blob: 34c38f06d01cb5e54f4e778a1e09e382cfc29f09 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::errors::{FunnelError, IntoExitCode};
use crate::metrics::MetricsService;
use crate::ssh::do_ssh;
use crate::target::choose_target;
#[cfg(feature = "update")]
use anyhow::anyhow;
use anyhow::{Context, Result};
use argh::FromArgs;
#[cfg(feature = "update")]
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
use chrono::Local;
use discovery::{
wait_for_devices, DiscoverySources, FastbootConnectionState, TargetEvent, TargetState,
use futures::{Stream, StreamExt};
use signal_hook::consts::signal::*;
use signal_hook::iterator::Signals;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::io;
use std::io::Write;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::time::Duration;
use target::{TargetInfo, TargetMode};
use timeout::timeout;
use tracing_subscriber::filter::LevelFilter;
mod errors;
mod logging;
mod metrics;
mod ssh;
mod target;
mod update;
fn default_log_level() -> LevelFilter {
fn default_repository_ports() -> Vec<u32> {
/// ffx Remote forwarding.
struct Funnel {
/// sets the log level for output (default = Error). Other
/// possible values are Info, Debug, Warn, and Trace
#[argh(option, short = 'l', default = "default_log_level()")]
log_level: LevelFilter,
nested: FunnelSubcommands,
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
enum FunnelSubcommands {
#[cfg(feature = "update")]
impl FunnelSubcommands {
fn command_name(&self) -> String {
match self {
Self::Host(_) => "host",
#[cfg(feature = "update")]
Self::Update(_) => "update",
Self::Cleanup(_) => "cleanup",
Self::CloseLocalTunnel(_) => "close-local-tunnel",
Self::ListTargets(_) => "list-targets",
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Remotely forwards a target from your local host to a remote one.
#[argh(subcommand, name = "host")]
struct SubCommandHost {
/// the remote host to forward to
host: String,
/// the name of the target to forward
#[argh(option, short = 't')]
target_name: Option<String>,
/// the repository ports to forward to the remote host (defaults to 8083 if none are specified).
#[argh(option, short = 'r')]
repository_ports: Vec<u32>,
/// additional ports to forward from the remote host to the target.
#[argh(option, short = 'p')]
additional_port_forwards: Vec<u32>,
/// time to wait to discover targets.
#[argh(option, short = 'w', default = "1")]
wait_for_target_time: u64,
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[argh(subcommand, name = "self-update")]
/// Perform a self-update.
/// This assumes that your machine both has the cipd binary available in your
/// $PATH and that there is a file named funnel-cipd-manifest in the same
/// directory that the `funnel` tool resides in, which is a valid cipd-manifest
struct SubCommandUpdate {}
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[argh(subcommand, name = "cleanup-remote-host")]
/// Cleans up a remote host's connections.
/// This will ssh to the provided remote host and look for sshd processes that
/// are actively listening to port 8022. If there are any, then it will kill them.
/// This needs to be run from an interactive shell as it will prompt the user for
/// their password (sudo).
struct SubCommandCleanupRemote {
/// the remote host to cleanup
host: String,
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
#[argh(subcommand, name = "close-local-tunnel")]
/// Closes the local tunnel if it exists.
/// Instructs the ControlMaster running for funnel to exit
struct SubCommandCloseLocalTunnel {
/// the remote host to cleanup
host: String,
#[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)]
/// Remotely forwards a target from your local host to a remote one.
#[argh(subcommand, name = "list-targets")]
struct SubCommandListTargets {
/// time to wait to discover targets.
