchedUtilization predicted_deadline_utilization() const {
return exported_total_deadline_utilization_.load();
// Returns the performance scale of the CPU this scheduler instance is
// associated with.
SchedPerformanceScale performance_scale() const TA_REQ(queue_lock_) { return performance_scale_; }
// Returns the reciprocal performance scale of the CPU this scheduler instance
// is associated with.
SchedPerformanceScale performance_scale_reciprocal() const TA_REQ(queue_lock_) {
return performance_scale_reciprocal_;
// Returns a pointer to the currently running thread, if any.
// TODO(johngro); This is not particularly safe. As soon as we returned this
// thread's pointer, it could (in theory) exit. We probably need to require
// that the scheduler's queue lock be held in order to peek at the active
// thread member.
Thread* active_thread() const TA_EXCL(queue_lock_) {
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> guard{&queue_lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
return active_thread_;
// Public entry points.
// See the comment in Thread::CreateEtc for why InitializeThread does not take
// a stance on whether or not we should be in an active chain-lock
// transaction. On the surface, demanding that we hold a threads lock without
// also demanding that we also be involved in an active chain-lock transaction
// is an apparent contradiction of some fundamental invariants (how can a
// chain lock be held without being in a transaction?), but when used
// exclusively from Thread::CreateEtc, it should be OK.
static void InitializeThread(Thread* thread, const SchedulerState::BaseProfile& profile)
static void InitializeFirstThread(Thread* thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, thread->get_lock());
static void RemoveFirstThread(Thread* thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, thread->get_lock());
static void Block(Thread* const current_thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock());
static void Yield(Thread* const current_thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock());
// Note; no locks should be held when calling preempt. The thread's lock will be obtained
// unconditionally in the process.
static void Preempt() TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token);
static void Reschedule(Thread* const current_thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock());
static void RescheduleInternal(Thread* const current_thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock());
// Finish unblocking a thread. This function expects the thread to be locked
// when called. It will:
// 1) Select a scheduler compatible with the thread.
// 2) Place the thread into that scheduler's run queue.
// 3) Drop the thread's lock.
// 4) Reschedule if needed/permitted.
static void Unblock(Thread* thread) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token)
// Unblock list expects to receive a list of threads, all of whose
// locks are currently held. It will drop each thread's lock after
// successfully assigning it to a scheduler.
static void Unblock(Thread::UnblockList thread_list) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token);
// UnblockIdle is used in the process of creation of the idle thread. It
// simply asserts that the thread is (in fact) flagged as the idle thread, and
// that it has hard affinity for exactly one CPU (its CPU). It then sets the
// thread to be ready, and ensures that its curr_cpu_ state is correct.
static void UnblockIdle(Thread* idle_thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, idle_thread->get_lock());
// Called when something has changed about a thread which may result in it
// needing to be migrated to a different CPU. In particular, a change to
// either its soft or hard affinity mask.
static void Migrate(Thread* thread) TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token)
static void MigrateUnpinnedThreads();
// TimerTick is called when the preemption timer for a CPU has fired.
// This function is logically private and should only be called by
static void TimerTick(SchedTime now);
// Releases the lock held by the previous and current threads after a context
// switch. This must be called by trampoline routines at some point before
// jumping to the current thread's entry point.
static void TrampolineLockHandoff();
// Called when the base profile of |thread| has been changed by a program. The
// thread must be either running or runnable when this method is called. If
// the thread had been blocked instead, the change of the base profile would
// have been managed at the WaitQueue level, perhaps eventually propagating to
// the scheduler via UpstreamThreadBaseProfileChanged.
static void ThreadBaseProfileChanged(Thread& thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, thread.get_lock(), preempt_disabled_token);
// Called when the base profile of a thread (|upstream|) which exists upstream
// of |target| has changed its base profile. It is possible for the rules
// regarding scheduling penalties base profile changes to be slightly
// different for when a thread's effective profile changes as a result of its
// own base profile changing, vs the base profile of a thread which exists
// upstream of it in a PI graph. Because of this, the two scenarios are
// handled separately using two different methods.
