blob: dcbe9779fa623f2474a78e1dec8464612840a378 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/bit.h>
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include <optional>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include "constants.h"
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "internal/phdr-error.h"
namespace elfldltl {
// Read program headers from an ELF file using the File API (see memory.h),
// given its file header (Ehdr) already read and validated.
// This takes a Diagnostics object (see diagnostics.h) and a File object (see
// memory.h) by reference. It ultimately calls `file.ReadArrayFromFile<Phdr>`
// and returns that value if all goes well. The Allocator argument is just
// forwarded to File::ReadArrayFromFile; see memory.h for API details.
// All the template parameters are normally deduced, including the Elf layout
// to use based on the Ehdr type used for the last argument.
template <class Diagnostics, class File, typename Allocator, class Ehdr>
constexpr auto ReadPhdrsFromFile(Diagnostics& diagnostics, File& file, Allocator&& allocator,
const Ehdr& ehdr) {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
using Elf = typename Ehdr::ElfLayout;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using Shdr = typename Elf::Shdr;
const size_type phoff = ehdr.phoff;
auto read_phdrs = [&](size_t phnum) {
auto result = file.template ReadArrayFromFile<Phdr>( //
phoff, std::forward<Allocator>(allocator), phnum);
if (!result) {
diagnostics.FormatError("cannot read program headers from ELF file"sv, FileOffset{phoff});
return result;
using Result = std::decay_t<decltype(read_phdrs(0).value())>;
using OptionalResult = std::optional<Result>;
static_assert(std::is_same_v<OptionalResult, decltype(read_phdrs(0))>);
// An empty phdr table is not an error, just an empty result.
if (ehdr.phnum == 0) [[unlikely]] {
return OptionalResult(Result());
// Validate the Ehdr fields related to the phdr.
if (ehdr.phentsize != sizeof(Phdr)) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("e_phentsize has unexpected value"sv, ehdr.phentsize());
return OptionalResult();
if (phoff < sizeof(Ehdr)) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("e_phoff overlaps with ELF file header"sv, FileOffset{phoff});
return OptionalResult();
if (phoff % alignof(Phdr) != 0) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("e_phoff has insufficient alignment"sv, FileOffset{phoff});
return OptionalResult();
// Things look valid, so find the count. Usually it's directly in the field.
if (ehdr.phnum != Elf::Ehdr::kPnXnum) [[likely]] {
return read_phdrs(ehdr.phnum);
// This is the marker that the count might exceed 16 bits. In that case,
// it's instead stored in the special stub section header at index 0.
// This is the only time the section header table is used at runtime,
// and there are still no actual sections (index 0 is always a stub).
if (ehdr.shnum == 0) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("PN_XNUM with no section headers"sv);
return OptionalResult();
if (ehdr.shentsize != sizeof(Shdr)) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("e_shentsize has unexpected value"sv, ehdr.shentsize());
return OptionalResult();
const size_type shoff = ehdr.shoff;
if (shoff < sizeof(Ehdr)) [[unlikely]] {
diagnostics.FormatError("e_shoff overlaps with ELF file header"sv, FileOffset{shoff});
return OptionalResult();
if (auto read_shdr = file.template ReadFromFile<Shdr>(shoff)) [[likely]] {
const Shdr& shdr = *read_shdr;
return read_phdrs(;
diagnostics.FormatError("cannot read section header 0 from ELF file"sv, FileOffset{shoff});
return OptionalResult();
// elfldltl::DecodePhdrs does a single-pass decoding of a program
// header table by statically combining multiple "observer" objects. Various
// observers are defined to collect different subsets of the segment metadata
// needed for different purposes.
// This represents a program header entry that's been matched to a specific
// segment type. These types are used in the arguments to Observe callbacks;
// see below.
template <ElfPhdrType Type>
struct PhdrTypeMatch {};
// This is the base class for Phdr*Observer classes.
// Each Observer subclass should define these two methods:
// * template <class Diagnostics, typename Phdr>
// bool Observe(Diagnostics& diagnostics, PhdrTypeMatch<Type> type, const Phdr& val);
// * template <class Diagnostics>
// bool Finish(Diagnostics& diagnostics);
// Observe will be called with each entry matching any Type of the Types...
// list. Then Finish will be called at the end of all entries unless processing
// was terminated early for some reason, in which case the observer object is
// usually going to be destroyed without checking its results. Both return
// false if processing the phdr table should be terminated early.
