blob: 0d6ac9157e24a0b8a437fde87e05b1f03c9b7a0f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::fmt::{Debug, Display, Write};
use std::os::unix::process::CommandExt;
use std::process::{Command, Output, Stdio};
use anyhow::Context;
use argh::FromArgs;
use ffx_command::{Ffx, FFX_WRAPPER_INVOKE};
use ffx_config::environment::ExecutableKind::MainFfx;
use ffx_config::{EnvironmentContext, SdkRoot};
use ffx_config_domain::ConfigDomain;
use camino::Utf8Path;
const NOT_FOUND_CODE: u8 = 127;
const SCRIPT_FAILED: u8 = 100;
const SDK_NOT_FOUND: u8 = 110;
const SDK_TOOL_NOT_FOUND: u8 = 111;
trait DisplayError: Display + Debug {}
impl<T> DisplayError for T where T: Display + Debug {}
struct Exit {
message: Box<dyn DisplayError>,
code: u8,
impl From<Exit> for u8 {
fn from(value: Exit) -> Self {
impl From<anyhow::Error> for Exit {
fn from(value: anyhow::Error) -> Self {
let message = Box::new(value);
let code = NOT_FOUND_CODE;
Self { message, code }
impl From<ffx_command::Error> for Exit {
fn from(value: ffx_command::Error) -> Self {
let message = Box::new(value);
let code = NOT_FOUND_CODE;
Self { message, code }
impl Exit {
fn from_early_exit(mut error: argh::EarlyExit, cmd: &str) -> Self {
let code;
match error.status {
Ok(()) => {
// an ok early exit from argh means it was help output from the ffx
// parse, to which we'll want to add a note about how to see the
// full list of commands
Ffx::more_commands_help(&mut error.output, cmd).unwrap();
code = 0;
Err(()) => {
// an error early exit from argh means it was an error parsing
// arguments and we should add a note saying that this was run
// through a helper script and it's possible that it doesn't
// know about a new ffx argument.
&mut error.output,
"\nNote: This command was run through the `fuchsia-sdk-run` binary,\n\
which may not recognize ffx command line arguments added after it\n\
was built. You may need to update your copy of `fuchsia-sdk-run\n\
if the given command line should have parsed correctly."
code = 1;
let message = Box::new(error.output);
Self { message, code }
fn from_failed_exec(sdk: &ffx_config::Sdk, exe_path: &str, err: std::io::Error) -> Self {
let message = Box::new(format!(
"fuchsia-sdk-run: Failed to execute tool binary from the active sdk:\n\
SDK Path: {}\n\
Tool Path: {exe_path}\n\
Error: {err}",
let code = NOT_FOUND_CODE;
Self { message, code }
impl Display for Exit {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
Display::fmt(&self.message, f)
struct SdkToolRunner {
ffx: Ffx,
arg0: String,
cmd: String,
args: Vec<String>,
impl SdkToolRunner {
fn from_args(args: impl IntoIterator<Item = String>) -> Result<Self, Exit> {
let mut args = args.into_iter();
let arg0 ="No arguments provided to fuchsia-sdk-run, nothing to run.")?;
let cmd = Utf8Path::new(&arg0)
.with_context(|| format!("fuchsia-sdk-run: '{arg0}' is not a valid host tool name"))?;
let args = Vec::from_iter(args);
let ffx = match cmd {
"fuchsia-sdk-run" => return Self::from_args(args),
"ffx" => parse_ffx_args(cmd, &args)?,
_ => Ffx::default(),
Ok(Self { ffx, arg0: arg0.to_string(), cmd: cmd.to_string(), args })
fn parse_ffx_args(cmd: &str, args: &[impl AsRef<str>]) -> Result<Ffx, Exit> {
let ffx_args = Vec::from_iter(args.iter().map(AsRef::as_ref));
Ffx::from_args(&[&cmd], &ffx_args).map_err(|err| Exit::from_early_exit(err, cmd))
/// Runs the command, redirecting stderr to the caller and capturing the output
/// and exit code to make decisions on. Returns the output if the update command
/// ran successfully, and `Exit` if it didn't.
