blob: 3b1d3b0c5734086027380884a48f20ab1069bf15 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("goldens") {
testonly = true
deps = [
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
if (is_fuchsia) {
deps += [
if (is_host) {
# Create a C++ v2 component project named `my-component-v2-cpp` and
# compare its file contents to the golden project of the same name.
golden_test("my-component-v2-cpp") {
project_type = "component"
language = "cpp"
golden_files = [
# Create a Rust v2 component project named `my-component-v2-rust` and
# compare its file contents to the golden project of the same name.
golden_test("my-component-v2-rust") {
project_type = "component"
language = "rust"
golden_files = [
# Create a C++ component test project named `my-component-test-cpp` and
# compare its file contents to the golden project of the same name.
golden_test("my-component-test-cpp") {
project_type = "component"
project_subtype = "test"
language = "cpp"
golden_files = [
# Create a Rust component test project named `my-component-test-rust` and
# compare its file contents to the golden project of the same name.
golden_test("my-component-test-rust") {
project_type = "component"
project_subtype = "test"
language = "rust"
golden_files = [
# Create a C++ driver project named `my-driver-cpp` and
# compare its file contents to the golden project of the same name.
golden_test("my-driver-cpp") {
project_type = "driver"
language = "cpp"
golden_files = [
# Create a C++ driver project named `my-devicetree-visitor` and
# compare its file contents to the golden project of the same name.
golden_test("my-devicetree-visitor") {
project_type = "devicetree"
project_subtype = "visitor"
language = "cpp"
golden_files = [