blob: ac89c1e9df39836eb436b492a210117a86a87ccf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (is_host) {
group("fuchsia_base_test") {
testonly = true
deps = [ ":fuchsia_base_test_no_testonly" ]
python_library("fuchsia_base_test_no_testonly") {
# In-tree-only tests should prefer ":fuchsia_base_test" because that
# enforces that only testonly code uses regular base test. This target
# should be used for tests or dependencies of tests that are packaged into
# the SDK, since they cannot be testonly.
visibility = [
# SDK-based test targets listed below.
# TODO( Enable mypy checks once the mypy flake is fixed.
enable_mypy = false
library_name = "fuchsia_base_test"
source_root = "fuchsia_base_test"
sources = [
library_deps = [
# NOTE: fuchsia_power_base_test requires associated on device packages to be available. Since python
# libraries are only built on the host, if you depend on `fuchsia_power_base_test` then you must
# also include a target_deps for the packages:
# target_deps = [ "//src/tests/end_to_end/mobly_base_tests:fuchsia_power_base_tests_packages" ]
python_library("fuchsia_power_base_test") {
enable_mypy = true
testonly = true
# Add "_lib" suffix to avoid import collision in the PYZ file when
# `fuchsia_power_base_test` is used as the source in both Python lib and test
library_name = "fuchsia_power_base_test_lib"
source_root = "fuchsia_power_base_test"
sources = [
library_deps = [
python_library("test_case_revive") {
testonly = true
source_root = "test_case_revive"
sources = [
library_deps = [ ":fuchsia_base_test" ]
group("fuchsia_power_base_test_packages") {
deps = [ "//src/tests/end_to_end/power/load_generator" ]