blob: 77e3de8ffbfdbc538e5a06a6723bb2aee9dd2c6e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
vfs::directory::{entry::DirectoryEntry, helper::DirectlyMutable, immutable::simple as pfs},
type Directory = Arc<pfs::Simple>;
/// Trait that allows directory to be mutated.
pub trait MutableDirectory {
/// Adds an entry to a directory.
fn add_node(&self, name: &str, entry: Arc<dyn DirectoryEntry>) -> Result<(), VfsError>;
/// Removes an entry in the directory.
/// Returns the entry to the caller if the entry was present in the directory.
fn remove_node(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn DirectoryEntry>>, VfsError>;
impl MutableDirectory for Directory {
fn add_node(&self, name: &str, entry: Arc<dyn DirectoryEntry>) -> Result<(), VfsError> {
self.add_entry(name, entry)
.map_err(|status| VfsError::AddNodeError { name: name.to_string(), status })
fn remove_node(&self, name: &str) -> Result<Option<Arc<dyn DirectoryEntry>>, VfsError> {
self.remove_entry(name, false)
.map_err(|status| VfsError::RemoveNodeError { name: name.to_string(), status })
mod tests {
use {super::*, assert_matches::assert_matches, vfs::file::vmo::read_only};
fn addable_with_result_add_ok() {
let dir = vfs::directory::immutable::simple();
dir.add_node("node_name", read_only(b"test"),).is_ok(),
"add node with valid name should succeed"
fn addable_with_result_add_error() {
let dir = vfs::directory::immutable::simple();
let err = dir
.add_node("node_name/with/separators", read_only(b"test"))
.expect_err("add entry with path separator should fail");
assert_matches!(err, VfsError::AddNodeError { .. });
fn addable_with_result_remove_ok() {
let dir = vfs::directory::immutable::simple();
dir.add_node("node_name", read_only(b"test"))
.expect("add node with valid name should succeed");
let entry = dir.remove_node("node_name").expect("remove node should succeed");
assert!(entry.is_some(), "entry should have existed before remove");
fn addable_with_result_remove_missing_ok() {
let dir = vfs::directory::immutable::simple();
let entry = dir.remove_node("does_not_exist").expect("remove node should succeed");
assert!(entry.is_none(), "entry should not have existed before remove");
fn addable_with_result_remove_error() {
let dir = vfs::directory::immutable::simple();
let entry_name = "x".repeat((fidl_fuchsia_io::MAX_FILENAME + 1).try_into().unwrap());
assert!(dir.remove_node(&entry_name).is_err(), "remove node should fail");