blob: 8ac8448abb99049ea2f2858fcdbaeded5d0801df [file] [log] [blame]
//! Robust domain name parsing using the Public Suffix List
//! This library allows you to easily and accurately parse any given domain name.
//! ## Examples
//! ```rust,norun
//! extern crate publicsuffix;
//! use publicsuffix::List;
//! # use publicsuffix::Result;
//! # fn examples() -> Result<()> {
//! // Fetch the list from the official URL,
//! # #[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
//! let list = List::fetch()?;
//! // from your own URL
//! # #[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
//! let list = List::from_url("")?;
//! // or from a local file.
//! let list = List::from_path("/path/to/public_suffix_list.dat")?;
//! // Using the list you can find out the root domain
//! // or extension of any given domain name
//! let domain = list.parse_domain("")?;
//! assert_eq!(domain.root(), Some(""));
//! assert_eq!(domain.suffix(), Some("com"));
//! let domain = list.parse_domain("www.食狮.中国")?;
//! assert_eq!(domain.root(), Some("食狮.中国"));
//! assert_eq!(domain.suffix(), Some("中国"));
//! let domain = list.parse_domain("")?;
//! assert_eq!(domain.root(), Some(""));
//! assert_eq!(domain.suffix(), Some(""));
//! let domain = list.parse_domain("")?;
//! assert_eq!(domain.root(), Some(""));
//! assert_eq!(domain.suffix(), Some(""));
//! let name = list.parse_dns_name("")?;
//! assert_eq!(name.domain().and_then(|domain| domain.root()), Some(""));
//! assert_eq!(name.domain().and_then(|domain| domain.suffix()), Some("com"));
//! // You can also find out if this is an ICANN domain
//! assert!(!domain.is_icann());
//! // or a private one
//! assert!(domain.is_private());
//! // In any case if the domain's suffix is in the list
//! // then this is definately a registrable domain name
//! assert!(domain.has_known_suffix());
//! # Ok(())
//! # }
//! # fn main() {}
//! ```
#![recursion_limit = "1024"]
extern crate error_chain;
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
extern crate native_tls;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate regex;
extern crate idna;
extern crate url;
pub mod errors;
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
mod tests;
use std::fs::File;
use std::path::Path;
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
use std::time::Duration;
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
use std::net::TcpStream;
use std::io::Read;
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
use std::io::Write;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::net::IpAddr;
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::fmt;
pub use errors::{Result, Error};
use regex::RegexSet;
use errors::{ErrorKind, ResultExt};
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
use native_tls::TlsConnector;
use idna::{domain_to_unicode};
use url::Url;
/// The official URL of the list
pub const LIST_URL: &'static str = "";
const PREVAILING_STAR_RULE: &'static str = "*";
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct Suffix {
rule: String,
typ: Type,
struct ListLeaf {
typ: Type,
is_exception_rule: bool,
impl ListLeaf {
fn new(typ: Type, is_exception_rule: bool) -> Self {
Self { typ, is_exception_rule }
struct ListNode {
children: HashMap<String, Box<ListNode>>,
leaf: Option<ListLeaf>,
impl ListNode {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
children: HashMap::new(),
leaf: None,
/// Stores the public suffix list
/// You can use the methods, `fetch`, `from_url` or `from_path` to build the list.
/// If you are using this in a long running server it's recommended you use either
/// `fetch` or `from_url` to download updates at least once a week.