// In practice, a given observer will correspond to a single ElfPhdrType;
// however, the parameter is kept variadic for consistency with other APIs in
// the library.
template <class Observer, ElfPhdrType... Types>
struct PhdrObserver {};
// This decodes a program header table by matching each entry against a list of
// observers. Each observer should be of a subclass of PhdrObserver that
// indicates the segment type it matches. If any matching observer returns
// false then this stops processing early and returns false. Otherwise, each
// observer's Finish method is called, stopping early if one returns false.
template <class Diagnostics, class Phdr, size_t N, class... Observers>
constexpr bool DecodePhdrs(Diagnostics&& diagnostics, cpp20::span<const Phdr, N> phdrs,
Observers&&... observers) {
for (const Phdr& phdr : phdrs) {
if ((!DecodePhdr(diagnostics, phdr, observers) || ...)) {
return false;
return (observers.Finish(diagnostics) && ...);
// Match a single program header against a single observer. If the
// observer matches, its Observe overload for the matching tag is called.
// Returns the value of that call, or true if this observer didn't match.
template <class Diagnostics, class Phdr, class Observer, ElfPhdrType... Type>
constexpr bool DecodePhdr(Diagnostics&& diagnostics, const Phdr& phdr,
PhdrObserver<Observer, Type...>& observer) {
constexpr auto kKnownFlags = Phdr::kRead | Phdr::kWrite | Phdr::kExecute;
bool ok = true;
auto check_header = [&](auto error) {
using Error = decltype(error);
if ((phdr.flags() & ~kKnownFlags) != 0) {
if (ok = diagnostics.FormatWarning(Error::kUnknownFlags); !ok) {
return false;
// An `align` of 0 signifies no alignment constraints, which in practice
// means an alignment of 1.
auto align = phdr.align() > 0 ? phdr.align() : 1;
if (!cpp20::has_single_bit(align)) {
if (ok = diagnostics.FormatError(Error::kBadAlignment); !ok) {
return false;
// While not a general spec'd constraint, this is the case in practice:
// either this a explicit requirement or the stronger constraint of
// `p_offset` and `p_vaddr` being `p_align`-aligned (e.g., zero) is
// expected to hold.
if (phdr.offset() % align != phdr.vaddr() % align) {
if (ok = diagnostics.FormatError(Error::kOffsetNotEquivVaddr); !ok) {
return false;
return true;
auto call_observer = [&](auto type) {
ok = static_cast<Observer&>(observer).Observe(diagnostics, type, phdr);
return ok;
((phdr.type == Type && check_header(internal::PhdrError<Type>{}) &&
call_observer(PhdrTypeMatch<Type>{})) ||
return ok;
template <class Elf>
class PhdrNullObserver : public PhdrObserver<PhdrNullObserver<Elf>, ElfPhdrType::kNull> {
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Observe(Diagnostics& diagnostics, PhdrTypeMatch<ElfPhdrType::kNull> type,
const Phdr& phdr) {
return diagnostics.FormatWarning("PT_NULL header encountered");
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Finish(Diagnostics& diagnostics) {
return true;
// A class of observer corresponding to the simpler segment metadata types:
// it merely stores any program header that it sees at the provided reference,
// complaining if it observes more than one segment of the same type.
template <class Elf, ElfPhdrType Type>
class PhdrSingletonObserver : public PhdrObserver<PhdrSingletonObserver<Elf, Type>, Type> {
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
explicit PhdrSingletonObserver(std::optional<Phdr>& phdr) : phdr_(phdr) {}
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Observe(Diagnostics& diagnostics, PhdrTypeMatch<Type> type, const Phdr& phdr) {
// Warning, since a wrong PHDRS clause in a linker script could cause
// this and be harmless in practice rather than indicating a linker bug
// or corrupted data.
if (phdr_ && !diagnostics.FormatWarning(internal::PhdrError<Type>::kDuplicateHeader)) {
return false;
phdr_ = phdr;
return true;
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Finish(Diagnostics& diagnostics) {
return true;
std::optional<Phdr>& phdr() { return phdr_; }
std::optional<Phdr>& phdr_;
// Observes PT_GNU_STACK metadata. If CanBeExecutable is true, then the absence
// of any PT_GNU_STACK header is conventionally taken to mean that the stack is
// executable; if CanBeExecutable is false, then Finish() gives an error if no
// header is found or if it reports that the stack is executable (i.e., if
// PF_X is set).
template <class Elf, bool CanBeExecutable = false>
class PhdrStackObserver : public PhdrSingletonObserver<Elf, ElfPhdrType::kStack> {
using Base = PhdrSingletonObserver<Elf, ElfPhdrType::kStack>;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
// There is only one constructor, but its signature is dependent on
// `CanBeExecutable`.
