blob: d24279fb27832943391e3b9713175b8c40da689b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2024 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/stdcompat/span.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <optional>
#include "../layout.h"
namespace elfldltl::dwarf {
// ULEB128 is a byte-granularity "bignum"-style encoding used in DWARF.
// Encodings use as few bytes as needed to represent the value, 7 bits of
// value in each byte of encoding: up to 5 bytes for up to 32 bits, up to
// 10 bytes for up to 64 bits.
struct Uleb128 {
static constexpr size_t kMaxBytes = 10;
// Read one ULEB128 value from the byte buffer. Returns std::nullopt if the
// buffer is too short or if the encoding uses more bytes than should be
// necessary for a 64-bit value.
static std::optional<Uleb128> Read(cpp20::span<const std::byte> bytes);
// This is the value, zero-extended to uint64_t.
uint64_t value = 0;
// This is the number of bytes in the encoding: how many bytes were
// consumed by the Read call that created this Uleb128 object.
size_t size_bytes = 0;
// SLEB128 is the same encoding as ULEB128, but the value is understood to
// be sign-extended from the highest bit present in the encoded value.
struct Sleb128 {
static constexpr size_t kMaxBytes = 10;
// Read one SLEB128 value from the byte buffer. Returns std::nullopt if the
// buffer is too short or if the encoding uses more bytes than should be
// necessary for a 64-bit value.
static std::optional<Sleb128> Read(cpp20::span<const std::byte> bytes);
// This is the value, sign-extended to int64_t.
int64_t value = 0;
// This is the number of bytes in the encoding: how many bytes were
// consumed by the Read call that created this Sleb128 object.
size_t size_bytes = 0;
// This is the encoding byte used in the DW_OP_GNU_encoded_addr extension,
// in GNU ..eh_frame_hdr format, and in GNU de facto standard augmentation
// for .debug_frame formats. This is a struct with non-scoped enums rather
// than using `enum class`, so that the names are scoped to the struct type
// but the values are convertible to uint8_t and implicitly usable with
// bitwise operations.
// The default-constructed EncodedPtr object represents an omitted value.
// This gives an integer value of zero, but takes no space to encode.
struct EncodedPtr {
// These are the primary values that indicate basic integer encoding.
enum PtrType : uint8_t {
kOmit = 0xff, // No value present.
kPtr = 0x00, // Address size, unsigned.
kUleb128 = 0x01, // ULEB128 encoded (unsigned), variable length.
kUdata2 = 0x02, // 16 bits unsigned.
kUdata4 = 0x03, // 32 bits unsigned.
kUdata8 = 0x04, // 64 bits unsigned.
// This is actually a flag bit, combined with one of the unsigned
// encodings above to yield their signed counterparts below.
kSigned = 0x08,
kSleb128 = 0x09, // SLEB128 encoded (signed), variable length.
kSdata2 = 0x0a, // 16 bits signed.
kSdata4 = 0x0b, // 32 bits signed.
kSdata8 = 0x0c, // 64 bits signed.
// One of these can be OR'd in with one of the basic encodings above. Note
// that the relative encodings implicitly refer to different base addresses
// in different contexts, e.g. kDatarel inside .eh_frame_hdr is relative to
// the beginning of .eh_frame_hdr itself.
enum PtrModifier : uint8_t {
kAbs = 0x00, // Value is absolute.
kPcrel = 0x10, // Value is relative to its own location.
kTextrel = 0x20, // Value is relative to "text" segment (contextual).
kDatarel = 0x30, // Value is relative to "data" segment (contextual).
kFuncrel = 0x40, // Value is relative to function.
kAligned = 0x50, // Encoded value starts at naturally aligned location.
// This can be separately OR'd to indicate that the encoded address is
// actually the location of the value as for Encoding::kAbsptr.
static constexpr uint8_t kIndirect = 0x80;
// This yields just the basic encoding, regardless of indirection or
// adjustments. This is all that's needed to determine the encoded size.
static constexpr PtrType Type(uint8_t encoding) {
return encoding == kOmit ? kOmit : static_cast<PtrType>(encoding & 0x0f);
// This yields just the modifier for a relative address. After the basic
// value is decoded according to Type(encoding), this is what adjustment must
// be done to the value.
static constexpr PtrModifier Modifier(uint8_t encoding) {
return encoding == kOmit ? kAbs : static_cast<PtrModifier>(encoding & 0x70);
// This indicates that the value is actually stored elsewhere in memory. The
// Type(encoding) still indicates the type of that stored pointer, as well as
// the basic type of the encoding used to locate it. After applying the
// Modifier(encoding) adjustments to the encoded pointer, that pointer must
// be dereferenced to fetch the desired value.
static constexpr bool Indirect(uint8_t encoding) {
return encoding != kOmit && (encoding & kIndirect);
// This indicates if the encoded value is signed, so it should be
// sign-extended from narrower encoding to a wider integer type.
static constexpr bool Signed(uint8_t encoding) {
return encoding != kOmit && (encoding & kSigned);
// EncodedSize returns this value for the LEB128 types, which have a
// variable-sized encoding. The exact size can only be determined by
// actually decoding the value.
static constexpr uint8_t kDynamicSize = -1;
// This returns the encoded size, which may depend on the contextual address
// size. It returns kDynamicSize for LEB128 types whose exact size cannot be
// known without the actual data.
