blob: 15d3f7d2f6a94794d844f2d3596bf73ee8cc8fd0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
use crate::task::{with_new_current_task, CurrentTask, Task};
use futures::channel::oneshot;
use futures::TryFutureExt;
use starnix_logging::log_error;
use starnix_sync::{Locked, Mutex, Unlocked};
use starnix_uapi::errno;
use starnix_uapi::errors::Errno;
use starnix_uapi::ownership::{release_after, WeakRef};
use std::ffi::CString;
use std::future::Future;
use std::sync::mpsc::{sync_channel, SendError, SyncSender, TrySendError};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::JoinHandle;
type BoxedClosure = Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut Locked<'_, Unlocked>, &CurrentTask) + Send + 'static>;
/// A thread pool that immediately execute any new work sent to it and keep a maximum number of
/// idle threads.
pub struct DynamicThreadSpawner {
state: Arc<Mutex<DynamicThreadSpawnerState>>,
/// The weak system task to create the kernel thread associated with each thread.
system_task: WeakRef<Task>,
/// A persistent thread that is used to create new thread. This ensures that threads are
/// created from the initial starnix process and are not tied to a specific task.
persistent_thread: RunningThread,
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
struct DynamicThreadSpawnerState {
threads: Vec<RunningThread>,
idle_threads: u8,
max_idle_threads: u8,
impl DynamicThreadSpawner {
pub fn new(max_idle_threads: u8, system_task: WeakRef<Task>) -> Self {
let persistent_thread = RunningThread::new_persistent(system_task.clone());
Self {
state: Arc::new(Mutex::new(DynamicThreadSpawnerState {
/// Run the given closure on a thread and returns a Future that will resolve to the return
/// value of the closure.
/// This method will use an idle thread in the pool if one is available, otherwise it will
/// start a new thread. When this method returns, it is guaranteed that a thread is
/// responsible to start running the closure.
pub fn spawn_and_get_result<R, F>(&self, f: F) -> impl Future<Output = Result<R, Errno>>
R: Send + 'static,
F: FnOnce(&mut Locked<'_, Unlocked>, &CurrentTask) -> R + Send + 'static,
let (sender, receiver) = oneshot::channel::<R>();
self.spawn(move |locked, current_task| {
let _ = sender.send(f(locked, current_task));
receiver.map_err(|_| errno!(EINTR))
/// Run the given closure on a thread and block to get the result.
/// This method will use an idle thread in the pool if one is available, otherwise it will
/// start a new thread.
pub fn spawn_and_get_result_sync<R, F>(&self, f: F) -> Result<R, Errno>
R: Send + 'static,
F: FnOnce(&mut Locked<'_, Unlocked>, &CurrentTask) -> R + Send + 'static,
let (sender, receiver) = sync_channel::<R>(1);
self.spawn(move |locked, current_task| {
let _ = sender.send(f(locked, current_task));
receiver.recv().map_err(|_| errno!(EINTR))
/// Run the given closure on a thread.
/// This method will use an idle thread in the pool if one is available, otherwise it will
/// start a new thread. When this method returns, it is guaranteed that a thread is
/// responsible to start running the closure.
pub fn spawn<F>(&self, f: F)
F: FnOnce(&mut Locked<'_, Unlocked>, &CurrentTask) + Send + 'static,
// Check whether a thread already exists to handle the request.
let mut function: BoxedClosure = Box::new(f);
let mut state = self.state.lock();
if state.idle_threads > 0 {
let mut i = 0;
while i < state.threads.len() {
// Increases `i` immediately, so that it can be decreased it the thread must be
// dropped.
let thread_index = i;
i += 1;
match state.threads[thread_index].try_dispatch(function) {
Ok(_) => {
// The dispatch succeeded.
state.idle_threads -= 1;
Err(TrySendError::Full(f)) => {
// The thread is busy.
function = f;
Err(TrySendError::Disconnected(f)) => {
// The receiver is disconnected, it means the thread has terminated, drop it.
state.idle_threads -= 1;
i -= 1;
function = f;
// A new thread must be created. It needs to be done from the persistent thread.
