blob: d933fd70b8acd76a8e8e5d4ab88a2429a4da1d6f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Error};
use argh::FromArgs;
use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
use std::{fs, process};
use tracing::{error, info};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use serde_json::{json, Value};
mod fidljson;
use fidljson::{
to_lower_snake_case, FidlJson, FidlJsonPackageData, TableOfContents, TableOfContentsItem,
mod templates;
use templates::markdown::MarkdownTemplate;
use templates::FidldocTemplate;
static FIDLDOC_CONFIG_PATH: &str = "fidldoc.config.json";
static ATTR_NAME_DOC: &str = "doc";
static ATTR_NAME_AVAILABLE: &str = "available";
static ATTR_NAME_ADDED: &str = "added";
static ATTR_NAME_NO_DOC: &str = "no_doc";
static NEXT_VERSION: &str = "NEXT";
static NEXT_VERSION_NUMBER: u32 = 0xFFD00000;
static HEAD_VERSION: &str = "HEAD";
static HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER: u32 = 0xFFE00000;
enum TemplateType {
// Overtime, we'll want to add more rendering options such as HTML.
fn parse_template_type_str(value: &str) -> Result<TemplateType, String> {
match &value.to_lowercase()[..] {
"markdown" => Ok(TemplateType::Markdown),
_ => Err("invalid template type".to_string()),
#[derive(Debug, FromArgs)]
/// FIDL documentation generator.
struct Opt {
#[argh(option, short = 'c')]
/// path to a configuration file to provide additional options
config: Option<PathBuf>,
#[argh(option, default = "\"main\".to_string()")]
/// current commit hash, useful to coordinate doc generation with a specific source code revision
tag: String,
/// set the input file(s) to use
input: Vec<PathBuf>,
#[argh(option, short = 'o', default = "\"/tmp/fidldoc/\".to_string()")]
/// set the output folder
out: String,
#[argh(switch, short = 'm')]
/// merge generated files into output folder (don't delete anything existing)
merge: bool,
#[argh(option, short = 'p', default = "\"/\".to_string()")]
/// set the base URL path for the generated docs
path: String,
short = 't',
default = "TemplateType::Markdown"
/// select the template to use to render the docs
template: TemplateType,
#[argh(switch, short = 'v')]
/// generate verbose output
verbose: bool,
/// do not generate any output
silent: bool,
fn main() {
let opt: Opt = argh::from_env();
if let Err(e) = run(opt) {
error!("Error: {}", e);
fn run(opt: Opt) -> Result<(), Error> {
let mut input_files = opt.input;
normalize_input_files(&mut input_files);
let output = &opt.out;
let output_path = PathBuf::from(output);
let url_path = &opt.path;
let template_type = &opt.template;
let template = select_template(template_type, &output_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Unable to instantiate template {:?}", template_type))?;
if opt.silent && opt.verbose {
bail!("cannot use --silent and --verbose together");
if opt.verbose {
} else {
// Read in fidldoc.config.json
let fidl_config_file = match opt.config {
Some(filepath) => filepath,
None => get_fidldoc_config_default_path()
.with_context(|| format!("Unable to retrieve default config file location"))?,
info!("Using config file from {}", fidl_config_file.display());
let fidl_config = read_fidldoc_config(&fidl_config_file)
.with_context(|| format!("Error parsing {}", &fidl_config_file.display()))?;
create_output_dir(opt.merge, &output_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Unable to create output directory {}", output_path.display()))?;
// Parse input files to get declarations, package set and fidl json map
let FidlJsonPackageData { fidl_json_map } = process_fidl_json_files(input_files.to_vec());
// The table of contents lists all packages in alphabetical order.
let table_of_contents = create_toc(&fidl_json_map);
// Modifications to the fidldoc object
let main_fidl_doc = json!({
"table_of_contents": table_of_contents,
"config": fidl_config,
"url_path": url_path,
// Copy static files
template.include_static_files().expect("Unable to copy static files");
// Create main page
template.render_main_page(&main_fidl_doc).expect("Unable to render main page");
let tag = &opt.tag;
let output_path_string = &output_path.display();
.try_for_each(|(package, package_fidl_json)| {
.expect("Unable to write FIDL reference files");
if !opt.silent {
println!("Generated documentation at {}", &output_path_string);
/// If an attribute only has one argument, returns that argument's value. If the number of
/// arguments is not equal to 1, or the argument's value could not be resolved, error instead.
