blob: 9dce2cc77433e721decf08fe7ab45ab3f295e56c [file] [log] [blame]
"file": {
"fuchsiaDir": "{FUCHSIA_DIR}",
"copyrightSize": 6124,
"replacements": [
"replace": "\u201c",
"with": "\"",
"notes": [
"Some part of the golang string processing is handling these characters incorrectly."
"replace": "\u201d",
"with": "\"",
"notes": [
"Some part of the golang string processing is handling these characters incorrectly."
"classifierThreshold": 0.8,
"classifierLicensePaths": [
"extensions": {
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".merkle": true,
".ac": true,
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".asm": true,
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".cc": true,
".cml": true,
".cpp": true,
".d": true,
".dart": true,
".dat": true,
".fidl": true,
".gn": true,
".gni": true,
".go": true,
".h": true,
".hh": true,
".inc": true,
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".js": true,
".m": true,
".py": true,
".rs": true,
".sh": true