blob: 16df96bf45a607b7543ca154744a1c80f890191d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
group("tests") {
testonly = true
deps = [
rustc_binary("bin") {
name = "tee_manager"
edition = "2021"
with_unit_tests = true
deps = [
test_deps = [
sources = [
fuchsia_unittest_package("tee-manager-tests") {
manifest = "meta/tee_manager_bin_test.cml"
deps = [ ":bin_test" ]
source_set("test_common") {
testonly = true
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [ "test/" ]
public_deps = [
fuchsia_test_component("optee_test_cmp") {
component_name = "optee_test"
manifest = "meta/optee_test.cml"
deps = [ ":optee_test_bin" ]
# Depends on config_data which is a system capability.
test_type = "system"
fuchsia_component("tee_manager_optee_test_cmp") {
manifest = "meta/tee_manager.optee_test.cml"
component_name = "tee_manager"
deps = [ ":bin" ]
fuchsia_test_package("optee_test") {
test_components = [ ":optee_test_cmp" ]
deps = [ ":tee_manager_optee_test_cmp" ]
test_specs = {
# TODO( add astro_env, sherlock_env and nelson_env once
# the bug will be fixed
environments = []
executable("optee_test_bin") {
testonly = true
output_name = "optee_test"
sources = [ "test/" ]
deps = [ ":test_common" ]
fuchsia_test_component("optee_smoke_test_cmp") {
component_name = "optee_smoke_test"
manifest = "meta/optee_smoke_test.cml"
deps = [ ":optee_smoke_test_bin" ]
# Depends on config_data which is a system capability.
test_type = "system"
fuchsia_component("tee_manager_optee_smoke_test_cmp") {
manifest = "meta/tee_manager.optee_smoke_test.cml"
component_name = "tee_manager"
deps = [ ":bin" ]
fuchsia_test_package("optee_smoke_test") {
test_components = [ ":optee_smoke_test_cmp" ]
deps = [ ":tee_manager_optee_smoke_test_cmp" ]
test_specs = {
environments = [ astro_env ]
executable("optee_smoke_test_bin") {
testonly = true
output_name = "optee_smoke_test"
sources = [ "test/" ]
deps = [
# TODO( delete the below and fix compiler warnings
configs += [ "//build/config:Wno-conversion" ]
core_shard("core_shard") {
shard_file = "meta/tee_manager.core_shard.cml"