template <typename TargetType>
static void UpstreamThreadBaseProfileChanged(Thread& upstream, TargetType& target)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, upstream.get_lock(), internal::GetPiNodeLock(target),
// Called when a thread (|upstream|) blocks in an OwnedWaitQueue, and the
// target of that OWQ (|target|) is running or runnable. At the point that
// this method is called, propagation of the static profile pressure
// parameters (weight, deadline utilization, and minimum deadline) should have
// already been propagated to |target|, and its EffectiveProfile should be
// dirty. This method is called in order to update the dynamic scheduling
// parameters (start time, finish time, time slice remaining) of |target| as
// needed because of the join operation.
template <typename UpstreamType, typename TargetType>
static void JoinNodeToPiGraph(UpstreamType& upstream, TargetType& target)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, internal::GetPiNodeLock(upstream),
internal::GetPiNodeLock(target), preempt_disabled_token);
// Called when a thread (|upstream|) unblocks from an OwnedWaitQueue and
// leaves the PI graph whose running or runnable target is |target|.
// At the point that this method is called, propagation of the static profile
// pressure parameters (weight, deadline utilization, and minimum deadline)
// should have already been propagated to |target|, and its EffectiveProfile
// should be dirty. This method is called in order to update the dynamic
// scheduling parameters (start time, finish time, time slice remaining) in
// both |target| and |upstream| as needed because of the split operation.
template <typename UpstreamType, typename TargetType>
static void SplitNodeFromPiGraph(UpstreamType& upstream, TargetType& target)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, internal::GetPiNodeLock(upstream),
internal::GetPiNodeLock(target), preempt_disabled_token);
// Updates the performance scales of the requested CPUs and returns the
// effective values in place, which may be different than the requested values
// if they are below the minimum safe values for the respective CPUs.
// Requires |count| <= num CPUs.
static void UpdatePerformanceScales(zx_cpu_performance_info_t* info, size_t count)
// Gets the performance scales of up to count CPUs. Returns the last values
// requested by userspace, even if they have not yet taken effect.
// Requires |count| <= num CPUs.
static void GetPerformanceScales(zx_cpu_performance_info_t* info, size_t count)
// Gets the default performance scales of up to count CPUs. Returns the
// initial values determined by the system topology, or 1.0 when no topology
// is available.
// Requires |count| <= num CPUs.
static void GetDefaultPerformanceScales(zx_cpu_performance_info_t* info, size_t count)
// Get the mask of valid CPUs that thread may run on. If a new mask
// is set, the thread will be migrated to satisfy the new constraint.
template <Affinity AffinityType>
static cpu_mask_t SetCpuAffinity(Thread& thread, cpu_mask_t affinity)
TA_EXCL(chainlock_transaction_token, thread.get_lock());
// Run the passed callable while holding the specified scheduler's lock.
// Currently used only by the threadload debug function in kernel/
template <typename Callable>
static auto RunInLockedScheduler(cpu_num_t which_cpu, Callable callable) {
// The call do Get will eventually DEBUG_ASSERT if our cpu ID is out of range.
Scheduler& scheduler = *Get(which_cpu);
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, IrqSave> queue_guard{&scheduler.queue_lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
return callable();
// Run the passed callable while holding the current CPU's scheduler's lock.
// Used by routines in who need to change the current thread's
// state, but need to be holding the current scheduler's lock in order to do
// so.
template <typename Callable>
static void RunInLockedCurrentScheduler(Callable callable) {
Scheduler& scheduler = *Get();
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, NoIrqSave> queue_guard{&scheduler.queue_lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
// Run the passed callable while holding the specified thread's scheduler's
// lock, if any. Used by SetMigrateFn in
template <typename Callable>
static void RunInThreadsSchedulerLocked(Thread* thread, Callable callable)
TA_REQ(thread->get_lock()) {
const cpu_num_t thread_cpu = thread->scheduler_state().curr_cpu();
if (thread_cpu != INVALID_CPU) {
Scheduler& scheduler = *Get(thread_cpu);
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, NoIrqSave> queue_guard{&scheduler.queue_lock_, SOURCE_TAG};
} else {
// fwd decl of a helper class used for PI Join/Split operations
template <typename T>
class PiNodeAdapter;
friend struct Thread;
friend struct ::kconcurrent::SchedulerUtils;
// Allow percpu to init our cpu number and performance scale.
friend struct percpu;
// Load balancer test.
friend struct LoadBalancerTestAccess;
// Allow tests to modify our state.