template <bool E = CanBeExecutable, typename = std::enable_if_t<!E>>
explicit PhdrStackObserver(std::optional<size_type>& size) : Base(phdr_), size_(size) {}
template <bool E = CanBeExecutable, typename = std::enable_if_t<E>>
PhdrStackObserver(std::optional<size_type>& size, bool& executable)
: Base(phdr_), size_(size), executable_(executable) {}
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Finish(Diagnostics& diagnostics) {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
if (!phdr_) {
if constexpr (CanBeExecutable) {
executable_ = true;
return true;
} else {
return diagnostics.FormatError(
"executable stack not supported: PT_GNU_STACK header required"sv);
const auto flags = phdr_->flags();
if ((flags & Phdr::kRead) == 0 &&
!diagnostics.FormatError("stack is not readable: PF_R is not set"sv)) {
return false;
if ((flags & Phdr::kWrite) == 0 &&
!diagnostics.FormatError("stack is not writable: PF_W is not set"sv)) {
return false;
if constexpr (CanBeExecutable) {
executable_ = (flags & Phdr::kExecute) != 0;
} else {
if ((flags & Phdr::kExecute) != 0 &&
!diagnostics.FormatError("executable stack not supported: PF_X is set"sv)) {
return false;
if (phdr_->memsz != size_type{0}) {
size_ = phdr_->memsz;
return true;
struct Empty {};
std::optional<Phdr> phdr_;
std::optional<size_type>& size_;
__NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS std::conditional_t<CanBeExecutable, bool&, Empty> executable_;
// A generic metadata, singleton observer that validates constraints around
// sizes, offset, address, and segment entry type.
template <class Elf, ElfPhdrType Type, typename EntryType = std::byte>
class PhdrMetadataObserver : public PhdrSingletonObserver<Elf, Type> {
using Base = PhdrSingletonObserver<Elf, Type>;
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using Base::Base;
template <class Diagnostics>
constexpr bool Finish(Diagnostics& diagnostics) {
using PhdrError = internal::PhdrError<Type>;
const std::optional<Phdr>& phdr = this->phdr();
if (!phdr) {
return true;
if (alignof(EntryType) > phdr->align() && //
!diagnostics.FormatError(PhdrError::kIncompatibleEntryAlignment)) {
return false;
// Note that `p_vaddr % p_align == 0` implies that
// `p_offset % p_align == 0` by virtue of the general equivalence check
// made in DecodePhdrs().
if (phdr->vaddr() % phdr->align() != 0 && //
!diagnostics.FormatError(PhdrError::kUnalignedVaddr)) {
return false;
if (phdr->memsz != phdr->filesz && //
!diagnostics.FormatError(PhdrError::kFileszNotEqMemsz)) {
return false;
if (phdr->filesz() % sizeof(EntryType) != 0 && //
!diagnostics.FormatError(PhdrError::kIncompatibleEntrySize)) {
return false;
return true;
template <class Elf>
using PhdrDynamicObserver = PhdrMetadataObserver<Elf, ElfPhdrType::kDynamic, typename Elf::Dyn>;
template <class Elf>
using PhdrInterpObserver = PhdrMetadataObserver<Elf, ElfPhdrType::kInterp>;
template <class Elf>
using PhdrEhFrameHdrObserver = PhdrMetadataObserver<Elf, ElfPhdrType::kEhFrameHdr>;
template <class Elf>
using PhdrRelroObserver = PhdrSingletonObserver<Elf, ElfPhdrType::kRelro>;
template <class Elf>
using PhdrTlsObserver = PhdrSingletonObserver<Elf, ElfPhdrType::kTls>;
// PT_LOAD validation policy. Subsequent values extend previous ones.
enum class PhdrLoadPolicy {
// Universal checks for all phdrs are made here (beyond universal checks
// already made in `DecodePhdr()`):
// * `p_align` is runtime page-aligned.
// * `p_memsz >= p_filesz`;
// * `p_align`-aligned memory ranges (`[p_vaddr, p_vaddr + p_memsz)`) do
// not overlap and increase monotonically.
// Underspecified, pathological cases like where `p_vaddr + p_memsz` or
// `p_offset + p_filesz` overflow are checked as well.
// kFileRangeMonotonic further asserts that
// * `p_align`-aligned file offset ranges (`[p_offset, p_offset + p_filesz)`)
// do not overlap and increase monotonically.
// This condition is meaningful for an ELF loader because if a writable
// segment overlaps with any other segment, then one needs to map the former
// to a COW copy of that part of the file rather than reusing the file data
// directly (assuming one cares to not mutate the latter segment).
