blob: a390dc22c51171f0704aabe39b0ff87205d6303c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors
// Copyright (c) 2014 Travis Geiselbrecht
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include <arch/arch_thread.h>
#include <arch/arm64.h>
#include <arch/arm64/mp.h>
#include <arch/regs.h>
#include <lib/arch/arm64/exception-asm.h>
#include <lib/arch/asm.h>
#include <lib/syscalls/zx-syscall-numbers.h>
#include <lib/userabi/vdso-arm64.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include "smccc.h"
// Spill two registers into the iframe. If the optional argument is !
// then it's setting up the frame by adjusting the SP by \offset.
.macro iframe.stp reg1, reg2, offset, wb=
stp \reg1, \reg2, [sp, \offset]\wb
.cfi.iframe.stp \reg1, \reg2, \offset, \wb
.macro .cfi.iframe.stp reg1, reg2, offset, wb=
.if (\offset) % 16
.error "iframe.stp \offset is not optimally aligned"
.ifc !,\wb
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset -(\offset)
// .cfi_rel_offset expresses an offset relative to SP, which is at the base
// of the iframe. The assembler will adjust this for offsets relative to the
// CFA, which is at the end of the iframe.
.cfi_rel_offset \reg1, \offset + 0
.cfi_rel_offset \reg2, \offset + 8
// Reload two registers from the iframe.
.macro iframe.ldp reg1, reg2, offset
.if (\offset) % 16
.error "iframe.ldp \offset is not optimally aligned"
ldp \reg1, \reg2, [sp, \offset]
.ifnc \reg1,xzr
.cfi_same_value \reg1
.cfi_same_value \reg2
// Invoke one of those for each x<n> pair, optionally skipping x0, x1 and
// optionally replacing x20 with another register (i.e. xzr), and optionally
// stopping at the (odd number) x<last> rather than all the way up to x29.
.macro iframe.foreach.x op, x0=x0, x20=x20, last=29
.ifc "x0","\x0"
\op x0, x1, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R
.ifnc "skip","\x0"
.error "iframe.foreach.x optional x0= argument must be skip not x0=\x0"
.if (\last < 3) || (\last > 29) || (\last % 2 == 0)
.error "iframe.foreach.x optional last=\last argument must be odd [3,29]"
iframe.x.step 3, \last, \op, x2, x3, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (2 * 8)
iframe.x.step 5, \last, \op, x4, x5, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (4 * 8)
iframe.x.step 7, \last, \op, x6, x7, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (6 * 8)
iframe.x.step 9, \last, \op, x8, x9, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (8 * 8)
iframe.x.step 11, \last, \op, x10, x11, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (10 * 8)
iframe.x.step 13, \last, \op, x12, x13, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (12 * 8)
iframe.x.step 15, \last, \op, x14, x15, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (14 * 8)
iframe.x.step 17, \last, \op, x16, x17, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (16 * 8)
iframe.x.step 19, \last, \op, x18, x19, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (18 * 8)
iframe.x.step 21, \last, \op, \x20, x21, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (20 * 8)
iframe.x.step 23, \last, \op, x22, x23, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (22 * 8)
iframe.x.step 25, \last, \op, x24, x25, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (24 * 8)
iframe.x.step 27, \last, \op, x26, x27, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (26 * 8)
iframe.x.step 29, \last, \op, x28, x29, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R + (28 * 8)
// Helper for iframe.foreach.x, see above.
.macro iframe.x.step n, last, op, reg1, reg2, offset
.if (\n <= \last)
\op \reg1, \reg2, \offset
// Push the iframe on the stack and save the x0 and x1 registers.
// This expects the .vbar_function.cfi state of CFI when it starts.
// It updates CFI to reflect the SP change and saved register locations.
.macro iframe.exc.start
// The first push decrements the SP as a side effect. In the case of a stack
// overflow will result in an immediate fault, instead of 'walking the stack'
// downwards in an exception loop if the sp were decremented first.
iframe.stp x0, x1, -ARM64_IFRAME_SIZE, !