friend class LoadBalancerTest;
// A helper used in Join/Split operations
template <typename T>
friend class PiNodeAdapter;
// Diagnostics used by LockupDetector
friend void DumpSchedulerActiveThreadDetails(Scheduler& scheduler);
// EffectiveProfile and BaseProfile are both inner classes of SchedulerState which
// are also frequently used by the methods in Scheduler. Make a couple of handy
// private aliases to keep us from needing to say
// SchedulerState::(Effective|Base)Profile in all of the Scheduler methods.
using EffectiveProfile = SchedulerState::EffectiveProfile;
using BaseProfile = SchedulerState::BaseProfile;
static void LockHandoffInternal(const kconcurrent::RescheduleContext& ctx,
Thread* const current_thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock());
// Sets the initial values of the CPU performance scales for this Scheduler
// instance.
void InitializePerformanceScale(SchedPerformanceScale scale);
static inline void RescheduleMask(cpu_mask_t cpus_to_reschedule_mask);
static void PreemptLocked(Thread* current_thread)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock());
// Unconditionally perform an expensive check of as many scheduler invariants
// as we can. Usually, this is not called directly; the ValidateInvariants
// version (which is gated on a default-off build option) is preferred.
void ValidateInvariantsUnconditional() const TA_REQ(queue_lock_, chainlock_transaction_token);
void ValidateInvariants() const TA_REQ(queue_lock_, chainlock_transaction_token) {
if constexpr (kSchedulerExtraInvariantValidation) {
// Lockup detector needs to be able to hold a scheduler's lock in order to
// print diagnostics
auto& queue_lock() TA_RET_CAP(queue_lock_) { return queue_lock_; }
// Specifies how to associate a thread with a Scheduler instance, update
// metadata, and whether/where to place the thread in a run queue.
enum class Placement {
// Selects a place in the queue based on the current insertion time and
// thread weight or deadline.
// Selects a place in the queue based on the original insertion time and
// the updated (inherited or changed) weight or deadline on the same CPU.
// Selects a place in the queue based on the original insertion time and
// the updated time slice due to being preempted by another thread.
// Selects a place in the queue based on the insertion time in the original
// queue adjusted for the new queue.
// Updates the metadata to account for a stolen thread that was just taken
// from a different queue. This is distinct from Migration in that the
// thread is not also enqueued, it is run immediately by the new CPU.
// When we need to find a target CPU for a thread to run on, the behavior of
// FindTargetCpu depends on the reason why the thread needs to find a target
// CPU. This enumeration encodes the reason allowing FindTargetCpu to
// behavior properly.
enum class FindTargetCpuReason {
// If the thread is unblocking (or coming out of suspend/sleep), then it
// might need to choose a CPU which it typically wouldn't (because of its
// currently configured soft affinity). This happens when the thread last
// ran on CPU X before blocking, has a migration function, and now needs to
// run on a different CPU because of its affinity mask. The thread will be
// sent to CPU X as it unblocks, but as soon as CPU X picks the thread to
// run, the threads migration function will be called (on CPU X) before the
// scheduler sends it to a different CPU queue (where it will complete the
// migration once it is finally scheduled to run).
// If the thread needs to select a CPU because it is migrating, then the
// special logic used for the Unblocking reason is skipped. It is assumed
// that the code has already managed to call the thread's migration function
// while running on its last cpu, and now the CPU chosen must be as compatible
// with the thread's soft affinity mask as possible.
// Returns the current system time as a SchedTime value.
static SchedTime CurrentTime() { return SchedTime{current_time()}; }
// Returns the Scheduler instance for the current CPU.
static Scheduler* Get();
// Returns the Scheduler instance for the given CPU.
static Scheduler* Get(cpu_num_t cpu);
// Returns a CPU to run the given thread on. The thread's lock must be held
// exclusively during this operation. This is almost always called when
// threads are transitioning from a wait queue to a scheduler, therefore the
// thread's state is only protected by the thread's lock; not by any scheduler
// or wait queue lock.
static cpu_num_t FindTargetCpu(Thread* thread, FindTargetCpuReason reason)
// Handle all of the common tasks associated with each of the possible PI
// interactions. The outline of this is:
// 1) If the target is an active thread (meaning either running or runnable),
// we need to:
// 1.1) Enter the scheduler's queue lock.
// 1.2) If the thread is active, but not actually running, remove the target
// thread from its scheduler's run queue.
