blob: e62d0375557791dfee31df6a6920a53f2f98ea5e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2023 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <lib/zx/result.h>
#include <lib/zx/vmo.h>
#include <zircon/assert.h>
#include <type_traits>
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "load.h"
#include "mapped-vmo-file.h"
#include "vmar-loader.h"
#include "zircon.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::Copy and elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::NoCopy can be
// used as the SegmentWrapper template template parameter in elfldltl::LoadInfo
// instantiations. Partial specializations of elfldltl::VmarLoader::SegmentVmo
// provided below will then check segment.vmo() when mapping a segment. If
// it's a valid handle, then the segment is mapped from that VMO at offset 0;
// otherwise it's mapped from the main file VMO at segment.offset() as usual.
// The Copy version has the usual behavior of treating the VMO as read-only and
// making a copy-on-write child VMO for a writable segment. The NoCopy version
// will instead map segment.vmo() itself writable, so it can only be used once
// as that VMO's contents will be modified by the process using it.
// The NoCopy case allows for simple out-of-process dynamic linking where
// nothing is cached for reuse. The Copy case allows for the "zygote" model
// where VMOs can be reused to get copy-on-write sharing of segments where
// relocation has already been done.
// elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::AlignSegments adjusts any LoadInfo segments that
// have a partial page of data followed by zero-fill bytes so that all segments
// can be mapped page-aligned without additional partial-page zeroing work (as
// elfldltl::AlignedRemoteVmarLoader requires). To do this, it installs a
// per-segment VMO that copies (via copy-on-write snapshot) the data and then
// zero-fills the partial page directly in the VMO contents. Using this with
// an elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::NoCopy instantiation of elfldltl::LoadInfo
// really just does the zeroing work ahead of time; elfldltl::RemoteVmarLoader
// would do the same thing when mapping. An elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::Copy
// instantiation can be used either for a full zygote model where the
// relocations are applied in the stored VMOs, or simply to share the zeroing
// work across multiple separate loads with their own relocations applied to
// their own copies (this may be beneficial to overall page-sharing if the
// final data page didn't need to be touched for any relocations).
// elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::MakeMutable can be applied to a particular segment
// to install its own copied VMO. This is what out-of-process dynamic linking
// must do before applying relocations that touch that segment's contents.
// The elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::GetMutableMemory class is meant for use with
// the elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory adapter object.
class SegmentWithVmo {
// This becomes an additional base type along with the original Segment type.
struct VmoHolder {
VmoHolder() = default;
VmoHolder(VmoHolder&&) = default;
VmoHolder& operator=(VmoHolder&&) = default;
explicit VmoHolder(zx::vmo vmo) : vmo_{std::move(vmo)} {}
zx::vmo& vmo() { return vmo_; }
const zx::vmo& vmo() const { return vmo_; }
// Replace the VMO handle with an immutable one so no further modifications
// can be made. Note that writable mappings may already exist, but no new
// writable mappings can be made with vmo() after this.
zx::result<> MakeImmutable() {
if (vmo_) {
return zx::make_result(vmo_.replace(kReadonlyRights, &vmo_));
return zx::ok();
zx::vmo vmo_;
// The Copy and NoCopy templates are shorthands using this.
template <class CopyT>
struct Wrapper {
// Segment types that have a filesz() are replaced with this subclass.
// ZeroFillSegment never needs a VMO handle.
template <class Segment>
class WithVmo : public Segment, public VmoHolder {
using Segment::Segment;
// It's movable, though not copyable. The base Segment type is copyable.
WithVmo(WithVmo&&) = default;
// It's explicitly constructible from the base Segment type.
explicit WithVmo(const Segment& other) : Segment{other} {}
WithVmo& operator=(WithVmo&&) = default;
// Assigning from the base Segment type drops any previous VMO.
