blob: e1c3ee2a3952f67c16ef84de8a7900b9a29712c3 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env fuchsia-vendored-python
# Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import argparse
import json
import sys
from typing import Sequence, Dict, AbstractSet, Any
from pathlib import Path
from enum import Enum
import subprocess
import os
import re
_CPP_EXTENSIONS = [".cc", ".c", ".cpp"]
_OPT_PATTERN = re.compile("[\W]+")
class Action:
"""Represents an action that comes from aquery"""
def __init__(self, action: Dict, target: Dict):
self.label = target["label"]
self.target_id = action["targetId"]
self.action_key = action["actionKey"]
self.arguments = action["arguments"]
self.environment_vars = action["environmentVariables"]
self.file = extract_file_from_args(self.arguments)
def is_external(self) -> bool:
return not (self.label.startswith("//") or self.label.startswith("@//"))
class CompDBFormatter:
"""A class that can convert the actions into compile_commands
The actions that come from bazel are specific to bazel invocations and do
not map to a command that can be passed directly to clangd. Specifically,
the file paths are not relative to the output_root. This class will do a
best guess on the paths to make sure they map to something that works with
Fuchsia's out directory.
def __init__(self, build_dir: str, output_base: str, output_path: str):
self.build_dir = build_dir
self.output_base = output_base
self.output_base_rel = os.path.relpath(output_base, build_dir)
self.output_path = output_path
self.output_path_rel = os.path.relpath(output_path, build_dir)
def rewrite_file(self, action) -> str:
if action.is_external():
return os.path.join(self.output_base_rel, action.file)
return os.path.join("../..", action.file)
def maybe_rewrite_path(self, file_path, action) -> str:
# Check to see if this is the file we are building. Need to take special
# care here depending on if it is an external target or not.
if file_path == action.file:
return self.rewrite_file(action)
# Bazel adds -iquote "." -iquote for files that are being compiled from
# the internal repository. This changes those to point back to the root
# of the fuchisa source tree.
if file_path == ".":
return "../../"
# There are actions which are external that reference cc_libraries which
# are defined as part of the main workspace, mostly @internal_sdk targets.
# The files they reference are mainly in the //sdk directory so we need
# to rewrite the path and treat them as local files.
# In the future we will likely need to do this for other cc_library targets
# that are outside of the SDK directory and will need to find a better solution.
if file_path.startswith("sdk/"):
return "../../" + file_path
# bazel-out needs to be checked first because it contains external/ paths
if "bazel-out/" in file_path:
return file_path.replace("bazel-out/", self.output_path_rel + "/")
# Look for arguments to files in external/ paths. This is usually
# the clang binary and include roots
if "external/" in file_path:
return file_path.replace(
os.path.join(self.output_base_rel, "external") + "/",
# Just a regular argument
return file_path
def action_to_compile_commands(self, action: Action) -> Dict:
return {
"directory": self.build_dir,
"file": self.rewrite_file(action),
"arguments": [
self.maybe_rewrite_path(arg, action) for arg in action.arguments
def run(*command):
return subprocess.check_output(
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
raise e
def list_to_dict(input: Sequence[Dict]) -> Dict:
return {v["id"]: v for v in input}
def extract_file_from_args(args: Sequence[str]) -> str:
"""Finds the file in the action's arguments
It would be nice to be able to get the single input file from the action but
actions are type erased when they are returned in the query so we can't
just grab the file that is being compiled from the arguments.
def get_ext(f):
p = f.rfind(".")
if p > 0:
return f[p:]
return ""
files = [arg for arg in args if get_ext(arg) in _CPP_EXTENSIONS]
assert len(files) == 1, "Should only be compiling a single file"
return files[0]
def collect_actions(action_graph: Sequence[Dict]) -> Sequence[Action]:
targets = list_to_dict(action_graph["targets"])
actions = []
for action_dict in action_graph["actions"]:
target: Dict = targets[action_dict["targetId"]]
action: Action = Action(action_dict, target)
return actions
def compilation_mode(args: Sequence[str]) -> str:
# sometimes the optimization is escape quoted so we clean it up.
opt = _OPT_PATTERN.sub("", args.optimization)
if opt == "debug":
return "--compilation_mode=dbg"
elif opt in ["size", "speed", "profile", "size_lto"]:
return "--compilation_mode=opt"
return "--compilation_mode=fastbuild"
def main(argv: Sequence[str]):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Refresh bazel compdb")
parser.add_argument("--bazel", required=True, help="The bazel binary")
"--build-dir", required=True, help="The build directory"
"--label", required=True, help="The bazel label to query"
"--optimization", required=True, help="The build level optimization"
args = parser.parse_args(argv)
action_graph = json.loads(
actions = collect_actions(
output_base = run(args.bazel, "info", "output_base")
output_path = run(args.bazel, "info", "output_path")
formatter = CompDBFormatter(
new_compile_commands = []
for action in actions:
compile_commands_dict = {}
compile_commands_path = os.path.join(
args.build_dir, "compile_commands.json"
with open(
) as f:
compile_commands = json.load(f)
for compile_command in compile_commands:
compile_commands_dict[compile_command["file"]] = compile_command
with open(
) as f:
json.dump(list(compile_commands_dict.values()), f, indent=2)
if __name__ == "__main__":