blob: a831211b1d9735f43b07a3bcbe655c69704e9a89 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
//! Structured user interface (SUI).
//! Provides a wrapper around a Text UI (TUI) to support terminal, GUI, and
//! machine wrappers.
//! Note: this is being developed within pbms as a proof of concept. The intent
//! is to move this code when it's further along. Potentially using it for
//! all ffx UI.
use anyhow::Result;
use cfg_if::cfg_if;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, Read, Write};
use unicode_segmentation::UnicodeSegmentation;
// Magic terminal escape codes.
const CLEAR_TO_EOL: &'static str = "\x1b[J";
/// Move the terminal cursor 'up' N rows.
fn cursor_move_up<W: ?Sized>(output: &mut W, rows: usize) -> Result<()>
W: Write + Send + Sync,
write!(output, "\x1b[{}A", rows)?;
/// Return the ratio of progress over total step in a user readable format.
fn progress_percentage(at_: u64, of_: u64) -> f32 {
if of_ == 0 {
return 100.0;
at_ as f32 / of_ as f32 * 100.0
/// A single topic of progress, which can be nested within other topics.
/// E.g. coping file 3 of 100, and being on byte 2000 of 9000 within that file
/// is two ProgressEntry records.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct ProgressEntry {
/// The current task description.
name: String,
/// How far along the progress is, as compared to `of`.
at: u64,
/// The point at which `at` is 100% complete. E.g. "at 50 of 100 steps".
of: u64,
/// What is represented by `at` and `of`. E.g. "bytes", "seconds", "steps".
units: String,
/// A wrapper around one or more ProgressEntry records.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Progress {
/// Always "progress".
kind: String,
/// A overall description. E.g. "Copying files".
title: String,
/// An ordered list of progress entries.
entries: Vec<ProgressEntry>,
impl Progress {
pub fn builder() -> Self {
Progress { kind: "progress".to_string(), ..Default::default() }
/// A label shown prominently, such as the dialog or window title in a GUI.
pub fn title<'a>(&'a mut self, title: &'a str) -> &'a mut Self {
self.title = title.to_string();
/// Push another `ProgressEntry` to show nested progress.
pub fn entry<'a>(
&'a mut self,
name: &'a str,
at: u64,
of: u64,
units: &'a str,
) -> &'a mut Self {
let entry = ProgressEntry { name: name.to_string(), at, of, units: units.to_string() };
/// A basic presentation used for alerts and short prompts for data.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct SimplePresentation {
/// One of "string_prompt" or "alert".
kind: String,
/// A overall description. E.g. "Copying files".
title: Option<String>,
/// The body of the message to the user.
message: Option<String>,
/// The specific question or call-to-action to the user.
prompt: String,
impl SimplePresentation {
pub fn builder() -> Self {
SimplePresentation { kind: "string_prompt".to_string(), ..Default::default() }
/// A label shown prominently, such as the dialog or window title in a GUI.
pub fn title<'a, S>(&'a mut self, title: S) -> &'a mut Self
S: Into<String>,
self.title = Some(title.into());
pub fn message<'a, S>(&'a mut self, message: S) -> &'a mut Self
S: Into<String>,
self.message = Some(message.into());
pub fn prompt<'a>(&'a mut self, prompt: &'a str) -> &'a mut Self {
self.prompt = prompt.to_string();
/// A single horizontal row of a table.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct RowPresentation {
/// If the row is used in a menu or selectable list, the `id` is used to
/// identify which selection was made. Note: if the `id` is not unique, it
/// may be difficult to know which selection was made.
id: Option<String>,
/// The entries that make up the row.
columns: Vec<String>,
/// A menu or table of one or more rows.
/// It's advisable, though not required, to set the `header` and each of the
/// `rows` with the same number of columns.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct TableRows {
/// Always "table_rows".
kind: String,
/// A short label presented at the top (or prominently). In a GUI, often the
/// title of the tab, dialog, or window displaying the table.
title: Option<String>,
/// Appears above the table. Often descriptive text.
/// Compare to `note`.
message: Option<String>,
/// The header is the top row of the table. It's commonly used to label the
/// columns in the table and normally doesn't contain data itself.
header: RowPresentation,
/// Rows are the body of the table. This is where the actual data in the
/// table is presented.
rows: Vec<RowPresentation>,
/// Appears below the table. Often a list and description of special
/// symbols used in the table. Common examples are asterisk,
/// double-asterisk, dagger, etc.