// Save x2..x29, the interrupted PC, and SPSR in the iframe. The saved PC is
// also left in x10 for easy use later. Even after this, the sync from EL0
// case relies on x0..x7 having the incoming syscall argument values preserved.
.macro start_label:req
iframe.foreach.x iframe.stp, x0=skip
.if (. - \start_label) != 15 * 4
.error "iframe.exc.start + iframe.foreach.x should be exactly 15 isns!"
// This nop fills out the sequence to exactly 16 instructions, which fits
// precisely into one 64-byte cache line. This allows the alternate vector
// code to jump in just after here, into the second cache line of the vector.
// The intent is to optimize for keeping the number of hot cache lines down
// when both the main vector table and the alternate table are both in use on
// different CPUs. This assumes cache lines are actually 64 bytes, not 128
// bytes; hence each vector spans two cache lines.
// It's unavoidable that each vector that's in use must occupy one cache line
// that will tend to be hot. For the EL1 vectors, all the code fits into two
// cache lines, so straight-line code in the main table is optimal (except
// for the delay of this one nop). In the alternate table(s), each EL1
// vector can just occupy the unavoidable first cache line and then branch to
// the second cache line that's shared with the main table (that is, the
// instruction immediately after this nop), making for a total of 2+n hot
// cache lines per vector (in aggregate for all CPUs) for n alternate tables
// rather than 2+2n hot cache lines per vector if each alternate EL1 vector
// had its own copy of the full straight-line code.
// This presupposes that a direct branch instruction at the end of one cache
// line targetting the beginning of a different cache line will have less net
// overhead than the {n (number of alternate tables) * number of EL1 (or
// treated-as-EL1) vectors (14?)}-line increase in i-cache pressure. This
// has not been measured. It does seem especially plausible given that
// current expectations are for alternate vector tables to be used mostly on
// CPUs that do more deeply-pipelined and out-of-order execution where fixed
// branches may be particularly cheap in practice.
// An additional motivation for sharing the tail of each EL1 vector is that
// the only code that differs between different individual vectors is in that
// tail portion. This means that all the alternate table EL1 vectors can be
// generated by a single generic macro that branches to the corresponding
// main vector's tail (second cache line). That makes it a little easier to
// maintain things in this file without either more error-prone duplication
// or yet more layers of macroifying each and every thing.
// The performance tradeoff between this nop and the associated branching vs
// i-cache pressure should be measured and if significant should be the
// ultimate deciding factor. There's nothing prohibitive about changing the
// code to duplicate the straight-line code in every vector of every
// alternate table if that refactoring turns out to produce the best code.
mrs x10, elr_el1
.cfi_register DW_REGNO_PC, x10
// There is no DWARF number for SPSR.
mrs x11, spsr_el1
// Save ELR_ELx, i.e. the interrupted PC, and SPSR.
// There is no DWARF number for SPSR.
stp x10, x11, [sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_ELR]
.macro .cfi.iframe.exc.start.el0
// The previous SP is in SP_EL0 but there is no DWARF number for that.
.cfi_undefined sp
.macro .cfi.iframe.exc.start.el1
// The previous SP is what it was on entry, which is now the CFA.
#ifndef __clang__ // TODO( missing .cfi_* support
.cfi_val_offset sp, 0
// Set up the iframe when coming from EL1, and restore kernel invariants.
.macro restore_scsp:req
// Despite the name, the USP slot is really expected by higher-level code to
// uniformly mean "the interrupted SP value" regardless of EL0 vs EL1. In
// the EL1 case, the interrupted SP is always just where the iframe ends on
// the stack. So recover that value and store it in the USP slot. (The stp
// instruction can't take SP as one of the value registers, so a temporary
// would be needed even if we didn't need to add back the adjustment we made
// to SP in iframe.exc.start above.) Note that this doesn't change the CFI
// for SP to locate it in the iframe's USP slot because restoring the iframe
// won't actually look at the USP slot, it will just pop the iframe.
add x8, sp, ARM64_IFRAME_SIZE
stp lr, x8, [sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_LR]
.cfi_rel_offset lr, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_LR
#error "check iframe_t layout"
restore_fixed_regs x9, \restore_scsp
// Set up the iframe when coming from EL0, and restore kernel invariants.
