blob: 9f827871653b8076ebdea29e9203a2d960485568 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Processes the zip archive of syscall markdown and adds toc and readme."""
import argparse
import json
import os
import shutil
import sys
import io
import zipfile
README_HEADER = """# Zircon System Calls
[Life of a Fuchsia syscall](/docs/concepts/kernel/
TOC_HEADER = """# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Please, read
# before making changes to this file, and add a member of the
# team as reviewer.
# TODO(b/306180541): Move syscall categories closer to source .fidl files.
# These are the sections for the system calls in order of appearance.
("Handles", "handle"),
("Objects", "object"),
("Threads", "thread"),
("Thread Sampling", "sampler"),
("IO Buffers", "iob"),
("Processes", "process"),
("Jobs", "job"),
("Tasks (Thread, Process, or Job)", "task"),
("Profiles", "profile"),
("Exceptions", "exception"),
("Channels", "channel"),
("Sockets", "socket"),
("Streams", "stream"),
("Fifos", "fifo"),
("Events and Event Pairs", "event"),
("Ports", "port"),
("Futexes", "futex"),
("Virtual Memory Objects (VMOs)", "vmo"),
("Virtual Memory Address Regions (VMARs)", "vmar"),
("Userspace Pagers", "pager"),
("Cryptographically Secure RNG", "cprng"),
("Time", "time"),
("Timers", "timer"),
("Message Signaled Interrupts (MSIs)", "msi"),
("Hypervisor guests", "guest"),
("Virtual CPUs", "vcpu"),
("Global system information", "global"),
("Debug Logging", "debug"),
("Multi-function", "multi-function"),
("System", "system"),
("DDK", "ddk"),
("Display drivers", "framebuffer"),
("Tracing", "tracing"),
("Restricted Mode (Work in progress)", "restricted"),
("Others/Work in progress", "others"),
def gen_readme_and_toc(data: list[dict[str, str]], reference_root: str) -> None:
readme = io.StringIO()
toc = io.StringIO()
print(README_HEADER, file=readme)
print(TOC_HEADER, file=toc)
print('- title: "Overview"', file=toc)
print(f" path: {reference_root}/", file=toc)
topic_map = dict()
# build a map of prefixes from the topics
for entry in data:
if entry["topic"] not in topic_map:
topic_map[entry["topic"]] = [entry]
for title, topic in README_SECTIONS:
entries = topic_map[topic]
entries.sort(key=lambda x: x["filename"])
del topic_map[topic]
print(f"## {title}\n", file=readme)
print(f'- title: "{title}"', file=toc)
print(f" section:", file=toc)
for entry in entries:
label = entry["filename"][:-3]
filename = entry["filename"]
summary = entry["summary"]
print(f"* [{label}]({filename}) - {summary}", file=readme)
print(f' - title: "zx_{label}"', file=toc)
print(f" path: {reference_root}/{filename}", file=toc)
print("", file=readme)
if topic_map:
raise ValueError(f"Uncategorized topics: {topic_map}")
return (readme.getvalue(), toc.getvalue())
def get_topic(filename: str) -> str:
topic = filename.split("_")[0]
# There are some special cases
if topic == "vmar" and filename == "":
topic = "multi-function"
elif topic == "eventpair":
topic = "event"
elif topic == "system":
if filename == "":
topic = "event"
if filename in [
topic = "global"
elif topic in [
topic = "ddk"
elif topic in ["pci", "pc", "ioports"]:
topic = "others"
elif topic in ["clock", "deadline", "", "ticks"]:
topic = "time"
elif topic in ["ktrace", "mtrace"]:
topic = "tracing"
elif topic in ["debuglog"]:
topic = "debug"
return topic
def read_summary(input: bytes) -> str:
"""Read the first line of the Summary section."""
lines = input.decode().splitlines()
saw_summary = False
for l in lines:
if l == "## Summary":
saw_summary = True
elif saw_summary and l:
return l
return ""
def gen_toc_readme(inzip: str, outzip: str, reference_root: str) -> None:
"""Generates _toc.yaml and for the files in inzip."""
# Copy the zip
shutil.copy2(inzip, outzip)
data = []
# Build the list of topic, summary, path tuples
with zipfile.ZipFile(inzip) as zf:
for m in zf.infolist():
if not m.is_dir():
filename = m.filename
topic = get_topic(filename)
contents =
summary = read_summary(contents)
{"topic": topic, "summary": summary, "filename": filename}
(readme_contents, toc_contents) = gen_readme_and_toc(data, reference_root)
with zipfile.ZipFile(outzip, "a") as zf:
zf.writestr("", readme_contents)
zf.writestr("_toc.yaml", toc_contents)
def main() -> int:
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description=__doc__, # Prepend helpdoc with this file's docstring.
help="Output location where generated docs should go",
help="zipfile path for final output",
help="root path for reference directory. This is prepended to the filename paths to build the local URL for the toc.",
args = parser.parse_args()
gen_toc_readme(args.input, args.output, args.reference_root)
return 0
if __name__ == "__main__":