// 1.3) Now update the thread's effective profile.
// 1.4) Apply any changes in the thread's effective profile to its scheduler's
// bookkeeping.
// 1.5) Update the dynamic parameters of the thread.
// 1.6) Either re-insert the thread into its scheduler's run queue (if it was
// READY) or adjust its schedulers preemption time (if it was RUNNING).
// 1.7) Trigger a reschedule on the thread's scheduler.
// 2) If the target is either an OwnedWaitQueue, or a thread which is not
// active:
// 2.1) Recompute the target's effective profile, adjust the target's position
// in it's wait queue if the target is a thread which is currently
// blocked in a wait queue.
// 2.2) Recompute the target's dynamic scheduler parameters.
template <typename TargetType, typename Callable>
static inline void HandlePiInteractionCommon(SchedTime now, PiNodeAdapter<TargetType>& target,
Callable UpdateDynamicParams)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, target.get_lock());
using EndTraceCallback = fit::inline_function<void(), sizeof(void*)>;
// Common logic for reschedule API.
void RescheduleCommon(Thread* const current_thread, SchedTime now,
EndTraceCallback end_outer_trace = nullptr) TA_EXCL(queue_lock_)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, current_thread->get_lock());
// Evaluates the schedule and returns the thread that should execute,
// updating the run queue as necessary.
Thread* EvaluateNextThread(SchedTime now, Thread* current_thread, bool timeslice_expired,
SchedDuration total_runtime_ns,
Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, NoIrqSave>& queue_guard)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, queue_lock_, current_thread->get_lock());
// Adds a thread to the run queue tree. The thread must be active on this
// CPU.
void QueueThread(Thread* thread, Placement placement, SchedTime now = SchedTime{0},
SchedDuration total_runtime_ns = SchedDuration{0})
TA_REQ(queue_lock_, thread->get_lock());
// Removes the thread at the head of the first eligible run queue, or attempt
// to steal a thread from another scheduler if we have no eligible thread in
// our current run queues. If none of these attempts succeed, we will fall
// back on returning this scheduler's Idle thread.
// In all cases, the thread being returned will not be locked, and will not be
// a member of any current run queue. One of the following *must* happen to
// the thread after this.
// 1) The thread is added back to one of these scheduler's run queues (this
// is common during a PI interaction involving the thread).
// 2) The thread is flagged as "reschedule_in_progress" in its scheduler-owned
// variables, before becoming the active thread in its scheduler (after
// dropping the scheduler lock and re-obtaining the thread's lock
// exclusively). This happens in RescheduleCommon when EvaluateNextThread
// chooses a new thread to run.
// 3) The thread is flagged as "steal_in_progress" after being removed from
// another scheduler's run queue, but before being locked exclusively and
// re-inserted into its new scheduler's run queue.
// Note that these rules apply to *all* the versions of Dequeue listed below.
Thread* DequeueThread(SchedTime now, Guard<MonitoredSpinLock, NoIrqSave>& queue_guard)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token, queue_lock_);
// Removes the thread at the head of the fair run queue and returns it.
Thread* DequeueFairThread() TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Removes the eligible thread with the earliest deadline in the deadline run
// queue and returns it.
Thread* DequeueDeadlineThread(SchedTime eligible_time) TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Removes the eligible thread with a deadline earlier than the given deadline
// and returns it or nullptr if one does not exist.
Thread* DequeueEarlierDeadlineThread(SchedTime eligible_time, SchedTime finish_time)
// Returns the eligible thread in the run queue with a deadline earlier than
// the given deadline, or nullptr if one does not exist.
// See the note in |FindEarliestEligibleThread| for lifecycle rules for the
// returned pointer (if any)
Thread* FindEarlierDeadlineThread(SchedTime eligible_time, SchedTime finish_time)
// Attempts to steal work from other busy CPUs. Returns nullptr if no work was
// stolen, otherwise returns a pointer to the stolen thread that is now
// associated with the local Scheduler instance.
Thread* StealWork(SchedTime now, SchedPerformanceScale scale_up_factor)
TA_REQ(chainlock_transaction_token) TA_EXCL(queue_lock_);
// Returns the time that the next deadline task will become eligible or infinite
// if there are no ready deadline tasks.
SchedTime GetNextEligibleTime() TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Calculates the timeslice of the thread based on the current run queue
// state.
