blob: 4978a6de62a832eb31d1bf95f987527de1517b28 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
set -e
function fail_with_mixed_mismatch {
fx-error "
You have different SSH credentials for Fuchsia devices in your local machine
and on the remote server.
Local and remote ~/.ssh/fuchsia_ed25519 need to match.
Before you continue, update your local and remote source code.
This ensures that the host tools on both machines expect the SSH credentials
in a consistent location.
If you have been using local tools like 'fx flash-remote', the local
credentials are probably most recent and you can backup and delete
the remote keys on ${host}:
ssh ${host} 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh/save && mv ~/.ssh/fuchsia_* ~/.ssh/save'
and then run this command again.
If you want to keep the remote credentials, backup and delete the local keys:
mkdir -p ~/.ssh/save && mv ~/.ssh/fuchsia_* ~/.ssh/save
and then run this command again.
If you manage your SSH credentials manually, use the --no-check-ssh-keys flag to skip this check.
# Check if there is a Fuchsia SSH key in HOME (used for the GN SDK)
function normalize_local_key {
fx-info "Checking for ""${HOME}"/${_SSH_IDENTITY}""
if [[ ! -f "${HOME}/${_SSH_IDENTITY}" ]]; then
return 1
return 0
# Check whether a Fuchsia SSH key is present on the remote host when
# the remote is not a Fuchsia tree.
function normalize_remote_key {
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
ssh ${ssh_base_args[@]+"${ssh_base_args[@]}"} "${host}" \
"[[ -f \"$_SSH_IDENTITY\" ]]" || return ${_ERROR_NO_KEY}
function compare_remote_and_local {
local -r remote_key="\${HOME}/${_SSH_IDENTITY}"
local -r local_key="${HOME}/${_SSH_IDENTITY}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
ssh ${ssh_base_args[@]+"${ssh_base_args[@]}"} "${host}" "cat ${remote_key}" \
| cmp -s "${local_key}" -
function copy_local_to_remote {
scp ${ssh_base_args[@]+"${ssh_base_args[@]}"} -q -p "${HOME}/${_SSH_IDENTITY}" "${host}:.ssh/"
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
ssh ${ssh_base_args[@]+"${ssh_base_args[@]}"} "${host}" "cat >> ${_SSH_AUTH_KEYS}" < "${HOME}/${_SSH_AUTH_KEYS}"
function copy_remote_to_local {
# force subshell to limit scope of umask
umask 077
mkdir -p "$HOME/.ssh"
scp ${ssh_base_args[@]+"${ssh_base_args[@]}"} -q -p "${host}:${_SSH_IDENTITY}" "$HOME/.ssh"
umask 133
# shellcheck disable=SC2029
ssh ${ssh_base_args[@]+"${ssh_base_args[@]}"} "${host}" cat "${_SSH_AUTH_KEYS}" >> "${HOME}/${_SSH_AUTH_KEYS}"
function is_local_a_tree {
test -n "$local_fuchsia_dir"
function is_remote_a_tree {
test -n "$remote_fuchsia_dir"
# Verify if the Fuchsia SSH keys in the current host and on a remote host
# are the same.
# If no default identity is available on one of the local or remote machine,
# this script copies that identity into place on the other machine. If
# mismatched identities exist, this script prints an actionable error
# message and returns a status code of 113 (_ERROR_MISMATCHED_KEYS).
# Callers should have an user-facing '--no-check-ssh-keys' flag that
# skips this method if the user prefers to manage SSH credentials manually.
# Args:
# 1: local_fuchsia_dir (empty string if GN SDK)
# 2: Remote host
# 3: Remote local_fuchsia_dir (empty string if GN SDK)
# 4-*: Additional args for `ssh`
function verify_default_keys {
local -r local_fuchsia_dir="$1"
local -r host="$2"
local -r remote_fuchsia_dir="$3"
shift 3
local temp_ssh_args=()
while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
if [[ "$1" == "-S" ]]; then
# "-S" doesn't work for scp, so we transform it to its equivalent -o ControlPath=...
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; then
temp_ssh_args+=("-o" "ControlPath=$1")
temp_ssh_args+=( $1 )
local -r ssh_base_args=( "${temp_ssh_args[@]+"${temp_ssh_args[@]}"}" )
local has_local_key=false
local has_remote_key=false
local -r _ERROR_NO_KEY=112
if normalize_local_key; then
if normalize_remote_key; then
if ! $has_local_key && ! $has_remote_key; then
# if remote is not a Fuchsia tree, it is easier to generate the
# key locally and copy to the remote than the opposite.
fx-warn "No SSH credentials found, generating one locally first."
# heck-ssh-config is defined in //tools/devshell/lib/,
# assume it is already loaded by the caller
check-ssh-config || exit $KEY_GENERATION_ERROR
if $has_local_key && $has_remote_key ; then
# check if they match
compare_remote_and_local || fail_with_mixed_mismatch
return 0
elif $has_local_key && ! $has_remote_key; then
fx-warn "Copying local SSH credentials to the remote server"
elif ! $has_local_key && $has_remote_key; then
fx-warn "Copying remote SSH credentials to the local machine"