// kContiguous further asserts that there is maximal 'contiguity' in the file
// and memory layouts:
// * `p_align`-aligned memory ranges are contiguous
// * `p_align`-aligned file offset ranges are contiguous
// * The first `p_offset` lies in the first page.
// The first two conditions ensure that the unused space between ranges is
// minimal, and permit the ELF file to be loaded as whole. Moreover, when
// loading as a whole, the last condition ensures minimality in the unused
// space in between the ELF header and the first `p_offset`.
struct PhdrLoadNoCallback {
template <class Diagnostics, class Phdr>
std::true_type operator()(Diagnostics& diagnostics, const Phdr& phdr) const {
return {};
// A PT_LOAD observer for a given metadata policy.
template <class Elf, PhdrLoadPolicy Policy = PhdrLoadPolicy::kBasic,
typename Callback = PhdrLoadNoCallback>
class PhdrLoadObserver
: public PhdrObserver<PhdrLoadObserver<Elf, Policy, Callback>, ElfPhdrType::kLoad> {
using Phdr = typename Elf::Phdr;
using size_type = typename Elf::size_type;
// `vaddr_start` and `vaddr_size` are updated to track the size of the
// page-aligned memory image throughout observation.
PhdrLoadObserver(size_type page_size, size_type& vaddr_start, size_type& vaddr_size,
Callback callback)
: vaddr_start_(vaddr_start),
callback_(std::move(callback)) {
vaddr_start_ = 0;
vaddr_size_ = 0;
template <typename C = Callback, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_default_constructible_v<C>>>
PhdrLoadObserver(size_type page_size, size_type& vaddr_start, size_type& vaddr_size)
: PhdrLoadObserver(page_size, vaddr_start, vaddr_size, Callback{}) {}
template <class Diag>
constexpr bool Observe(Diag& diag, PhdrTypeMatch<ElfPhdrType::kLoad> type, const Phdr& phdr) {
using namespace std::literals::string_view_literals;
static_assert(std::is_invocable_r_v<bool, Callback, Diag&, const Phdr&>);
auto success = [&]() {
return std::invoke(callback_, diag, phdr);
// If `p_align` is not page-aligned, then this file cannot be loaded through
// normal memory mapping.
if (0 < phdr.align() && phdr.align() < page_size_ &&
!diag.FormatError("PT_LOAD's `p_align` is not page-aligned"sv, phdr.align())) {
return false;
if (phdr.memsz() == 0 && !diag.FormatWarning("PT_LOAD has `p_memsz == 0`"sv)) {
return false;
if (phdr.memsz() < phdr.filesz() && !diag.FormatError("PT_LOAD has `p_memsz < p_filesz`"sv)) {
return false;
// A `p_align` of 0 signifies no alignment constraints. So that we can
// uniformally perform the usual alignment arithmetic below, we convert
// such a value to 1, which has the same intended effect.
auto align = std::max<size_type>(phdr.align(), 1);
// Technically, having `p_vaddr + p_memsz` or `p_offset + p_filesz` be
// exactly 2^64 is kosher per the ELF spec; however, such an ELF is not
// usable, so we conventionally error out here along with at the usual
// overflow scenarios.
constexpr auto kMax = std::numeric_limits<size_type>::max();
if (phdr.memsz() > kMax - phdr.vaddr()) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError("PT_LOAD has overflowing `p_vaddr + p_memsz`"sv);
if (phdr.vaddr() + phdr.memsz() > kMax - align + 1) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError("PT_LOAD has overflowing `p_align`-aligned `p_vaddr + p_memsz`"sv);
if (phdr.filesz() > kMax - phdr.offset()) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError("PT_LOAD has overflowing `p_offset + p_filesz`"sv);
if (phdr.offset() + phdr.filesz() > kMax - align + 1) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError("PT_LOAD has overflowing `p_align`-aligned `p_offset + p_filesz`"sv);
if (NoHeadersSeen()) {
if constexpr (Policy == PhdrLoadPolicy::kContiguous) {
if (phdr.offset() >= page_size_ &&
!diag.FormatError("first PT_LOAD's `p_offset` does not lie within the first page"sv,
FileOffset{phdr.offset()})) [[unlikely]] {
return false;
vaddr_start_ = AlignDown(phdr.vaddr(), page_size_);
vaddr_size_ = AlignUp(phdr.vaddr() + phdr.memsz(), page_size_) - vaddr_start_;
return success();
if (AlignDown(phdr.vaddr(), align) < high_memory_watermark_) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError(
"PT_LOAD has `p_align`-aligned memory ranges that overlap or do not increase monotonically"sv);
if constexpr (kTrackFileOffsets) {
if (AlignDown(phdr.offset(), align) < high_file_watermark_) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError(
"PT_LOAD has `p_align`-aligned file offset ranges that overlap or do not increase monotonically"sv);
if constexpr (Policy == PhdrLoadPolicy::kContiguous) {
if (AlignDown(phdr.vaddr(), align) != high_memory_watermark_) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError(
"PT_LOAD has `p_align`-aligned memory ranges that are not contiguous"sv);
if (AlignDown(phdr.offset(), align) != high_file_watermark_) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.FormatError(
"PT_LOAD has `p_align`-aligned file offset ranges that are not contiguous"sv);
vaddr_size_ = AlignUp(phdr.vaddr() + phdr.memsz(), page_size_) - vaddr_start_;
return success();
template <class Diag>
constexpr bool Finish(Diag& diag) {
return true;
struct Empty {};
// Whether the given policy requires tracking file offsets.