SchedDuration CalculateTimeslice(const Thread* thread) TA_REQ(queue_lock_)
// Returns the completion time clamped to the start of the earliest deadline
// thread that will become eligible in that time frame.
SchedTime ClampToDeadline(SchedTime completion_time) TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Returns the completion time clamped to the start of the earliest deadline
// thread that will become eligible in that time frame and also has an earlier
// deadline than the given finish time.
SchedTime ClampToEarlierDeadline(SchedTime completion_time, SchedTime finish_time)
// Updates the timeslice of the thread based on the current run queue state.
// Returns the absolute deadline for the next time slice, which may be earlier
// than the completion of the time slice if other threads could preempt the
// given thread before the time slice is exhausted.
SchedTime NextThreadTimeslice(Thread* thread, SchedTime now)
TA_REQ(queue_lock_, thread->get_lock());
// Updates the scheduling period based on the number of active threads.
void UpdatePeriod() TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Updates the global virtual timeline.
void UpdateTimeline(SchedTime now) TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
static void SetThreadMigrateFnInternal(Thread* thread, Thread::MigrateFn migrate_fn)
TA_REQ(thread->get_lock(), Thread::get_list_lock());
// Makes a thread active on this CPU's scheduler and inserts it into the
// run queue tree.
void Insert(SchedTime now, Thread* thread, Placement placement = Placement::Insertion)
TA_REQ(queue_lock_, thread->get_lock(), thread->get_scheduler_variable_lock());
// Removes the thread from this CPU's scheduler as it transitions to another
// CPU (either because it is being stolen, or migrated). The thread's lock
// cannot be held exclusively at this point, so some of the thread's state
// will remain in a transient state until the thread can be re-inserted in its
// new home. Specifically, this includes:
// 1) The thread's current CPU id.
// 2) The thread's start time (if it is a fair thread).
// 3) The thread's finish time (if it is a fair thread).
// This state will be cleaned up by FinishTransition once the thread has been
// locked exclusively.
void RemoveForTransition(Thread* thread, SchedulerQueueState::TransientState target_state)
TA_REQ(queue_lock_, thread->get_scheduler_variable_lock()) TA_REQ_SHARED(thread->get_lock());
void FinishTransition(SchedTime now, Thread* thread)
TA_REQ(queue_lock_, thread->get_lock(), thread->get_scheduler_variable_lock());
// Removes the thread from this CPU's scheduler. The thread must not be in
// the run queue tree. This is the same operation as RemoveForTransition, but it
// requires that the thread's lock is held exclusively, which allows the CPU
// id, start time, and finish time to be updated.
void Remove(Thread* thread, SchedulerQueueState::TransientState reason =
TA_REQ(queue_lock_, thread->get_lock(), thread->get_scheduler_variable_lock()) {
SchedulerState& state = thread->scheduler_state();
RemoveForTransition(thread, reason);
state.curr_cpu_ = INVALID_CPU;
if (IsFairThread(thread)) {
state.start_time_ = SchedNs(0);
state.finish_time_ = SchedNs(0);
// Removes a specific thread from its current RunQueue. Note that the thread
// must currently exist in its queue, it is an error otherwise.
void EraseFromQueue(Thread* thread) TA_REQ(queue_lock_, thread->get_scheduler_variable_lock())
TA_REQ_SHARED(thread->get_lock()) {
const SchedulerState& state = const_cast<const Thread*>(thread)->scheduler_state();
RunQueue& queue =
state.discipline() == SchedDiscipline::Fair ? fair_run_queue_ : deadline_run_queue_;
// Returns true if there is at least one eligible deadline thread in the
// run queue.
inline bool IsDeadlineThreadEligible(SchedTime eligible_time) TA_REQ(queue_lock_) {
if (deadline_run_queue_.is_empty()) {
return false;
const Thread& front = deadline_run_queue_.front();
return front.scheduler_state().start_time_ <= eligible_time;
// Updates the total expected runtime estimator and exports the atomic shadow
// variable for cross-CPU readers.
inline void UpdateTotalExpectedRuntime(SchedDuration delta_ns) TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Updates to total deadline utilization estimator and exports the atomic
// shadow variable for cross-CPU readers.
inline void UpdateTotalDeadlineUtilization(SchedUtilization delta_ns) TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Utilities to scale up or down the given value by the performance scale of the CPU.
