blob: b509c481566a64c452bfecabb4c4699cfd876f97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fit/result.h>
#include <cassert>
#include <string_view>
#include <type_traits>
#include <variant>
#include "../layout.h"
#include "../phdr.h"
namespace elfldltl::internal {
constexpr std::string_view kTooManyLoads = "too many PT_LOAD segments";
// The std::visit implementation is quite complicated and works in a way that
// relies on constexpr arrays of function pointers. This is not reliably
// compiled to pure PIC as is required in some contexts.
// This Visit provides a limited implementation that is much simpler. It's
// less general than std::visit in that it doesn't handle arbitrary return
// value types, nor multiple arguments.
template <typename F, typename V>
constexpr bool Visit(F&& f, V&& v) {
constexpr auto n = std::variant_size_v<std::decay_t<V>>;
constexpr auto seq = std::make_index_sequence<n>();
return VisitEach(std::forward<F>(f), std::forward<V>(v), seq);
// Helper template for Visit, needed so it can use a fold expression across
// the variant indices.
template <typename F, typename V, size_t... I>
constexpr bool VisitEach(F&& f, V&& v, std::index_sequence<I...>) {
static_assert(sizeof...(I) == std::variant_size_v<std::decay_t<V>>);
bool result = false;
auto visit_one = [&f, &result](auto&& v) {
result = std::forward<F>(f)(v);
return true;
// Exactly one of these visit_one calls will be evaluated.
((v.index() == I && visit_one(std::get<I>(std::forward<V>(v)))) || ...);
return result;
// This is used to implement the LoadInfo::ConstantSegment type below.
template <typename SegmentType>
class LoadConstantSegmentType : public SegmentType {
using typename SegmentType::size_type;
constexpr explicit LoadConstantSegmentType(size_type offset, size_type vaddr, size_type memsz,
uint32_t flags)
: SegmentType(offset, vaddr, memsz), flags_(flags) {}
template <class Diagnostics, class Other>
static constexpr fit::result<bool, LoadConstantSegmentType> Copy( //
Diagnostics& diag, const Other& other) {
return fit::ok(LoadConstantSegmentType{
// The whole segment is loaded from the file.
constexpr size_type filesz() const { return this->memsz(); }
constexpr uint32_t flags() const { return flags_; }
constexpr bool readable() const { return flags_ & Flags::kRead; }
constexpr std::false_type writable() const { return {}; }
constexpr bool executable() const { return flags_ & Flags::kExecute; }
constexpr bool relro() const { return flags_ & Flags::kWrite; }
using Flags = PhdrBase::Flags;
uint32_t flags_ = 0;
// This provides the several distinct LoadInfo::*Segment used below.
template <typename SizeType>
struct LoadSegmentTypes {
using size_type = SizeType;
// This is used for RELRO bounds.
struct Region {
size_type size() const { return end - start; }
size_type empty() const { return start == end; }
size_type start = 0, end = 0;
// Every kind of segment needs an offset and a size.
// Only a ConstantSegment is ever executable, or not readable and writable.
class SegmentBase {
using size_type = LoadSegmentTypes::size_type;
// This is a hook for a SegmentWrapper subclass to add some constraint on
// merging (e.g. incompatible extra subclass state). It's checked first,
// before the segments are examined for adjacency and compatible features.
template <class OtherSegment>
constexpr std::true_type CanMergeWith(const OtherSegment& other) const {
return {};
// Similar to `CanMergeWith`, this hook adds a constraint to replacing one
// segment with another segment.
constexpr std::true_type CanReplace() const { return {}; }
constexpr std::true_type readable() const { return {}; }
constexpr std::true_type writable() const { return {}; }
constexpr std::false_type executable() const { return {}; }
constexpr std::false_type relro() const { return {}; }
constexpr size_type offset() const { return offset_; }
constexpr size_type memsz() const { return memsz_; }
constexpr explicit SegmentBase(size_type offset, size_type memsz)
: offset_(offset), memsz_(memsz) {}
constexpr void set_offset(size_type offset) { offset_ = offset; }
constexpr void set_memsz(size_type memsz) { memsz_ = memsz; }
size_type offset_ = 0;
size_type memsz_ = 0;
// Most generic segments need to record the vaddr separately from the offset.
template <PhdrLoadPolicy Policy>
class Segment : public SegmentBase {
using typename SegmentBase::size_type;
constexpr size_type vaddr() const { return vaddr_; }
constexpr explicit Segment(size_type offset, size_type vaddr, size_type memsz)
: SegmentBase(offset, memsz), vaddr_(vaddr) {}
size_type vaddr_ = 0;
// TODO(mcgrathr): This is an optimization. GCC doesn't like the
// specialization being here and won't allow it to be defined later either.
