blob: e5b6a9f4f6c8918e22361c26cea995ced18c2972 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <fuchsia/accessibility/tts/cpp/fidl.h>
#include <lib/async/cpp/executor.h>
#include <lib/fit/function.h>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/focus/a11y_focus_manager.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/speaker.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/tts/tts_manager.h"
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/view/view_source.h"
namespace a11y {
// ScreenReaderContext class stores the current state of the screen reader which includes the
// currently selected node(via the a11y focus manager) and state(currently selected semantic level).
// This class will be queried by "Actions" to get screen reader information.
class ScreenReaderContext {
// Describes Screen Reader possible modes of navigation.
enum class ScreenReaderMode {
kNormal, // Default case.
// Whether a continuous exploration is in progress. A continuous exploration is a state
// where an user is exploring the screen (by touch, for example), and is informed of the
// elements in a11y focus (hearing the tts, for example). When in continuous exploration, if the
// user stops at a particular semantic node, this node is informed only once, and another update
// will only come after the user moves to a different node. In contrast, when the user is not in
// continuous exploration, if the node is explored multiple times, they will always be informed.
// Defines the different semantic levels.
// A semantic level is a granularity level of navigation that is used to select the appropriate
// action when the user performs actions of the form next / previous element. In order to select
// what is the next element, the Screen Reader uses the semantic level to choose the appropriate
// logic to use.
enum class SemanticLevel {
// Linear Navigation defines what will be the next / previous element.
// Adjusts a value in a slider or range control element.
// User is navigating by characters of the text.
// User is navigating by the words of the text.
// User is navigating by the headings of the text.
// User is navigating by form controls.
struct TableContext {
// The row/column headers, ordered by row/column index. Note that the
// vectors are 0-indexed, so users must access the row/column header via the
// row/column index - 1.
std::vector<std::string> row_headers;
std::vector<std::string> column_headers;
// Row/column indices of the currently focused node.
// Note that row and column indices are 1-indexed, so a value of 0
// indicates that no row/column information is present.
uint32_t row_index = 0;
uint32_t column_index = 0;
bool operator==(const TableContext& rhs) const {
return this->row_headers == rhs.row_headers && this->column_headers == rhs.column_headers &&
this->row_index == rhs.row_index && this->column_index == rhs.column_index;
// TODO( Investigate whether we need to both a current and
// previous copy of all this state.
struct NavigationContext {
// Holds koid of the view for the 'current node' (the node to which this context applies).
// Note: It's possible for the screen reader to be in a degraded state where no node is in
// focus, in which case this will be `nullopt`.
std::optional<zx_koid_t> view_ref_koid;
struct Container {
uint32_t node_id;
// If the container is a table, this holds additional info about the navigation state within
// that table.
std::optional<TableContext> table_context;
bool operator==(const Container& rhs) const {
return this->node_id == rhs.node_id && this->table_context == rhs.table_context;
// Holds all containers that are ancestors of the current node. Sorted 'deepest-last'.
// Will not include the current node itself.
std::vector<Container> containers;
// Defines the signature for a callback invoked when a node update is
// received.
using OnNodeUpdateCallback = fit::function<void()>;
// |a11y_focus_manager| will be owned by this class.
// |tts_manager| is not kept, and must be valid only during this constructor, where
// |tts_engine_ptr_| is instantiated.
// |view_source| must outlive this object.
explicit ScreenReaderContext(std::unique_ptr<A11yFocusManager> a11y_focus_manager,
TtsManager* tts_manager, ViewSource* view_source,
std::string locale_id = "en-US");
virtual ~ScreenReaderContext();
// Returns pointer to A11yFocusManager which stores a11y focus information for screen reader.
virtual A11yFocusManager* GetA11yFocusManager();
// Returns the Executor used by the Screen Reader to schedule promises.
async::Executor* executor() { return &executor_; }
virtual Speaker* speaker();
// Sets the Screen Reader current mode.
void set_mode(ScreenReaderMode mode) { mode_ = mode; }
ScreenReaderMode mode() const { return mode_; }
// Sets the Screen Reader semantic level.
