blob: 6d55c7d92ffc4011d0db7bab7971ea21a4afe221 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/process_update_action.h"
#include <lib/async/cpp/time.h>
#include <lib/async/default.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include "src/ui/a11y/lib/screen_reader/util/util.h"
namespace a11y {
ProcessUpdateAction::ProcessUpdateAction(ActionContext* action_context,
ScreenReaderContext* screen_reader_context)
: ScreenReaderAction(action_context, screen_reader_context),
last_spoken_feedback_(zx::time::infinite_past()) {}
ProcessUpdateAction::~ProcessUpdateAction() = default;
void ProcessUpdateAction::Run(a11y::gesture_util_v2::GestureContext gesture_context) {
auto a11y_focus_manager = screen_reader_context_->GetA11yFocusManager();
auto a11y_focus = a11y_focus_manager->GetA11yFocus();
if (!a11y_focus) {
// Before trying to describe potential changes of a semantic node, it can be the case that a
// previous action registered itself to handle the updates and describe them.
if (screen_reader_context_->has_on_node_update_callback()) {
const zx::time now = async::Now(async_get_default_dispatcher());
const zx::duration speak_interval = now - last_spoken_feedback_;
const zx::duration interaction_interval = now - screen_reader_context_->last_interaction();
if (speak_interval <= zx::msec(1000) || interaction_interval > zx::min(5)) {
// Some nodes update too frequently. Avoid repeating them too often.
// TODO( Use activity service to detect when user is using a fuchsia device.
// If it has been more than 5 minutes since the user interacted with the
// device, do not produce speech output.
if (!screen_reader_context_->UpdateCacheIfDescribableA11yFocusedNodeContentChanged()) {
// No changes to be spoken to user about the node in focus.
// Get the node in focus.
const auto* focused_node = action_context_->semantics_source->GetSemanticNode(
a11y_focus->view_ref_koid, a11y_focus->node_id);
if (!focused_node) {
// The focused node may not be describable. If not, we should not try to speak
// it.
if (!NodeIsDescribable(focused_node)) {
last_spoken_feedback_ = now;
// We don't want automatic focus updates to cut off any other messages (which
// might have been user-initiated), so we mark the TTS as non-interrupting.
auto options = Speaker::Options{.interrupt = false};
auto promise =
BuildSpeechTaskFromNodePromise(a11y_focus->view_ref_koid, a11y_focus->node_id, options)
// Cancel any promises if this class goes out of scope.
auto* executor = screen_reader_context_->executor();
} // namespace a11y