// TODO( Attribute values may only be string literals for now. Make sure to fix
// this API once that changes to resolve the constant value for all constant types.
fn get_attribute_standalone_arg_value(attribute: &Value) -> Result<String, Error> {
let args = attribute["arguments"].as_array().expect("Arguments invalid");
match args.len() {
0 => Err(anyhow!("attribute {} has no arguments", attribute["name"])),
1 => {
let value = &args[0]["value"];
if value["kind"] != "literal" {
"attribute {} argument is {} not a string literal",
} else {
.expect("Unable to retrieve string value for this attribute")
_ => Err(anyhow!("attribute {} has multiple arguments", attribute["name"])),
fn render_fidl_library(
package: &String,
package_fidl_json: &FidlJson,
table_of_contents: &TableOfContents,
fidl_config: &Value,
tag: &String,
url_path: &String,
template_type: &TemplateType,
output_path: &PathBuf,
) -> Result<(), Error> {
// Modifications to the fidldoc object
let fidl_doc = json!({
"maybe_attributes": package_fidl_json.maybe_attributes,
"library_dependencies": package_fidl_json.library_dependencies,
"bits_declarations": package_fidl_json.bits_declarations,
"const_declarations": package_fidl_json.const_declarations,
"enum_declarations": package_fidl_json.enum_declarations,
"protocol_declarations": package_fidl_json.protocol_declarations,
"table_declarations": package_fidl_json.table_declarations,
"struct_declarations": package_fidl_json.struct_declarations,
"alias_declarations": package_fidl_json.alias_declarations,
"union_declarations": package_fidl_json.union_declarations,
"declaration_order": package_fidl_json.declaration_order,
"declarations": package_fidl_json.declarations,
"table_of_contents": table_of_contents,
"config": fidl_config,
"tag": tag,
"url_path": url_path,
"service_declarations": package_fidl_json.service_declarations
let template = select_template(&template_type, &output_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Unable to instantiate template {:?}", template_type));
match template?.render_library(&package, &fidl_doc) {
Err(why) => error!("Unable to render library {}: {:?}", &package, why),
Ok(()) => info!("Generated library documentation for {}", &package),
fn select_template<'a>(
template_type: &TemplateType,
output_path: &'a PathBuf,
) -> Result<Box<dyn FidldocTemplate + 'a>, Error> {
// Instantiate the template selected by the user
let template: Box<dyn FidldocTemplate> = match template_type {
TemplateType::Markdown => {
let template = MarkdownTemplate::new(&output_path);
fn get_fidldoc_config_default_path() -> Result<PathBuf, Error> {
// If the fidldoc config file is not available, it should be found
// in the same directory as the executable.
// This needs to be calculated at runtime.
let fidldoc_executable = std::env::current_exe()?;
let fidldoc_execution_directory = fidldoc_executable.parent().unwrap();
let fidl_config_default_path = fidldoc_execution_directory.join(FIDLDOC_CONFIG_PATH);
fn read_fidldoc_config(config_path: &Path) -> Result<Value, Error> {
let fidl_config_str = fs::read_to_string(config_path)
.with_context(|| format!("Couldn't open file {}", config_path.display()))?;
fn should_process_fidl_json(fidl_json: &FidlJson) -> bool {
if fidl_json
.any(|attr| to_lower_snake_case(attr["name"].as_str().unwrap_or("")) == ATTR_NAME_NO_DOC)
info!("Skipping library with @no_doc attribute: {}",;
return false;
fn process_fidl_json_files(input_files: Vec<PathBuf>) -> FidlJsonPackageData {
let mut package_data = FidlJsonPackageData::new();
for file in input_files {
let fidl_file_path = PathBuf::from(&file);
let mut fidl_json = match FidlJson::from_path(&fidl_file_path) {
Err(why) => {
error!("Error parsing {}: {}", file.display(), why);
Ok(json) => json,
if should_process_fidl_json(&fidl_json) {
// Sort declarations inside each package
package_data.fidl_json_map.par_iter_mut().for_each(|(_, package_fidl_json)| {
fn create_toc(fidl_json_map: &HashMap<String, FidlJson>) -> TableOfContents {
// The table of contents lists all packages in alphabetical order.
let mut table_of_contents_items: Vec<_> = fidl_json_map
.map(|(package_name, fidl_json)| TableOfContentsItem {
name: package_name.clone(),
link: format!("{name}/index", name = package_name),
description: get_library_description(&fidl_json.maybe_attributes),
added: get_library_added(&fidl_json.maybe_attributes),
table_of_contents_items.sort_unstable_by(|a, b|;
// Add all versions as <integer value, string representation> to a
// BTreeMap so that they are automatically sorted by key.
