blob: 16bf17325cc52e2e00454c49cd1965db88c20f81 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/fdf/types.h>
#include <zircon/compiler.h>
#include <zircon/fidl.h>
#include <zircon/syscalls.h>
#include <zircon/types.h>
typedef struct zx_device zx_device_t;
typedef struct zx_driver zx_driver_t;
typedef struct zx_device_prop zx_device_prop_t;
typedef struct zx_protocol_device zx_protocol_device_t;
// Max device name length, not including a null-terminator
// echo -n "zx_device_ops_v0.52" | sha256sum | cut -c1-16
#define DEVICE_OPS_VERSION_0_52 0xb834fdab33623bb4
// Current Version
// TODO: temporary flags used by devcoord to communicate
// with the system bus device.
#define DEVICE_SUSPEND_FLAG_MEXEC 0xdcdc0300
// These values should be same as the enum fuchsia.device.DevicePowerState
// generated from FIDL. The system wide power manager will be using the
// power states from FIDL generated file.
// Performance state
// reboot modifiers
typedef struct device_fidl_txn device_fidl_txn_t;
// An outstanding FIDL transaction used when the driver host is managing
// a FIDL channel.
struct device_fidl_txn {
// Internal value used for driver host bookkeeping. Must not be mutated.
uintptr_t driver_host_context;
//@ # The Device Protocol
// Device drivers implement a set of hooks (methods) to support the
// operations that may be done on the devices that they publish.
// These are described below, including the action that is taken
// by the default implementation that is used for each hook if the
// driver does not provide its own implementation.
typedef struct zx_protocol_device {
//@ ## version
// This field must be set to `DEVICE_OPS_VERSION`
uint64_t version;
//@ ## get_protocol
// The get_protocol hook is called when a driver invokes
// **device_get_protocol()** on a device object. The implementation must
// populate *protocol* with a protocol structure determined by *proto_id*.
// If the requested *proto_id* is not supported, the implementation must
// The default get_protocol hook returns with *protocol*=*proto_ops* if *proto_id*
// matches the one given when **device_add()** created the device, and returns
// ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED otherwise.
// See the **device_get_protocol()** docs for a description of the layout of
// *protocol*.
// This hook is never called by the devhost runtime other than when
// **device_get_protocol()** is invoked by some driver. It is executed
// synchronously in the same thread as the caller.
zx_status_t (*get_protocol)(void* ctx, uint32_t proto_id, void* protocol);
//@ ## init
// The init hook is called when a device is initially added.
// If implemented, the device is guaranteed to be invisible and not able to be unbound until the
// driver calls **device_init_reply()** on itself. **device_init_reply()** can be called from
// any thread - it does not necessarily need to be called before the |init| hook returns.
// This allows drivers to safely complete initialization without explicit synchronization with
// the unbind hook, such as adding device metadata or completing blocking operations in a
// worker thread. Once the initialization is completed, **device_init_reply()** should be
// called to make the device visible and able to be unbound.
// The hook is always called from the devhost's main thread.
void (*init)(void* ctx);
//@ ## unbind
// The unbind hook is called to begin removal of a device (due to hot unplug, fatal error, etc).
// The driver should avoid further method calls to its parent device or any
// protocols obtained from that device, and expect that any further such calls
// will return with an error.
// The driver should adjust its state to encourage its client connections to close
// (cause IO to error out, etc), and call **device_unbind_reply()** on itself when ready.
// See the docs for **device_unbind_reply()** for important semantics.
// The driver must continue to handle all device hooks except for message, open, read, and write
// until the **release** hook is invoked.
// Prior to unbind being called, the DDK will suspend processing of all FIDL messages and new
// connections will be disallowed at this point. A device driver is responsible for ensuring that
// any pending FIDL transactions are replied to or closed prior to replying to unbind. A device
// which handles asynchronous FIDL messages *must* implement this hook.
// **Note:** This hook will not be called for a **device instance**.
// This is an optional hook (except for drivers that implement message). The default
// implementation will be a hook that replies immediately with **device_unbind_reply()**.