static constexpr bool kTrackFileOffsets = Policy != PhdrLoadPolicy::kBasic;
static constexpr size_type AlignUp(size_type value, size_type alignment) {
return (value + (alignment - 1)) & -alignment;
static constexpr size_type AlignDown(size_type value, size_type alignment) {
return value & -alignment;
// Whether any PT_LOAD header have yet been observed.
bool NoHeadersSeen() const { return vaddr_start_ == 0 && vaddr_size_ == 0; }
void UpdateHighWatermarks(const Phdr& phdr) {
auto align = std::max<size_type>(phdr.align(), 1); // As above.
high_memory_watermark_ = AlignUp(phdr.vaddr() + phdr.memsz(), align);
if constexpr (kTrackFileOffsets) {
high_file_watermark_ = AlignUp(phdr.offset() + phdr.filesz(), align);
// The total, observed page-aligned load segment range in memory.
size_type& vaddr_start_;
size_type& vaddr_size_;
// System page size.
const size_type page_size_;
// The highest `p_align`-aligned address and offset seen thus far.
size_type high_memory_watermark_;
__NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS std::conditional_t<kTrackFileOffsets, size_type, Empty> high_file_watermark_;
// Additional tail of observer function.
__NO_UNIQUE_ADDRESS Callback callback_;
// This acts as a deduction guide with partial explicit specialization.
template <class Elf, PhdrLoadPolicy Policy = PhdrLoadPolicy::kBasic, typename T>
constexpr auto MakePhdrLoadObserver(typename Elf::size_type page_size,
typename Elf::size_type& vaddr_start,
typename Elf::size_type& vaddr_size, T&& callback) {
using Obs = PhdrLoadObserver<Elf, Policy, std::decay_t<T>>;
return Obs(page_size, vaddr_start, vaddr_size, std::forward<T>(callback));
// Given a set of phdrs, call the callback as `bool(size_t vaddr, size_t
// memsz)` to cover all the writable segment data described by PT_LOAD
// segments, excluding the RELRO region. Returns false as soon as the first
// callback returns false, or else returns true.
template <class Phdr, typename T>
constexpr bool OnPhdrWritableSegments(cpp20::span<const Phdr> phdrs, T&& callback) {
using size_type = decltype(phdrs.front().memsz());
static_assert(std::is_invocable_r_v<bool, T, size_type, size_type>);
// First find the RELRO region, if any. It will be excluded.
const Phdr* relro = nullptr;
for (const Phdr& phdr : phdrs) {
if (phdr.type == elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kRelro) {
relro = &phdr;
for (const Phdr& phdr : phdrs) {
if (phdr.type == elfldltl::ElfPhdrType::kLoad && (phdr.flags & Phdr::kWrite)) {
// This is a writable segment.
size_type start = phdr.vaddr;
size_type end = start + phdr.memsz;
if (relro && relro->vaddr >= start && relro->vaddr <= end) {
// If this segment contains the RELRO region, exclude that leading
// range of the segment. With LLD behavior, that's the entire segment
// because RELRO gets a separate aligned segment. With GNU behavior,
// it's just a leading portion of the main writable segment. LLD uses
// a page-rounded p_memsz for PT_GNU_RELRO (with the actual size in
// p_filesz) unlike GNU linkers (where p_memsz == p_filesz), so p_vaddr
// + p_memsz might actually be past end.
start = std::min(end, relro->vaddr + relro->memsz);
if (end > start && !callback(start, end - start)) {
return false;
return true;
} // namespace elfldltl