pub struct List {
root: ListNode,
all: Vec<Suffix>, // to support all(), icann(), private()
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
enum Type {
/// Holds information about a particular domain
/// This is created by `List::parse_domain`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct Domain {
full: String,
typ: Option<Type>,
suffix: Option<String>,
registrable: Option<String>,
/// Holds information about a particular host
/// This is created by `List::parse_host`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub enum Host {
/// Holds information about a particular DNS name
/// This is created by `List::parse_dns_name`.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct DnsName {
name: String,
domain: Option<Domain>,
lazy_static! {
// Regex for matching domain name labels
static ref LABEL: RegexSet = {
let exprs = vec![
// can be any combination of alphanumeric characters
// or it can start with an alphanumeric character
// then optionally be followed by any combination of
// alphanumeric characters and dashes before finally
// ending with an alphanumeric character
// Regex for matching the local-part of an
// email address
static ref LOCAL: RegexSet = {
// these characters can be anywhere in the expresion
let global = r#"[[:alnum:]!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]"#;
// non-ascii characters (an also be unquoted)
let non_ascii = r#"[^\x00-\x7F]"#;
// the pattern to match
let quoted = r#"["(),\\:;<>@\[\]. ]"#;
// combined regex
let combined = format!(r#"({}*{}*)"#, global, non_ascii);
let exprs = vec![
// can be any combination of allowed characters
format!(r#"^{}+$"#, combined),
// can be any combination of allowed charaters
// separated by a . in between
format!(r#"^({0}+[.]?{0}+)+$"#, combined),
// can be a quoted string with allowed plus
// additional characters
format!(r#"^"({}*{}*)*"$"#, combined, quoted),
/// Converts a type into a Url object
pub trait IntoUrl {
fn into_url(self) -> Result<Url>;
impl IntoUrl for Url {
fn into_url(self) -> Result<Url> {
impl<'a> IntoUrl for &'a str {
fn into_url(self) -> Result<Url> {
impl<'a> IntoUrl for &'a String {
fn into_url(self) -> Result<Url> {
impl IntoUrl for String {
fn into_url(self) -> Result<Url> {
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
fn request<U: IntoUrl>(u: U) -> Result<String> {
let url = u.into_url()?;
let host = match url.host_str() {
Some(host) => host,
None => { return Err(ErrorKind::NoHost.into()); }
let port = match url.port_or_known_default() {
Some(port) => port,
None => { return Err(ErrorKind::NoPort.into()); }
let data = format!("GET {} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {}\r\n\r\n", url.path(), host);
let addr = format!("{}:{}", host, port);
let stream = TcpStream::connect(addr)?;
let timeout = Duration::from_secs(2);
let mut res = String::new();
match url.scheme() {
scheme if scheme == "https" => {
let connector = TlsConnector::builder().build()?;
let mut stream = connector.connect(host, stream)?;
stream.read_to_string(&mut res)?;
scheme if scheme == "http" => {
let mut stream = stream;
stream.read_to_string(&mut res)?;
_ => { return Err(ErrorKind::UnsupportedScheme.into()); }
impl List {
fn append(&mut self, mut rule: &str, typ: Type) -> Result<()> {
let mut is_exception_rule = false;
if rule.starts_with("!") {
is_exception_rule = true;
rule = &rule[1..];
let mut current = &mut self.root;
for label in rule.rsplit('.') {
if label.is_empty() {
return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidRule(rule.into()).into());
let cur = current;
current = cur.children.entry(label.to_owned())
current.leaf = Some(ListLeaf::new(typ, is_exception_rule));
// to support all(), icann(), private()
self.all.push(Suffix {rule: rule.to_owned(), typ: typ});
fn build(res: &str) -> Result<List> {
let mut typ = None;
let mut list = List::empty();
for line in res.lines() {
match line {
line if line.contains("BEGIN ICANN DOMAINS") => { typ = Some(Type::Icann); }
line if line.contains("BEGIN PRIVATE DOMAINS") => { typ = Some(Type::Private); }
line if line.starts_with("//") => { continue; }
line => {
match typ {
Some(typ) => {
let rule = match line.split_whitespace().next() {
Some(rule) => rule,
None => continue,
list.append(rule, typ)?;
None => { continue; }
if list.root.children.is_empty() || list.all().is_empty() {
return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidList.into());
list.append(PREVAILING_STAR_RULE, Type::Icann)?; // add the default rule
/// Creates an empty List without any rules
/// Sometimes all you want is to do syntax checks. If you don't really care whether
/// the domain has a known suffix or not you can just create an empty list and use
/// that to parse domain names and email addresses.
pub fn empty() -> List {
List {
root: ListNode::new(),
all: Vec::new(),
/// Pull the list from a URL
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
pub fn from_url<U: IntoUrl>(url: U) -> Result<List> {
/// Fetch the list from a local file
pub fn from_path<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<List> {
.map_err(|err| ErrorKind::Io(err).into())
.and_then(|mut data| {
let mut res = String::new();
data.read_to_string(&mut res)?;
/// Build the list from the result of anything that implements `std::io::Read`
/// If you don't already have your list on the filesystem but want to use your
/// own library to fetch the list you can use this method so you don't have to
/// save it first.