#[argh(switch, short = 'w')]
watch: bool,
async fn main() -> Result<()> {
let args: Funnel = argh::from_env();
let command_name = args.nested.command_name();
let metrics_service = metrics::GaMetricsService::new("0.1".to_string()).await?;
let res = match args.nested {
FunnelSubcommands::Host(host_command) => funnel_main(host_command).await,
#[cfg(feature = "update")]
FunnelSubcommands::Update(update_command) => update_main(update_command).await,
FunnelSubcommands::Cleanup(cleanup_command) => cleanup_main(cleanup_command).await,
FunnelSubcommands::CloseLocalTunnel(close_existing_tunnel) => {
FunnelSubcommands::ListTargets(list_targets) => list_targets_main(list_targets).await,
let (exit_code, error_message) = match res {
Ok(_) => (0, None),
Err(ref e) => (e.exit_code(), Some(format!("{}", e))),
if let Err(record_res) =
metrics_service.record_invocation(command_name, exit_code, error_message).await
tracing::warn!("Error recording metrics: {}", record_res);
match res {
Ok(_) => Ok(()),
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("{}", e);
async fn close_existing_tunnel_main(args: SubCommandCloseLocalTunnel) -> Result<(), FunnelError> {
async fn cleanup_main(args: SubCommandCleanupRemote) -> Result<(), FunnelError> {
#[cfg(feature = "update")]
async fn update_main(_args: SubCommandUpdate) -> Result<(), FunnelError> {
let current_exe_path = std::env::current_exe()?;
let exe_path_buf = Utf8PathBuf::from_path_buf(current_exe_path)
.map_err(|p| anyhow!("Non-Utf8 Path passed: {}", p.display()))?;
async fn list_targets_main(args: SubCommandListTargets) -> Result<(), FunnelError> {
// Only want added events
let mut device_stream = wait_for_devices(
|_: &_| true,
DiscoverySources::MDNS | DiscoverySources::USB,
let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock();
if {
while let Some(s) = {
if let Ok(event) = s {
let now = Local::now();
write!(stdout, "{}\t", now.format("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"))?;
write_target_event(&mut stdout, event)?;
} else {
let wait_duration = Duration::from_secs(2);
let targets = discover_target_events(&mut stdout, device_stream, wait_duration).await?;
for target in targets {
writeln!(stdout, "{}", target)?;
async fn funnel_main(args: SubCommandHost) -> Result<(), FunnelError> {
tracing::trace!("Discoving targets...");
let wait_duration = Duration::from_secs(args.wait_for_target_time);
// Only want added events
let device_stream = wait_for_devices(
|_: &_| true,
DiscoverySources::MDNS | DiscoverySources::USB,
let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock();
let targets = discover_target_events(&mut stdout, device_stream, wait_duration).await?;
let mut stdin = io::stdin().lock();
let target = choose_target(&mut stdin, &mut stdout, targets, args.target_name).await?;
// Drop the locks we have on stdin and stdout
tracing::debug!("Target to forward: {:?}", target);
tracing::info!("Additional port forwards: {:?}", args.additional_port_forwards);
let host =;
let repository_ports = if args.repository_ports.len() > 0 {
} else {
let do_ssh_fut =
do_ssh(&mut stdout, host.clone(), target, repository_ports, args.additional_port_forwards);
// Need to both do ssh and listen for signals
let mut signals = Signals::new(&[SIGINT]).unwrap();
let handle = signals.handle();
// Need something to signal that we exited due to a signal
let term_requested = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
let thread_reqested = Arc::clone(&term_requested);
let signal_thread = std::thread::spawn(move || {
if let Some(signal) = signals.forever().next() {
assert_eq!(signal, SIGINT);
eprintln!("\nCaught interrupt. Shutting down the tunnel...");
let res = ssh::close_existing_tunnel(host.clone());
tracing::debug!("Result from closing existing tunnel: {:?}", res);
*thread_reqested.lock().unwrap() = true;
