blob: a864b5b583bb7da91e528bd4207056b777b3dc4a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use fidl_fuchsia_component as fcomponent;
use fidl_fuchsia_test_manager::LaunchError;
use fuchsia_component_test::error::Error as RealmBuilderError;
use thiserror::Error;
use tracing::warn;
/// Error encountered running test manager
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum TestManagerError {
#[error("Error sending response: {0:?}")]
Response(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("Error serving test manager protocol: {0:?}")]
Stream(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[error("Cannot convert to request stream: {0:?}")]
IntoStream(#[source] fidl::Error),
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum LaunchTestError {
#[error("Failed to initialize test realm: {0:?}")]
InitializeTestRealm(#[source] RealmBuilderError),
#[error("Failed to create test realm: {0:?}")]
CreateTestRealm(#[source] RealmBuilderError),
#[error("Failed to create test: {0:?}")]
#[error("Failed to create test: {0:?}")]
#[error("Failed to connect to embedded ArchiveAccessor: {0:?}")]
ConnectToArchiveAccessor(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to connect to embedded LogSettings: {0:?}")]
ConnectToLogSettings(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to set log interest with the embedded LogSettings: {0:?}")]
SetLogInterest(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to connect to TestSuite: {0:?}")]
ConnectToTestSuite(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to connect to StorageAdmin: {0:?}")]
ConnectToStorageAdmin(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Cannot open exposed directory: {0:?}")]
OpenExposedDir(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to stream logs from embedded Archivist: {0:?}")]
#[error("Failed to resolve test: {0:?}")]
ResolveTest(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed to read manifest: {0}")]
#[error("Resolver returned invalid manifest data")]
#[error("Invalid manifest: {0:?}")]
InvalidManifest(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[error("Failed validating test realm: {0:?}")]
ValidateTestRealm(#[source] anyhow::Error),
#[derive(Debug, Error)]
pub enum FacetError {
#[error("Facet '{0}' defined but is null")]
NullFacet(&'static str),
#[error("Invalid facet: {0}, value: {1:?}, allowed value(s): {2}")]
InvalidFacetValue(&'static str, String, String),
impl From<FacetError> for LaunchTestError {
fn from(e: FacetError) -> Self {
impl From<LaunchTestError> for LaunchError {
fn from(e: LaunchTestError) -> Self {
// log the error so that we don't lose it while converting to
// fidl equivalent.
// TODO( remove this warning.
warn!("Error launching test: {:?}", e);
match e {
| LaunchTestError::ValidateTestRealm(_)
| LaunchTestError::ConnectToArchiveAccessor(_)
| LaunchTestError::ConnectToLogSettings(_)
| LaunchTestError::SetLogInterest(_)
| LaunchTestError::CreateTestFidl(_)
| LaunchTestError::CreateTest(_)
| LaunchTestError::StreamIsolatedLogs(_)
| LaunchTestError::OpenExposedDir(_)
| LaunchTestError::ConnectToStorageAdmin(_) => Self::InternalError,
| LaunchTestError::InvalidManifest(_)
| LaunchTestError::ManifestIo(_) => Self::InvalidManifest,
LaunchTestError::CreateTestRealm(_) | LaunchTestError::ResolveTest(_) => {
LaunchTestError::ConnectToTestSuite(_) => Self::FailedToConnectToTestSuite,