blob: 1297bbec704defc8851a3b3d5bc790a345930de8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <lib/inspect/cpp/inspect.h>
#include <zircon/status.h>
#include <queue>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "src/lib/fxl/macros.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/input/gesture_contender.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/input/gesture_contender_inspector.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/input/internal_pointer_event.h"
#include "src/ui/scenic/lib/view_tree/snapshot_types.h"
namespace scenic_impl::input {
// Base class for implementations of fuchsia.ui.pointer.TouchSource and its augmentations.
class TouchSourceBase : public GestureContender {
~TouchSourceBase() override = default;
// |GestureContender|
// For |view_bounds| and |event.viewport| new values are only sent to the client when they've
// changed from their last seen values.
void UpdateStream(StreamId stream_id, const InternalTouchEvent& event, bool is_end_of_stream,
view_tree::BoundingBox view_bounds) override;
// |GestureContender|
void EndContest(StreamId stream_id, bool awarded_win) override;
zx_koid_t channel_koid() const override { return channel_koid_; }
// Augmentation data for f.u.p.augment.TouchEventWithLocalHit.
struct LocalHit {
zx_koid_t local_viewref_koid;
std::array<float, 2> local_point;
// Struct for holding the touch event and any potential augmentations.
struct AugmentedTouchEvent {
// Base event.
fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchEvent touch_event;
// Possible augmentation data.
std::optional<LocalHit> local_hit;
// |respond_| must not destroy the TouchSourceBase object.
TouchSourceBase(zx_koid_t channel_koid, zx_koid_t view_ref_koid,
fit::function<void(StreamId, const std::vector<GestureResponse>&)> respond,
GestureContenderInspector& inspector);
void WatchBase(std::vector<fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchResponse> responses,
fit::function<void(std::vector<AugmentedTouchEvent>)> callback);
void UpdateResponseBase(fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchInteractionId stream,
fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchResponse response,
fit::function<void()> callback);
// TODO( Implement ANR.
// Closes the FIDL channel. This triggers the destruction of the TouchSourceBase object through
// the error handler set in InputSystem. NOTE: No further method calls or member accesses should
// be made after CloseChannel(), since they might be made on a destroyed object.
virtual void CloseChannel(zx_status_t epitaph) = 0;
// Allows subtypes to add augmentations to each event.
virtual void Augment(AugmentedTouchEvent&, const InternalTouchEvent&) = 0;
struct StreamData {
uint32_t device_id = 0;
uint32_t pointer_id = 0;
bool stream_has_ended = false;
bool was_won = false;
GestureResponse last_response = GestureResponse::kUndefined;
// Used to track expected responses from the client for each sent event.
struct ReturnTicket {
StreamId stream_id = kInvalidStreamId;
bool expects_response = false;
// Used to track events awaiting Watch() calls.
struct PendingEvent {
StreamId stream_id = kInvalidStreamId;
AugmentedTouchEvent event;
void SendPendingIfWaiting();
// Checks that the input is valid for the current state. If not valid it returns the error string
// to print and the epitaph to send on the channel when closing.
static zx_status_t ValidateResponses(
const std::vector<fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchResponse>& responses,
const std::vector<ReturnTicket>& last_messages, bool have_pending_callback);
static zx_status_t ValidateUpdateResponse(
const fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchInteractionId& stream_identifier,
const fuchsia::ui::pointer::TouchResponse& response,
const std::unordered_map<StreamId, StreamData>& ongoing_streams);
const zx_koid_t channel_koid_;
bool is_first_event_ = true;
Viewport current_viewport_;
view_tree::BoundingBox current_view_bounds_;
// Events waiting to be sent to client. Sent in batches of up to
// fuchsia::ui::pointer::TOUCH_MAX_EVENT events on each call to Watch().
std::queue<PendingEvent> pending_events_;
// When a vector of events is sent out in response to a Watch() call, the next Watch() call must
// contain responses matching the previous set of events. |return_tickets_| tracks the expected
// responses for the previous set of events.
std::vector<ReturnTicket> return_tickets_;
const fit::function<void(StreamId, const std::vector<GestureResponse>&)> respond_;
// Tracks all streams that have had at least one event passed into UpdateStream(), and that
// haven't either "been won and has ended", or "haven't been lost".
std::unordered_map<StreamId, StreamData> ongoing_streams_;
// Tracks all the devices that have previously been seen, to determine when we need to provide
// a TouchInteractionId value.
std::unordered_set<uint32_t> seen_devices_;
// Streams can be declared as won before the first UpdateStream() call concerning the stream,
// this set tracks those streams. This set should never contain a stream that also exists in
// |ongoing_streams_|.
std::unordered_set<StreamId> won_streams_awaiting_first_message_;
fit::function<void(std::vector<AugmentedTouchEvent>)> pending_callback_ = nullptr;
// Saved by reference since |inspector_| is guaranteed to outlive the contender.
GestureContenderInspector& inspector_;
} // namespace scenic_impl::input