/// Does not check the post-conditions of the run.
fn run_update_command(mut command: Command) -> Result<Output, Exit> {
let program = command.get_program().to_owned();
let output = command.stderr(Stdio::inherit()).output().map_err(|err| {
tracing::warn!("Command could not be run: {command:?}");
tracing::warn!("Error from failed command: {err:?}");
Exit {
message: Box::new(format!("Failed to run check script {program:?}:\n{err}")),
if output.status.success() {
tracing::trace!("Command succeeded: {command:?}");
} else {
tracing::debug!("Command failed: {command:?}");
tracing::debug!("Failed command output: {output:?}");
Err(Exit {
message: Box::new(format!(
"Check script {program:?} did not succeed. Output:\n\n{}",
code: output.status.code().map_or(SCRIPT_FAILED, |n| n as u8),
fn sdk_load_err(err: anyhow::Error) -> Exit {
Exit { message: Box::new(err), code: SDK_NOT_FOUND }
fn sdk_tool_not_found_err(err: anyhow::Error) -> Exit {
Exit { message: Box::new(err), code: SDK_TOOL_NOT_FOUND }
fn ensure_config(domain: &mut ConfigDomain) -> Result<(), Exit> {
if let Some(cmd) = domain.needs_config_bootstrap() {
// run the command
tracing::trace!("Running bootstrap command: {cmd:?}");
let output = run_update_command(cmd)?;
// double check we don't still need bootstrapping, and return an
// error if we do.
if let Some(_) = domain.needs_config_bootstrap() {
return Err(Exit {
message: Box::new(format!("Configuration bootstrap command succeeded, but configuration was not established. Output of bootstrap command:\n\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout))),
async fn load_domain_sdk_root(
env: &EnvironmentContext,
domain: &ConfigDomain,
) -> Result<SdkRoot, Exit> {
// load details we need for the sdk updating process and check if we
// need to and how
let sdk_root = env.get_sdk_root().await.map_err(sdk_load_err)?;
let Some(mut known_states) = domain.load_sdk_check_manifest() else {
// no configured manifest, so no way to check
return Ok(sdk_root);
if let Some(cmd) = domain.needs_sdk_update(&sdk_root, &mut known_states) {
// run the command
tracing::trace!("Running sdk update command: {cmd:?}");
let output = run_update_command(cmd)?;
// double check we have an sdk in place now.
if !sdk_root.manifest_exists() {
return Err(Exit {
message: Box::new(format!("SDK check command succeeded, but no SDK found with '{sdk_root:?}'. Output of check command:\n\n{}", String::from_utf8_lossy(&output.stdout))),
code: 100,
// and write out the new manifest if we do.
if let Err(err) = domain.save_sdk_check_manifest(&known_states) {
eprintln!("Warning: fuchsia-sdk-run failed to write SDK version check manifest, is the directory read-only? Error:\n{err}");
async fn run(
args: impl IntoIterator<Item = String>,
env: impl IntoIterator<Item = (String, String)>,
) -> Result<(), Exit> {
let runner = SdkToolRunner::from_args(args)?;
let mut env = runner.ffx.load_context_with_env(MainFfx, HashMap::from_iter(env))?;
// first ensure config exists with a mutable borrow so it can be updated
// after the check script.
if let Some(domain) = env.get_config_domain_mut() {
// then re-borrow immutably to verify the SDK, or just get the sdk root
// normally if we're not in a config domain.
let sdk_root = if let Some(domain) = env.get_config_domain() {
load_domain_sdk_root(&env, domain).await?
} else {
// and finally load the sdk for good.
let sdk = sdk_root.get_sdk().map_err(sdk_load_err)?;
let mut command = sdk.get_host_tool_command(&runner.cmd).map_err(sdk_tool_not_found_err)?;
command.env(FFX_WRAPPER_INVOKE, runner.arg0);
let exe_path = command.get_program().to_string_lossy().into_owned();
// [`CommandExt::exec`] doesn't return if successful, the current process is
// replaced, so this just always returns an error if anything at all.