// A string representation such as "HEAD" gets a u32::MAX value.
let mut version_map: BTreeMap<u32, String> = BTreeMap::new();
let mut max_numbered_version: u32 = 0;
for item in table_of_contents_items.iter() {
if !item.added.is_empty() {
let number = item.added.parse::<u32>().ok();
version_map.insert(number.unwrap_or(u32::MAX), item.added.clone());
max_numbered_version = std::cmp::max(max_numbered_version, number.unwrap_or(0));
TableOfContents {
items: table_of_contents_items,
versions: version_map.values().cloned().collect(),
default_version: max_numbered_version.to_string(),
fn get_library_description(maybe_attributes: &Vec<Value>) -> String {
for attribute in maybe_attributes {
if to_lower_snake_case(attribute["name"].as_str().unwrap_or("")) == ATTR_NAME_DOC {
return get_attribute_standalone_arg_value(attribute)
.expect("Unable to retrieve string value for library description")
// Parse the maybe_attributes field and extract the added version.
fn get_library_added(maybe_attributes: &Vec<Value>) -> String {
for attribute in maybe_attributes {
if to_lower_snake_case(attribute["name"].as_str().unwrap_or("")) == ATTR_NAME_AVAILABLE {
if let Some(arguments) = attribute["arguments"].as_array() {
for argument in arguments {
if to_lower_snake_case(argument["name"].as_str().unwrap_or(""))
if let Some(val) = argument["value"].as_object() {
let mut vers = val["value"].as_str().unwrap_or("").to_string();
if vers == NEXT_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string() {
vers = NEXT_VERSION.to_string();
} else if vers == HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string() {
vers = HEAD_VERSION.to_string();
return vers;
fn create_output_dir(merge_into: bool, path: &PathBuf) -> Result<(), Error> {
if path.exists() {
if merge_into {
"Directory {} already exists and we're merging into it, skipping creation",
return Ok(());
info!("Directory {} already exists", path.display());
// Clear out the output folder
.with_context(|| format!("Unable to remove output directory {}", path.display()))?;
info!("Removed directory {}", path.display());
// Re-create output folder
.with_context(|| format!("Unable to create output directory {}", path.display()))?;
info!("Created directory {}", path.display());
// Pre-processes the list of input files by removing duplicates.
fn normalize_input_files(input: &mut Vec<PathBuf>) {
mod test {
use super::*;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use tempfile::{tempdir, NamedTempFile};
fn select_template_test() {
let path = PathBuf::new();
let to_template = |template_type| select_template(&template_type, &path).unwrap();
let all_template_types = vec![TemplateType::Markdown];
for template_type in all_template_types {
match template_type {
TemplateType::Markdown => {
assert_eq!(to_template(template_type).name(), "Markdown".to_string());
fn create_toc_test() {
let mut fidl_json_map: HashMap<String, FidlJson> = HashMap::new();
FidlJson {
name: "".to_string(),
maybe_attributes: vec![json!({"name": ATTR_NAME_AVAILABLE, "arguments": [
"name": "added",
"type": "uint64",
"value": {
"kind": "literal",
"value": "7",
"expression": "7",
"literal": {
"kind": "numeric",
"value": "7",
"expression": "7"
FidlJson {
name: "fuchsia.auth".to_string(),
// Note that this ATTR_NAME_DOC is UpperCamelCased - this should still
// pass.
