blob: 2e9819c2f06364b8baf73d735cc34fe5c7275296 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
/// # Custom file header
/// This is the docstring for this file. It should appear at the top of the generated documentation
/// ## Just the basics
/// This test file contains the basics of the document generator.
// Documentation for the API flag.
#define API_FLAG_1 1
#define API_FLAG_2 2
// Undocumented macro $nodoc
// Macro with no declaration emitted $nodecl
// This is a structure that defines some values. The values appear inside the structure.
// The first value has no docstring, the second one does.
struct SimpleTestStructure {
int a;
char b; // Some end-of-line documentation.
// Some documentation for the `b` member of the `SimpleTestStructure`.
double c;
union StandaloneUnion {
int i;
double d;
// Here is a regular enum with everything implicit.
enum MySimpleEnum {
// # A very complex enum.
// This is a C++ enum class with an explicit type and explicit values. It also has an explicit
// title for the docstring.
enum class MyFancyEnum : char {
kValue1 = 1,
kValue2 = 1 + 1,
// This enum should be undocumented because of the $nodoc annotation.
enum UndocumentedEnum { kSomeValue = 34324 };
// This enum should have the declaration omitted because of the $nodecl annotation.
enum NoDeclEnum { kSomeOtherValue = 34324 };
// This is an extern global value.
extern int kGlobalValue;
typedef SimpleTestStructure SimpleTestStructureTypedef;
using SimpleTestStructureUsing = SimpleTestStructure;
// This tests the C-style thing of defining an unnamed struct and a typedef for it at the same time.
typedef struct {
int a;
} UnnamedStructTypedef;
// This one has a name for the struct that's separate from the typedef, yet still defined in the
// same declaration.
// TODO the struct definition and the
// typedef should be grouped togeher.
typedef struct tagged_struct {
int a;
} tagged_struct_t;
// Here the C non-typedef'ed struct and the typedefed version are separate declarations.
struct tagged_struct_separate {
int a;
typedef struct tagged_struct_separate tagged_struct_separate_t;