let (sender, receiver) = sync_channel::<RunningThread>(0);
let dispatch_function: BoxedClosure = Box::new({
let state = self.state.clone();
let system_task = self.system_task.clone();
move |_, _| {
.send(RunningThread::new(state, system_task, function))
.expect("receiver must not be dropped");
.expect("persistent thread should not have ended.");
state.threads.push(receiver.recv().expect("persistent thread should not have ended."));
struct RunningThread {
thread: Option<JoinHandle<()>>,
sender: Option<SyncSender<BoxedClosure>>,
impl RunningThread {
fn new(
state: Arc<Mutex<DynamicThreadSpawnerState>>,
system_task: WeakRef<Task>,
f: BoxedClosure,
) -> Self {
let (sender, receiver) = sync_channel::<BoxedClosure>(0);
let thread = Some(
.spawn(move || {
let mut locked = Unlocked::new();
let result =
with_new_current_task(&mut locked, &system_task, |locked, current_task| {
while let Ok(f) = receiver.recv() {
f(locked, &current_task);
// Apply any delayed releasers.
let mut state = state.lock();
state.idle_threads += 1;
if state.idle_threads > state.max_idle_threads {
// If the number of idle thread is greater than the max, the
// thread terminates. This disconnects the receiver, which will
// ensure that the thread will be joined and remove from the list
// of available threads the next time the pool tries to use it.
if let Err(e) = result {
log_error!("Unable to create a kernel thread: {e:?}");
.expect("able to create threads"),
let result = Self { thread, sender: Some(sender) };
// The dispatch cannot fail because the thread can only finish after having executed at
// least one task, and this is the first task ever dispatched to it.
.expect("sender should never be None")
.expect("Dispatch cannot fail");
fn new_persistent(system_task: WeakRef<Task>) -> Self {
// The persistent thread doesn't need to do any rendez-vous when received task.
let (sender, receiver) = sync_channel::<BoxedClosure>(20);
let thread = Some(
.spawn(move || {
let mut locked = Unlocked::new();
let current_task = {
let Some(system_task) = system_task.upgrade() else {
match CurrentTask::create_kernel_thread(
&mut locked,
) {
Ok(task) => task,
Err(e) => {
log_error!("Unable to create a kernel thread: {e:?}");
release_after!(current_task, &mut locked, {
while let Ok(f) = receiver.recv() {
f(&mut locked, &current_task);
// Apply any delayed releasers.
.expect("able to create threads"),
Self { thread, sender: Some(sender) }
fn try_dispatch(&self, f: BoxedClosure) -> Result<(), TrySendError<BoxedClosure>> {
self.sender.as_ref().expect("sender should never be None").try_send(f)
fn dispatch(&self, f: BoxedClosure) -> Result<(), SendError<BoxedClosure>> {
self.sender.as_ref().expect("sender should never be None").send(f)
impl Drop for RunningThread {
fn drop(&mut self) {
self.sender = None;
match self.thread.take() {
Some(thread) => thread.join().expect("Thread should join."),
_ => panic!("Thread should never be None"),
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::testing::{create_kernel_and_task, AutoReleasableTask};
fn build_spawner(max_idle_threads: u8) -> (AutoReleasableTask, DynamicThreadSpawner) {
let (_kernel, task) = create_kernel_and_task();
let spawner = DynamicThreadSpawner::new(max_idle_threads, task.weak_task());
(task, spawner)
async fn run_simple_task() {
let (_task, spawner) = build_spawner(2);
spawner.spawn(|_, _| {});
async fn run_10_tasks() {
let (_task, spawner) = build_spawner(2);
for _ in 0..10 {
spawner.spawn(|_, _| {});
async fn blocking_task_do_not_prevent_further_processing() {
let (_task, spawner) = build_spawner(1);
let pair = Arc::new((std::sync::Mutex::new(false), std::sync::Condvar::new()));
for _ in 0..10 {
let pair2 = Arc::clone(&pair);
spawner.spawn(move |_, _| {
let (lock, cvar) = &*pair2;
let mut cont = lock.lock().unwrap();
while !*cont {
cont = cvar.wait(cont).unwrap();
let executed = Arc::new(Mutex::new(false));
let executed_clone = executed.clone();
spawner.spawn(move |_, _| {
let (lock, cvar) = &*pair;
let mut cont = lock.lock().unwrap();
*cont = true;
*executed_clone.lock() = true;
// Wait for some time to ensure some threads have finished running.
// Post a couple of new tasks. As the maximum number of idle threads is 1, it should
// ensures that finished threads will be cleaned up from the pool.
spawner.spawn(move |_, _| {});
spawner.spawn(move |_, _| {});
// Drop the spawner. This will wait for all thread to finish.
async fn run_spawn_and_get_result() {
let (_task, spawner) = build_spawner(2);
assert_eq!(spawner.spawn_and_get_result(|_, _| 3).await, Ok(3));