blob: f92d68e3b5e137a79678907c5ec42cd2130cc561 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "msd_intel_connection.h"
#include <lib/magma/platform/platform_trace.h>
#include <lib/magma/util/dlog.h>
#include <lib/magma/util/short_macros.h>
#include "msd_intel_context.h"
#include "ppgtt.h"
// static
std::shared_ptr<MsdIntelContext> MsdIntelConnection::CreateContext(
std::shared_ptr<MsdIntelConnection> connection) {
auto context = std::make_shared<MsdIntelContext>(connection->per_process_gtt(), connection);
return context;
void MsdIntelConnection::DestroyContext(std::shared_ptr<MsdIntelContext> context) {
auto iter = std::find(context_list_.begin(), context_list_.end(), context);
DASSERT(iter != context_list_.end());
return owner_->DestroyContext(std::move(context));
magma::Status MsdIntelConnection::MapBufferGpu(std::shared_ptr<MsdIntelBuffer> buffer,
uint64_t gpu_addr, uint64_t page_offset,
uint64_t page_count) {
std::shared_ptr<GpuMapping> mapping = per_process_gtt()->FindGpuMapping(gpu_addr);
if (mapping && mapping->BufferId() != buffer->platform_buffer()->id()) {
// Since we don't implement unmap, its possible for the client driver
// to reuse an address before releasing the buffer.
// If the mapping is not currently in use (use_count 2, because we're holding one ref here),
// we can release it.
if (mapping.use_count() > 2) {
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, "Mapping in use, buffer mismatch %lu != %lu",
mapping->BufferId(), buffer->platform_buffer()->id());
auto platform_buffer = mapping->buffer()->platform_buffer();
DLOG("Reusing gpu_addr 0x%lx by releasing buffer %lu", gpu_addr, platform_buffer->id());
mapping = nullptr;
if (mapping) {
if (mapping->offset() != page_offset * magma::page_size())
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, "Existing mapping offset mismatch %lu != %lu",
page_offset * magma::page_size(), mapping->offset());
if (mapping->length() >= page_count * magma::page_size())
magma::Status status = per_process_gtt()->GrowMapping(
mapping.get(), page_count - mapping->length() / magma::page_size());
if (!status.ok())
return DRET_MSG(status.get(), "GrowMapping failed");
magma::Status status = AddressSpace::MapBufferGpu(per_process_gtt(), buffer, gpu_addr,
page_offset, page_count, &mapping);
if (!status.ok())
return DRET_MSG(status.get(), "MapBufferGpu failed");
if (!per_process_gtt()->AddMapping(mapping))
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR, "failed to add mapping");
DLOG("MapBufferGpu %lu addr 0x%lx", mapping->BufferId(), gpu_addr);
void MsdIntelConnection::ReleaseBuffer(magma::PlatformBuffer* buffer) {
ReleaseBuffer(buffer, [](std::vector<std::shared_ptr<magma::PlatformSemaphore>>& semaphores,
uint32_t timeout_ms) {
auto port = magma::PlatformPort::Create();
for (auto& semaphore : semaphores) {
if (!semaphore->WaitAsync(port.get(), semaphore->global_id())) {
// Semaphores may be context wait semaphores or a pipeline fence so we return when any
// semaphore is signaled.
uint64_t key;
return port->Wait(&key, timeout_ms);
void MsdIntelConnection::ReleaseBuffer(
magma::PlatformBuffer* buffer,
std::function<magma::Status(std::vector<std::shared_ptr<magma::PlatformSemaphore>>& semaphores,
uint32_t timeout_ms)>
wait_callback) {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<GpuMapping>> mappings;
per_process_gtt()->ReleaseBuffer(buffer, &mappings);
DLOG("ReleaseBuffer %lu\n", buffer->id());
size_t excess_use_count = 0;
for (const auto& mapping : mappings) {
size_t use_count = mapping.use_count();
if (use_count > 1) {
// It's an error to release a buffer while it has inflight mappings, as that can fault the
// GPU. However Mesa/Anvil no longer exactly tracks the user buffers that are associated
// with each command buffer, instead it snapshots all user buffers currently allocated on
// the device, which can include buffers from other threads.
// This can happen when apps continually allocate and free device memory. Intel says
// a) apps should be sub-allocating instead b) their DRM system driver will stall to handle
// this case, so we do the same.