// This leaves the interrupted PC in x10 where the syscall path checks it.\@
// Fetch the interrupted SP from SP_EL0 and save it in the USP slot.
mrs x9, sp_el0
.cfi_register sp, x9
stp lr, x9, [sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_LR]
.cfi_rel_offset lr, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_LR
.cfi_rel_offset sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_USP
// Put TPIDR_EL1 into x11 while restoring percpu_ptr and shadow_call_sp.
restore_fixed_regs x11, 1
// Save the user's mdscr value in the arch_thread struct. Because this
// value is saved in the struct instead of on the stack, we must ensure
// that we don't overwrite a previously saved value when we re-enter
// the kernel. Only save/restore on user/kernel transitions.
mrs x12, mdscr_el1
str x12, [x11, CURRENT_MDSCR_OFFSET]
// Like `.function name`: here to `.end_function name` is the body of a
// function that's jumped to after sets up the iframe on
// the stack. Recreate the right CFI conditions.
.macro .iframe.function.common name
.function \name, local, cfi=custom, nosection=nosection
.cfi_def_cfa sp, ARM64_IFRAME_SIZE
iframe.foreach.x .cfi.iframe.stp
// Recreate the CFI state at the end of
.macro .iframe.function.el1 name
.iframe.function.common \name
// Recreate the CFI state at the end of
.macro .iframe.function.el0 name
.iframe.function.common \name
.cfi_rel_offset sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_USP
// This is the common tail of iframe.exc.restore.{el0,el1}. The PC, SP, and LR
// (x30) are in place already. This restores x2..x29 (omitting x20 if
// x20=xzr), pops the iframe and does ERET to resume at ELR_EL1 and SPSR_EL1
// (and SP_EL0 if resuming in EL0).
.macro iframe.exc.restore.common x20:req
// Use x10 and x11 as temporaries for the interrupted PC and SPSR.
ldp x10, x11, [sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_ELR]
.cfi_register DW_REGNO_PC, x10
// There is no DWARF number for SPSR.
// The interrupted PC will be restored from ELR_EL1 by eret.
msr elr_el1, x10
.cfi_register DW_REGNO_PC, DW_REGNO_ELR_ELx
// The interrupted SPSR will be restored from SPSR_EL1 by eret.
// There is no DWARF number for SPSR.
msr spsr_el1, x11
// Reload all the normal registers.
iframe.foreach.x iframe.ldp, x20=\x20
// Finally, pop the iframe and ERET.
// Prevent speculation through ERET.
#if __has_feature(shadow_call_stack)
#define RESTORE_SCSP 1
#define RESTORE_SCSP 0
// All normal C code in the kernel expects the invariants that the fixed
// registers assigned to the percpu_ptr and the shadow-call-stack pointer have
// the correct values for the current CPU and kernel thread. When an exception
// happens in the kernel, only percpu_ptr needs to be reloaded. (In fact, it
// would be disastrous to reload the shadow-call-stack pointer because the
// correct value to reflect the interrupted thread's kernel call stack exists
// only in the register!) But when an exception happens in a lower EL
// (i.e. user mode), these registers must be reloaded from the struct
// arch_thread accessible via TPIDR_EL1 before reaching any C functions.
.macro restore_fixed_regs tp_tmp:req, restore_scsp:req
mrs \tp_tmp, tpidr_el1
.if (\restore_scsp & RESTORE_SCSP)
# error "shadow_call_sp must follow current_percpu_ptr in struct arch_thread"
ldp percpu_ptr, shadow_call_sp, [\tp_tmp, #CURRENT_PERCPU_PTR_OFFSET]
ldr percpu_ptr, [\tp_tmp, #CURRENT_PERCPU_PTR_OFFSET]
// Unhandled exception or irq. Save the full state and pass the which value
// through to the inner routine.