let do_ssh_res = do_ssh_fut.await;
tracing::info!("result from do_ssh: {:?}", do_ssh_res);
match do_ssh_res {
Ok(_) => {}
e @ Err(ssh::TunnelError::TunnelAlreadyRunning { remote_host: _ }) => {
// If this returned an error due to our signal just log and return
let was_requested = term_requested.lock().unwrap();
if !*was_requested {
// We did not get a signal. Error out
e @ _ => {
// We got an unexpected error
signal_thread.join().expect("signal thread to shutdown without panic");
fn write_target_event<W: Write>(mut writer: W, event: TargetEvent) -> Result<()> {
let symbol = match event {
TargetEvent::Added(_) => "+",
TargetEvent::Removed(_) => "-",
let handle = match event {
TargetEvent::Added(handle) => handle,
TargetEvent::Removed(handle) => handle,
let node_name = handle.node_name.unwrap_or("<unknown>".to_string());
write!(writer, "({symbol})\t{node_name}\t")?;
write_target_state(&mut writer, handle.state)?;
write!(writer, "\n")?;
fn write_target_state<W: Write>(writer: &mut W, state: TargetState) -> Result<()> {
match state {
TargetState::Unknown => write!(writer, "Unknown")?,
TargetState::Product(addrs) => {
write!(writer, "Product\t")?;
let addr_strs =
addrs.iter().map(|addr| format!("{}", addr)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\t");
write!(writer, "{}", addr_strs)?
TargetState::Zedboot => write!(writer, "Zedboot")?,
TargetState::Fastboot(fastboot_state) => {
write!(writer, "Fastboot\t")?;
match fastboot_state.connection_state {
FastbootConnectionState::Usb => write!(writer, "{}", fastboot_state.serial_number)?,
FastbootConnectionState::Tcp(addrs) | FastbootConnectionState::Udp(addrs) => {
let addr_strs =
addrs.iter().map(|addr| format!("{}", addr)).collect::<Vec<_>>().join("\t");
write!(writer, "{}", addr_strs)?
async fn discover_target_events<W>(
w: &mut W,
mut stream: impl Stream<Item = Result<TargetEvent>> + Unpin,
wait_time: Duration,
) -> Result<Vec<TargetInfo>>
W: Write,
let mut targets = HashMap::new();
let task = async {
while let Some(s) = {
if let Ok(event) = s {
match event {
TargetEvent::Removed(handle) => {
targets.remove(&handle.node_name.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()));
TargetEvent::Added(handle) => match handle.state {
TargetState::Product(addr) => {
handle.node_name.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()),
(addr, TargetMode::Product),
TargetState::Fastboot(fb_state) => {
match fb_state.connection_state {
FastbootConnectionState::Usb => {
tracing::warn!("Discovered Target {} in Fastboot USB mode. It cannot be used with `funnel`. Skipping", fb_state.serial_number);
writeln!(w, "Discovered Target {} in Fastboot over USB mode, which funnel does not support.", fb_state.serial_number).context("writing to stdout")?;
FastbootConnectionState::Tcp(tcp_state) => {
// We support fastboot over tcp!
handle.node_name.unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()),
(tcp_state, TargetMode::Fastboot),
FastbootConnectionState::Udp(udp_state) => {
tracing::warn!("Discovered Target at address: {:?} in Fastboot Over UDP mode, which funnel does not support.", udp_state);
TargetState::Zedboot => {
tracing::warn!("Discovered Target in Zedboot mode. It cannot be used with `funnel`. Skipping.");
"Discovered Target in Zedboot mode, which funnel does not support."
TargetState::Unknown => {
tracing::warn!("Discovered a target in an unknown state. Skipping");
writeln!(w, "Discovered a Target in an unknown state.")?;
Ok::<(), anyhow::Error>(())
match timeout(wait_time, task).await {
Ok(_) => {
tracing::warn!("Got an okay result from the discover target loop.... this shouldnt happen we should always timeout.")
Err(_) => {
tracing::trace!("Timeout reached");
let res = targets
.map(|(nodename, (addresses, mode))| TargetInfo {
nodename: nodename.to_string(),
addresses: addresses.clone(),
mode: mode.clone(),