template <typename T>
inline T ScaleUp(T value) const TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
template <typename T>
inline T ScaleDown(T value) const TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Update trace counters which track the total number of runnable threads for a CPU
inline void TraceTotalRunnableThreads() const TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Returns a new flow id when flow tracing is enabled, zero otherwise.
inline static uint64_t NextFlowId();
// Traits type to adapt the WAVLTree to Thread with node state in the
// scheduler_state member.
struct TaskTraits {
using KeyType = SchedulerState::KeyType;
static KeyType GetKey(const Thread& thread) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return thread.scheduler_state().key();
static bool LessThan(KeyType a, KeyType b) { return a < b; }
static bool EqualTo(KeyType a, KeyType b) { return a == b; }
static auto& node_state(Thread& thread) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return thread.scheduler_queue_state().run_queue_node;
// Observer that maintains the subtree invariant min_finish_time as nodes are
// added to and removed from the run queue.
struct SubtreeMinTraits {
static SchedTime GetValue(const Thread& node) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return node.scheduler_state().finish_time_;
static SchedTime GetSubtreeBest(const Thread& node) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
return node.scheduler_state().min_finish_time_;
static bool Compare(SchedTime a, SchedTime b) { return a < b; }
static void AssignBest(Thread& node, SchedTime val) TA_NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
node.scheduler_state().min_finish_time_ = val;
static void ResetBest(Thread& target) {}
using SubtreeMinObserver = fbl::WAVLTreeBestNodeObserver<SubtreeMinTraits>;
// Alias of the WAVLTree type for the run queue.
using RunQueue = fbl::WAVLTree<TaskTraits::KeyType, Thread*, TaskTraits, fbl::DefaultObjectTag,
TaskTraits, SubtreeMinObserver>;
// Finds the next eligible thread in the given run queue.
// Note: Any Thread* returned by this method may only be used as long as the
// queue lock is held. Dropping the queue lock allows the thread to be removed
// from the scheduler, and potentially exit, destroying the Thread and
// invalidating the thread pointer in the process.
Thread* FindEarliestEligibleThread(RunQueue* run_queue, SchedTime eligible_time)
// Finds the next eligible thread in the given run queue that also passes the
// given predicate.
// See the note in |FindEarliestEligibleThread| for lifecycle rules for the
// returned pointer (if any)
template <typename Predicate>
Thread* FindEarliestEligibleThread(RunQueue* run_queue, SchedTime eligible_time,
Predicate&& predicate) TA_REQ(queue_lock_);
// Emits queue event tracers for trace-based scheduler performance analysis.
inline void TraceThreadQueueEvent(const fxt::InternedString& name, const Thread* thread) const
TA_REQ(queue_lock_) TA_REQ_SHARED(thread->get_lock());
// Returns true if the given thread is fair scheduled.
static bool IsFairThread(const Thread* thread) TA_REQ_SHARED(thread->get_lock()) {
return thread->scheduler_state().effective_profile_.IsFair();
// Returns true if the given thread is deadline scheduled.
static bool IsDeadlineThread(const Thread* thread) TA_REQ_SHARED(thread->get_lock()) {
return thread->scheduler_state().effective_profile_.IsDeadline();
// Returns true if the given thread's time slice is adjustable under changes to
// the fair scheduler demand on the CPU.
static bool IsThreadAdjustable(const Thread* thread) TA_REQ_SHARED(thread->get_lock()) {
// Checking the thread state avoids unnecessary adjustments on a thread that
// is no longer competing.
return !thread->IsIdle() && IsFairThread(thread) && thread->state() == THREAD_READY;
// Protects run queues and associated metadata for this Scheduler instance.
// The queue lock is the bottom most lock in the system for the CPU it is
// associated with: no other locks may be nested within a queue lock. A queue
// lock may be acquired across CPUs, however, the no nesting rule still
// applies.
// Note: while the queue_lock_ is the bottom-most lock in the system from the
// scheduler's perspective, it is not (formally) a leaf-lock right now.
// Currently, there is one place in the system (DumpThreadLocked) where the
// queue_lock_ needs to be held, while fprintf is called.