pub fn from_reader<R: Read>(mut reader: R) -> Result<List> {
let mut res = String::new();
reader.read_to_string(&mut res)?;
/// Build the list from a string
/// The list doesn't always have to come from a file. You can maintain your own
/// list, say in a DBMS. You can then pull it at runtime and build the list from
/// the resulting String.
pub fn from_string(string: String) -> Result<List> {
/// Build the list from a str
/// The list doesn't always have to come from a file. You can maintain your own
/// list, say in a DBMS. You can then pull it at runtime and build the list from
/// the resulting str.
pub fn from_str(string: &str) -> Result<List> {
/// Pull the list from the official URL
#[cfg(feature = "remote_list")]
pub fn fetch() -> Result<List> {
let github = "";
// Fallback to the Github repo if the official link
// is down for some reason.
.or_else(|_| Self::from_url(github))
fn find_type(&self, typ: Type) -> Vec<&str> {
.filter(|s| s.typ == typ)
.map(|s| s.rule.as_str()).collect()
/// Gets a list of all ICANN domain suffices
pub fn icann(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
/// Gets a list of all private domain suffices
pub fn private(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
/// Gets a list of all domain suffices
pub fn all(&self) -> Vec<&str> {
self.all_internal().map(|s| s.rule.as_str()).collect()
fn all_internal(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &Suffix> {
// remove the default rule
.filter(|s| s.rule != PREVAILING_STAR_RULE)
/// Parses a domain using the list
pub fn parse_domain(&self, domain: &str) -> Result<Domain> {
Domain::parse(domain, self, true)
/// Parses a host using the list
/// A host, for the purposes of this library, is either
/// an IP address or a domain name.
pub fn parse_host(&self, host: &str) -> Result<Host> {
Host::parse(host, self)
/// Extracts Host from a URL
pub fn parse_url<U: IntoUrl>(&self, url: U) -> Result<Host> {
let url = url.into_url()?;
match url.scheme() {
"mailto" => {
match url.host_str() {
Some(host) => self.parse_email(&format!("{}@{}", url.username(), host)),
None => Err(ErrorKind::InvalidEmail.into()),
_ => {
match url.host_str() {
Some(host) => self.parse_host(host),
None => Err(ErrorKind::NoHost.into()),
/// Extracts Host from an email address
/// This method can also be used, simply to validate an email address.
/// If it returns an error, the email address is not valid.
pub fn parse_email(&self, address: &str) -> Result<Host> {
let mut parts = address.rsplitn(2, "@");
let host = match {
Some(host) => host,
None => { return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidEmail.into()); }
let local = match {
Some(local) => local,
None => { return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidEmail.into()); }
if local.chars().count() > 64
|| address.chars().count() > 254
|| (!local.starts_with('"') && local.contains(".."))
|| !LOCAL.is_match(local)
return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidEmail.into());
/// Parses any arbitrary string
/// Effectively this means that the string is either a URL, an email address or a host.
pub fn parse_str(&self, string: &str) -> Result<Host> {
if string.contains("://") {
} else if string.contains("@") {
} else {
/// Parses any arbitrary string that can be used as a key in a DNS database
pub fn parse_dns_name(&self, name: &str) -> Result<DnsName> {
let mut dns_name = DnsName {
name: Domain::to_ascii(name).chain_err(|| {
domain: None,
if let Ok(mut domain) = Domain::parse(name, self, false) {
if let Some(root) = domain.root().map(|root| root.to_string()) {
if Domain::has_valid_syntax(&root) {
domain.full = root;
dns_name.domain = Some(domain);
impl Host {
fn parse(mut host: &str, list: &List) -> Result<Host> {
if let Ok(domain) = Domain::parse(host, list, true) {
return Ok(Host::Domain(domain));
if host.starts_with("[")
&& !host.starts_with("[[")
&& host.ends_with("]")
&& !host.ends_with("]]")
host = host
if let Ok(ip) = IpAddr::from_str(host) {
return Ok(Host::Ip(ip));
/// A convenient method to simply check if a host is an IP address
pub fn is_ip(&self) -> bool {
if let &Host::Ip(_) = self {
return true;
/// A convenient method to simply check if a host is a domain name
pub fn is_domain(&self) -> bool {
if let &Host::Domain(_) = self {
return true;
impl fmt::Display for Host {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