static constexpr uint8_t EncodedSize(uint8_t encoding, uint8_t address_size) {
switch (Type(encoding)) {
case kPtr:
case kSigned:
return address_size;
case kOmit:
return 0;
case kUdata2:
case kSdata2:
return 2;
case kUdata4:
case kSdata4:
return 4;
case kUdata8:
case kSdata8:
return 8;
case kUleb128:
case kSleb128:
return kDynamicSize;
// This normalizes the encoding so that it's unambiguous with respect to
// address size. After normalization, an encoding can be used directly
// without keeping track of the address size that's indicated by, or implicit
// in, the context it came from.
template <class Elf = Elf<>>
static constexpr uint8_t Normalize(uint8_t encoding,
uint8_t address_size = sizeof(typename Elf::Addr)) {
if ((encoding & 0x7) == 0) {
encoding |= 3 + (address_size >> 3);
return encoding;
// Read an encoded value via the Memory object. Both the vaddr argument and
// the encoded addresses (in case of indirection) are in whatever address
// space the Memory object provides. To support the indirection case
// properly, don't adjust the vaddr argument for use with a generic Memory
// object. Instead use a Memory object that takes the unadjusted address and
// implicitly applies the runtime load bias for the module containing the
// DWARF metadata being read; this ensures that a possible second call to the
// Memory object will correctly handle an address read from the metadata
// rather than the given vaddr argument. When reading variable-sized
// (LEB128) data, the single-argument ReadArray method of the Memory object
// is expected to return at least as much data as the value encoding requires
// in the single call. Returns std::nullopt if the Memory object fails.
// Otherwise the value is extended to 64 bits. In the case of a signed
// encoding, bit_cast<int64_t> should be used on the value.
template <class Elf = Elf<>, class Memory>
static constexpr std::optional<uint64_t> FromMemory( //
uint8_t encoding, Memory& memory, typename Elf::size_type vaddr,
uint8_t address_size = sizeof(typename Elf::Addr)) {
uint8_t size = EncodedSize(encoding, address_size);
if (size == 0) {
return 0;
std::optional<EncodedPtr> encoded;
if (auto read = size == kDynamicSize //
? memory.template ReadArray<std::byte>(vaddr, size)
: memory.template ReadArray<std::byte>(vaddr)) {
uint8_t read_encoding = encoding;
if (Indirect(encoding) && Modifier(encoding) == kPcrel) {
// Always sign-extend a relative value.
read_encoding |= kSigned;
encoded = Read<Elf>(read_encoding, *read, address_size);
if (!encoded) {
return std::nullopt;
switch (Modifier(encoding)) {
case kAbs:
case kPcrel:
encoded->ptr = vaddr + encoded->sptr;
return std::nullopt;
if (Indirect(encoding)) {
if (auto read = memory.template ReadArray<typename Elf::Addr>(encoded->ptr, 1)) {
return read->front();
return std::nullopt;
return encoded->ptr;
// Read an encoded value from the byte buffer. This returns an
// EncodedPtr object rather than the resolved value. The caller is
// responsible for applying modifiers and indirection to the value.
template <class Elf = Elf<>>
static constexpr std::optional<EncodedPtr> Read(
uint8_t encoding, cpp20::span<const std::byte> bytes,
uint8_t address_size = sizeof(typename Elf::Addr)) {
if (Type(encoding) == kSleb128) {
if (auto leb = Sleb128::Read(bytes)) {
return EncodedPtr{
.sptr = leb->value,
.encoding = encoding,
.encoded_size = static_cast<uint8_t>(leb->size_bytes),
return std::nullopt;
if (Type(encoding) == kUleb128) {
if (auto leb = Uleb128::Read(bytes)) {
return EncodedPtr{
.ptr = leb->value,
.encoding = encoding,
.encoded_size = static_cast<uint8_t>(leb->size_bytes),
return std::nullopt;
const uint8_t encoded_size = EncodedSize(encoding, address_size);
if (encoded_size == 0) {
return EncodedPtr{};
assert(encoded_size != kDynamicSize); // LEB128 was caught above.
if (encoded_size > bytes.size_bytes()) [[unlikely]] {
return std::nullopt;
auto decode = [encoding, bytes](auto unsigned_value) -> EncodedPtr {
if (Signed(encoding)) {
typename decltype(unsigned_value)::Signed value;
memcpy(&value,, sizeof(value));
return {
.sptr = static_cast<int64_t>(value),
.encoding = encoding,
.encoded_size = sizeof(value),
memcpy(&unsigned_value,, sizeof(unsigned_value));
return {
.ptr = unsigned_value,
.encoding = encoding,
.encoded_size = sizeof(unsigned_value),
switch (encoded_size) {
case 2:
return decode(typename Elf::Half{});
case 4:
return decode(typename Elf::Word{});
case 8:
return decode(typename Elf::Xword{});
return std::nullopt;
// The value is either signed or unsigned, as indicated by the encoding.
// Narrower signed values have been sign-extended to int64_t. This is
// only the final value for encodings with no modifiers or indirection.
union {
uint64_t ptr = 0;
int64_t sptr;
// This records the original encoding, including modifiers and
// indirection. The .ptr or .sptr value must be adjusted according to
// any relative modifier (usually "PC-relative", meaning relative to its
// own encoding location). If indirection is indicated, the resulting
// pointer must be used to fetch the actual value (of the same size).
uint8_t encoding = kOmit;
// This gives the total size of the encoding: how many bytes were
// consumed by the Read call that created this EncodedPtr.
uint8_t encoded_size = 0;
} // namespace elfldltl::dwarf