// This happens when the lockup-detector is unhappy, and asking the Scheduler
// to print information about its run queue state. Most of the printf targets
// which could be passed to the scheduler also involve holding locks. If the
// queue_lock_ is flagged as a leaf lock, and lockdep is enabled, and the
// lockup-detector attempt to report a hang, it will cause lock-dep to
// complain about obtaining a lock while holding a leaf-lock, which will cause
// more printing, which causes more complaints, etc...
// See for more details.
mutable DECLARE_SPINLOCK_WITH_TYPE(Scheduler, MonitoredSpinLock) queue_lock_
// Alias of the queue lock wrapper type.
using QueueLock = decltype(queue_lock_);
// Simplified static assertion on the wrapped queue lock type to avoid the more verbose template
// parameters required by lockdep::AssertHeld.
static void AssertHeld(const QueueLock& lock) TA_ASSERT(lock) TA_ASSERT(lock.lock()) {
// Asserts that a given thread belongs to |this| Scheduler instance.
// Requires holding the scheduler's queue_lock_.
void AssertInScheduler(const Thread& t) const TA_REQ(queue_lock_) TA_ASSERT_SHARED(t.get_lock())
TA_ASSERT(t.get_scheduler_variable_lock()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG((t.scheduler_state().curr_cpu() == this_cpu_),
"Thread %lu expected to be a member of scheduler %u, but curr_cpu says %u",
t.tid(), this_cpu_, t.scheduler_state().curr_cpu());
// It would be nice to be able to make a stronger assertion here (that the
// thread was not just in a run queue, but the specific run queue we expect it
// to be in), but unfortunately, there is no inexpensive way of doing that.
// Thankfully, most of the time that we need to invoke an assertion like this,
// it is pretty obvious from the context that the assertion is true. It might
// be reasonably to (someday) consider removing even this weak runtime check,
// and just leaving this as a static analysis workaround, and nothing more.
inline void AssertInRunQueue(const Thread& t) const TA_REQ(queue_lock_)
TA_ASSERT_SHARED(t.get_lock()) TA_ASSERT(t.get_scheduler_variable_lock()) {
DEBUG_ASSERT((t.scheduler_state().curr_cpu_ == this_cpu_) &&
// Add a couple of small no-op helpers which inform the static analyzer of
// some properties which are very difficult to apply to the lambdas used in
// the functional programming patterns below. Neither of these methods
// actually _check_ anything, so they must be used with *extreme caution*.
// They should only ever be used when the locking invariants are trivially
// verifiable from the immediate context.
// MarkHasSchedulerAccess tells the static analyzer that we are exclusively
// holding a scheduler's queue lock. It's primary use case is in lambda's
// which are declared inside of the scope of a queue_lock_ guard, and are used
// for some sort of functional programming pattern.
// MarkHasOwnedThreadAccess tells the static analyzer that we have exclusive
// access to a thread's scheduler-variables, and shared (read-only) access to
// variables protected by a thread's lock (eg; the scheduler_state). The
// conditions for this operation are that we are holding the queue_lock_ for
// the scheduler that the thread is currently a member of (see
// AssertInScheduler, above).
// See StealWork for a practical example of where these methods are useful.
static inline void MarkHasSchedulerAccess(const Scheduler& s) TA_ASSERT(s.queue_lock_) {}
static inline void MarkHasOwnedThreadAccess(const Thread& t)
TA_ASSERT(t.get_scheduler_variable_lock()) TA_ASSERT_SHARED(t.get_lock()) {}
// The run queue of fair scheduled threads ready to run, but not currently running.
RunQueue fair_run_queue_;
// The run queue of deadline scheduled threads ready to run, but not currently running.
RunQueue deadline_run_queue_;
// Pointer to the thread actively running on this CPU.
Thread* active_thread_{nullptr};
// Monotonically increasing counter to break ties when queuing tasks with
// the same key. This has the effect of placing newly queued tasks behind
// already queued tasks with the same key. This is also necessary to
// guarantee uniqueness of the key as required by the WAVLTree container.
uint64_t generation_count_{0};
// Count of the fair threads running on this CPU, including threads in the run
// queue and the currently running thread. Does not include the idle thread.
int32_t runnable_fair_task_count_{0};
// Count of the deadline threads running on this CPU, including threads in the
// run queue and the currently running thread. Does not include the idle
// thread.
int32_t runnable_deadline_task_count_{0};
// Total weights of threads running on this CPU, including threads in the
// run queue and the currently running thread. Does not include the idle
// thread.