/// Compare to 'message'.
note: Option<String>,
/// The `id` of the `rows` entry which is selected by default.
default: Option<String>,
/// Often a question for the user, especially if the table shows a menu of
/// options to choose from.
prompt: Option<String>,
/// The highest number of columns in any of the rows/header for this table.
max_columns: usize,
impl TableRows {
pub fn builder() -> Self {
/// Add a title.
pub fn title<'a, S>(&'a mut self, title: S) -> &'a mut Self
S: Into<String>,
self.title = Some(title.into());
/// Add a header to the top of the table.
/// It's advisable, though not required, to set the `header` and each `row`
/// with the same number of columns.
pub fn header<'a, S>(&'a mut self, columns: Vec<S>) -> &'a mut Self
S: AsRef<str>,
let columns = columns.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
self.max_columns = std::cmp::max(self.max_columns, columns.len());
self.header = RowPresentation { id: None, columns };
/// Append a row.
/// This call may be repeated. The rows will be displayed in the order they
/// are added with this call.
/// It's advisable, though not required, to set the `header` and each `row`
/// with the same number of columns.
pub fn row<'a, S>(&'a mut self, columns: Vec<S>) -> &'a mut Self
S: AsRef<str>,
let columns = columns.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
self.max_columns = std::cmp::max(self.max_columns, columns.len());
self.rows.push(RowPresentation { id: None, columns });
/// Append a row with an id value.
/// The `id` should be unique and provides a way to refer to a row.
/// This call may be repeated. The rows will be displayed in the order they
/// are added with this call.
/// It's advisable, though not required, to set the `header` and each `row`
/// with the same number of columns.
pub fn row_with_id<'a, S>(&'a mut self, id: S, columns: Vec<S>) -> &'a mut Self
S: AsRef<str>,
let columns = columns.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref().to_string()).collect::<Vec<String>>();
self.rows.push(RowPresentation { id: Some(id.as_ref().to_string()), columns });
/// Add a note.
pub fn note<'a, S>(&'a mut self, note: S) -> &'a mut Self
S: Into<String>,
self.note = Some(note.into());
/// A message used for informing the user of important information.
/// A notice differs from an alert in that a notice does not ask for
/// acknowledgement. Instead the notice is presented until the action or state
/// described by the notice completes.
/// This is similar to a progress where the progress is unknown (like spinner).
/// The notice is shown until the user cancels the action or the action
/// completes.
#[derive(Debug, Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub struct Notice {
/// Always "notice".
kind: String,
/// A overall description. E.g. "Copying files".
title: Option<String>,
/// The body of the message to the user.
message: Option<String>,
impl Notice {
pub fn builder() -> Self {
Notice { kind: "notice".to_string(), ..Default::default() }
/// A label shown prominently, such as the dialog or window title in a GUI.
pub fn title<'a, S>(&'a mut self, title: S) -> &'a mut Self
S: Into<String>,
self.title = Some(title.into());
pub fn message<'a, S>(&'a mut self, message: S) -> &'a mut Self
S: Into<String>,
self.message = Some(message.into());
pub fn get_title(&self) -> Option<String> {
pub fn get_message(&self) -> Option<String> {
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum Presentation {
/// User response to a request.
#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
pub enum Response {
/// The default action was chosen, i.e. pressed "Enter" or "Return".
/// Leave/close without making a choice, i.e. "Cancel" or "Esc".
/// One of the choice keys passed into the presentation.
/// All further steps are to be skipped (aka abort or terminate).
pub trait Interface {
fn present(&self, output: &Presentation) -> Result<Response>;
/// A text based UI, likely a terminal.
pub struct InnerTextUi<'a> {
/// E.g. stdin.
input: &'a mut (dyn Read + Send + Sync + 'a),
/// E.g. stdout.
output: &'a mut (dyn Write + Send + Sync + 'a),
/// E.g. stderr.
error_output: &'a mut (dyn Write + 'a),
/// Some text UI overwrites itself at each iteration other than the first.
