blob: d51195b729a48afbe165cb4aa9af446293e5223c [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
_clang_toolchain_dir = get_path_info(clang_prefix, "dir")
# MOST USERS WILL WANT "clang_doc_headers()" BELOW, not this one.
# clang_doc_invoke() Runs the "clang-doc" tool over a list of C/C++ source files using the
# script. Most users will want the "clang_doc_headers" template above which
# allows specifying the header files instead.
# Clang-doc uses the compilation database to get the correct flags for running the Clang frontend
# over the file. Therefore, the sources must be in the compilation database which means they must
# all be .cc or .c files that are part of the build, and not just a list of headers.
# Clang-doc generates a directory tree the contents of which are not knowable in advance. To allow
# the build to track this hermetically, a script creates an empty temp directory, runs clang-doc on
# that, and zips the output.
# source [string] (required)
# The .c/.cc source file to pass to clang-doc. See above for requirements.
# inputs [list of strings]
# The list of headers that the source will explicitly include.
# out_zip [string] (required)
# Name of the .zip file to put the .yaml files from clang-doc into.
# deps (optional)
# Normal meaning.
template("clang_doc_invoke") {
action(target_name) {
clang_doc_path = "${clang_prefix}/clang-doc"
script = "//tools/cppdocgen/"
args = [
rebase_path(clang_doc_path, root_build_dir),
# The temp directory will be generated as a random file inside of the target_out_dir.
rebase_path(target_out_dir, root_build_dir),
rebase_path(invoker.out_zip, root_build_dir),
"--", # Remaining args are for clang-doc.
rebase_path(invoker.source, root_build_dir),
"compile_commands.json", # In build root, no need to rebase.
inputs = [
if (defined(invoker.inputs)) {
inputs += invoker.inputs
outputs = [ invoker.out_zip ]
hermetic_action_ignored_prefixes = [
# Allow tool to read toolchain's headers in:
# $CLANG_DIR/include
# $CLANG_DIR/lib/clang/VERSION/include
# $SYSROOT/usr/include
# Allow tool to read PGO profile.
if (pgo_profile_path != "") {
_pgo_profile_path = get_path_info(pgo_profile_path, "dir")
hermetic_action_ignored_prefixes += [ _pgo_profile_path ]
# Runs the "clang-doc" tool over a list of headers. It will produce a .zip file containing the
# .yaml files emitted by clang-doc.
# TODO rename to "clang_doc" if the colliding template in the SDK can be removed.
# headers [list of source files] (required)
# List of header files to process with clang-doc. For help keeping this list in sync with
# your library, consider creating a separate variable containing the file list and using it
# for both the library build and the clang_doc_headers() invocation (see the example below).
# deps [list of target labels] (required)
# Dependencies. This must include at least the target that contains the headers being indexed.
# out_zip [string] (required)
# File name of the .zip file to generate.
# # Shared list of public headers for the library and the doc tool.
# my_library_public_headers = [
# "doom_generator.h",
# "doom_consumer.h",
# ]
# static_library("my_library") {
# sources = my_library_public_headers + [
# "",
# "",
# "internal_api.h",
# ]
# ...
# }
# clang_doc_headers("doc_my_library") {
# headers = my_library_public_headers
# out_zip = "$target_out_dir/"
# deps = [ ":my_library" ]
# }
template("clang_doc_headers") {
# Because of the requirement that clang-doc run over a .cc/.c file in the build (rather than
# header files), this wrapper generates such a .cc file that #includes the given headers.
generated_cc_file = "$target_gen_dir/${target_name}"
final_target_name = target_name
# Generate the .cc file that includes the headers to process by clang-doc.
generate_source_target_name = "${target_name}_generate_source"
compile_source_target_name = "${target_name}_compile_source"
action(generate_source_target_name) {
script = "//tools/cppdocgen/"
args = [
rebase_path(generated_cc_file, root_build_dir),
] + rebase_path(invoker.headers, "//")
outputs = [ generated_cc_file ]
# These must be public_deps so the source_set below gets the compile flags.
public_deps = invoker.deps
visibility = [ ":$compile_source_target_name" ]
# Compile the generated .cc file (necessary to include it in the compilation database for Clang,
# even if the output is never used for anything).
source_set(compile_source_target_name) {
sources = [ generated_cc_file ]
public_deps = [ ":$generate_source_target_name" ]
visibility = [ ":$final_target_name" ]
# Actually run clang-doc (see below).
clang_doc_invoke(target_name) {
source = generated_cc_file
inputs = invoker.headers
deps = [ ":$compile_source_target_name" ]