.macro iframe.invalid_exception, name, which
// Save state in the iframe and restore kernel invariants.
// This resets the shadow_call_sp just in case it was clobbered somehow,
// or the invalid exception is coming from EL0. 1
// Call into the C++ code with the iframe and vector number as arguments.
mov x0, sp
mov x1, #\which
bl arm64_invalid_exception
// Spin rather than cascade exceptions if that ever returns.
// Definitely don't restore state from the iframe after this!
// The C++ code should have done a panic and not returned at all.
b .
// Asynchronous exceptions (IRQ, SError). Call into C++ with the iframe
// and a flag indicating user (EL0) vs kernel (EL1), and then restore from
// the iframe when C++ returns.
.macro iframe.async_exception.el1 name, call
.vbar_function \name
// Save state in the iframe and restore kernel invariants.
// Don't touch shadow_call_sp, keep using the interrupted kernel value. 0
// Call into the C++ code with the iframe and flags as arguments.
mov x0, sp
mov x1, xzr
bl \call
// Use the common return path to restore state and eret.
b arm64_exc_shared_restore
// Asynchronous exceptions from EL0.
.macro iframe.async_exception.el0 name, call
.vbar_function \name
// Save state in the iframe and restore kernel invariants.
// Call into the C++ code with the iframe and flags as arguments.
mov x0, sp
bl \call
// Use the common return path to restore state and eret.
b arm64_exc_shared_restore_lower_el
// TODO: find the appropriate place to reenable FIQs here when they're needed.
// Synchronous exceptions, i.e. everything expected that's not external.
.macro iframe.sync_exception.el1 name
.vbar_function \name
// Save state in the iframe and restore kernel invariants.
// Don't touch shadow_call_sp, keep using the interrupted kernel value. 0
// Call into the C++ code with iframe, flags, and ESR as arguments.
mov x0, sp
mov x1, xzr
mrs x2, esr_el1
bl arm64_sync_exception
// Use the common return path to restore state and eret.
b arm64_exc_shared_restore
.macro iframe.sync_exception.el0 name
.vbar_function \name
// Save state in the iframe and restore kernel invariants.
// Collect the Exception Syndrome Register that explains what this is.
// If this is a syscall, x0-x7 contain args and x16 contains syscall num.
// x10 contains ELR_EL1.
// TODO(mcgrathr): make syscall wrappers get args from iframe instead
mrs x9, esr_el1
lsr x11, x9, #26 // Shift ESR right 26 bits to get EC.
cmp x11, #0x15 // Check for 64-bit syscall...
beq arm64_syscall_dispatcher // ...and jump to syscall handler.
// We've just run out of space to fit in the 0x80 bytes of the sync
// exception vector. Branch to another block of code later in the file
// that will finish getting ready and call arm64_sync_exception.
b arm64_sync_exception_el0_nonsyscall
// Define the vector table. See <lib/arch/arm64/exception-asm.h> for a
// more complete explanation. Inside `.vbar_table` ... `.end_vbar_table`,
// each use of `.vbar_function` uses the exact name that's the name given
// to `.vbar_table` plus the exact suffix that describes the particular
// vector entry point in the terms they appear in the ARM manual under
// "Exception Vectors". The `.vbar_function` entries must appear in the
// correct order, and an assembly-time error will be diagnosed if any is
// out of order (or too long). Here it's the `iframe.*_exception` macros
// defined just above that use `.vbar_function`, but the full name of the
// `.vbar_function` entry point they'll define is spelled out in the macro
// invocations below and those symbol names will be visible in disassembly.
// iframe.invalid_exception provides the body for entry points with no
// individual `.vbar_function` below. These are automatically filled in as
// needed when a vector that must be ordered later than an omitted one is
// defined, and at the end of the table.
