blob: 330641f5f3e36b14c2d122c9ea187e41d2376597 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <arch.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls-next.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls/debug.h>
#include <arch/debugger.h>
#include <arch/regs.h>
#include <arch/vm.h>
#include <arch/x86.h>
#include <arch/x86/descriptor.h>
#include <arch/x86/feature.h>
#include <kernel/restricted.h>
#include <vm/vm_address_region.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
void RestrictedState::ArchDump(const zx_restricted_state_t& state) {
printf(" RIP: %#18" PRIx64 " FL: %#18" PRIx64 "\n", state.ip, state.flags);
printf(" RAX: %#18" PRIx64 " RBX: %#18" PRIx64 " RCX: %#18" PRIx64 " RDX: %#18" PRIx64 "\n",
state.rax, state.rbx, state.rcx, state.rdx);
printf(" RSI: %#18" PRIx64 " RDI: %#18" PRIx64 " RBP: %#18" PRIx64 " RSP: %#18" PRIx64 "\n",
state.rsi, state.rdi, state.rbp, state.rsp);
printf(" R8: %#18" PRIx64 " R9: %#18" PRIx64 " R10: %#18" PRIx64 " R11: %#18" PRIx64 "\n",
state.r8, state.r9, state.r10, state.r11);
printf(" R12: %#18" PRIx64 " R13: %#18" PRIx64 " R14: %#18" PRIx64 " R15: %#18" PRIx64 "\n",
state.r12, state.r13, state.r14, state.r15);
printf("fs base %#18" PRIx64 " gs base %#18" PRIx64 "\n", state.fs_base, state.gs_base);
zx_status_t RestrictedState::ArchValidateStatePreRestrictedEntry(
const zx_restricted_state_t& state) {
// validate that RIP is within user space
if (unlikely(!is_user_accessible(state.ip))) {
LTRACEF("fail due to bad ip %#" PRIx64 "\n", state.ip);
// validate that the rflags saved only contain user settable flags
if (unlikely((state.flags & ~X86_FLAGS_USER) != 0)) {
LTRACEF("fail due to flags outside of X86_FLAGS_USER set (%#" PRIx64 ")\n", state.flags);
// fs and gs base must be canonical
if (unlikely(!x86_is_vaddr_canonical(state.fs_base))) {
LTRACEF("fail due to bad fs base %#" PRIx64 "\n", state.fs_base);
if (unlikely(!x86_is_vaddr_canonical(state.gs_base))) {
LTRACEF("fail due to bad gs base %#" PRIx64 "\n", state.gs_base);
// everything else can be whatever value it wants to be. worst case it immediately faults
// in restricted mode and that's okay.
return ZX_OK;
namespace {
// helper routines to read/write user fs and gs base registers using the optimal
// mechanism. must be called with interrupts disabled around the swapgs sequence.
void get_fsgsbase(uint64_t* fsbase, uint64_t* gsbase) {
// read the fs/gs base out of the MSRs
if (likely(x86_feature_test(X86_FEATURE_FSGSBASE))) {
*fsbase = _readfsbase_u64();
// the user and kernel base have been swapped, use swapgs to temporarily
// gain access to the gs register.
__asm__ __volatile__("swapgs\n");
uint64_t temp = _readgsbase_u64();
__asm__ __volatile__("swapgs\n");
*gsbase = temp;
} else {
*fsbase = read_msr(X86_MSR_IA32_FS_BASE);
*gsbase = read_msr(X86_MSR_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE);
void set_fsgsbase(uint64_t fsbase, uint64_t gsbase) {
if (likely(x86_feature_test(X86_FEATURE_FSGSBASE))) {
// the user and kernel base have been swapped, use swapgs to temporarily
// gain access to the gs register.
__asm__ __volatile__("swapgs\n");
__asm__ __volatile__("swapgs\n");
} else {
write_msr(X86_MSR_IA32_FS_BASE, fsbase);
write_msr(X86_MSR_IA32_KERNEL_GS_BASE, gsbase);
} // namespace
void RestrictedState::ArchSaveStatePreRestrictedEntry(ArchSavedNormalState& arch_state) {
// save the normal mode fs/gs base which we'll reload on the way back
get_fsgsbase(&arch_state.normal_fs_base_, &arch_state.normal_gs_base_);
[[noreturn]] void RestrictedState::ArchEnterRestricted(const zx_restricted_state_t& state) {
// load the user fs/gs base from restricted mode
set_fsgsbase(state.fs_base, state.gs_base);
// copy to a kernel iframe_t
// struct iframe_t {
// uint64_t rdi, rsi, rbp, rbx, rdx, rcx, rax; // pushed by common handler
// uint64_t r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15; // pushed by common handler
// uint64_t vector; // pushed by stub
// uint64_t err_code; // pushed by interrupt or stub
// uint64_t ip, cs, flags; // pushed by interrupt
// uint64_t user_sp, user_ss; // pushed by interrupt
// };
iframe_t iframe{};
iframe.rdi = state.rdi;
iframe.rsi = state.rsi;
iframe.rbp = state.rbp;
iframe.rbx = state.rbx;
iframe.rdx = state.rdx;
iframe.rcx = state.rcx;
iframe.rax = state.rax;
iframe.r8 = state.r8;
iframe.r9 = state.r9;
iframe.r10 = state.r10;
iframe.r11 = state.r11;
iframe.r12 = state.r12;
iframe.r13 = state.r13;
iframe.r14 = state.r14;
iframe.r15 = state.r15;
iframe.ip = state.ip;
iframe.cs = USER_CODE_64_SELECTOR;
iframe.flags = state.flags | X86_FLAGS_IF;
iframe.user_sp = state.rsp;
iframe.user_ss = USER_DATA_SELECTOR;
iframe.vector = iframe.err_code = 0; // iframe.vector/err_code are unused
// load the new state and exit
void RestrictedState::ArchRedirectRestrictedExceptionToNormal(
const ArchSavedNormalState& arch_state, uintptr_t vector_table, uintptr_t context) {
zx_thread_state_general_regs_t regs = {}; = vector_table;
regs.rdi = context;
regs.rflags = X86_FLAGS_IF;
regs.fs_base = arch_state.normal_fs_base_;
regs.gs_base = arch_state.normal_gs_base_;
// This should only fail if we do not have any suspended registers, but this
// should always be the case at this point during exception handling.