/// Track how many lines to overwrite.
overwrite_line_count: usize,
mod mock_atty {
pub(super) fn always_a_tty(_: atty::Stream) -> bool {
cfg_if! {
if #[cfg(test)] {
use mock_atty::always_a_tty as is;
} else {
use atty::is;
pub struct TextUi<'a> {
inner: std::sync::Mutex<InnerTextUi<'a>>,
impl<'a> TextUi<'a> {
pub fn new<R, W, E>(input: &'a mut R, output: &'a mut W, error_output: &'a mut E) -> Self
R: Read + Send + Sync + 'a,
W: Write + Send + Sync + 'a,
E: Write + 'a,
Self {
inner: std::sync::Mutex::new(InnerTextUi {
overwrite_line_count: 0,
fn present_progress(&self, progress: &Progress) -> Result<Response> {
// We only print the progress text if it's going to a TTY terminal,
// since the shell control sequences don't make sense otherwise.
if !is(atty::Stream::Stdout) {
return Ok(Response::Default);
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("present_progress lock");
// Move back to overwrite the previous progress rendering.
let mut lines_to_overwrite = inner.overwrite_line_count;
if lines_to_overwrite > 0 {
cursor_move_up(inner.output, lines_to_overwrite)?;
inner.overwrite_line_count = 0;
write!(inner.output, "Progress for \"{}\"{}\n", progress.title, CLEAR_TO_EOL)?;
inner.overwrite_line_count += 1;
let term_width = termion::terminal_size().unwrap_or((80, 40)).0 as usize;
const MARGINS: usize = /*indent=*/ 2 + /*right_side=*/ 1;
let limit = term_width.saturating_sub(MARGINS);
for entry in &progress.entries {
" {}{}\n",
ellipsis(&, limit, Some('/')),
" {} of {} {} ({:.2}%){}\n",,
progress_percentage(, entry.of),
inner.overwrite_line_count += 2;
while lines_to_overwrite > inner.overwrite_line_count {
write!(inner.output, "{}\n", CLEAR_TO_EOL)?;
lines_to_overwrite -= 1;
fn present_notice(&self, element: &Notice) -> Result<Response> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("present_string_prompt lock");
if let Some(title) = &element.title {
writeln!(inner.output, "{}", title)?;
if let Some(message) = &element.message {
writeln!(inner.output, "{}", message)?;
fn present_string_prompt(&self, element: &SimplePresentation) -> Result<Response> {
if !is(atty::Stream::Stdout) {
// If the terminal is non-interactive, it's not reasonable to prompt
// the user.
return Ok(Response::NoChoice);
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("present_string_prompt lock");
if let Some(title) = &element.title {
writeln!(inner.output, "{}", title)?;
if let Some(message) = &element.message {
writeln!(inner.output, "{}", message)?;
writeln!(inner.output, "{}: ", element.prompt)?;
let mut buf_reader = BufReader::new(&mut inner.input);
let mut choice = String::new();
buf_reader.read_line(&mut choice).expect("reading string input line");
if choice.is_empty() {
} else {
fn present_table(&self, table: &TableRows) -> Result<Response> {
let mut inner = self.inner.lock().expect("present_table lock");
if let Some(title) = &table.title {
writeln!(inner.output, "{}", title)?;
if let Some(message) = &table.message {
let mut max_lengths = vec![0; table.max_columns];
for (index, column) in table.header.columns.iter().enumerate() {
max_lengths[index] = std::cmp::max(0, column.len());
for row in &table.rows {
for (index, column) in row.columns.iter().enumerate() {
max_lengths[index] = std::cmp::max(max_lengths[index], column.len());
for row in &table.rows {
for (index, column) in row.columns.iter().enumerate() {
write!(inner.output, "{:width$} ", column, width = max_lengths[index])?;
writeln!(inner.output, "")?;
if let Some(note) = &table.note {
impl<'a> Interface for TextUi<'a> {
fn present(&self, presentation: &Presentation) -> Result<Response> {
match presentation {
Presentation::Notice(p) => self.present_notice(p),
Presentation::Progress(p) => self.present_progress(p),
Presentation::StringPrompt(p) => self.present_string_prompt(p),
Presentation::Table(p) => self.present_table(p),
/// If the string is longer than `limit`, ellipsis the string in the middle so
/// that the overall len is `limit` in length.
fn ellipsis(s: &str, limit: usize, prefer: Option<char>) -> String {
// UX has determined that this should be Chicago manual style "..." (without
// extra spaces) rather than MLA style "[...]".
const ELLIPSE: &str = "...";
// Optimization: if the byte length is less than limit, it's very unlikely
// that the grapheme count will be larger. (I think that's not possible.)
