blob: 13547692fadb6e07768bd3fce459ffc9c88cb26b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a MIT-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file or at
#include "arch/arm64/dap.h"
#include <bits.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <lib/arch/intrin.h>
#include <lib/boot-options/boot-options.h>
#include <lib/console.h>
#include <platform.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <trace.h>
#include <zircon/time.h>
#include <arch/arm64/mp.h>
#include <dev/coresight/rom_table.h>
#include <fbl/alloc_checker.h>
#include <fbl/array.h>
#include <hwreg/mmio.h>
#include <kernel/auto_preempt_disabler.h>
#include <kernel/cpu.h>
#include <ktl/iterator.h>
#include <lk/init.h>
#include <vm/pmm.h>
#include <vm/vm_aspace.h>
#include <ktl/enforce.h>
#define LOCAL_TRACE 0
namespace {
using coresight::ComponentIdRegister;
using coresight::DeviceAffinityRegister;
using coresight::DeviceArchRegister;
// This struct describes the aperture in which a ROM table resides.
// An aperture is logically part of a CPU cluster. Prior to booting the cluster the table may appear
// invalid (reads return zero) so it's important to not read an aperture until its cluster has
// booted. The aperture's |mask| field is the set of CPUs that belong to the cluster of the given
// aperture. When walking the ROM tables in an aperture be sure to only do so on CPUs in the |mask|.
struct dap_aperture {
paddr_t base;
size_t size;
cpu_mask_t mask;
void *virt;
struct debug_port {
bool initialized;
cpu_num_t cpu_num;
volatile uint32_t *dap; // pointer to the DAP register window
volatile uint32_t *cti; // pointer to the CTI register window
fbl::Array<dap_aperture> dap_apertures;
fbl::Array<debug_port> daps;
// Called on the boot CPU.
void arm_dap_init(uint level) {
enum {
} soc = None;
// Parse the valid options out of the kernel command line
// kernel.arm64.debug.dap-rom-soc
if (strcmp(gBootOptions->, "amlogic-t931g") == 0) {
soc = t931g;
} else if (strcmp(gBootOptions->, "amlogic-s905d2") == 0) {
soc = s905d2;
} else if (strcmp(gBootOptions->, "amlogic-s905d3g") == 0) {
soc = s905d3g;
} else if (strcmp(gBootOptions->, "amlogic-a311d") == 0) {
soc = a311d;
} else if (strcmp(gBootOptions->, "") != 0) {
dprintf(INFO, "ARM DAP: unrecognized non-empty option passed '%s'\n",
if (soc == None) {
// Set the ROM table locations to search in for DAP apertures for each cpu
DEBUG_ASSERT(soc != None);
// Pre-canned values for the debug rom table base, taken from
// the manuals for these particular SOCs.
// TODO: read this from ZBI as well
// clang-format off
static dap_aperture t931g_aperture[] = {
{ .base = 0xf580'0000, // A53_BASE
.size = 0x80'0000,
.mask = cpu_num_to_mask(0) | cpu_num_to_mask(1),
{ .base = 0xf500'0000, // A73_BASE
.size = 0x80'0000,
.mask = cpu_num_to_mask(2) | cpu_num_to_mask(3) | cpu_num_to_mask(4) | cpu_num_to_mask(5),
static dap_aperture s905_aperture[] = {
{ .base = 0xf580'0000, // A53_BASE
.size = 0x80'0000,
.mask = CPU_MASK_ALL,
// clang-format on
switch (soc) {
case t931g:
case a311d:
// two dap register windows for t931g and a311d
dap_apertures = {t931g_aperture, ktl::size(t931g_aperture)};
case s905d2:
case s905d3g:
// s905d2 and s905d3g have the same aperture
dap_apertures = {s905_aperture, ktl::size(s905_aperture)};
case None:;
// allocate a list of parsed dap structures, to be filled in by each cpu as they run their init
// hook
fbl::AllocChecker ac;
debug_port *dp = new (&ac) debug_port[arch_max_num_cpus()]{};
if (!ac.check()) {
daps = {dp, arch_max_num_cpus()};
dprintf(INFO, "DAP: enabling dap for %s\n", gBootOptions->;
// map the dap base into the kernel
for (auto &da : dap_apertures) {
LTRACEF("mapping aperture: base %#lx size %#zx mask %#x\n", da.base, da.size, da.mask);
zx_status_t err = VmAspace::kernel_aspace()->AllocPhysical(
"arm dap",
da.size, // size
&da.virt, // requested virtual vaddress
PAGE_SIZE_SHIFT, // alignment log2
da.base, // physical vaddress
0, // vmm flags
if (err != ZX_OK) {
printf("failed to map dap address\n");
LTRACEF("dap address %p\n", da.virt);
LK_INIT_HOOK(arm_dap, arm_dap_init, LK_INIT_LEVEL_ARCH)
// per cpu walk the dap rom tables, looking for debug components associated with this cpu
void arm_dap_init_percpu(uint level) {
const cpu_num_t curr_cpu_num = arch_curr_cpu_num();
LTRACEF("cpu-%u mdrar %#lx\n", curr_cpu_num, __arm_rsr64("mdrar_el1"));
LTRACEF("cpu-%u dbgauthstatus %#lx\n", curr_cpu_num, __arm_rsr64("dbgauthstatus_el1"));
if (!dap_apertures) {
LTRACEF("cpu-%u no apertures\n", curr_cpu_num);
const uint64_t curr_cpu_mpidr = __arm_rsr64("mpidr_el1");
debug_port &dp = daps[curr_cpu_num];
for (dap_aperture &da : dap_apertures) {
if (!da.virt) {
LTRACEF("cpu-%u not mapped, skipping aperture paddr %#lx\n", curr_cpu_num, da.base);
// Is the aperture associated with this CPU?
