blob: 8bf32eb7f70a4be8cab2ee3dca7eef5c6ccece7f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package codegen
import (
cpp ""
//go:embed *.tmpl
var templates embed.FS
// A fuzzableProtocol is a protocol with at least one fuzzable method (method
// that has at least one request argument). Identifying fuzzable protocols up
// front makes it easier to avoid dividing by zero in the generated code.
type fuzzableProtocol struct {
FuzzableMethods []*cpp.Method
func NewGenerator(flags *cpp.CmdlineFlags) *cpp.Generator {
return cpp.NewGenerator(flags, templates, template.FuncMap{
"DoubleColonToUnderscore": func(s string) string {
s2 := strings.ReplaceAll(s, "::", "_")
// Drop any leading "::" => "_".
if len(s2) > 0 && s2[0] == '_' {
return s2[1:]
return s2
"FuzzableProtocols": fuzzableProtocols,
"CountDecoderEncoders": countDecoderEncoders,
func fuzzableProtocols(decls []cpp.Kinded) []fuzzableProtocol {
var result []fuzzableProtocol
for _, decl := range decls {
if decl.Kind() != cpp.Kinds.Protocol {
protocol := decl.(*cpp.Protocol)
var fuzzableMethods []*cpp.Method
for i := range protocol.Methods {
if len(protocol.Methods[i].RequestArgs) != 0 {
fuzzableMethods = append(fuzzableMethods, &protocol.Methods[i])
if len(fuzzableMethods) != 0 {
result = append(result, fuzzableProtocol{
Protocol: protocol,
FuzzableMethods: fuzzableMethods,
return result
// countDecoderEncoders duplicates template logic that inlines struct and table
// decode/encode callbacks to get a count of total callbacks.
func countDecoderEncoders(decls []cpp.Kinded) int {
count := 0
for _, decl := range decls {
if _, ok := decl.(*cpp.Struct); ok {
} else if _, ok := decl.(*cpp.Table); ok {
// For every domain object, we generate decoder/encoders for the object,
// and for a hypothetical transactional request message that would have
// used that object as the body.
return count * 2