blob: beb78f99b03d1ed42f955b03e01287663310a861 [file] [log] [blame]
rule_info {
rule_name: "example_rule"
doc_string: "The description of a basic rule"
attribute {
name: "name"
doc_string: "A unique name for this target."
type: NAME
mandatory: true
attribute {
name: "deps"
doc_string: "the dependencies."
default_value: "[]"
attribute {
name: "src"
doc_string: "A source file"
type: LABEL
mandatory: true
attribute {
name: "count"
type: INT
default_value: "0"
attribute {
name: "mapping"
default_value: "{}"
origin_key {
name: "example_rule"
file: "//tools/bazel-docgen/testdata/foo:foo_internal.bzl"
provider_info {
provider_name: "FooInfo"
doc_string: "Some provider"
field_info {
name: "contents"
doc_string: "Some contents"
origin_key {
name: "FooInfo"
file: "//tools/bazel-docgen/testdata:foo.bzl"
func_info {
function_name: "some_function"
parameter {
name: "name"
doc_string: "the name to pass"
mandatory: true
parameter {
name: "some_val"
doc_string: "some value to supply"
default_value: "\"some_default\""
parameter {
name: "some_int"
doc_string: "some integer value"
default_value: "1"
doc_string: "a starlark function"
return {
doc_string: "The number 1"
origin_key {
name: "some_function"
file: "//tools/bazel-docgen/testdata:foo.bzl"
func_info {
function_name: "empty_function"
doc_string: "empty function"
origin_key {
name: "empty_function"
file: "//tools/bazel-docgen/testdata:foo.bzl"
module_docstring: "Public definitions for the foo library"
file: "//tools/bazel-docgen/testdata:foo.bzl"
repository_rule_info {
rule_name: "empty_repo"
doc_string: "Just an empty repository rule"
attribute {
name: "name"
doc_string: "A unique name for this repository."
type: NAME
mandatory: true
attribute {
name: "repo_mapping"
doc_string: "In `WORKSPACE` context only: a dictionary from local repository name to global repository name. This allows controls over workspace dependency resolution for dependencies of this repository.\n\nFor example, an entry `\"@foo\": \"@bar\"` declares that, for any time this repository depends on `@foo` (such as a dependency on `@foo//some:target`, it should actually resolve that dependency within globally-declared `@bar` (`@bar//some:target`).\n\nThis attribute is _not_ supported in `MODULE.bazel` context (when invoking a repository rule inside a module extension\'s implementation function)."
environ: "FOO_ENV_VAR"
origin_key {
name: "empty_repo"
file: "//tools/bazel-docgen/testdata/foo:foo_internal.bzl"