blob: eb4b45a4095469caade61330c28833885b17cbc5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/magma/util/status.h>
#include <memory>
#include <queue>
#include "address_space.h"
#include "gpu_progress.h"
#include "hardware_status_page.h"
#include "mapped_batch.h"
#include "msd_intel_context.h"
#include "msd_intel_register_io.h"
#include "pagetable.h"
#include "render_init_batch.h"
#include "scheduler.h"
#include "sequencer.h"
// See below
class InflightCommandSequence;
struct RegisterStateHelper;
class EngineCommandStreamer {
class Owner {
virtual MsdIntelRegisterIo* register_io() = 0;
virtual Sequencer* sequencer() = 0;
virtual uint32_t device_id() = 0;
virtual std::shared_ptr<ForceWakeDomain> ForceWakeRequest(ForceWakeDomain domain) = 0;
EngineCommandStreamer(Owner* owner, EngineCommandStreamerId id, uint32_t mmio_base,
std::unique_ptr<GpuMapping> hw_status_page,
std::unique_ptr<Scheduler> scheduler);
virtual ~EngineCommandStreamer() {}
EngineCommandStreamerId id() const { return id_; }
const char* Name() const;
uint32_t mmio_base() const { return mmio_base_; }
GpuProgress* progress() { return &progress_; }
GlobalHardwareStatusPage* hardware_status_page() { return &hw_status_page_; }
uint64_t GetActiveHeadPointer();
// Returns the head pointer for the context that's active on this engine.
uint32_t GetRingbufferHeadPointer();
bool IsIdle() { return inflight_command_sequences_.empty(); }
// Initialize backing store for the given context on this engine command streamer.
bool InitContext(MsdIntelContext* context) const;
// Sets the given context's "indirect context" batch.
void InitIndirectContext(MsdIntelContext* context, std::shared_ptr<IndirectContextBatch> batch);
bool InitContextWorkarounds(MsdIntelContext* context);
bool InitContextCacheConfig(MsdIntelContext* context);
void InitHardware();
bool Reset();
// Execute the batch immediately.
bool ExecBatch(std::unique_ptr<MappedBatch> mapped_batch);
// Submit the batch for eventual execution.
void SubmitBatch(std::unique_ptr<MappedBatch> batch);
// Called in response to a context switch interrupt.
void ContextSwitched();
// Called in response to a user interrupt.
void ProcessCompletedCommandBuffers(uint32_t last_completed_sequence);
// Reset the engine state and kill the current context.
void ResetCurrentContext();
// This does not return ownership of the mapped batches so it is not safe
// to store the result and this method must be called from the device thread
std::vector<MappedBatch*> GetInflightBatches();
void set_forcewake_domain(ForceWakeDomain domain) {
// May only be set once.
forcewake_domain_ = domain;
std::optional<ForceWakeDomain> get_forcewake_domain() { return forcewake_domain_; }
void InitRegisterState(RegisterStateHelper& helper, Ringbuffer* ringbuffer,
uint64_t ppgtt_pml4_addr) const;
bool SubmitContext(MsdIntelContext* context, uint32_t tail);
bool UpdateContext(MsdIntelContext* context, uint32_t tail);
void SubmitExeclists(MsdIntelContext* context);
void InvalidateTlbs();
void ScheduleContext();
bool MoveBatchToInflight(std::unique_ptr<MappedBatch> mapped_batch);
// On success, returns a sequence number.
virtual bool WriteBatchToRingBuffer(MappedBatch* mapped_batch, uint32_t* sequence_number_out) = 0;
bool StartBatchBuffer(MsdIntelContext* context, uint64_t gpu_addr,
AddressSpaceType address_space_type);
[[nodiscard]] std::shared_ptr<ForceWakeDomain> ForceWakeRequest() {
if (forcewake_domain_) {
return owner_->ForceWakeRequest(*forcewake_domain_);
return {};
// from intel-gfx-prm-osrc-kbl-vol03-gpu_overview.pdf p.5
// p.30
static constexpr uint32_t kRenderEngineMmioBase = 0x2000;
static constexpr uint32_t kVideoEngineMmioBase = 0x12000;
static constexpr uint32_t kVideoEngineMmioBaseGen12 = 0x1C0000;
MsdIntelRegisterIo* register_io() { return owner_->register_io(); }
Sequencer* sequencer() { return owner_->sequencer(); }
std::queue<InflightCommandSequence>& inflight_command_sequences() {
return inflight_command_sequences_;
virtual uint32_t GetContextSize() const { return PAGE_SIZE * 2; }
bool InitContextBuffer(MsdIntelBuffer* context_buffer, Ringbuffer* ringbuffer,
AddressSpace* address_space) const;
Owner* owner_;
EngineCommandStreamerId id_;
uint32_t mmio_base_;
GpuProgress progress_;
GlobalHardwareStatusPage hw_status_page_;
uint64_t context_status_read_index_ = 0;
uint32_t hw_context_id_counter_ = 1;
std::unique_ptr<Scheduler> scheduler_;
std::queue<InflightCommandSequence> inflight_command_sequences_;
bool context_switch_pending_{};
std::optional<ForceWakeDomain> forcewake_domain_;
friend class TestEngineCommandStreamer;
friend class TestMsdIntelDevice;
class InflightCommandSequence {
InflightCommandSequence(uint32_t sequence_number, uint32_t ringbuffer_offset,
std::unique_ptr<MappedBatch> mapped_batch)
: sequence_number_(sequence_number),
mapped_batch_(std::move(mapped_batch)) {}
uint32_t sequence_number() { return sequence_number_; }
uint32_t ringbuffer_offset() { return ringbuffer_offset_; }
std::weak_ptr<MsdIntelContext> GetContext() { return mapped_batch_->GetContext(); }
MappedBatch* mapped_batch() { return mapped_batch_.get(); }
InflightCommandSequence(InflightCommandSequence&& seq) {
sequence_number_ = seq.sequence_number_;
ringbuffer_offset_ = seq.ringbuffer_offset_;
mapped_batch_ = std::move(seq.mapped_batch_);
uint32_t sequence_number_;
uint32_t ringbuffer_offset_;
std::unique_ptr<MappedBatch> mapped_batch_;