if ((cpu_num_to_mask(curr_cpu_num) & da.mask) == 0) {
// Nope, skip it.
LTRACEF("cpu-%u not in mask, skipping aperture paddr %#lx\n", curr_cpu_num, da.base);
LTRACEF("cpu-%u walking ROM table at paddr %#lx, vaddr %p\n", curr_cpu_num, da.base, da.virt);
// Walk the ROM table to find the debug interface for this CPU.
hwreg::RegisterMmio mmio(reinterpret_cast<void *>(da.virt));
const auto vaddr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(da.virt);
fit::result<coresight::RomTable::WalkError> result = coresight::RomTable::Walk(
mmio, static_cast<uint32_t>(da.size),
[&dp, vaddr, curr_cpu_mpidr, curr_cpu_num](uint32_t offset) {
const uintptr_t component = vaddr + offset;
hwreg::RegisterMmio mmio(reinterpret_cast<void *>(component));
const ComponentIdRegister::Class classid =
// We're only interested in ARM-architected CoreSight components.
const DeviceArchRegister arch_reg = DeviceArchRegister::Get().ReadFrom(&mmio);
const uint16_t architect = arch_reg.architect()
? static_cast<uint16_t>(arch_reg.architect())
: coresight::GetDesigner(mmio);
if (architect != coresight::arm::kArchitect) {
LTRACEF("cpu-%u ignoring component with architect %#x\n", curr_cpu_num, architect);
if (classid != ComponentIdRegister::Class::kCoreSight) {
const ktl::string_view classid_sv = coresight::ToString(classid);
LTRACEF("cpu-%u ignoring component with classid %.*s\n", curr_cpu_num,
// We're only interested in components for *this* CPU.
const uint64_t component_affinity =
if (component_affinity != curr_cpu_mpidr) {
LTRACEF("cpu-%u ignoring component with affinity %#lx\n", curr_cpu_num,
// We're only interested in Core Debug Interface and ARM Cross-Trigger Matrix components.
const auto archid = static_cast<uint16_t>(arch_reg.archid());
switch (archid) {
case coresight::arm::archid::kCti:
dp.cpu_num = curr_cpu_num;
dp.cti = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t *>(component);
case coresight::arm::archid::kCoreDebugInterface8_0A:
case coresight::arm::archid::kCoreDebugInterface8_1A:
case coresight::arm::archid::kCoreDebugInterface8_2A:
dp.cpu_num = curr_cpu_num;
dp.dap = reinterpret_cast<volatile uint32_t *>(component);
LTRACEF("ignoring component with archid %#x\n", archid);
if (dp.cti && dp.dap) {
dp.initialized = true;
if (result.is_error()) {
coresight::RomTable::WalkError error = ktl::move(result).error_value();
printf("DAP: error during ROM table walk (base %#lx) at address %#lx on cpu-%u: %.*s\n",
da.base, da.base + error.offset, curr_cpu_num, static_cast<int>(error.reason.size()),;
if (!dp.initialized) {
printf("DAP: failed to find components for cpu-%u\n", curr_cpu_num);
LK_INIT_HOOK_FLAGS(arm_dap_percpu, arm_dap_init_percpu, LK_INIT_LEVEL_ARCH + 1,
// helper class to access registers within a memory block
template <typename T>
class RegBlock {
explicit RegBlock(volatile uint32_t *regs) : regs_(regs) {}
void Write(T reg_offset, uint32_t val) {
regs_[static_cast<size_t>(reg_offset) / 4u] = val;
uint32_t Read(T reg_offset) {
uint32_t val = regs_[static_cast<size_t>(reg_offset) / 4u];
return val;
zx_status_t WaitFor(T reg_offset, uint32_t mask, uint32_t val,
zx_duration_t timeout = ZX_MSEC(250)) {
zx_time_t t;
if (timeout != ZX_TIME_INFINITE) {
t = current_time();
uint32_t temp;
do {
temp = Read(reg_offset);
if (timeout != ZX_TIME_INFINITE && (zx_time_sub_time(current_time(), t) >= timeout)) {
TRACEF("timed out, val %#x\n", temp);
} while ((temp & mask) != val);
return ZX_OK;
