blob: b6e729c3e732a0ec01092eb5df6fdfeb36c9da81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{bail, Context};
use argh::FromArgs;
use serde::Deserialize;
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::{env, iter};
use toml_edit::{decorated, Document, Item, Value};
/// update outdated crates in the provided manifest
#[derive(Debug, FromArgs)]
#[argh(subcommand, name = "update")]
pub struct UpdateOptions {
/// path to the cargo config file to suppress when running cargo-outdated
config_path: Option<PathBuf>,
/// path to cargo binary
cargo: PathBuf,
/// path to the directory containing the cargo-outdated binary
outdated_dir: PathBuf,
/// tells cargo-outdated not to use the network, only resolving against local files
offline: bool,
pub fn update_crates(
overrides: PathBuf,
manifest_path: PathBuf,
UpdateOptions { outdated_dir, cargo, config_path, offline }: UpdateOptions,
) -> anyhow::Result<()> {
let mut cargo_toml = toml_edit::Document::from_str(
&std::fs::read_to_string(&manifest_path).context("reading cargo.toml")?,
.context("parsing cargo.toml")?;
let overrides =
toml::from_str(&std::fs::read_to_string(&overrides).context("reading overrides config")?)
.context("parsing overrides config")?;
let updates =
crates_to_update(&cargo, &outdated_dir, config_path, &manifest_path, overrides, offline)
.context("getting list of crates to update")?;
for to_update in updates {
eprintln!("Updating {:?}", to_update);
set_dep_version_to(to_update.get_dep_spec(&mut cargo_toml), &to_update.latest);
let updated_contents = cargo_toml.to_string_in_original_order();
std::fs::write(&manifest_path, updated_contents).context("writing updated contents")?;
fn crates_to_update(
cargo: &Path,
outdated_dir: &Path,
config_path: Option<PathBuf>,
manifest_path: &Path,
OverrideConfig { skip_updating }: OverrideConfig,
offline: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<OutdatedCrate>> {
let outdated_output = run_cargo_outdated_raw(
.context("running cargo-outdated command for its stdout")?;
let OutdatedOutput { dependencies: mut crates_to_update } =
serde_json::from_slice(&outdated_output).context("parsing cargo-outdated output")?;
.retain(|krate| krate.latest != "Removed" && !skip_updating.contains(&;
fn run_cargo_outdated_raw(
cargo: &Path,
outdated_dir: &Path,
config_path: Option<PathBuf>,
manifest_path: &Path,
skip_updating: &BTreeSet<String>,
offline: bool,
) -> anyhow::Result<Vec<u8>> {
// move the cargo config to a new spot, move it back when done
if let Some(config_path) = &config_path {
std::fs::rename(config_path, config_path.with_extension("ignore"))
.context("renaming cargo config")?;
scopeguard::defer! {
if let Some(config_path) = &config_path {
std::fs::rename(config_path.with_extension("ignore"), config_path)
.expect("couldn't restore cargo config, repo may be inconsistent");
let mut excluded = String::new();
for (i, krate) in skip_updating.iter().enumerate() {
if i > 0 {
let path_with_outdated = env::join_paths(
let mut cmd = std::process::Command::new(cargo);
// TODO( remove this flag when we start updating transitive deps
.arg("--root-deps-only") // only return things in Cargo.toml explicitly
.env("PATH", path_with_outdated)
if !excluded.is_empty() {
if offline {
let output = cmd.output().context("executing cargo outdated")?;
if !output.status.success() {
"cargo-outdated failed ({:?}): \n{}\n{}",
/// serde type for override configuration
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct OverrideConfig {
/// list of crates to skip
skip_updating: BTreeSet<String>,
/// outer serde type for extracting what we want from cargo-outdated
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct OutdatedOutput {
dependencies: Vec<OutdatedCrate>,
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
struct OutdatedCrate {
/// name of the crate
name: String,
/// the version we want to update to
latest: String,
/// platform cfg's, used for matching toml fields
platform: Option<String>,
// project: String,
// compat: String,
// kind: String,
impl OutdatedCrate {
/// cargo-outdated gives us names in a format like `parent_crate->middle->actual_dep` where we
/// want `actual_dep` to be the name we use for looking everything up in all the metadata.
fn fixup_name(&mut self) { ="->").last().unwrap().to_owned();
/// Finds the version string for `self` within `cargo_toml`.
fn get_dep_spec<'d>(&self, cargo_toml: &'d mut Document) -> &'d mut Value {
let dependencies = if let Some(platform) = &self.platform {
// cargo-outdated thinks this dep is in a table like `[target.'cfg(...)'.dependencies]`
if let Some(plat) = cargo_toml["target"][platform].as_table_mut() {
&mut plat["dependencies"]
} else {
panic!("cargo-outdated gave us a dep to update that's not in Cargo.toml");
} else {
// cargo-outdated thinks this is in an unqualified block of `[dependencies]`
&mut cargo_toml["dependencies"]
.expect("all deps from cargo-outdated must be present in Cargo.toml");
match &mut dependencies[&] {
Item::Value(v) => v, // the version specifier is the only value for this key, return it
Item::Table(t) => {
// self is a table like `[]` and has its own version key
t["version"].as_value_mut().expect("valid dep tables must have version keys")
Item::None => panic!("all deps from cargo-outdated must be present in Cargo.toml"),
Item::ArrayOfTables(_) => {
unreachable!("not valid to have array of tables for dep specs")
fn set_dep_version_to(spec: &mut Value, to: &str) {
if let Some(table) = spec.as_inline_table_mut() {
let mut version =
table.get_mut("version").expect("dep spec tables must have a version key");
// recursing here makes us more permissive than cargo because we'd be ok with
// foo = { { { version: "..." }, features: [...] }}
set_dep_version_to(&mut version, to);
} else {
assert!(spec.is_str(), "Dependency specs must be strings or tables.");
// just a plain swap is fine here, there are no features to preserve
*spec = decorated(Value::from(to.to_owned()), spec.decor().prefix(), spec.decor().suffix());