blob: aaa8d47f56f9c420b0a8d9e3c4e48f18af27a7fd [file] [log] [blame]
"blackhat": "illegal, unethical",
"blacklist": "denylist, blocklist",
"blacklisted": "denied, blocked",
"blacklisting": "denying, blocking",
"blacklists": "denylists, blocklists",
"cop": "build gardener, build monitor, supervisor, primary",
"cops": "build gardeners, build monitors, supervisors, primaries",
"crazier": "unexpected, catastrophic, incoherent",
"crazies": "unexpected, catastrophes, incoherences",
"craziest": "unexpected, catastrophic, incoherent",
"crazy": "unexpected, catastrophic, incoherent",
"cripple": "slow down",
"crippled": "slowed down",
"cripples": "slows down",
"crippling": "slowing down",
"dummies": "placeholders, samples, copies, prototypes, mock-up",
"dummy": "placeholder, sample, copy, prototype, mock-up",
"ghetto": "no suggestion",
"grandfather": "legacy clause, exempt, existing, holdover, carryover, baseline",
"grandfathered": "legacy, exempt, existing, holdover, carryover, baseline",
"grandfathering": "legacy clause, exempt, existing, holdover, carryover, baseline",
"grandfathers": "legacy clauses, exempt, existing, holdovers, carryovers, baselines",
"guru": "expert, teacher",
"insane": "unexpected, catastrophic, incoherent",
"man-hour": "work hour, person hour",
"man-in-the-middle": "person-in-the-middle",
"manned": "staffed, attended to, crewed",
"manning": "staffing, attending to",
"manpower": "workforce, staff",
"master": "main, primary",
"masters": "mains, primaries",
"native": "core, built-in, machine code, platform-specific",
"pow-wow": "meeting, huddle, talk, summit",
"powwow": "meeting, huddle, talk, summit",
"primitive": "fundamental, alpha",
"redline": "priority line, memory limit, maximum",
"redlined": "hit the maximum, hit the memory limit",
"redlining": "hitting the maximum, hitting the memory limit",
"sane": "valid, sound, rational, sensible",
"sanity": "check, quick check, confidence check, coherence check, calibration check",
"slave": "secondary, replica, subsidiary",
"slaves": "secondaries, replicas, subsidiaries",
"whitehat": "ethical",
"whitelist": "allowlist, safelist, approvelist",
"whitelisted": "allowlisted, safelisted, approvelisted",
"whitelisting": "allowlisting, safelisting, approvelisting",
"whitelists": "allowlists, safelists, approvelists"