WithVmo& operator=(const Segment& other) {
// Don't merge with any other segment if there's a VMO installed. Its
// contents won't cover the other segment. Both segments will get the
// reciprocal check, so if this segment has no VMO (yet) but the other
// does, its CanMergeWith is the one to return false.
template <class Other>
bool CanMergeWith(const Other& other) const {
return !vmo();
// Similar to `CanMergeWith`, this segment can't be replaced by another
// segment if there's a VMO installed.
bool CanReplace() const {
return !vmo();
// This accepts the corresponding segment type either from the base
// (unwrapped) LoadInfo::*Segment type or from a SegmentWithVmo wrapper
// like this one. Both SegmentWithVmo::Copy and SegmentWithVmo::NoCopy
// versions of the corresponding Segment subclass are accepted. The VMOs
// are always cloned--the only distinction of NoCopy is what a VmarLoader
// does with these new segment VMOs (NoCopy writes them in place).
template <class Diagnostics, class OtherSegment>
static fit::result<bool, WithVmo> Copy(Diagnostics& diag, const OtherSegment& other) {
// If the other segment has its own VMO, then the copied segment
// needs a copy-on-write clone of that whole VMO.
zx::unowned_vmo other_vmo;
// For copy from the unadorned Segment, there's never a VMO to copy.
if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<OtherSegment, Segment>) {
// Copy from the corresponding Segment subclass of this wrapper is
// the other supported option, to clone the existing VMO, if any.
static_assert(std::is_same_v<OtherSegment, SameSegment<CopyT>> ||
std::is_same_v<OtherSegment, SameSegment<OtherCopyT>>);
other_vmo = other.vmo().borrow();
// Copy the base Segment type's fields first. It cannot fail.
WithVmo copy{*Segment::Copy(diag, static_cast<const Segment&>(other))};
if (*other_vmo) {
assert(copy.filesz() == other.filesz());
zx_status_t status = //
CopyVmo(other_vmo->borrow(), 0, copy.filesz(), copy.vmo());
if (status != ZX_OK) [[unlikely]] {
return fit::error{SystemError(diag, copy, kCopyVmoFail, status)};
return fit::ok(std::move(copy));
using OtherCopyT = std::integral_constant<bool, !CopyT::value>;
template <class SomeCopyT>
using SameSegment = typename Wrapper<SomeCopyT>::template WithVmo<Segment>;
// Use the wrapper if need be, or the original type if not.
template <class Segment>
using Type = std::conditional_t<kSegmentHasFilesz<Segment>, WithVmo<Segment>, Segment>;
// This implements the VmarLoader::SegmentVmo class for LoadInfo types used
// with SegmentWithVmo::Copy and SegmentWithVmo::NoCopy. It's the base
// class for the partial specialization of VmarLoader::SegmentVmo below.
class SegmentVmo {
SegmentVmo() = delete;
template <class Segment>
SegmentVmo(const Segment& segment, zx::unowned_vmo vmo)
: vmo_{vmo->borrow()}, offset_{segment.offset()} {
if constexpr (kSegmentHasFilesz<Segment>) {
// This is not a ZeroFillSegment, so it might have a VMO stored.
if (segment.vmo()) {
// This VMO at offset 0 replaces the file VMO at segment.offset().
vmo_ = segment.vmo().borrow();
offset_ = 0;
// In SegmentWithVmo::NoCopy, copy_on_write() is true only when
// using the file VMO, not the stored VMO.
copy_on_write_ = CopyFalse{};
zx::unowned_vmo vmo() const { return vmo_->borrow(); }
constexpr auto copy_on_write() const { return copy_on_write_; }
uint64_t offset() const { return offset_; }
// In Copy, copy_on_write() is statically true all the time. In NoCopy,
// it's true by default but can be set to false in the constructor.
using CopyTrue = std::conditional_t<CopyT{}, CopyT, std::true_type>;
using CopyFalse = std::conditional_t<CopyT{}, CopyT, std::false_type>;
zx::unowned_vmo vmo_;
std::conditional_t<CopyT{}, CopyT, bool> copy_on_write_{CopyTrue{}};
uint64_t offset_;
template <class Segment>
using Copy = typename Wrapper<std::true_type>::template Type<Segment>;
using CopySegmentVmo = Wrapper<std::true_type>::SegmentVmo;
template <class Segment>
using NoCopy = Wrapper<std::false_type>::template Type<Segment>;
using NoCopySegmentVmo = Wrapper<std::true_type>::SegmentVmo;
// What's not obvious is that ZX_DEFAULT_VMO_RIGHTS &~ ZX_VM_RIGHT_WRITE
// cannot be used here. The handle from the VMO created in MakeMutable will
// certainly have ZX_VM_RIGHT_WRITE, but it won't necessarily have all the
// rights in ZX_DEFAULT_VMO_RIGHTS. The zx_handle_replace system call does
// not have a way to mask off rights, only choose a whole new set of rights
// that must be a subset of the existing rights--so you have to be sure
// what's truly a subset of the existing rights.