.vbar_table arm64_el1_exception, global, iframe.invalid_exception
iframe.sync_exception.el1 arm64_el1_exception_sync_current_sp_elx
iframe.async_exception.el1 arm64_el1_exception_irq_current_sp_elx, arm64_irq
iframe.async_exception.el1 arm64_el1_exception_serror_current_sp_elx, \
iframe.sync_exception.el0 arm64_el1_exception_sync_lower_a64
iframe.async_exception.el0 arm64_el1_exception_irq_lower_a64, arm64_irq
iframe.async_exception.el0 arm64_el1_exception_serror_lower_a64, \
// In the alternate tables, each default vector mirrors the first 15
// instructions of the corresponding main vector and then has a branch into
// that code. Each main vector has a nop as its 16th instruction, ending
// the first 64-byte cache line. The alternate vector jumps to just after
// that nop, to share the second cache line of the vector's code.
.macro iframe.alternate.stub name, offset
.label .L.iframe.alternate.stub.\@
iframe.foreach.x iframe.stp, x0=skip
.if (. - .L.iframe.alternate.stub.\@) != 15 * 4
.error "iframe.exc.start + iframe.foreach.x should be exactly 15 isns!"
// Now jump into the second half of the corresponding vector.
b arm64_el1_exception + (\offset) + \
(.L.iframe.alternate.stub.\@.end - .L.iframe.alternate.stub.\@)
.label .L.iframe.alternate.stub.\@.end
// The smccc11_workaround table has non-default vectors for EL0 entry vectors.
.macro iframe.smccc11_workaround.el0 name:req, reload_args:req
.vbar_function arm64_el1_exception_smccc11_workaround_\name
.label .L.arm64_el1_exception_smccc11_workaround_\name\().start
iframe.foreach.x iframe.stp, x0=skip, last=3
.label .L.arm64_el1_exception_smccc11_workaround_\name\().workaround
.if \reload_args
// Reload the registers that SMCCC may have clobbered, x0..x3.
// These registers are needed by the syscall path.
// TODO(mcgrathr): make syscall wrappers get args from iframe instead
iframe.foreach.x iframe.ldp, last=3
// Now pick up in the corresponding main vector code just after the
// prefix that was repeated above.
b arm64_el1_exception_\name + \
(.L.arm64_el1_exception_smccc11_workaround_\name\().workaround - \
.vbar_table arm64_el1_exception_smccc11_workaround, global, \
iframe.smccc11_workaround.el0 sync_lower_a64, 1
iframe.smccc11_workaround.el0 irq_lower_a64, 0
iframe.smccc11_workaround.el0 serror_lower_a64, 0
// The smccc10_workaround table has non-default vectors for EL0 entry vectors.
// It differs from the smccc11_workaround table in needing to save registers up
// through x17 before the SMCCC (1.0) call, and reload all argument registers
// (up through x7 rather than only up through x3) afterwards.
.macro iframe.smccc10_workaround.el0 name:req, reload_args:req
.vbar_function arm64_el1_exception_smccc10_workaround_\name
.label .L.arm64_el1_exception_smccc10_workaround_\name\().start
iframe.foreach.x iframe.stp, x0=skip, last=17
.label .L.arm64_el1_exception_smccc10_workaround_\name\().workaround
.if \reload_args
// Reload the argument registers that SMCCC may have clobbered, x0..x7.
// These registers are needed by the syscall path.
// TODO(mcgrathr): make syscall wrappers get args from iframe instead
iframe.foreach.x iframe.ldp, last=7
// Now pick up in the corresponding main vector code just after the
// prefix that was repeated above.
b arm64_el1_exception_\name + \
(.L.arm64_el1_exception_smccc10_workaround_\name\().workaround - \
.vbar_table arm64_el1_exception_smccc10_workaround, global, \
iframe.smccc10_workaround.el0 sync_lower_a64, 1
iframe.smccc10_workaround.el0 irq_lower_a64, 0
iframe.smccc10_workaround.el0 serror_lower_a64, 0
// Start the rest of the code on its own cache line.