volatile uint32_t *regs_;
// cti registers (move to top)
enum class cti_regs {
CTIOUTEN0 = 0xa0,
CTIGATE = 0x140,
CTILAR = 0xfb0,
CTILSR = 0xfb4,
enum class dap_regs {
DBGDTRRX = 0x80,
EDITR = 0x84,
EDSCR = 0x88,
DBGDTRTX = 0x8c,
EDRCR = 0x90,
EDPRSR = 0x314,
EDLAR = 0xfb0,
EDLSR = 0xfb4,
// some pre-canned arm instructions
constexpr uint32_t arm64_nop = 0xd503201f; // nop
constexpr uint32_t arm64_msr_dbgdtr = 0xd5130400; // msr dbgdtr_el0, x0 -- write x0 to dbgdtr
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mov_sp = 0x910003e0; // mov x0, sp
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_dlr = 0xd53b4520; // mrs x0, dlr_el0 -- write dlr to x0
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_dspsr = 0xd53b4500; // mrs x0, dspsr_el0 -- write dspsr to x0
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_esr_el1 = 0xd5385200; // mrs x0, esr_el1 -- write esr_el1 to x0
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_esr_el2 = 0xd53c5200; // mrs x0, esr_el2 -- write esr_el2 to x0
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_far_el1 = 0xd5386000; // mrs x0, far_el1 -- write far_el1 to x0
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_far_el2 = 0xd53c6000; // mrs x0, far_el2 -- write far_el2 to x0
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_elr_el1 = 0xd5384020; // mrs x0, elr_el1 -- write elr_el1 to x0
constexpr uint32_t arm64_mrs_elr_el2 = 0xd53c4020; // mrs x0, elr_el2 -- write elr_el2 to x0
zx_status_t run_instruction(RegBlock<dap_regs> &dap, uint32_t instruction, bool trace = false) {
zx_status_t err;
if (trace) {
printf("DAP: running instruction %#x\n", instruction);
dap.Write(dap_regs::EDRCR, (1 << 3)); // clear the EDSCR.PipeAdv bit
// wait for EDSCR.PipeAdv == 0 and EDSCR.ITE == 1
err = dap.WaitFor(dap_regs::EDSCR, (1 << 25) | (1 << 24), (1 << 24));
if (err != ZX_OK)
return err;
// write the instruction
dap.Write(dap_regs::EDITR, instruction);
// wait for EDSCR.PipeAdv == 1 and EDSCR.ITE == 1
// TODO: figure out why pipeadv doesn't always set
// err = dap.WaitFor(dap_regs::EDSCR, (1<<25) | (1<<24), (1<<25) | (1<<24));
// if (err != ZX_OK) return err;
if (trace) {
printf("DAP: done running instruction %#x\n", instruction);
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t read_dcc(RegBlock<dap_regs> &dap, uint64_t *val) {
auto err = dap.WaitFor(dap_regs::EDSCR, (1 << 29), (1 << 29)); // wait for TXFull
if (err != ZX_OK)
return err;
*val = ((uint64_t)dap.Read(dap_regs::DBGDTRRX) << 32) | dap.Read(dap_regs::DBGDTRTX);
return ZX_OK;
// Fetch a register from the target processor.
// We do this by executing on the remote processor a given instruction that
// is expected to write the target register into x0. This register is then
// written to DBGDTR on the remote processor, and then read locally.
zx_status_t fetch_remote_register(RegBlock<dap_regs> &dap, uint32_t reg_read_instruction,
uint64_t *result) {
// Fetch register to x0.
zx_status_t err = run_instruction(dap, reg_read_instruction);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
return err;
// Write to DBGDTR.
err = run_instruction(dap, arm64_msr_dbgdtr);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
return err;
// Read the result.
err = read_dcc(dap, result);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
return err;
return ZX_OK;
zx_status_t read_processor_state(RegBlock<dap_regs> &dap, arm64_dap_processor_state *state) {
zx_status_t err;
// Clear out state.
