blob: 44fdd0437f832aa2bab2c527c4803ca9661a8a6b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package testrunner
import (
// TestOutputs manages the test runner's output drivers. Upon completion, if tar output is
// initialized, a TAR archive containing all other outputs is produced.
type TestOutputs struct {
OutDir string
Summary runtests.TestSummary
tap *tap.Producer
func CreateTestOutputs(producer *tap.Producer, outdir string) (*TestOutputs, error) {
if outdir == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("outdir must be set")
return &TestOutputs{
OutDir: outdir,
tap: producer,
}, nil
// rebaseOutputFiles takes the list of outputFiles and rebases them against the
// global OutDir. If an `output file` refers to a directory, all the files in that
// directory will be returned in the list of outputs.
func (o *TestOutputs) rebaseOutputFiles(outputFiles []string, outputDir string) ([]string, error) {
var allOutputs []string
for _, outputFilePath := range outputFiles {
outputFilePath = filepath.Join(outputDir, outputFilePath)
if err := filepath.Walk(outputFilePath, func(path string, info fs.FileInfo, err error) error {
if err != nil {
return err
if !info.IsDir() {
pathRel, err := filepath.Rel(o.OutDir, path)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get relative path of %s to %s: %w", path, o.OutDir, err)
allOutputs = append(allOutputs, pathRel)
return nil
}); err != nil {
return nil, err
return allOutputs, nil
// Record writes the test result to initialized outputs.
func (o *TestOutputs) Record(ctx context.Context, result TestResult) error {
// Sponge doesn't seem to like the path if we just put Name in there.
nameForPath := url.PathEscape(strings.ReplaceAll(result.Name, ":", ""))
outputRelPath := filepath.Join(nameForPath, strconv.Itoa(result.RunIndex))
// Strip any leading //.
outputRelPath = strings.TrimLeft(outputRelPath, "//")
stdioPath := filepath.Join(outputRelPath, runtests.TestOutputFilename)
duration := result.Duration()
if duration < 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("test %q must have non-negative duration: (start, end) = (%s, %s)", result.Name, result.StartTime, result.EndTime)
// Rebase outputs from test against the global outdir.
suiteOutputFiles, err := o.rebaseOutputFiles(result.OutputFiles, result.OutputDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error rebasing output files: %w", err)
containsStdio := false
for _, outputFile := range suiteOutputFiles {
if filepath.Base(outputFile) == runtests.TestOutputFilename {
containsStdio = true
// If the stdout/stderr file didn't already exist in the test result's OutputFiles,
// create it using the bytes from the test Stdio.
// We'll write a file even if the stdio is empty for consistency, and to
// make it clear that a file's stdio was empty versus infra silently failing
// to create the file.
if !containsStdio {
pathWriter, err := osmisc.CreateFile(filepath.Join(o.OutDir, stdioPath))
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create stdio file for test %q: %w", result.Name, err)
defer pathWriter.Close()
if _, err := pathWriter.Write(result.Stdio); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to write stdio file for test %q: %w", result.Name, err)
suiteOutputFiles = append(suiteOutputFiles, stdioPath)
var cases []runtests.TestCaseResult
for _, testCase := range result.Cases {
caseOutputFiles, err := o.rebaseOutputFiles(testCase.OutputFiles, testCase.OutputDir)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error rebasing output files: %w", err)
newCase := testCase
newCase.OutputFiles = caseOutputFiles
newCase.OutputDir = ""
cases = append(cases, newCase)
// Only append the test summary after writing all output files to disk. This
// ensures that even if writing the output files fails, the summary won't
// reference nonexistent files.
o.Summary.Tests = append(o.Summary.Tests, runtests.TestDetails{
Name: result.Name,
GNLabel: result.GNLabel,
OutputFiles: suiteOutputFiles,
Result: result.Result,
Cases: cases,
StartTime: result.StartTime,
DurationMillis: duration.Milliseconds(),
DataSinks: result.DataSinks.Sinks,
Affected: result.Affected,
Tags: result.Tags,
desc := fmt.Sprintf("%s (%s)", result.Name, duration)
if o.tap != nil {
o.tap.Ok(result.Passed(), desc)
return nil
// UpdateDataSinks updates the DataSinks field of the tests in the summary with
// the provided `newSinks`. If the sinks were copied to a subdirectory within
// o.outDir, that path should be provided as the `insertPrefixPath` which will
// get prepended to the sink file paths so that they point to the correct paths
// relative to o.outDir.
func (o *TestOutputs) updateDataSinks(newSinks map[string]runtests.DataSinkReference, insertPrefixPath string) {
for i, test := range o.Summary.Tests {
if sinkRef, ok := newSinks[test.Name]; ok {
if test.DataSinks == nil {
test.DataSinks = runtests.DataSinkMap{}
for name, sinks := range sinkRef.Sinks {
for _, sink := range sinks {
sink.File = filepath.Join(insertPrefixPath, sink.File)
test.DataSinks[name] = append(test.DataSinks[name], sink)
o.Summary.Tests[i] = test
// Close stops the recording of test outputs; it must be called to finalize them.
func (o *TestOutputs) Close() error {
if o.OutDir == "" {
return nil
summaryBytes, err := json.Marshal(o.Summary)
if err != nil {
return err
summaryPath := filepath.Join(o.OutDir, runtests.TestSummaryFilename)
s, err := osmisc.CreateFile(summaryPath)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create file: %w", err)
defer s.Close()
_, err = io.Copy(s, bytes.NewBuffer(summaryBytes))
return err