blob: d09bf1e10381120a43345c17d8ea329716f73c5f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use {
component::{ExtendedInstance, WeakExtendedInstance},
registry::{EventRegistry, EventSubscription},
errors::{CapabilityProviderError, EventSourceError, EventsError, ModelError},
futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt},
std::sync::{Mutex, Weak},
vfs::{directory::entry::OpenRequest, path::Path as VfsPath, service::endpoint},
// Event source (supporting event streams)
pub struct EventSource {
/// A shared reference to the event registry used to subscribe and dispatch events.
registry: Weak<EventRegistry>,
/// The static EventStreamProvider tracks all static event streams. It can be used to take the
/// server end of the static event streams.
stream_provider: Weak<EventStreamProvider>,
/// The moniker of the component subscribing to events.
subscriber: WeakExtendedInstance,
impl EventSource {
pub fn new(
subscriber: WeakExtendedInstance,
registry: Weak<EventRegistry>,
stream_provider: Weak<EventStreamProvider>,
) -> Self {
Self { subscriber, registry, stream_provider }
/// Subscribes to events provided in the `events` vector.
/// The client might request to subscribe to events that it's not allowed to see. Events
/// that are allowed should have been defined in its manifest and either offered to it or
/// requested from the current realm.
pub async fn subscribe(
&mut self,
requests: Vec<EventSubscription>,
) -> Result<EventStream, ModelError> {
let registry = self.registry.upgrade().ok_or(EventsError::RegistryNotFound)?;
let mut static_streams = vec![];
let subscriber_moniker = self.subscriber.extended_moniker();
if let Some(stream_provider) = self.stream_provider.upgrade() {
for request in requests {
if let Some(res) =
stream_provider.take_static_event_stream(&subscriber_moniker, &request).await
} else {
// Subscribe to events in the registry, discarding prior events
// from before this subscribe call if this is the second
// time opening the event stream.
if request.event_name.source_name.to_string() == "capability_requested" {
// Don't support creating a new capability_requested stream.
return Err(ModelError::EventsError {
err: EventsError::CapabilityRequestedStreamTaken,
let stream = registry.subscribe(&self.subscriber, vec![request]).await?;
// Create an event stream for the given events
let subscriptions: Vec<EventSubscription> = vec![];
let mut stream = registry.subscribe(&self.subscriber, subscriptions).await?;
for mut request in static_streams {
let mut tx = stream.sender();
stream.tasks.push(fuchsia_async::Task::spawn(async move {
while let Some((event, _)) = {
if let Err(_) = tx.send((event, Some(request.route.clone()))).await {
/// Subscribes to all applicable events in a single use statement.
/// This method may be called once per path, and will return None
/// if the event stream has already been consumed.
async fn subscribe_all(
&mut self,
subscriber_moniker: ExtendedMoniker,
path: String,
) -> Result<Option<EventStream>, ModelError> {
if let Some(stream_provider) = self.stream_provider.upgrade() {
if let Some(event_names) = stream_provider.take_events(subscriber_moniker, path).await {
let subscriptions = event_names
.map(|name| EventSubscription { event_name: name })
return Ok(Some(self.subscribe(subscriptions).await?));
impl CapabilityProvider for EventSource {
async fn open(
mut self: Box<Self>,
_task_group: TaskGroup,
mut open_request: OpenRequest<'_>,
) -> Result<(), CapabilityProviderError> {
// Spawn the task in the component's task scope so that when the component is destroyed,
// the task is cancelled and does not leak (similar to how framework capabilities are
// scoped).
let task_group = match self.subscriber.upgrade()? {
ExtendedInstance::Component(target) => target.nonblocking_task_group(),
ExtendedInstance::AboveRoot(target) => target.task_group(),
let moniker = self.subscriber.extended_moniker();
// NOTE: EventSource is a protocol capability for which you'd normally expect an empty path,
// but we are abusing the path in the open request to allow us to identify a specific
// subscription. Earlier in routing, the path in the open request is replaced with the
// identifier (after checking that it is empty).
// VFS paths don't have a leading '/', but the identiifiers we use do, so we need to add it
// here.
let path = format!("/{}", open_request.path().as_ref());
let event_stream = Mutex::new(Some(
self.subscribe_all(moniker, path)
.map_err(|e| {
.open_service(endpoint(move |_scope, channel| {
.map_err(|e| CapabilityProviderError::VfsOpenError(e))