// We shouldn't presume exactly what rights the filesystem or loader service
// or whatnot gave us on the file VMO handle. The per-segment VMOs are from
// zx_vmo_create_child (in CopyVmo, below), which returns the new VMO via a
// handle with rights that depend on the original VMO handle's rights. So
// even though segment.vmo() is a handle we made ourselves, we can't presume
// exactly what rights it has.
// So to drop ZX_RIGHT_WRITE for the readonly case below, we'd need to do one
// of two things: do a ZX_INFO_HANDLE_BASIC query to find the rights before
// masking off ZX_RIGHT_WRITE in zx_handle_replace; or, just use a fixed set
// of rights that's small enough to be surely a subset of the VMO rights we
// have (as derived from the file VMO handle's rights by the behavior of
// zx_vmo_create_child). Since we know how these particular VMOs will need
// to be used later, we do the latter.
static constexpr zx_rights_t kReadonlyRights =
// This takes a LoadInfo::*Segment type that has file contents (i.e. not
// ZeroFillSegment), and ensures that segment.vmo() is a valid segment.
// Unless there's a VMO handle there already, it creates a new copy-on-write
// child VMO from the original file VMO.
template <class Diagnostics, class Segment>
static bool MakeMutable(Diagnostics& diag, Segment& segment, zx::unowned_vmo vmo) {
if (!segment.vmo()) {
zx_status_t status =
CopyVmo(vmo->borrow(), segment.offset(), segment.filesz(), segment.vmo());
if (status != ZX_OK) [[unlikely]] {
return SystemError(diag, segment, kCopyVmoFail, status);
return true;
// elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::AlignSegments modifies a LoadInfo that uses the
// SegmentWithVmo wrappers. It ensures that all segment.filesz() values are
// page-aligned, so that elfldltl::AlignedRemoteVmarLoader can be used later.
// To start with, each segment must have no vmo() handle installed. If a
// segment has a misaligned filesz(), then a new copy-on-write child of the
// main file VMO is installed as its vmo(). In the modified VMO, the partial
// page has been cleared to all zero bytes. The segment.filesz() has been
// rounded up to whole pages so it can be mapped with no additional zeroing.
// With the optional readonly flag set, make each new per-segment VMO
// immutable by replacing the segment .vmo() handle without ZX_RIGHT_WRITE.
template <class Diagnostics, class LoadInfo>
[[nodiscard]] static bool AlignSegments(Diagnostics& diag, LoadInfo& info, zx::unowned_vmo vmo,
size_t page_size, bool readonly = false) {
using DataWithZeroFillSegment = typename LoadInfo::DataWithZeroFillSegment;
auto align_segment = [vmo, page_size, readonly, &diag](auto& segment) {
using Segment = std::decay_t<decltype(segment)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same_v<Segment, DataWithZeroFillSegment>) {
const size_t zero_size = segment.MakeAligned(page_size);
if (zero_size > 0) {
if (!MakeMutable(diag, segment, vmo->borrow())) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
const uint64_t zero_offset = segment.filesz() - zero_size;
zx_status_t status = ZeroVmo(segment.vmo().borrow(), zero_offset, zero_size);
if (status != ZX_OK) [[unlikely]] {
return SystemError(diag, segment, kZeroVmoFail, status);
// When there's a partial page to zero, this will create a new VMO.
// With the readonly flag, we want to ensure this VMO won't be
// modified in the future, so we want to drop ZX_VM_RIGHT_WRITE
// from our handle to it.
if (readonly) {
zx::result<> result = segment.MakeImmutable();
if (result.is_error()) [[unlikely]] {
return SystemError(diag, segment, kProtectVmoFail, result.error_value());
return true;
return info.VisitSegments(align_segment);
// elfldltl::SegmentWithVmo::GetMutableMemory must be instantiated with a
// LoadInfo type using SegmentWithVmo wrapper types, and created with a
// zx::unowned_vmo for the original file contents. It can then be used to
// construct an elfldltl::LoadInfoMutableMemory adapter object (see details
// in <lib/elfldltl/loadinfo-mutable-memory.h>), which provides the mutation
// calls in the Memory API. When mutation requests are made on that Memory
// object, the GetMutableMemory callback will be used to map in the mutable
// VMO for the segment contents. The mutable VMO is created via MakeMutable
// if needed, and then stored in the LoadInfo::Segment object for later use.