#ifdef __clang__
// With constrained layout policy, the offset and vaddr don't both need to be
// tracked. They aren't always identical, but they always have a fixed
// difference for the whole file.
template <>
class Segment<PhdrLoadPolicy::kContiguous> : public SegmentBase {
using typename SegmentBase::size_type;
constexpr size_type vaddr() const { return this->offset(); }
constexpr explicit Segment(size_type offset, size_type vaddr, size_type memsz)
: SegmentBase(offset, memsz) {}
// A writable data segment (with no attached .bss) just identifies the pages
// from the file to load.
template <PhdrLoadPolicy Policy>
struct DataSegment : public Segment<Policy> {
using Base = Segment<Policy>;
using Base::Base;
constexpr explicit DataSegment(size_type offset, size_type vaddr, size_type memsz,
size_type filesz)
: Segment<Policy>(offset, vaddr, memsz) {
assert(filesz == memsz);
template <class Diagnostics, class Other>
static constexpr fit::result<bool, DataSegment> Copy(Diagnostics& diag, const Other& other) {
return fit::ok(DataSegment{
// The whole segment is loaded from the file.
constexpr size_type filesz() const { return this->memsz(); }
// A writable data segment with an attached zero-fill segment is both an
// optimization and a way to share the partial page between the two without
// extra page-alignment waste between the file portion and the zero portion.
template <PhdrLoadPolicy Policy>
class DataWithZeroFillSegment : public Segment<Policy> {
constexpr explicit DataWithZeroFillSegment(size_type offset, size_type vaddr, size_type memsz,
size_type filesz)
: Segment<Policy>(offset, vaddr, memsz), filesz_(filesz) {}
template <class Diagnostics, class Other>
static constexpr fit::result<bool, DataWithZeroFillSegment> Copy( //
Diagnostics& diag, const Other& other) {
return fit::ok(DataWithZeroFillSegment{
// Only a leading subset of the in-memory segment is loaded from the file.
constexpr size_type filesz() const { return filesz_; }
// Modify the segment in place so that filesz() is page-aligned.
// Return the size of the partial page left at the end of the new size,
// which needs to be zeroed in place before the segment is mapped.
constexpr size_type MakeAligned(size_type page_size) {
const size_type exact_filesz = filesz_;
filesz_ = (filesz_ + page_size - 1) & -page_size;
return filesz_ - exact_filesz;
size_type filesz_ = 0;
// A constant segment tracks the readable() and executable() flags.
template <PhdrLoadPolicy Policy>
using ConstantSegment = LoadConstantSegmentType<Segment<Policy>>;
// A plain zero-fill segment has nothing but anonymous pages to allocate.
// The file offset is unused, so SegmentBase::offset() is actually the vaddr.
class ZeroFillSegment : public SegmentBase {
using SegmentBase::SegmentBase;
template <class Diagnostics, class Other>
static constexpr fit::result<bool, ZeroFillSegment> Copy(Diagnostics& diag,
const Other& other) {
return fit::ok(ZeroFillSegment{other.vaddr(), other.memsz()});
constexpr size_type vaddr() const { return this->offset(); }
constexpr std::integral_constant<size_type, 0> filesz() const { return {}; }
template <class LoadInfo>
struct SegmentMerger {
using size_type = typename LoadInfo::size_type;
using ConstantSegment = typename LoadInfo::ConstantSegment;
using DataSegment = typename LoadInfo::DataSegment;
using DataWithZeroFillSegment = typename LoadInfo::DataWithZeroFillSegment;
using ZeroFillSegment = typename LoadInfo::ZeroFillSegment;
using Segment = typename LoadInfo::Segment;
template <class First, class Second>
static constexpr bool Adjacent(const First& first, const Second& second) {
// In classes where vaddr() and offset() are the same, this might be doing
// the same check twice but that will just get CSE.