[[maybe_unused]] zx_status_t status = arch_set_general_regs(Thread::Current().Get(), &regs);
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
void RestrictedState::ArchSaveRestrictedExceptionState(zx_restricted_state_t& state) {
zx_thread_state_general_regs_t regs = {};
[[maybe_unused]] zx_status_t status = arch_get_general_regs(Thread::Current().Get(), &regs);
// This should only fail if we do not have any suspended registers, but this
// should always be the case at this point during exception handling.
DEBUG_ASSERT(status == ZX_OK);
state.rdi = regs.rdi;
state.rsi = regs.rsi;
state.rbp = regs.rbp;
state.rbx = regs.rbx;
state.rdx = regs.rdx;
state.rcx = regs.rcx;
state.rax = regs.rax;
state.rsp = regs.rsp;
state.r8 = regs.r8;
state.r9 = regs.r9;
state.r10 = regs.r10;
state.r11 = regs.r11;
state.r12 = regs.r12;
state.r13 = regs.r13;
state.r14 = regs.r14;
state.r15 = regs.r15;
state.ip =;
state.flags = regs.rflags & X86_FLAGS_USER;
// read the fs/gs base out of the MSRs. This requires interrupts to be
// disabled.
get_fsgsbase(&state.fs_base, &state.gs_base);
void RestrictedState::ArchSaveRestrictedSyscallState(zx_restricted_state_t& state,
const syscall_regs_t& regs) {
// copy state syscall_regs_t to zx_restricted_state
state.rdi = regs.rdi;
state.rsi = regs.rsi;
state.rbp = regs.rbp;
state.rbx = regs.rbx;
state.rdx = regs.rdx;
state.rcx = regs.rcx;
state.rax = regs.rax;
state.rsp = regs.rsp;
state.r8 = regs.r8;
state.r9 = regs.r9;
state.r10 = regs.r10;
state.r11 = regs.r11;
state.r12 = regs.r12;
state.r13 = regs.r13;
state.r14 = regs.r14;
state.r15 = regs.r15;
state.ip =;
state.flags = regs.rflags & X86_FLAGS_USER;
// read the fs/gs base out of the MSRs
get_fsgsbase(&state.fs_base, &state.gs_base);
void RestrictedState::ArchSaveRestrictedIframeState(zx_restricted_state_t& state,
const iframe_t& frame) {
// copy state iframe_t to zx_restricted_state
state.rdi = frame.rdi;
state.rsi = frame.rsi;
state.rbp = frame.rbp;
state.rbx = frame.rbx;
state.rdx = frame.rdx;
state.rcx = frame.rcx;
state.rax = frame.rax;
state.r8 = frame.r8;
state.r9 = frame.r9;
state.r10 = frame.r10;
state.r11 = frame.r11;
state.r12 = frame.r12;
state.r13 = frame.r13;
state.r14 = frame.r14;
state.r15 = frame.r15;
state.ip = frame.ip;
state.flags = frame.flags & X86_FLAGS_USER;
state.rsp = frame.user_sp;
// vector, err_code, cs, and user_ss are unused.
// read the fs/gs base out of the MSRs
get_fsgsbase(&state.fs_base, &state.gs_base);
[[noreturn]] void RestrictedState::ArchEnterFull(const ArchSavedNormalState& arch_state,
uintptr_t vector_table, uintptr_t context,
uint64_t code) {
// load the user fs/gs base from normal mode
set_fsgsbase(arch_state.normal_fs_base_, arch_state.normal_gs_base_);
// set up a mostly blank iframe and return back to normal mode
iframe_t iframe{};
iframe.rdi = context;
iframe.rsi = code;
iframe.ip = vector_table;
iframe.cs = USER_CODE_64_SELECTOR;
iframe.flags = X86_FLAGS_IF;
iframe.user_ss = USER_DATA_SELECTOR;
// load the new state and exit