// The callable object itself is copyable and default-constructible
// (requiring later copy-assignment to be usable). Note that it holds (and
// copies) the unowned handles passed in the constructor, so users are
// responsible for ensuring those handles remain valid for the lifetime of
// the callable object. The optional second argument to the constructor is a
// zx::unowned_vmar used for making mappings, default zx::vmar::root_self().
template <class LoadInfo>
class GetMutableMemory {
using Result = fit::result<bool, MappedVmoFile>;
using Segment = typename LoadInfo::Segment;
GetMutableMemory() = default;
GetMutableMemory(const GetMutableMemory&) = default;
explicit GetMutableMemory(zx::unowned_vmo vmo, zx::unowned_vmar vmar = zx::vmar::root_self())
: vmo_{vmo->borrow()}, vmar_{vmar->borrow()} {}
GetMutableMemory& operator=(const GetMutableMemory&) = default;
template <class Diagnostics>
Result operator()(Diagnostics& diag, Segment& segment) const {
auto get_memory = [this, &diag](auto& segment) -> Result {
using SegmentType = std::decay_t<decltype(segment)>;
if constexpr (kSegmentHasFilesz<SegmentType>) {
// Make sure there's a mutable VMO available.
if (!MakeMutable(diag, segment, vmo_->borrow())) [[unlikely]] {
return fit::error(false);
if (!segment.vmo()) [[unlikely]] {
// MakeMutable failed but Diagnostics said to keep going.
// No sense also reporting the failure to map the invalid handle.
return fit::error{true};
// Now map it in for mutation.
MappedVmoFile memory;
if (auto result = memory.InitMutable(segment.vmo().borrow(), segment.filesz(),
segment.vaddr(), vmar_->borrow());
result.is_error()) {
return fit::error{SystemError(diag, segment, kMapFail, result.error_value())};
return fit::ok(std::move(memory));
} else {
// This should be impossible via LoadInfoMutableMemory.
return fit::error{diag.FormatError(kMutableZeroFill)};
return std::visit(get_memory, segment);
zx::unowned_vmo vmo_;
zx::unowned_vmar vmar_;
static constexpr std::string_view kCopyVmoFail =
"cannot create copy-on-write VMO for segment contents";
static constexpr std::string_view kZeroVmoFail =
"cannot zero partial page in VMO for data segment";
static constexpr std::string_view kProtectVmoFail =
"cannot drop ZX_RIGHT_WRITE on VMO for data segment";
static constexpr std::string_view kColonSpace = ": ";
static constexpr std::string_view kMapFail = "cannot map segment to apply relocations";
static constexpr std::string_view kMutableZeroFill = "cannot make zero-fill segment mutable";
template <class Diagnostics, class Segment>
static constexpr bool SystemError(Diagnostics& diag, const Segment& segment,
std::string_view fail, zx_status_t status) {
return diag.SystemError(fail, FileOffset{segment.offset()}, kColonSpace, ZirconError{status});
static zx_status_t CopyVmo(zx::unowned_vmo vmo, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size,
zx::vmo& segment_vmo) {
return vmo->create_child(ZX_VMO_CHILD_SNAPSHOT_AT_LEAST_ON_WRITE, offset, size, &segment_vmo);
static zx_status_t ZeroVmo(zx::unowned_vmo segment_vmo, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) {
return segment_vmo->op_range(ZX_VMO_OP_ZERO, offset, size, nullptr, 0);
// These are the SegmentVmo types used for LoadInfo<..., SegmentWithVmo::...>.
// They use a segment.vmo() if it's present.
// Note that a specialization using a template template parameter matches only
// that exact parameter, not even a template alias to the same thing. So two
// separate partial specializations are required here to match all LoadInfo
// instantiations using either SegmentWithVmo::... template.
template <class Elf, template <class> class Container, PhdrLoadPolicy Policy>
class VmarLoader::SegmentVmo<LoadInfo<Elf, Container, Policy, SegmentWithVmo::Copy>>
: public SegmentWithVmo::CopySegmentVmo {
using SegmentWithVmo::CopySegmentVmo::CopySegmentVmo;
template <class Elf, template <class> class Container, PhdrLoadPolicy Policy>
class VmarLoader::SegmentVmo<LoadInfo<Elf, Container, Policy, SegmentWithVmo::NoCopy>>
: public SegmentWithVmo::NoCopySegmentVmo {
using SegmentWithVmo::NoCopySegmentVmo::NoCopySegmentVmo;
} // namespace elfldltl