DLOG("ReleaseBuffer %lu mapping has use count %zu", mapping->BufferId(), use_count);
DASSERT(use_count > 0);
excess_use_count += use_count - 1;
if (excess_use_count) {
uint64_t start_ns = magma::get_monotonic_ns();
// Send pipeline fence batch for each context which may have queued command buffers.
for (auto& context : context_list_) {
// Also send one per command streamer since command streamers may operate in parallel.
std::set<EngineCommandStreamerId> command_streamers = context->GetTargetCommandStreamers();
for (auto command_streamer : command_streamers) {
auto event = std::shared_ptr<magma::PlatformSemaphore>(magma::PlatformSemaphore::Create());
auto batch = std::make_unique<PipelineFenceBatch>(context, event);
// Wait for the event to signal. There can be lots of work queued up and it can take an
// unpredictable amount of time for it to complete because other contexts may be competing
// for the hardware, so we wait forever (unless there's a stuck command buffer).
while (true) {
auto semaphores = context->GetWaitSemaphores(command_streamer);
TRACE_DURATION("magma", "stall on release");
constexpr uint32_t kStallMaxMs = 1000;
auto status = wait_callback(semaphores, kStallMaxMs);
if (status.ok()) {
// Submits any command buffers if they're ready
if (event->WaitNoReset(0)) {
// Wait again
uint64_t stall_ns = magma::get_monotonic_ns() - start_ns;
excess_use_count = 0;
for (const auto& mapping : mappings) {
excess_use_count += mapping.use_count() - 1;
// If queue has size > 0 after the stall, there's probably a stuck command buffer that
// will prevent the pipeline fence batch from ever completing.
size_t queue_size = context->GetQueueSize(command_streamer);
if (queue_size) {
"ReleaseBuffer %lu excess_use_count %zd after stall (%lu us) context queue "
"size %zd - probable stuck command buffer, closing connection",
buffer->id(), excess_use_count, stall_ns / 1000, queue_size);
if (!sent_context_killed())
DMESSAGE("ReleaseBuffer %lu excess_use_count %zd after stall (%lu us)", buffer->id(),
excess_use_count, stall_ns / 1000);
for (const auto& mapping : mappings) {
size_t use_count = mapping.use_count();
if (use_count == 1) {
// Bus mappings are passed through all command streamers to ensure memory is not
// released until TLBS are flushed, which happens implicitly on every pipeline flush
// and context switch.
auto wrapper = std::make_shared<MappingReleaseBatch::BusMappingsWrapper>();
for (EngineCommandStreamerId command_streamer : kCommandStreamers) {
auto batch = std::make_unique<MappingReleaseBatch>(wrapper);
} else {
// If there are no contexts, the connection is in the process of shutting down.
// Otherwise, since all events have signaled, all inflight mappings should be destroyed so
// there should be no excess use count.
std::unique_ptr<MsdIntelConnection> MsdIntelConnection::Create(Owner* owner,
msd::msd_client_id_t client_id) {
return std::unique_ptr<MsdIntelConnection>(
new MsdIntelConnection(owner, PerProcessGtt::Create(owner), client_id));
magma_status_t MsdIntelAbiConnection::MapBuffer(msd::Buffer& msd_buffer, uint64_t gpu_addr,
uint64_t offset, uint64_t length, uint64_t flags) {
if (!magma::is_page_aligned(offset) || !magma::is_page_aligned(length))
return DRET_MSG(MAGMA_STATUS_INVALID_ARGS, "Offset or length not page aligned");
uint64_t page_offset = offset / magma::page_size();
uint64_t page_count = length / magma::page_size();
auto buffer = static_cast<MsdIntelAbiBuffer*>(&msd_buffer)->ptr();
magma::Status status = ptr()->MapBufferGpu(buffer, gpu_addr, page_offset, page_count);
return status.get();
void MsdIntelAbiConnection::ReleaseBuffer(msd::Buffer& buffer) {
void MsdIntelAbiConnection::SetNotificationCallback(msd::NotificationHandler* handler) {
std::unique_ptr<msd::Context> MsdIntelAbiConnection::CreateContext() {
return std::make_unique<MsdIntelAbiContext>(MsdIntelConnection::CreateContext(ptr()));