blob: e0bd6632980e047a3ce73273774c1163e8dc6358 [file] [log] [blame]
# Reference at
requires = [
build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta"
name = "honeydew"
description = "Python module for Host-(Fuchsia)Target interactions"
requires-python = ">=3.8"
dynamic = ["version"]
readme = ""
keywords = ["honeydew", "lacewing", "pye2e", "e2e", "python", "controller"]
dependencies = []
# Testing related dependencies
test = [
"parameterized==0.7.4", # for unit tests
"mobly==1.12.1", # for functional tests
"pypng==0.20220715.0", # lacewing dependency
# Coding guidelines related dependencies
guidelines = [
"coverage==7.2.7", # for measuring code coverage using unit tests
"pylint==2.17.4", # for code linting
"isort==5.12.0", # for sorting imports
"autoflake==2.1.1", # for removeing unused imports and unused variables
where = ["."] # list of folders that contain the packages (["."] by default)
include = ["honeydew*"] # package names should match these glob patterns (["*"] by default)
# Reference at
profile = "black"
line_length = 80
# Honeydew uses the MyPy config in fuchsia/pyproject.toml for type checking.
# To enable MyPy type checking on a Python target:
# 1. Add `enable_mypy = true` to the python build target configuration
# 2. Run `fx build` to generate type checking results
# Alternatively, run the following command for MyPy type checking on Honeydew directory:
# PYTHONPATH=$FUCHSIA_DIR/third_party/pylibs/mypy/src:$FUCHSIA_DIR/third_party/pylibs/mypy_extensions/src:$FUCHSIA_DIR/third_party/pylibs/typing_extensions/src/src:$PYTHONPATH
# fuchsia-vendored-python -S -m mypy --config-file pyproject.toml src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew
# Honeydew uses `fx format-code` to format the code.
# `fx format-code` uses `black` underneath to format the python code, using the
# configuration specified in $FUCHSIA_DIR/pyproject.toml.
# So just run the below command to format the code inside this folder:
# `fx format-code "--files=${FUCHSIA_DIR}/src/testing/end_to_end/honeydew/*" --all`