blob: 8a0718a998cb42bb6a3c5d5eb1fd47590673bc32 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Templates for defining host tests that are based which require
# many runtime files.
# The two top level templates are:
# host_script_test_data
# host_script_test
# Define a data set for a host test.
# This rule is used to define a collection of files
# that are copied to the output directory as runtime
# test dependencies. The files can be sourced from anywhere
# in the source tree, and are copied into the relative path
# defined by `base_dir`.
# The copied files are also tagged with "test_runtime_deps" metadata.
# Parameters
# data_path:
# the name of the relative subdirectory that is the destination
# location of the files.
# data_deps
# Optional: runtime dependencies for this rule.
# datasets: array of scopes
# List of files to copy to the base_dir. Each scope defines 1 source directory. If files from
# multiple directories are needed, then a scope should be defined for each one.
# Each scope defines:
# * source_base_dir - this is the source directory which contains all the files to copy. This
# must be the dirname of the files listed.
# * target_base_dir - this is the base_dir relative path of the files. A common best practice
# is to make this mirror the source code layout. For example, if you are
# needing files in //tools/devshell/tests/lib, then the target_base_dir should be
# `tools/devshell/tests/lib`. This makes the relative position of files the same
# as in the source tree.
# * files - The list of source files to copy from soure_base_dir.
template("host_script_test_data") {
assert(defined(data_path) && data_path != "", "data_path is required.")
dep_target_list = []
set_count = 0
foreach(set, datasets) {
"Error: source_base_dir not found for dataset entry $set")
"Error: target_base_dir not found for dataset entry $set")
assert(defined(set.files), "Error: files not found for dataset entry $set")
host_script_test_data_impl_data_set_copy("dataset_set$set_count") {
data_path = invoker.data_path
data = set
dep_target_list += [ ":dataset_set$set_count" ]
set_count = set_count + 1
group(target_name) {
if (!defined(data_deps)) {
data_deps = dep_target_list
} else {
data_deps += dep_target_list
# Template for defining a host test which runs a testscript.
# Parameters
# test_script
# Required: this is the root relative path of the test script to execute.
# The path cannot be absolute since the paths are not consistent from desktop builds,
# and the CQ test environment.
# test_root
# Optional: this is the root relative path to use as the CWD when running the test script.
# This must be a part of the path of test_script.
# Standard GN parameters: data_deps
template("host_script_test") {
assert(defined(test_script), "test_script is required.")
# Only build this for host targets
if (!is_linux && !is_mac) {
group(target_name) {
} else {
# Wrapper for running test. This runs the test_script in the test_root directory.
go_test(target_name) {
library = "//tools/devshell/test_runner:host_runner_test_lib"
args = [ "-testscript=${test_script}" ]
if (defined(test_root)) {
args += [ "--testroot=${test_root}" ]
non_go_deps = data_deps