// i.e. there would need to be a single byte utf8 which is rendered in
// multiple fixed-width font cells.
if s.len() <= limit {
return s.to_string();
let total = s.graphemes(/*is_extended=*/ true).count();
if total <= limit {
return s.to_string();
if limit < ELLIPSE.len() {
return ELLIPSE[..limit].to_string();
// Determine offsets (end of first piece and start of second piece).
let mut first = (limit - ELLIPSE.len()) / 2;
if let Some(ch) = prefer {
if let Some(n) = s[..first].rfind(ch) {
first = n + 1;
let mut second = total - (limit - ELLIPSE.len() - first);
if let Some(ch) = prefer {
if let Some(n) = s[second..].find(ch) {
second += n;
// Build the new string.
s.graphemes(/*is_extended=*/ true)
.chain(ELLIPSE.graphemes(/*is_extended=*/ true))
pub struct MockUi {}
impl MockUi {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {}
fn present_notice(&self, _notice: &Notice) -> Result<Response> {
fn present_progress(&self, _progress: &Progress) -> Result<Response> {
fn present_string_prompt(&self, _element: &SimplePresentation) -> Result<Response> {
fn present_table(&self, _table: &TableRows) -> Result<Response> {
impl Interface for MockUi {
fn present(&self, presentation: &Presentation) -> Result<Response> {
match presentation {
Presentation::Notice(p) => self.present_notice(p),
Presentation::Progress(p) => self.present_progress(p),
Presentation::StringPrompt(p) => self.present_string_prompt(p),
Presentation::Table(p) => self.present_table(p),
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn test_notice() {
let mut input = "".as_bytes();
let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut err_out: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let ui = TextUi::new(&mut input, &mut output, &mut err_out);
let mut notice = Notice::builder();
notice.message("Test message for notice.");
ui.present(&Presentation::Notice(notice)).expect("present notice");
let output = String::from_utf8(output).expect("string form utf8");
assert!(output.contains("Test message for notice"));
fn test_progress() {
let mut input = "".as_bytes();
let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut err_out: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let ui = TextUi::new(&mut input, &mut output, &mut err_out);
let mut progress = Progress::builder();
progress.entry("bushel", /*at=*/ 20, /*of=*/ 100, "pieces");
progress.entry("apple", /*at=*/ 5, /*of=*/ 10, "bites");
ui.present(&Presentation::Progress(progress)).expect("present progress");
let output = String::from_utf8(output).expect("string form utf8");
fn test_table() {
let mut input = "".as_bytes();
let mut output: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut err_out: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let ui = TextUi::new(&mut input, &mut output, &mut err_out);
let mut table = TableRows::builder();
table.header(vec!["type", "count", "notes"]);
table.row(vec!["fruit", "5", "orange"]);
table.row_with_id(/*id=*/ "a", vec!["car", "10", "red"]);
ui.present(&Presentation::Table(table)).expect("present table");
let output = String::from_utf8(output).expect("string form utf8");
println!("{}", output);
fn test_ellipsis() {
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 100, /*prefer=*/ None), "cake/drought/fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 17, /*prefer=*/ None), "cake/drought/fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 16, /*prefer=*/ None), "cake/");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 15, /*prefer=*/ None), "cake/d...t/fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 14, /*prefer=*/ None), "cake/...t/fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 12, /*prefer=*/ None), "cake.../fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 11, /*prefer=*/ None), "cake...fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 5, /*prefer=*/ None), "c...s");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 4, /*prefer=*/ None), "...s");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 3, /*prefer=*/ None), "...");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 1, /*prefer=*/ None), ".");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 0, /*prefer=*/ None), "");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 100, Some('/')), "cake/drought/fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 17, Some('/')), "cake/drought/fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 16, Some('/')), "cake/.../fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 15, Some('/')), "cake/.../fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 14, Some('/')), "cake/.../fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 12, Some('/')), "cake.../fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 11, Some('/')), "cake...fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 5, Some('/')), "c...s");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 4, Some('/')), "...s");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 3, Some('/')), "...");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 1, Some('/')), ".");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("cake/drought/fins", 0, Some('/')), "");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 20, Some('/')), "/x/cake/drought_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 19, Some('/')), "/x/cake/...ght_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 18, Some('/')), "/x/...drought_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 17, Some('/')), "/x/...rought_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 16, Some('/')), "/x/...ought_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 15, Some('/')), "/x/...ught_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 14, Some('/')), "/x/...ght_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 13, Some('/')), "/x/...ht_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 12, Some('/')), "/x/...t_fins");
assert_eq!(ellipsis("/x/cake/drought_fins", 11, Some('/')), "/x/..._fins");