*state = arm64_dap_processor_state{};
// save a copy of the EDSCR which has EL level and other things
state->edscr = dap.Read(dap_regs::EDSCR);
uint8_t el_level = state->get_el_level();
// read x0 - x30
// mov xN -> dbgdtr, read out of our end of the DCC
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= 30; i++) {
err = run_instruction(dap, arm64_msr_dbgdtr | i);
if (err != ZX_OK)
return err;
err = read_dcc(dap, &state->r[i]);
if (err != ZX_OK)
return err;
// Read the PC (saved in the DLR_EL0 register), SP, and CPSR (saved in DSPSR_EL0).
struct Register {
uint32_t instruction;
uint64_t *dest;
for (const auto &reg : {
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_dlr, .dest = &state->pc},
Register{.instruction = arm64_mov_sp, .dest = &state->sp},
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_dspsr, .dest = &state->cpsr},
}) {
err = fetch_remote_register(dap, reg.instruction, reg.dest);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
return err;
// If running in EL1 or above, fetch EL1 exception state.
if (el_level >= 1) {
for (const auto &reg : {
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_esr_el1, .dest = &state->esr_el1},
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_far_el1, .dest = &state->far_el1},
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_elr_el1, .dest = &state->elr_el1},
}) {
err = fetch_remote_register(dap, reg.instruction, reg.dest);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
return err;
// If running in EL2 or above, fetch EL2 exception state.
if (el_level >= 2) {
for (const auto &reg : {
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_esr_el2, .dest = &state->esr_el2},
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_far_el2, .dest = &state->far_el2},
Register{.instruction = arm64_mrs_elr_el2, .dest = &state->elr_el2},
}) {
err = fetch_remote_register(dap, reg.instruction, reg.dest);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
return err;
// TODO: put x0 back so the cpu could be restarted
return ZX_OK;
void cpu_debug_command(cpu_num_t cpu) {
printf("attempting to debug cpu %u\n", cpu);
if (cpu == 0 || cpu >= arch_max_num_cpus()) {
printf("invalid cpu, cannot be 0 or out of bounds\n");
// body of the debug logic, to run on cpu 0
auto dap_debug_thread = [](void *arg) -> int {
AutoPreemptDisabler pd;
cpu_num_t cpu = (cpu_num_t)(uintptr_t)(arg);
printf("victim cpu %u\n", cpu);
arm64_dap_processor_state state = {};
auto err = arm64_dap_read_processor_state(cpu, &state);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
printf("failed to read processor state, err %d\n", err);
return err;
return ZX_OK;
// create a thread to run on cpu 0 to run this
auto thread =
Thread::Create("dap debug", dap_debug_thread, (void *)(uintptr_t)cpu, DEFAULT_PRIORITY);
void dump() {
printf("mdrar %#lx\n", __arm_rsr64("mdrar_el1"));
printf("dbgauthstatus %#lx\n", __arm_rsr64("dbgauthstatus_el1"));
if (!dap_apertures || !daps) {
printf("DAP not detected\n");
for (auto &da : dap_apertures) {
printf("DAP aperture at %p, length %#zx\n", da.virt, da.size);
for (auto &dap : daps) {
printf("cpu %u DAP %p CTI %p initialized %d\n", dap.cpu_num, dap.dap, dap.cti, dap.initialized);
int cmd_dap(int argc, const cmd_args *argv, uint32_t flags) {
if (argc < 2) {
printf("not enough arguments\n");
printf("%s dump\n", argv[0].str);
printf("%s cpu_debug <n>\n", argv[0].str);
if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "dump")) {
} else if (!strcmp(argv[1].str, "cpu_debug")) {
if (argc < 3) {
goto notenoughargs;
} else {
printf("unknown command\n");
goto usage;
return ZX_OK;
STATIC_COMMAND("dap", "arm debug port", &cmd_dap)
} // namespace
// External routines
// top level entry point, try to drop the victim cpu into debug state and dump the register state
zx_status_t arm64_dap_read_processor_state(cpu_num_t victim, arm64_dap_processor_state *state) {
// pin ourselves to the current cpu