void set_semantic_level(SemanticLevel semantic_level) { semantic_level_ = semantic_level; }
SemanticLevel semantic_level() const { return semantic_level_; }
void set_locale_id(const std::string& locale_id) { locale_id_ = locale_id; }
const std::string& locale_id() const { return locale_id_; }
// Set/run on_node_update_callback_.
void set_on_node_update_callback(OnNodeUpdateCallback callback) {
on_node_update_callback_ = std::move(callback);
void run_and_clear_on_node_update_callback();
bool has_on_node_update_callback() { return static_cast<bool>(on_node_update_callback_); }
// Returns true if the node currently focused by the screen reader is a text field.
virtual bool IsTextFieldFocused() const;
// Returns true if the node currently focused by the screen reader is part of a virtual keyboard.
virtual bool IsVirtualKeyboardFocused() const;
// Tries to update the cache if the describable content of the a11y focused node has changed in
// respect to the cached copy of the node. Returns true if the cache was updated. Please only
// modify this function to add new describable content if the changes can be spoken. For example,
// a change on the node location is not describable, because the screen reader does not report it
// where a change in some attribute that is spoken to the user is.
virtual bool UpdateCacheIfDescribableA11yFocusedNodeContentChanged();
// Methods to get/set the current and previous navigation contexts.
void set_current_navigation_context(NavigationContext navigation_context) {
current_navigation_context_ = navigation_context;
void set_previous_navigation_context(NavigationContext navigation_context) {
previous_navigation_context_ = navigation_context;
NavigationContext current_navigation_context() { return current_navigation_context_; }
NavigationContext previous_navigation_context() { return previous_navigation_context_; }
void set_last_interaction(zx::time last_interaction) { last_interaction_ = last_interaction; }
zx::time last_interaction() const { return last_interaction_; }
// For mocks.
// Helper method to retrieve a semantic node.
const fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node* GetSemanticNode(zx_koid_t view_ref_koid,
uint32_t node_id) const;
async::Executor executor_;
// Stores A11yFocusManager pointer.
// A11yFocusManager pointer should never be nullptr.
std::unique_ptr<A11yFocusManager> a11y_focus_manager_;
// We need to keep a pointer to the TTS manager so that we can close the
// engine we opened in the constructor.
TtsManager* tts_manager_ = nullptr;
// Interface used to obtain view data, including semantics.
ViewSource* const view_source_ = nullptr;
// Interface to the engine is owned by this class so that it can build and rebuild the Speaker
// when the locale changes.
fuchsia::accessibility::tts::EnginePtr tts_engine_ptr_;
// Manages speech tasks of this screen reader.
std::unique_ptr<Speaker> speaker_;
// Current Screen Reader mode.
ScreenReaderMode mode_ = ScreenReaderMode::kNormal;
// Current semantic level.
SemanticLevel semantic_level_ = SemanticLevel::kDefault;
// Unicode BCP-47 Locale Identifier.
std::string locale_id_;
// Copy of the last node to receive the a11y focus.
std::optional<fuchsia::accessibility::semantics::Node> last_a11y_focused_node_;
// Holds state about the portions of the semantic tree surrounding the
// currently focused node.
NavigationContext current_navigation_context_ = {};
NavigationContext previous_navigation_context_ = {};
// Invoked once, on the first tree update received after the callback is set.
// The callback is cleared after it's invoked.
// Example use case: The ChangeRangeValueAction sets a callback to read the
// updated slider value when the tree update setting the new value is
// received.
OnNodeUpdateCallback on_node_update_callback_ = {};
// Saves the last time an user interacted with the device.
zx::time last_interaction_;
class ScreenReaderContextFactory {
ScreenReaderContextFactory() = default;
virtual ~ScreenReaderContextFactory() = default;
virtual std::unique_ptr<ScreenReaderContext> CreateScreenReaderContext(
std::unique_ptr<A11yFocusManager> a11y_focus_manager, TtsManager* tts_manager,
ViewSource* view_source, std::string locale_id = "en-US") {
return std::make_unique<ScreenReaderContext>(std::move(a11y_focus_manager), tts_manager,
view_source, locale_id);
} // namespace a11y