blob: aab7acf87f2b657baa404a40912dd9fe209d9abc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
library test.external;
using zx;
type StrictButtons = strict bits : uint32 {
PLAY = 0b001;
PAUSE = 0b010;
STOP = 0b100;
type FlexibleButtons = flexible bits : uint32 {
PLAY = 0b001;
PAUSE = 0b010;
STOP = 0b100;
type StrictAnimal = strict enum : int32 {
DOG = 0;
CAT = 1;
FROG = 2;
type FlexibleAnimal = flexible enum : int32 {
DOG = 0;
CAT = 1;
FROG = 2;
type FlexibleEmptyEnum = flexible enum : int32 {};
type Coordinate = struct {
x uint8;
y uint8;
type StrictValueThing = strict union {
1: number uint32;
2: name string;
type FlexibleValueThing = flexible union {
1: number uint32;
2: name string;
type StrictResourceThing = strict resource union {
1: number uint32;
2: name string;
type FlexibleResourceThing = flexible resource union {
1: number uint32;
2: name string;
type ValueRecord = table {
1: name string;
2: age uint8;
type ResourceRecord = resource table {
1: name string;
2: age uint8;
type StructWithHandles = resource struct {
v vector<zx.Handle:CHANNEL>;