AutoPreemptDisabler pd;
if (!arm64_dap_is_enabled()) {
// find the CTI for this cpu
auto ctir = daps[victim].cti;
auto dapr = daps[victim].dap;
RegBlock<cti_regs> cti(ctir);
RegBlock<dap_regs> dap(dapr);
LTRACEF("dbgauthstatus %#x\n", dap.Read(dap_regs::DBGAUTHSTATUS));
// try to unlock the dap
LTRACEF("edlsr %#x\n", dap.Read(dap_regs::EDLSR));
dap.Write(dap_regs::EDLAR, 0xC5ACCE55);
LTRACEF("edlsr %#x\n", dap.Read(dap_regs::EDLSR));
// unlock the cti
LTRACEF("ctilsr %#x\n", cti.Read(cti_regs::CTILSR));
cti.Write(cti_regs::CTILAR, 0xC5ACCE55);
LTRACEF("ctilsr %#x\n", cti.Read(cti_regs::CTILSR));
// enable the cti
LTRACEF("cticontrol %#x\n", cti.Read(cti_regs::CTICONTROL));
cti.Write(cti_regs::CTICONTROL, 1); // make sure CTI is enabled
// try to put the victim cpu in debug mode
LTRACEF("ctigate %#x\n", cti.Read(cti_regs::CTIGATE));
cti.Write(cti_regs::CTIGATE, 0); // mask off all internal channels
LTRACEF("ctigate %#x\n", cti.Read(cti_regs::CTIGATE));
cti.Write(cti_regs::CTIOUTEN0, 1); // generate input event to channel 0 debug request
cti.Write(cti_regs::CTIAPPPULSE, 1); // generate debug event
// read the status register of the processor
// TODO: add timeout
zx_status_t err = dap.WaitFor(dap_regs::EDPRSR, (1 << 4), (1 << 4));
if (err != ZX_OK) {
printf("DAP: failed to drop cpu %u into debug mode, error %d\n", victim, err);
return err;
// cpu is stopped
printf("DAP: cpu %u is in debug state\n", victim);
// ack the CTI
cti.Write(cti_regs::CTIINTACK, 1);
// shove a nop down the hole to see if it works
err = run_instruction(dap, arm64_nop);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
printf("DAP: failed to run first instruction on cpu, error %d\n", err);
return err;
// load the full state of the cpu
err = read_processor_state(dap, state);
if (err != ZX_OK) {
printf("DAP: failed to read processor state, error %d\n", err);
return err;
// TODO: restart the cpu
return ZX_OK;
bool arm64_dap_is_enabled() {
if (!dap_apertures || !daps) {
return false;
// see if we've detected and initialized DAP ports for all the cpus
for (const auto &dap : daps) {
if (!dap.initialized) {
return false;
return true;
void arm64_dap_processor_state::Dump(FILE *fp) {
fprintf(fp, "x0 %#18" PRIx64 " x1 %#18" PRIx64 " x2 %#18" PRIx64 " x3 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3]);
fprintf(fp, "x4 %#18" PRIx64 " x5 %#18" PRIx64 " x6 %#18" PRIx64 " x7 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[4], r[5], r[6], r[7]);
fprintf(fp, "x8 %#18" PRIx64 " x9 %#18" PRIx64 " x10 %#18" PRIx64 " x11 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[8], r[9], r[10], r[11]);
fprintf(fp, "x12 %#18" PRIx64 " x13 %#18" PRIx64 " x14 %#18" PRIx64 " x15 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[12], r[13], r[14], r[15]);
fprintf(fp, "x16 %#18" PRIx64 " x17 %#18" PRIx64 " x18 %#18" PRIx64 " x19 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[16], r[17], r[18], r[19]);
fprintf(fp, "x20 %#18" PRIx64 " x21 %#18" PRIx64 " x22 %#18" PRIx64 " x23 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[20], r[21], r[22], r[23]);
fprintf(fp, "x24 %#18" PRIx64 " x25 %#18" PRIx64 " x26 %#18" PRIx64 " x27 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[24], r[25], r[26], r[27]);
fprintf(fp, "x28 %#18" PRIx64 " x29 %#18" PRIx64 " lr %#18" PRIx64 " sp %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
r[28], r[29], r[30], sp);
fprintf(fp, "\n");
fprintf(fp, "pc %#18" PRIx64 "\n", pc);
fprintf(fp, "cpsr %#18" PRIx64 "\n", cpsr);
fprintf(fp, "edscr %#18" PRIx32 ": EL %u\n", edscr, get_el_level());
fprintf(fp, "\n");
if (get_el_level() >= 1) {
fprintf(fp, "elr_el1 %#18" PRIx64 " far_el1 %#18" PRIx64 " esr_el1 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
elr_el1, far_el1, esr_el1);
if (get_el_level() >= 2) {
fprintf(fp, "elr_el2 %#18" PRIx64 " far_el2 %#18" PRIx64 " esr_el2 %#18" PRIx64 "\n", //
elr_el2, far_el2, esr_el2);