blob: 011a6cb9bb6688497b045329955fa465331003ea [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <cerrno>
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstring>
#include "diagnostics.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "posix.h"
namespace elfldltl {
class MmapLoader {
// This is returned by Commit(), which completes the use of an MmapLoader.
// It represents the capability to apply RELRO protections to a loaded image.
// Unlike the MmapLoader object itself, its lifetime is not tied to the image
// mappings. After Commit(), the image mapping won't be destroyed by the
// MmapLoader's destructor.
class Relro {
Relro() = default;
// Movable, not copyable: the object represents capability ownership.
Relro(const Relro&) = delete;
Relro(Relro&&) = default;
Relro& operator=(const Relro&) = delete;
Relro& operator=(Relro&&) = default;
// This is the only method that can be called, and it must be last.
// It makes the RELRO region passed to MmapLoader::Commit read-only.
template <class Diagnostics>
[[nodiscard]] bool Commit(Diagnostics& diag) && {
if (start_) {
if (mprotect(start_, size_, PROT_READ) != 0) [[unlikely]] {
diag.SystemError("cannot protect PT_GNU_RELRO region: ", PosixError{errno});
return false;
return true;
friend MmapLoader;
template <class Region>
Relro(const Region& region, uintptr_t load_bias) {
if (!region.empty()) {
start_ = reinterpret_cast<void*>(region.start + load_bias);
size_ = region.size();
void* start_ = nullptr;
size_t size_ = 0;
explicit MmapLoader() : page_size_(sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE)) {}
explicit MmapLoader(size_t page_size) : page_size_(page_size) {}
MmapLoader(MmapLoader&& other) noexcept
: memory_{std::exchange(other.memory_, {})}, page_size_(other.page_size_) {}
MmapLoader& operator=(MmapLoader&& other) noexcept {
memory_ = std::exchange(other.memory_, {});
page_size_ = other.page_size_;
return *this;
~MmapLoader() {
if (!image().empty()) {
munmap(image().data(), image().size());
[[gnu::const]] size_t page_size() const { return page_size_; }
// This takes a LoadInfo object describing segments to be mapped in and an opened fd
// from which the file contents should be mapped. It returns true on success and false otherwise,
// in which case a diagnostic will be emitted to diag.
// When Load() is called, one should assume that the address space of the caller has a new mapping
// whether the call succeeded or failed. The mapping is tied to the lifetime of the MmapLoader
// until Commit() is called. Without committing, the destructor of the MmapLoader will destroy the
// mapping.
// Logically, Commit() isn't sensible after Load has failed.
template <class Diagnostics, class LoadInfo>
[[nodiscard]] bool Load(Diagnostics& diag, const LoadInfo& load_info, int fd) {
// Make a mapping large enough to fit all segments. This mapping will be placed wherever the OS
// wants, achieving ASLR. We will later map the segments at their specified offsets into this
// mapping. PROT_NONE is important so that any holes in the layout of the binary will trap if
// touched.
void* map = mmap(nullptr, load_info.vaddr_size(), PROT_NONE, MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
if (map == MAP_FAILED) [[unlikely]] {
return diag.SystemError("couldn't mmap address range of size ", load_info.vaddr_size(), ": ",
memory_.set_image({static_cast<std::byte*>(map), load_info.vaddr_size()});
constexpr auto prot = [](const auto& s) constexpr {
return (s.readable() ? PROT_READ : 0) | (s.writable() ? PROT_WRITE : 0) |
(s.executable() ? PROT_EXEC : 0);
// Load segments are divided into 2 or 3 regions depending on segment.
// [file pages]*[intersecting page]?[anon pages]*
// * "file pages" are present when filesz > 0
// * "anon pages" are present when memsz > filesz.
// * "intersecting page" exists when both file pages and anon pages exist,
// and file pages are not an exact multiple of pagesize. At most a **single**
// intersecting page exists.
// **Note:**: The MmapLoader performs only two mappings.
// * Mapping file pages up to the last full page of file data.
// * Mapping anonymous pages, including the intersecting page, to the end of the segment.
// After the second mapping, the MmapLoader then reads in the partial file data into the
// intersecting page.
// The alternative would be to map filesz page rounded up into memory and then zero out the
// zero fill portion of the intersecting page. This isn't preferable because we would
// immediately cause a page fault and spend time zero'ing a page when the OS may already have
// copied this page for us.
auto mapper = [base = reinterpret_cast<std::byte*>(map), vaddr_start = load_info.vaddr_start(),
prot, fd, &diag, this](const auto& segment) {
std::byte* addr = base + (segment.vaddr() - vaddr_start);
size_t map_size = segment.filesz();
size_t zero_size = 0;
size_t copy_size = 0;
if (segment.memsz() > segment.filesz()) {
copy_size = map_size & (page_size() - 1);
map_size &= -page_size();
zero_size = segment.memsz() - map_size;
if (map_size > 0) {
if (mmap(addr, map_size, prot(segment), MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE, fd, segment.offset()) ==
MAP_FAILED) [[unlikely]] {
diag.SystemError("couldn't mmap ", map_size, " bytes at offset ", segment.offset(), ": ",
return false;
addr += map_size;
if (zero_size > 0) {
if (mmap(addr, zero_size, prot(segment), MAP_FIXED | MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANON, -1, 0) ==
MAP_FAILED) [[unlikely]] {
diag.SystemError("couldn't mmap ", zero_size, " anonymous bytes: ", PosixError{errno});
return false;
if (copy_size > 0) {
if (pread(fd, addr, copy_size, segment.offset() + map_size) !=
static_cast<ssize_t>(copy_size)) [[unlikely]] {
diag.SystemError("couldn't pread ", copy_size, " bytes ",
FileOffset{segment.offset() + map_size}, PosixError{errno});
return false;
return true;
return load_info.VisitSegments(mapper);
// After Load(), this is the bias added to the given LoadInfo::vaddr_start()
// to find the runtime load address.
uintptr_t load_bias() const {
return reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(image().data()) - memory_.base();
// This returns the DirectMemory of the mapping created by Load(). It should not be used after
// destruction or after Commit(). If Commit() has been called before destruction then the
// address range will continue to be usable, in which case one should save the object's
// image() before Commit().
DirectMemory& memory() { return memory_; }
// Commit is used to keep the mapping created by Load around even after the
// MmapLoader object is destroyed. It takes a RELRO region as returned by
// LoadInfo::RelroBounds, and yields a Relro object (see above). This method
// is inherently the last thing called on the object if it is used. Use like
// `auto relro = std::move(loader).Commit(relro_bounds);`. After any
// relocation modifications to mapped segment memory, call
// `std::move(relro).Commit();`.
template <class Region>
[[nodiscard]] Relro Commit(const Region& relro_bounds) && {
Relro relro{relro_bounds, load_bias()};
return relro;
cpp20::span<std::byte> image() const { return memory_.image(); }
uintptr_t base() const { return memory_.base(); }
DirectMemory memory_;
size_t page_size_;
} // namespace elfldltl