.balign 64
// This is the tail of iframe.sync_exception.el0 that doesn't fit into
// the vector. x9 contains ESR_EL1.
.iframe.function.el0 arm64_sync_exception_el0_nonsyscall
// Call into C++ with the iframe, flags, and ESR as arguments.
mov x0, sp
mov x2, x9
bl arm64_sync_exception
// This is the common path for returns to EL0. The syscall path jumps here.
// The kernel C++ code is done and ready to return to user mode. The iframe
// is still on the stack as set up in, modified in place
// by C++. Other registers have been clobbered following the normal C
// calling conventions.
// Reverse above, restoring state from the iframe.
.label arm64_exc_shared_restore_lower_el, type=function
// Fetch the arch_thread pointer, where shadow_call_sp and MDSCR are saved.
mrs x9, tpidr_el1
// Load LR (x30) and a temporary (x10) for the user SP. These don't use
// iframe.ldp because the CFI for SP shouldn't be .cfi_same_value.
ldp lr, x10, [sp, #ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_LR]
.cfi_same_value lr
// Fetch the MDSCR_EL1 value saved in arch_thread.
// The shadow-call-stack pointer (x18) is saved/restored in struct
// arch_thread on context switch. On entry from EL0, it gets reloaded from
// there via the restore_fixed_regs macro above. So when returning to EL0,
// we must make sure to write back the current value (which should always be
// the base, since returning to EL0 should be the base of the call stack) so
// that the next kernel entry reloads that instead of whatever was current
// last time this thread switched out.
#if __has_feature(shadow_call_stack)
str shadow_call_sp, [x9, #CURRENT_SCSP_OFFSET]
// Put the iframe's USP value into SP_EL0, where it will become the SP after
// ERET resumes in EL0. Don't update CFI for SP because there's no DWARF
// number for SP_EL0 so the debugger couldn't find it there. In this
// one-instruction window it can be found in x9, but that's about to be
// clobbered below so it's more useful to report that it's still in the
// iframe, even though that cannot be modified any more to affect the SP to
// be restored. It will invalidate the entire branch predictor via a secure
// monitor call implemented in firmware. Mitigation for CVE-2017-5715 and
// CVE-2022-23960 for Cortex-A73 and Cortex-A75.
msr sp_el0, x10
// Restore user MDSCR.
msr mdscr_el1, x11
// Restore the remaining registers and resume in EL0.
iframe.exc.restore.common x20=x20
// The kernel C++ code is done and ready to return to interrupted kernel code.
// The iframe is still on the stack as set up in, modified in
// place by C++. Other registers have been clobbered following the normal C
// conventions.
.iframe.function.el1 arm64_exc_shared_restore
// First, reload LR (x30). The USP slot is not used. The interrupted SP
// is just where SP will be adjusted to when the iframe is popped off.
ldr lr, [sp, #ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_LR]
.cfi_same_value lr
// Restoring from EL1 -> EL1, leave x20 alone since it's holding the
// current per cpu pointer. It may have changed since we originally
// took the exception if we had been rescheduled to another cpu.
iframe.exc.restore.common x20=xzr
// Emit a small trampoline to branch to the wrapper routine for the syscall.
// Syscall args are in x0-x7 already. User PC is in x10 and needs to go in the
// next available argument register, or the stack if out of argument registers.
// The trampolines are a tightly-packed sequence for each syscall in order of
// its number. Each is exactly 16 bytes long (up to 4 instructions).
.macro syscall_dispatcher nargs, syscall
.balign 16
.if \nargs == 8
stp x10, xzr, [sp, #-16]! // Store an extra word to keep SP aligned.