SchedWeight weight_total_{0};
// The value of |weight_total_| when the current thread was scheduled.
// Provides a reference for determining whether the total weights changed
// since the last reschedule.
SchedWeight scheduled_weight_total_{0};
// The global virtual time of this run queue.
SchedTime virtual_time_{0};
// The system time since the last update to the global virtual time.
SchedTime last_update_time_ns_{0};
// The system time that the current time slice started.
SchedTime start_of_current_time_slice_ns_{0};
// The system time that the current thread should be preempted. Initialized to
// ZX_TIME_INFINITE to pass the assertion now < target_preemption_time_ns_ (or
// else the current time slice is expired) on the first entry into the
// scheduler.
SchedTime target_preemption_time_ns_{ZX_TIME_INFINITE};
// The sum of the expected runtimes of all active threads on this CPU. This
// value is an estimate of the average queuimg time for this CPU, given the
// current set of active threads.
SchedDuration total_expected_runtime_ns_{0};
// The sum of the worst case utilization of all active deadline threads on
// this CPU.
SchedUtilization total_deadline_utilization_{0};
// Scheduling period in which every runnable task executes once in units of
// minimum granularity.
SchedDuration scheduling_period_grans_{kDefaultTargetLatency / kDefaultMinimumGranularity};
// The smallest timeslice a thread is allocated in a single round.
SchedDuration minimum_granularity_ns_{kDefaultMinimumGranularity};
// The target scheduling period. The scheduling period is set to this value
// when the number of tasks is low enough for the sum of all timeslices to
// fit within this duration. This has the effect of increasing the size of
// the timeslices under nominal load to reduce scheduling overhead.
SchedDuration target_latency_grans_{kDefaultTargetLatency / kDefaultMinimumGranularity};
// Performance scale of this CPU relative to the highest performance CPU. This
// value is initially determined from the system topology, when available, and
// by userspace performance/thermal management at runtime.
TA_GUARDED(queue_lock_) SchedPerformanceScale performance_scale_{1};
RelaxedAtomic<SchedPerformanceScale> performance_scale_reciprocal_{SchedPerformanceScale{1}};
// Performance scale requested by userspace. The operational performance scale
// is updated to this value (possibly adjusted for the minimum allowed value)
// on the next reschedule, after the current thread's accounting is updated.
TA_GUARDED(queue_lock_) SchedPerformanceScale pending_user_performance_scale_{1};
// Default performance scale, determined from the system topology, when
// available.
TA_GUARDED(queue_lock_) SchedPerformanceScale default_performance_scale_{1};
// The CPU this scheduler instance is associated with.
// NOTE: This member is not initialized to prevent clobbering the value set
// by sched_early_init(), which is called before the global ctors that
// initialize the rest of the members of this class.
// TODO(eieio): Figure out a better long-term solution to determine which
// CPU is associated with each instance of this class. This is needed by
// non-static methods that are called from arbitrary CPUs, namely Insert().
cpu_num_t this_cpu_;
// The index of the logical cluster this CPU belongs to. CPUs with the same
// logical cluster index have the best chance of good cache affinity with
// respect to load distribution decisions.
size_t cluster_{0};
// Flag indicating that this Scheduler's CPU is in the process of becoming
// inactive. When true, threads who have a migration function which must be
// run on this CPU are permitted to join this CPU's ready queue, even if the
// CPU has already been flagged as inactive. The thread who is in charge of
// deactivating the CPU will make sure to run the migration function of the
// thread on this CPU before finishing the deactivation process.
ktl::atomic<bool> cpu_deactivating_{false};
// Values exported for lock-free access across CPUs. These are mirrors of the
// members of the same name without the exported_ prefix. This avoids
// unnecessary atomic loads when updating the values using arithmetic
// operations on the local CPU. These values are atomically readonly to other
// CPUs.
// TODO(eieio): Look at cache line alignment for these members to optimize
// cache performance.
RelaxedAtomic<SchedDuration> exported_total_expected_runtime_ns_{SchedNs(0)};
RelaxedAtomic<SchedUtilization> exported_total_deadline_utilization_{SchedUtilization{0}};
// Flow id counter for sched_latency flow events.
inline static RelaxedAtomic<uint64_t> next_flow_id_{1};