blob: 197b96ae6731753730037821af55ed3e29496d3c [file] [log] [blame]
External Library Name Link to the library's LICENSE file License Name The name of the binary that links the external library Copyright notice and license text for library included in third-party notices being surfaced in the product?* Source code for library included the mirrored source included on the product?**
{{ range $_, $project := .FilteredProjects }}{{ range $_, $licenseFile := $project.LicenseFiles }}{{ $licenseFileDataList := $licenseFile.Data }}{{ range $_, $licenseFileData := $licenseFileDataList }}{{ $searchResults := $licenseFileData.SearchResults }}{{ if $searchResults.Matches }}{{ range $_, $match := $searchResults.Matches }}
{{ $licenseFileData.LibraryName }} {{ $licenseFileData.URL }} {{ $match.LicenseType }} {{ $project.Name }} {{ $project.BeingSurfaced }} {{ $project.LicenseData.SourceCodeIncluded }} {{ $licenseFile.RelPath }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}{{ end }}