Err(Exit::from_failed_exec(&sdk, &exe_path, command.exec()))
#[fuchsia::main(logging_minimum_severity = "warn")]
async fn main() {
let exit_code = match run(std::env::args(), std::env::vars()).await {
Ok(()) => {
eprintln!("ERROR: fuchsia-sdk-run exited without error or running a host tool!");
Err(err) => {
mod test {
use super::*;
use ffx_config::{ConfigLevel, TestEnv};
use ffx_config_domain::*;
use camino::Utf8PathBuf;
fn test_run_commands() {
let cmd = Command::new("true");
let res = run_update_command(cmd).expect("to run the command");
let cmd = Command::new("false");
let res = run_update_command(cmd).expect_err("to fail to run the command");
assert_eq!(res.code, 1, "should exit with the exit code of the command run");
let cmd = Command::new("this-command-definitely-does-not-exist");
let res = run_update_command(cmd).expect_err("to fail to run the command");
assert_eq!(res.code, SCRIPT_FAILED, "script failure exit code");
async fn test_bootstrap_with(
test_env: &TestEnv,
fuchsia_env: &FuchsiaEnv,
) -> Result<SdkRoot, Exit> {
let root = Utf8Path::from_path(test_env.isolate_root.path()).expect("utf8 path");
let mut domain =
ConfigDomain::load_from_contents(root.join("fuchsia_env.toml"), fuchsia_env.clone())
.expect("to load domain");
ensure_config(&mut domain)?;
load_domain_sdk_root(&test_env.context, &domain).await
async fn set_sdk_root_config(test_env: &TestEnv) {
// set the sdk root in the environment context to the exported sdk
// from the build
let sdk_root =
Utf8PathBuf::from("sdk/exported/core").canonicalize_utf8().expect("Exported SDK");
fn shell_cmd(cmd: &str) -> Vec<String> {
Vec::from_iter(["sh", "-c", cmd].into_iter().map(str::to_owned))
async fn test_bootstrapping() {
let test_env = ffx_config::test_init().await.unwrap();
let mut fuchsia_env = FuchsiaEnv::default();
println!("test root: {:?}", test_env.isolate_root.path());
// empty config domain should be able to find the sdk root with
// no bootstrapping necessary
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("empty config domain should find the sdk");
// if the config file doesn't exist and there's no bootstrap command set it should
// not require bootstrapping
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.build_config_path = Some(ConfigPath::relative("config.json"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("no bootstrap command should still find the sdk");
// if the bootstrap command is set, it should require running the command
// and will fail if it returns false
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.bootstrap_command = Some(shell_cmd("false"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect_err("bootstrap command that exits unsuccessfully should fail to load the sdk");
// if the bootstrap command is set, and it returns true, it should still
// error if the config file still isn't there
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.bootstrap_command = Some(shell_cmd("true"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env).await.expect_err(
"bootstrap command that doesn't set up the config file should fail to load the sdk",
// if the file now exists, it should be happy again!
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.bootstrap_command = Some(shell_cmd("touch config.json"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("bootstrap command that succeeds and lays down the file should find the sdk");
// but if we switch it to looking for a relative path, it should be unhappy again
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.build_config_path =
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env).await.expect_err(
"bootstrap command that doesn't set up the path ref file should fail to load the sdk",
// and then if we make that point at the right file, it should be good again.
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.bootstrap_command =
Some(shell_cmd("echo config.json > config.json.file"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env).await.expect(
"bootstrap command that succeeds and lays down the file ref file should find the sdk",
// now with it set to a configuration file that's in the build root that doesn't exist, it should fail
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.build_config_path =
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect_err("bootstrap command that doesn't set up the output directory should fail");
// now set up an output directory and it should fail until the config file exists there
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.build_out_dir = Some(ConfigPath::relative("out"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect_err("bootstrap command that doesn't set up the output directory should fail");
// now set up an output directory and it should fail until the config file exists there
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.bootstrap_command =
Some(shell_cmd("mkdir -p out && touch out/config.json"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("bootstrap command that does set up the output directory should succeed");
// but not if it's a path_ref that doesn't exist
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.build_out_dir = Some(ConfigPath::path_ref("out.path"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect_err("bootstrap command that doesn't set up the output directory should fail");
// now set up an output directory and it should fail until the config file exists there
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.project.bootstrap_command = Some(shell_cmd("echo out > out.path"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env).await.expect(
"bootstrap command that does set up the output directory path_ref should succeed",
async fn test_sdk_update() {
let test_env = ffx_config::test_init().await.unwrap();
let mut fuchsia_env = FuchsiaEnv::default();
println!("test root: {:?}", test_env.isolate_root.path());
// start with the test file not existing and a command that returns false
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.sdk.version_check_files = Some(vec!["test_file_1".into()]);
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.sdk.version_check_command = Some(shell_cmd("false"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect_err("sdk check script should fail if it exits unsuccessfully");
// then switch to a command that returns true
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.sdk.version_check_files = Some(vec!["test_file_1".into()]);
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.sdk.version_check_command = Some(shell_cmd("true"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("sdk check script should succeed if the test command succeeds");
// and now switch back to to a command that returns false to check
// that it isn't run if the state of test_file_1 hasn't changed
// note that the file not existing isn't a "problem", all that matters is that
// its state hasn't changed.
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.sdk.version_check_command = Some(shell_cmd("false"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("sdk check script should succeed if the state hasn't changed");
// now make that file exist and so its state has changed
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect_err("sdk check script should fail if it exits unsuccessfully");
// put the command back to one that succeeds so that we can 'bootstrap'
// properly
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.sdk.version_check_command = Some(shell_cmd("true"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("sdk check script should succeed if the test command succeeds");
// and again switch back to the 'false' command to make sure that it
// doesn't re-run if the file doesn't change
fuchsia_env.fuchsia.sdk.version_check_command = Some(shell_cmd("false"));
test_bootstrap_with(&test_env, &fuchsia_env)
.expect("sdk check script should succeed if the state hasn't changed");