maybe_attributes: vec![json!({"name": ATTR_NAME_DOC, "arguments": [
"name": "value",
"value": {
"expression": "Fuchsia Auth API",
"kind": "literal",
"literal": {
"expression":"Fuchsia Auth API",
"kind": "string",
"value": "Fuchsia Auth API"
"value": "Fuchsia Auth API"
FidlJson {
name: "".to_string(),
maybe_attributes: vec![json!({
"some_key": "key", "some_value": "not_description",
"name": ATTR_NAME_AVAILABLE, "arguments": [
"name": "added",
"type": "uint64",
"value": {
"kind": "literal",
"value": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string(),
"expression": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string(),
"literal": {
"kind": "numeric",
"value": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string(),
"expression": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string()
let toc = create_toc(&fidl_json_map);
assert_eq!(toc.items.len(), 3);
assert_eq!(toc.versions, vec!["7", "HEAD"]);
assert_eq!(toc.default_version, "7");
let item0 = toc.items.get(0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "fuchsia.auth".to_string());
assert_eq!(, "fuchsia.auth/index".to_string());
assert_eq!(item0.description, "Fuchsia Auth API".to_string());
let item1 = toc.items.get(1).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "".to_string());
assert_eq!(, "".to_string());
assert_eq!(item1.description, "".to_string());
let item2 = toc.items.get(2).unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "".to_string());
assert_eq!(, "".to_string());
assert_eq!(item2.description, "".to_string());
fn get_library_description_test() {
let maybe_attributes = vec![
json!({"name": "not doc", "value": "Not the description"}),
json!({"name": ATTR_NAME_DOC, "arguments": [
"name": "value",
"value": {
"expression": "Fuchsia Auth API",
"kind": "literal",
"literal": {
"expression":"Fuchsia Auth API",
"kind": "string",
"value": "Fuchsia Auth API"
"value": "Fuchsia Auth API"
let description = get_library_description(&maybe_attributes);
assert_eq!(description, "Fuchsia Auth API".to_string());
fn get_library_added_test() {
let maybe_attributes_7 = vec![
json!({"name": "not available", "value": "Not a version"}),
json!({"name": ATTR_NAME_AVAILABLE, "arguments": [
"type": "uint64",
"value": {
"kind": "literal",
"value": "7",
"expression": "7",
"literal": {
"kind": "numeric",
"value": "7",
"expression": "7"
let version_7 = get_library_added(&maybe_attributes_7);
assert_eq!(version_7, "7".to_string());
let maybe_attributes_head = vec![
json!({"name": ATTR_NAME_AVAILABLE, "arguments": [
"type": "uint64",
"value": {
"kind": "literal",
"value": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string(),
"expression": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string(),
"literal": {
"kind": "numeric",
"value": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string(),
"expression": HEAD_VERSION_NUMBER.to_string()
json!({"name": "not available", "value": "Not a version"}),
let version_head = get_library_added(&maybe_attributes_head);
assert_eq!(version_head, "HEAD".to_string());
fn create_output_dir_test() {
// Create a temp dir to run tests on
let dir = tempdir().expect("Unable to create temp dir");
let dir_path = PathBuf::from(dir.path());
// Add a temp file inside the temp dir
let file_path = dir_path.join("temp.txt");
File::create(file_path).expect("Unable to create temp file");
create_output_dir(false, &dir_path).expect("create_output_dir failed");
// The temp file has been deleted
assert_eq!(dir_path.read_dir().unwrap().count(), 0);
fn get_fidldoc_config_default_path_test() {
// Ensure that I get a valid filepath
let default = std::env::current_exe().unwrap().parent().unwrap().join(FIDLDOC_CONFIG_PATH);
assert_eq!(default, get_fidldoc_config_default_path().unwrap());
fn read_fidldoc_config_test() {
// Generate a test config file
let fidl_config_sample = json!({
"title": "Fuchsia FIDLs"
// Write this to a temporary file
let mut fidl_config_file = NamedTempFile::new().unwrap();
.expect("Unable to write to temporary file");
// Read in file
let fidl_config = read_fidldoc_config(&fidl_config_file.path()).unwrap();
assert_eq!(fidl_config["title"], "Fuchsia FIDLs".to_string());
fn normalize_input_files_test() {
let mut input_files = vec![
normalize_input_files(&mut input_files);
assert_eq!(input_files.len(), 3);
let mut dup_input_files = vec![
normalize_input_files(&mut dup_input_files);
assert_eq!(dup_input_files.len(), 2);
fn should_process_test() {
let fidl_json = FidlJson {
name: "".to_string(),
maybe_attributes: vec![json!({"name": "not no_doc", "value": ""})],
assert_eq!(should_process_fidl_json(&fidl_json), true);
fn check_nodoc_attribute_test() {
let fidl_json = FidlJson {
name: "".to_string(),
maybe_attributes: vec![json!({"name": ATTR_NAME_NO_DOC, "value": ""})],
assert_eq!(should_process_fidl_json(&fidl_json), false);