&Host::Ip(ref ip) => write!(f, "{}", ip),
&Host::Domain(ref domain) => write!(f, "{}", domain),
impl Domain {
/// Check if a domain has valid syntax
pub fn has_valid_syntax(domain: &str) -> bool {
// we are explicitly checking for this here before calling `domain_to_ascii`
// because `domain_to_ascii` strips of leading dots so we won't be able to
// check for this later
if domain.starts_with('.') { return false; }
// let's convert the domain to ascii early on so we can validate
// internationalised domain names as well
let domain = match Self::to_ascii(domain) {
Ok(domain) => { domain }
Err(_) => { return false; }
let mut labels: Vec<&str> = domain.split('.').collect();
// strip of the first dot from a domain to support fully qualified domain names
if domain.ends_with(".") { labels.pop(); }
// a domain must not have more than 127 labels
if labels.len() > 127 { return false; }
for (i, label) in labels.iter().enumerate() {
// the tld must not be a number
if i == 0 && label.parse::<f64>().is_ok() { return false; }
// any label must only contain allowed characters
if !LABEL.is_match(label) { return false; }
/// Get the full domain
pub fn full(&self) -> &str {
fn assemble(input: &str, s_len: usize) -> String {
let domain = input.to_lowercase();
let d_labels: Vec<&str> = domain
.map(|part| *part)
fn find_match(input: &str, domain: &str, list: &List) -> Result<Domain> {
let mut longest_valid = None;
let mut current = &list.root;
let mut s_labels_len = 0;
for label in domain.rsplit('.') {
if let Some(child) = current.children.get(label) {
current = child;
s_labels_len += 1;
} else if let Some(child) = current.children.get("*") {
// wildcard rule
current = child;
s_labels_len += 1;
} else {
// no match rules
if let Some(list_leaf) = &current.leaf {
longest_valid = Some((list_leaf, s_labels_len));
match longest_valid {
Some((leaf, suffix_len)) => {
let typ = Some(leaf.typ);
let suffix_len = if leaf.is_exception_rule {
suffix_len - 1
} else {
let suffix = Some(Self::assemble(input, suffix_len));
let d_labels_len = domain.match_indices(".").count() + 1;
let registrable = if d_labels_len > suffix_len {
Some(Self::assemble(input, suffix_len + 1))
} else {
Ok(Domain {
full: input.to_owned(),
typ: typ,
suffix: suffix,
registrable: registrable,
None => {
Ok(Domain {
full: input.to_owned(),
typ: None,
suffix: None,
registrable: None,
fn to_ascii(domain: &str) -> Result<String> {
let result = idna::Config::default()
result.map_err(|error| ErrorKind::Uts46(error).into())
fn parse(domain: &str, list: &List, check_syntax: bool) -> Result<Domain> {
if check_syntax && !Self::has_valid_syntax(domain) {
return Err(ErrorKind::InvalidDomain(domain.into()).into());
let input = domain.trim_end_matches('.');
let (domain, res) = domain_to_unicode(input);
if let Err(errors) = res {
return Err(ErrorKind::Uts46(errors).into());
Self::find_match(input, &domain, list)
/// Gets the root domain portion if any
pub fn root(&self) -> Option<&str> {
match self.registrable {
Some(ref registrable) => Some(registrable),
None => None,
/// Gets the suffix if any
pub fn suffix(&self) -> Option<&str> {
match self.suffix {
Some(ref suffix) => Some(suffix),
None => None,
/// Whether the domain has a private suffix
pub fn is_private(&self) -> bool {
match self.typ {
Some(typ) => match typ {
Type::Icann => false,
Type::Private => true,
None => false,
/// Whether the domain has an ICANN suffix
pub fn is_icann(&self) -> bool {
match self.typ {
Some(typ) => match typ {
Type::Icann => true,
Type::Private => false,
None => false,
/// Whether this domain's suffix is in the list
/// If it is, this is definately a valid domain. If it's not
/// chances are very high that this isn't a valid domain name,
/// however, it might simply be because the suffix is new and
/// it hasn't been added to the list yet.
/// If you want to validate a domain name, use this as a quick
/// check but fall back to a DNS lookup if it returns false.
pub fn has_known_suffix(&self) -> bool {
impl fmt::Display for Domain {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self.full.trim_end_matches(".").to_lowercase())
impl DnsName {
/// Extracts the root domain from a DNS name, if any
pub fn domain(&self) -> Option<&Domain> {
impl fmt::Display for DnsName {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {