blob: d220d2d4aecd5b958e5e5adcdc7847ca3a24341c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <lib/zx/time.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
namespace scenic_impl {
// Flexible error reporting with an ostream-like interface. Subclasses must
// implement ReportError().
class ErrorReporter {
virtual ~ErrorReporter() = default;
// Helper class with RAII semantics. Invokes ErrorReporter::ReportError()
// upon destruction.
class Report {
Report(Report&& report);
// Append the value to the output stream.
template <typename T>
Report& operator<<(const T& val) {
stream_ << val;
return *this;
Report& operator<<(const zx::time& val) {
stream_ << val.get();
return *this;
Report& operator<<(const zx::duration& val) {
stream_ << val.get();
return *this;
// Only ErrorReporter can create reports.
friend class ErrorReporter;
Report(ErrorReporter* owner, fuchsia_logging::LogSeverity severity, const std::string& prefix);
ErrorReporter* owner_ = nullptr;
fuchsia_logging::LogSeverity severity_;
std::ostringstream stream_;
// Create a new Report which will, upon destruction, invoke ReportError()
// upon this ErrorReporter.
Report INFO() { return Report(this, fuchsia_logging::LOG_INFO, prefix_); }
Report WARN() { return Report(this, fuchsia_logging::LOG_WARNING, prefix_); }
Report ERROR() { return Report(this, fuchsia_logging::LOG_ERROR, prefix_); }
Report FATAL() { return Report(this, fuchsia_logging::LOG_FATAL, prefix_); }
// Return a default ErrorReporter that is always available, which simply logs
// the error using FX_LOGS(severity).
static const std::shared_ptr<ErrorReporter>& Default();
static std::unique_ptr<ErrorReporter> DefaultUnique();
// Set a string that is printed before everything else.
void SetPrefix(const std::string& prefix) { prefix_ = prefix; }
virtual void ReportError(fuchsia_logging::LogSeverity severity, std::string error_string) = 0;
std::string prefix_;
} // namespace scenic_impl