// This hook will be called from the devhost's main thread. It will be executed sometime
// after any of the following events occuring: **device_async_remove()** is invoked on the
// device, the device's parent has completed its unbind hook via **device_unbind_reply**,
// or a fuchsia.device.Controller/ScheduleUnbind request is received.
void (*unbind)(void* ctx);
//@ ## release
// The release hook is called after this device has finished unbinding, all open client
// connections of the device have been closed, and all child devices have been unbound and
// released.
// At the point release is invoked, the driver will not receive any further calls
// and absolutely must not use the underlying **zx_device_t** or any protocols obtained
// from that device once this method returns.
// The driver must free all memory and release all resources related to this device
// before returning.
// This hook may be called from any thread including the devhost's main
// thread.
void (*release)(void* ctx);
//@ ## suspend
// The suspend hook is used for suspending a device from a working to
// non-working low power state(sleep state), or from a non-working sleep state
// to a deeper sleep state.
// requested_state is always a non-working sleep state.
// enable_wake is whether to configure the device for wakeup from the requested non
// working sleep state. If enable_wake is true and the device does not support
// wake up, the hook fails without suspending the device.
// suspend_reason provides information for the driver why the suspend hook is called.
// Bus drivers and platform drivers like acpi will find this information useful to
// issue any system calls or save the reboot reason.
// The driver should put the device into the requested_state and call **device_suspend_reply()**
// on itself. device_suspend_reply() will take in two parameters: status of the suspend operation
// and an out_state. If status is success, the out_state is same as requested_state.
// If status is failure, out_state is the low power state the device is currently in.
// This hook assumes that the drivers are aware of their current state. This hook will only
// be executed on the devhost's main thread.
void (*suspend)(void* ctx, uint8_t requested_state, bool enable_wake, uint8_t suspend_reason);
//@ ## resume
// The resume hook is used for resuming a device from a non-working sleep
// state to a working state. It requires reinitializing the device completely
// or partially depending on the sleep state that device was in, when the
// resume call was made.
// requested_state is the performance state that the device has to be in.
// The driver should put the device into the requested_state and call **device_resume_reply()**
// on itself. device_resume_reply() will take in the following parameters:
// (1)Status of the resume operation (2)out_power_state (3) out_perf_state
// On success, the device has been resumed successfully to a working state,
// out_perf_state is same as requested state.
// If the device is not able to resume to a working state, the hook returns a
// failure. out_power_state has the non working state the device is in.
// if out_power_state is a working state, out_perf_state has the performance
// state the device is in.
// This hook assumes that the drivers are aware of their current state.
// This hook will only be executed on the devhost's main thread.
void (*resume)(void* ctx, uint32_t requested_state);
//@ ## configure_autosuspend
// The configure_autosuspend hook is used for configuring whether a driver can
// auto suspend the device depending on the activity and idleness of the device.
// If "enable" is true, auto suspend is configured. deepest_sleep_state is the deepest
// sleep state the device is expected to go into when the device is suspended.
// On success, the device is configured to be autosuspended
// On failure, the device not configured to be autosuspended. If the device does
// not implement the autosuspend hook, it means the device does not support autosuspend.
// This hook will only be executed on the devhost's main thread.
zx_status_t (*configure_auto_suspend)(void* ctx, bool enable, uint8_t deepest_sleep_state);
//@ ## rxrpc
// Only called for bus devices.
// When the "shadow" of a busdev sends an rpc message, the
// device that is shadowing is notified by the rxrpc op and
// should attempt to read and respond to a single message on
// the provided channel.
// Any error return from this method will result in the channel
// being closed and the remote "shadow" losing its connection.
// This method is called with ZX_HANDLE_INVALID for the channel
// when a new client connects -- at which point any state from
// the previous client should be torn down.
// This hook will only be executed on the devhost's main thread.
zx_status_t (*rxrpc)(void* ctx, zx_handle_t channel);
//@ ## message
// Process a FIDL rpc message. This is used to handle class or
// device specific messaging.
// The entire message becomes the responsibility of the driver,
// including the handles.
// The txn provided to respond to the message is only valid for
// the duration of the message() call. It must not be retained
// and used later.
// If this method wishes to respond asynchronously, the txn
// should be copied.