.cfi_adjust_cfa_offset 16
bl wrapper_\syscall
.add.sp 16
mov x\nargs, x10
bl wrapper_\syscall
b .Lpost_syscall
.if (. - .Lsyscall_dispatcher.\syscall\()) > 16
.error "syscall_dispatcher \nargs, \syscall code too long!"
// Clear unused GPRs to constrain speculative execution with user-controlled
// values. While this is not a mitigation for any single vulnerability, this
// does make constructing attacks more difficult - speculatively executed
// gadgets will execute with most register state clear.
// TODO( Add to synchronous exception path as well.
.macro speculation_clear_gprs
// x0 - x7 hold syscall arguments from user.
// x9 holds ESR_EL1, which should be constant describing the SVC exception.
// x10 holds ELR_EL1 (user PC).
// x16 holds syscall number from user.
// x18 holds kernel shadow_call_sp.
// x20 holds kernel percpu_ptr
.irp reg,x8,x11,x12,x13,x14,x15,x17,x19,x21,x22,x23,x24,x25,x26,x27,x28,x29,x30
mov \reg, xzr
// Expected state prior to arm64_syscall_dispatcher branch:
// percpu and shadow call stack registers have been restored
// x0-x7 - contains syscall arguments
// x9 - contains esr_el1 (not used)
// x10 - contains elr_el1
// x16 - contains syscall_num
// sp - points to base of iframe
// Expected state prior to branching to syscall_dispatcher macro:
// x0-x7 - contains syscall arguments
// x10 - contains userspace pc
.iframe.function.el0 arm64_syscall_dispatcher
// Check if we're issuing a syscall from restricted mode.
ldr w12, [percpu_ptr, #PERCPU_IN_RESTRICTED_MODE]
cbnz w12, .Lrestricted_syscall
// Verify syscall number and call the unknown handler if bad.
cmp x16, #ZX_SYS_COUNT
bhs .Lunknown_syscall
// Spectre V1: If syscall number >= ZX_SYS_COUNT, replace it with zero. The
// branch/test above means this can only occur in wrong-path speculative
// executions.
csel x16, xzr, x16, hs
// Jump to the right syscall wrapper. The syscall table is an
// array of 16 byte aligned routines for each syscall. Each routine
// marshalls some arguments, bls to the routine, and then branches
// back to .Lpost_syscall (see syscall_dispatcher macro above).
adr x12, .Lsyscall_table
add x12, x12, x16, lsl #4
br x12
// Prevent speculation through BR.
// Move the pointer to the iframe into the first argument.
mov x0, sp
bl syscall_from_restricted
// This does not return.
mov x0, x16 // Syscall number in the first argument register.
mov x1, x10 // User PC in the second argument register.
bl unknown_syscall
// Fall through.
// Upon return from syscall, x0 = status, x1 = thread signalled
// Move the status to frame->r[0] for return to userspace.
str x0, [sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_R]
// Spectre: ARM64 CPUs may speculatively execute instructions after an SVC
// instruction. The userspace entry code has a speculation barrier;
// advance ELR_EL1 past it on the return since it has already done its job.
.error "Syscall speculation barrier must be 12 bytes"
ldr x10, [sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_ELR]
str x10, [sp, ARM64_IFRAME_OFFSET_ELR]
// Check for pending signals. If none, just return.
cbz x1, arm64_exc_shared_restore_lower_el
// Call into C++ with the iframe as argument.
mov x0, sp
bl arch_iframe_process_pending_signals
// Now that it's done, actually return to user mode.
b arm64_exc_shared_restore_lower_el
// The end of the function is the jump table for calling the wrapper
// functions. Each entry is 16 bytes long and naturally aligned so
// that the arithmetic above uses the right offset from .Lsyscall_table
// for the syscall number.
.balign 16
// One of these macros is invoked by for each syscall.
// These don't have kernel entry points.
#define VDSO_SYSCALL(...)
// These are the direct kernel entry points.
#define KERNEL_SYSCALL(name, type, attrs, nargs, arglist, prototype) \
syscall_dispatcher nargs, name
#include <lib/syscalls/>