return first.vaddr() + first.memsz() == second.vaddr() &&
first.offset() + first.memsz() == second.offset();
// ZeroFillSegment uses vaddr() for offset() so it might not match the
// vaddr() of the preceding real data segment the generic version checks.
template <class First>
static constexpr bool Adjacent(const First& first, const ZeroFillSegment& second) {
return first.vaddr() + first.memsz() == second.vaddr();
// For each pair of segment types S1 and S2, there is a call:
// bool Merge(V& storage, const S1& first, const S2& second);
// where V is std::variant<S1,S2,...> (not necessarily in that order). The
// first and second arguments might or might not be references (aliases) into
// storage. If the first and second segments are adjacent and compatible,
// this merges them by storing a new merged range into storage and then
// returns true.
template <class Merged, class First, class Second, typename... Args>
static constexpr void Emplace(Segment& storage, const First& first, const Second& second,
Args&&... args) {
size_type memsz = first.memsz() + second.memsz();
storage.template emplace<Merged>(first.offset(), first.vaddr(), memsz,
// Helper used when details other than vaddr, offset, and memsz match.
template <class First, typename... Args>
static constexpr bool MergeSame(Segment& storage, const First& first, const First& second,
Args&&... args) {
if (Adjacent(first, second)) {
Emplace<First>(storage, first, second, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return true;
return false;
// This is the fallback overload for mismatched segment types.
template <class... T, class First, class Second>
static constexpr bool Merge(std::variant<T...>& storage, const First& first,
const Second& second) {
return false;
// Identical adjacent segments merge.
static constexpr bool Merge(Segment& storage, const ConstantSegment& first,
const ConstantSegment& second) {
return first.flags() == second.flags() && MergeSame(storage, first, second, first.flags());
// Identical adjacent segments merge.
static constexpr bool Merge(Segment& storage, const DataSegment& first,
const DataSegment& second) {
size_type filesz = first.filesz() + second.filesz();
return MergeSame(storage, first, second, filesz);
// A data segment can be merged into an adjacent data + bss segment.
static constexpr bool Merge(Segment& storage, const DataSegment& first,
const DataWithZeroFillSegment& second) {
if (Adjacent(first, second)) {
size_type filesz = first.filesz() + second.filesz();
Emplace<DataWithZeroFillSegment>(storage, first, second, filesz);
return true;
return false;
// A data segment can be merged with an adjacent plain zero-fill segment.
static constexpr bool Merge(Segment& storage, const DataSegment& first,
const ZeroFillSegment& second) {
if (Adjacent(first, second)) {
Emplace<DataWithZeroFillSegment>(storage, first, second, first.filesz());
return true;
return false;
// All those add up to maybe merging any two adjacent segments.
template <class... T, class First>
static constexpr bool Merge(std::variant<T...>& storage, const First& first,
const std::variant<T...>& second) {
return Visit([&storage, &first](const auto& second) { return Merge(storage, first, second); },
template <class... T, class Second>
static constexpr bool Merge(std::variant<T...>& storage, const std::variant<T...>& first,
const Second& second) {
return Visit([&storage, &second](const auto& first) { return Merge(storage, first, second); },
template <class... T>
static constexpr bool Merge(std::variant<T...>& first, std::variant<T...>& second) {
auto unwrap_first = [&storage = first, &second](const auto& first) {
auto unwrap_second = [&storage, &first](const auto& second) {
return first.CanMergeWith(second) && second.CanMergeWith(first) &&
Merge(storage, first, second);
return Visit(unwrap_second, second);
return Visit(unwrap_first, first);
template <class... T, class Second>
static constexpr bool Merge(std::variant<T...>& first, const Second& second) {
return Visit(
[&storage = first, &second](const auto& first) { return Merge(storage, first, second); },
} // namespace elfldltl::internal