// This hook will only be executed on the devhost's main thread.
void (*message)(void* ctx, fidl_incoming_msg_t msg, device_fidl_txn_t txn);
//@ ## child_pre_release
// The child_pre_release hook is used to signal that a child device
// will soon be released. This is after the child and all its descendents
// have been unbound and removed from the device filesystem, and all client
// connections to the child have been closed.
// The device may want to drop any references to the child context or child
// **zx_device_t**.
// This hook may be called from any thread including the devhost's main
// thread.
void (*child_pre_release)(void* ctx, void* child_ctx);
//@ ## made_visible
// The made_visible hook is used to signal that the device has been made
// visible in devfs. It can be used as a synchornization point to inform
// clients that they may try and open the device.
// This hook will only be executed on the devhost's main thread.
void (*made_visible)(void* ctx);
} zx_protocol_device_t;
// protocols look like:
// typedef struct {
// protocol_xyz_ops_t* ops;
// void* ctx;
// } protocol_xyz_t;
zx_status_t device_get_protocol(const zx_device_t* dev, uint32_t proto_id, void* protocol);
// Structured configuration VMO
// Returns the configuration VMO. This call can only be made once per device.
zx_status_t device_get_config_vmo(zx_device_t* device, zx_handle_t* config_vmo);
// Direct Device Ops Functions
// Opens a connection to the specified runtime service offered by |device|.
// |device| is typically the parent of the device invoking this function.
// |service_name| can be constructed with `my_service_name::Name`.
// |request| must be the server end of a zircon channel.
// If you are inside a C++ device class, it may be more convenient to use the
// DdkConnectRuntimeProtocol wrapper method from ddktl, which supplies |device| and
// |service_name| automatically.
zx_status_t device_connect_runtime_protocol(zx_device_t* device, const char* service_name,
const char* protocol_name, fdf_handle_t request);
// Opens a connection to the specified runtime service offered by |device|.
// |device| should be a composite device. |fragment_name| picks out the specific
// fragment device to use; it must match the fragment name declared in the
// composite device's bind file.
// Arguments are otherwise the same as for device_connect_runtime_protocol.
// The ddktl equivalent is DdkConnectFragmentRuntimeProtocol.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_UNAVAILABLE| if the parent (or fragment) does not have an outgoing directory.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND| if |fragment_name| is not the name of a parent.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED| if |fragment_name| specified by the device is not a
// composite node.
// Returns |ZX_ERR_BAD_HANDLE| if |request| is not a valid runtime handle.
zx_status_t device_connect_fragment_runtime_protocol(zx_device_t* device, const char* fragment_name,
const char* service_name,
const char* protocol_name,
fdf_handle_t request);
// Opens a connection to the specified protocol in driver's incoming namespace.
// See |fdio_service_connect_at| for more information.
zx_status_t device_connect_ns_protocol(zx_device_t* device, const char* protocol_name,
zx_handle_t request);
// Device Metadata Support
// retrieves metadata for a specific device
// searches parent devices to find a match
zx_status_t device_get_metadata(zx_device_t* dev, uint32_t type, void* buf, size_t buflen,
size_t* actual);
// retrieves metadata size for a specific device
// searches parent devices to find a match
zx_status_t device_get_metadata_size(zx_device_t* dev, uint32_t type, size_t* out_size);
// Adds metadata to a specific device.
zx_status_t device_add_metadata(zx_device_t* dev, uint32_t type, const void* data, size_t length);
// Returns the specific protocol from the named fragment, identified by the name
// provided when it was created via`device_add_composite`. Returns ZX_ERR_NOT_FOUND if
// no fragment exists.
zx_status_t device_get_fragment_protocol(zx_device_t* dev, const char* name, uint32_t proto_id,
void* protocol);
// retrieves metadata for a specific device
// searches parent devices to find a match
zx_status_t device_get_fragment_metadata(zx_device_t* dev, const char* name, uint32_t type,
void* buf, size_t buflen, size_t* actual);
// Device State Change Functions. These match up with the signals defined in
// the fuchsia.device.Controller interface.
//@ #### Device State Bits