blob: f27a1178bd15ecf8465b3fabc6a5c51e13a9d7e8 [file] [log] [blame]
Name: fuse3
License File: LICENSE
* What is this crate used for?
We have an intern working on an fxfs fuse implementation.
fuse3 is a prerequisite to them being able to submit their code.
* Are there any use restrictions? i.e. only for development hosts
This will only be host-side and likely only used by the local storage team.
* What differs from upstream? Include a changelog if feasible.
Cargo.toml has been modified to depend on nix 0.26 instead of 0.26.1 which has some bugs.
(Fuchsia uses nix 0.26.2 at time of writing)
examples/ has been removed as it isn't required and contained unsafe codeblocks. Removing was easier than reviewing. tracks the pull request we need to land before we can remove this fork.
* Are there any restrictions to how it should be rolled?
* Is there anything else which makes this dependency "special"?