blob: f84d2adde114f4df66370398ac0dcb7641f327bd [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/media/audio/effects/audio_effects.h>
#include <lib/syslog/cpp/macros.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
#include <string_view>
#include "src/media/audio/lib/effects_loader/effects_module.h"
namespace media::audio {
class EffectV1 {
EffectV1() : effects_handle_(FUCHSIA_AUDIO_EFFECTS_INVALID_HANDLE) {}
// Creates a new `EffectV1` from a `fuchsia_audio_effects_handle_t` and an owning
// `EffectsModuleV1`.
// This constructor requires that both `handle` and `module` are both either vaild or invalid
// values. It is an error to create an `EffectV1` with `handle` ==
// `FUCHSIA_AUDIO_EFFECTS_INVALID_HANDLE` while `module` is non-null. Likewise it is an error to
// create an `EffectV1` with `handle` != `FUCHSIA_AUDIO_EFFECTS_INVALID_HANDLE` and a null
// `module`.
EffectV1(fuchsia_audio_effects_handle_t effects_handle, EffectsModuleV1 module,
std::string_view instance_name)
: effects_handle_(effects_handle), module_(std::move(module)), instance_name_(instance_name) {
// If handle_ is valid, module_ must be valid. If effects_handle_ is invalid, module_ must be
// invalid.
FX_DCHECK((effects_handle_ != FUCHSIA_AUDIO_EFFECTS_INVALID_HANDLE) == (module_.is_valid()));
// Allow move.
EffectV1(EffectV1&& o) noexcept;
EffectV1& operator=(EffectV1&& o) noexcept;
// Disallow copy.
EffectV1(const EffectV1&) = delete;
EffectV1& operator=(const EffectV1&) = delete;
// Returns |true| iff this EffectV1 has a valid fuchsia_audio_effects_handle_t.
[[nodiscard]] bool is_valid() const { return static_cast<bool>(module_); }
explicit operator bool() const { return is_valid(); }
[[nodiscard]] fuchsia_audio_effects_handle_t get() const { return effects_handle_; }
std::string_view instance_name() const { return instance_name_; }
// These methods are thin wrappers around the corresponding ABI calls that use the
// fuchsia_audio_effects_handle_t and module used to create this effect. It is an error to call
// any of these if the EffectV1 instance is not valid (see |is_valid|).
// In the spirit of keeping these as thin wrappers around the fuchsia_audio_effects_handle_t,
// this class will not perform any parameter checking; all arguments will be passed through to
// the plugin as-is.
// Deletes the `EffectV1` leaving the object in an invalid state.
// Note that this will invalidate the `EffectV1` even if the operation fails.
zx_status_t Delete();
zx_status_t UpdateConfiguration(std::string_view config) const;
zx_status_t ProcessInPlace(int64_t num_frames, float* audio_buff_in_out) const;
zx_status_t Process(int64_t num_frames, const float* audio_buff_in, float** audio_buff_out) const;
zx_status_t Flush() const;
zx_status_t GetParameters(fuchsia_audio_effects_parameters* params) const;
void SetStreamInfo(const fuchsia_audio_effects_stream_info& stream_info) const;
fuchsia_audio_effects_handle_t effects_handle_;
EffectsModuleV1 module_;
std::string_view instance_name_;
} // namespace media::audio