blob: 9c2914218d7c6d4d5048565d9c1e6d1267913478 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Create a test wrapper that connects to ViewProvider implemented by example apps
rustc_binary("bin") {
name = "ui_app_instrumentor"
testonly = true
edition = "2018"
source_root = "src/"
sources = [ "src/" ]
deps = [
fuchsia_test_component("flatland_view_provider_system_validation_component") {
component_name = "flatland_view_provider_system_validation"
manifest = "tests/meta/flatland_view_provider_system_validation.cml"
deps = [ ":bin" ]
test_type = "system_validation"
fuchsia_test_component("simplest_sysmem_system_validation_component") {
component_name = "simplest_sysmem_system_validation"
manifest = "tests/meta/simplest_sysmem_system_validation.cml"
deps = [ ":bin" ]
test_type = "system_validation"
fuchsia_test_component("spinning_square_system_validation_component") {
component_name = "spinning_square_system_validation"
manifest = "tests/meta/spinning_square_system_validation.cml"
deps = [ ":bin" ]
test_type = "system_validation"
# To run tests:
# fx test simplest_sysmem_system_validation
# fx test spinning_square_system_validation
# fx test flatland_view_provider_system_validation --ffx-output-directory /path/to/output/dir
fuchsia_test_package("system_validation_test_pkg") {
package_name = "system_validation"
test_components = [
deps = [
# TODO: use the copy in //src/ui/benchmark once is submitted.
# fx set workstation_eng_paused.x64 --release --with-base //sdk/bundles:tools \
# --with-base //src/testing/system-validation:tests \
# --with-host //src/testing/system-validation/ui:flatland_view_provider_with_host_script
# fx test --e2e flatland_view_provider_with_host_script
if (is_host && target_cpu == "x64" && !is_asan) {
run_target_test_and_host_script("flatland_view_provider_with_host_script") {
test_url = "fuchsia-pkg://"
test_package = "//src/testing/system-validation/ui:system_validation_test_pkg(${target_toolchain})"
host_script = "//src/performance/trace2json:bin"
host_script_args = [
"--input-file=" + "{test_artifact_dir}/custom-0/trace.fxt",
"--output-file=" + "{test_artifact_dir}/custom-0/trace.json",
environments = [ emu_env ]
} else {
group("flatland_view_provider_with_host_script") {