blob: db54f2c877e8160297a0542b53c3ca998f8ce8d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <align.h>
#include <debug.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/errors.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <arch/riscv64.h>
#include <arch/riscv64/feature.h>
#include <arch/riscv64/mp.h>
#include <arch/riscv64/vector.h>
#include <arch/vm.h>
#include <kernel/thread.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
// assert that the context switch frame is a multiple of 16 to maintain
// stack alignment requirements per ABI
static_assert(sizeof(riscv64_context_switch_frame) % 16 == 0);
// A scratch word of memory to store into during context switches to wipe out any existing
// memory reservation in a LR/SC sequence. It is explicitly aligned and not shared with any
// other variables in the system to avoid it being aliased with another atomic.
namespace {
uint32_t memory_reservation_scratch __CPU_ALIGN_EXCLUSIVE;
} // anonymous namespace
void arch_thread_initialize(Thread* t, vaddr_t entry_point) {
// zero out the entire arch state, including fpu state, which defaults to all zero
t->arch() = {};
// create a default stack frame on the stack
vaddr_t stack_top = t->stack().top();
// make sure the top of the stack is 16 byte aligned for ABI compliance
DEBUG_ASSERT(IS_ALIGNED(stack_top, 16));
struct riscv64_context_switch_frame* frame = (struct riscv64_context_switch_frame*)(stack_top);
// fill in the entry point
frame->ra = entry_point;
// set the stack pointer
t->arch().sp = (vaddr_t)frame;
#if __has_feature(shadow_call_stack)
// the shadow call stack grows up
frame->*riscv64_context_switch_frame::kShadowCallStackPointer = t->stack().shadow_call_base();
// set the thread pointer that will be restored on the first context switch
frame->tp = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&t->arch().thread_pointer_location);
void arch_thread_construct_first(Thread* t) { arch_set_current_thread(t); }
void arch_setup_uspace_iframe(iframe_t* iframe, uintptr_t pc, uintptr_t sp, uintptr_t arg1,
uintptr_t arg2) {
iframe->regs.pc = pc;
iframe->regs.sp = sp;
iframe->regs.a0 = arg1;
iframe->regs.a1 = arg2;
// Saved interrupt enable (so that interrupts are enabled when returning to user space).
// Current interrupt enable state set to disabled, which will matter when the
// arch_uspace_entry loads sstatus temporarily before switching to user space.
// Set user space bitness to 64bit.
// Set the fpu and vector registers to the initial state, with the implicit
// assumption that the context switch routine would have defaulted the
// FPU/vector state a the time this thread enters user space. All other bits
// set to zero, default options.
iframe->status =
(gRiscvFeatures[arch::RiscvFeature::kVector] ? RISCV64_CSR_SSTATUS_VS_INITIAL : 0);
// Switch to user mode, set the user stack pointer to user_stack_top, save the
// top of the kernel stack pointer.
void arch_enter_uspace(iframe_t* iframe) {
Thread* ct = Thread::Current::Get();
LTRACEF("pc %#" PRIx64 " sp %#" PRIx64 " a0 %#" PRIx64 " a1 %#" PRIx64 "\n", iframe->regs.pc,
ct->stack().top(), iframe->regs.a0, iframe->regs.a1);
#if __has_feature(shadow_call_stack)
riscv64_uspace_entry(iframe, ct->stack().top(), ct->stack().shadow_call_base());
riscv64_uspace_entry(iframe, ct->stack().top());
void arch_context_switch(Thread* oldthread, Thread* newthread)
TA_REQ(oldthread->get_lock(), newthread->get_lock()) {
LTRACEF("old %p (%s), new %p (%s)\n", oldthread, oldthread->name(), newthread, newthread->name());
// Wipe out any LR/SC reservations this cpu may have.
__asm__ volatile("sc.w zero, zero, %0" ::"A"(memory_reservation_scratch) : "memory");
// FPU and vector context switch
// Based on a combination of the current hardware state and whether or not the
// threads have the dirty flags set, conditionally save and/or restore
// hardware state.
if constexpr (LOCAL_TRACE) {
uint64_t status = riscv64_csr_read(RISCV64_CSR_SSTATUS);
uint64_t fpu_status = status & RISCV64_CSR_SSTATUS_FS_MASK;
uint64_t vector_status = status & RISCV64_CSR_SSTATUS_VS_MASK;
LTRACEF("fpu: sstatus.fp %#lx, sstatus.vs %#lx, sd %u, old.dirty %u, new.dirty %u\n",
vector_status >> RISCV64_CSR_SSTATUS_VS_SHIFT, !!(status & RISCV64_CSR_SSTATUS_SD),
oldthread->arch().fpu_dirty, newthread->arch().fpu_dirty);
Riscv64FpuStatus current_fpu_status = riscv64_fpu_status();
Riscv64VectorStatus current_vector_status = riscv64_vector_status();
if (likely(!oldthread->IsUserStateSavedLocked())) {
// Save the fpu and vector state for the old (current) thread, depending on
// whether the fpu or vector hardware is currently in the initial state.
DEBUG_ASSERT(oldthread == Thread::Current().Get());
riscv64_thread_fpu_save(oldthread, current_fpu_status);
if (gRiscvFeatures[arch::RiscvFeature::kVector]) {
riscv64_thread_vector_save(oldthread, current_vector_status);
// Always restore the new thread's fpu and vector state even if it is
// probably going to be restored by a higher layer later with a call to
// arch_restore_user_state. Though it may be extra work in this case, it
// avoids potential issues with state getting out of sync if the kernel
// panicked or the higher layer forgot to restore.
riscv64_thread_fpu_restore(newthread, current_fpu_status);
if (gRiscvFeatures[arch::RiscvFeature::kVector]) {
riscv64_thread_vector_restore(newthread, current_vector_status);
// Set the percpu in_restricted_mode field.
const bool in_restricted =
newthread->restricted_state() != nullptr && newthread->restricted_state()->in_restricted();
// Regular integer context switch.
riscv64_context_switch(&oldthread->arch().sp, newthread->arch().sp);
void arch_dump_thread(const Thread* t) {
if (t->state() != THREAD_RUNNING) {
dprintf(INFO, "\tarch: ");
dprintf(INFO, "sp 0x%lx\n", t->arch().sp);
vaddr_t arch_thread_get_blocked_fp(Thread* t) {
return 0;
const struct riscv64_context_switch_frame* frame;
frame = reinterpret_cast<const riscv64_context_switch_frame*>(t->arch().sp);
return frame->s0;
void arch_save_user_state(Thread* thread) {
riscv64_thread_fpu_save(thread, riscv64_fpu_status());
if (gRiscvFeatures[arch::RiscvFeature::kVector]) {
riscv64_thread_vector_save(thread, riscv64_vector_status());
// Not saving debug state because there isn't any.
void arch_restore_user_state(Thread* thread) {
riscv64_thread_fpu_restore(thread, riscv64_fpu_status());
if (gRiscvFeatures[arch::RiscvFeature::kVector]) {
riscv64_thread_vector_restore(thread, riscv64_vector_status());
void arch_set_suspended_general_regs(struct Thread* thread, GeneralRegsSource source,
void* iframe) {
DEBUG_ASSERT(thread->arch().suspended_general_regs == nullptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT(iframe != nullptr);
DEBUG_ASSERT_MSG(source == GeneralRegsSource::Iframe, "invalid source %u\n",
thread->arch().suspended_general_regs = static_cast<iframe_t*>(iframe);
void arch_reset_suspended_general_regs(struct Thread* thread) {
thread->arch().suspended_general_regs = nullptr;