blob: 236f907b1e645f4edff5c390167492272cde5539 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 The Fuchsia Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <lib/mmio/mmio-buffer.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include "src/graphics/display/drivers/intel-i915/registers-pch.h"
namespace i915 {
// PCH display engine clocking.
// These values must be set during the display engine initialization sequence.
struct PchClockParameters {
// Frequency for the PCH display engine's root clock.
// Zero can be configured, but is not a valid configuration value. Negative
// values cannot be configured. The known values are 19.2, 24, and 38.4 MHz.
// The largest value that can be configured is 1,024.875 MHz if following the
// documentation, or 1,031 MHz if documentated invariants are broken. The full
// range fits in 30 bits.
int32_t raw_clock_hz;
// Frequency for the clock used by the PCH panel power sequences.
// Zero can be configured, but it suggests a misconfigured system. Negative
// values cannot be configured. This is 10 kHz on all known systems.
// The largest value that can be configured is 512.4375Mhz if following the
// documentation, or 515Mhz if documented invariants are broken. The full
// range fits in 29 bits.
// This clock is not explicitly mentioned anywhere in the PRM. We inferred its
// existence based on the description of the PP_DIVISOR register.
int32_t panel_power_clock_hz;
bool operator==(const PchClockParameters& lhs, const PchClockParameters& rhs) noexcept;
inline bool operator!=(const PchClockParameters& lhs, const PchClockParameters& rhs) noexcept {
return !(lhs == rhs);
// Characteristic parameters for the panel controlled by the PCH.
// The settings here only depend on the panel attached to the PCH control pins.
// Once set, they will not change for the lifetime of the driver.
// eDP timings are described in the eDP Standard version 1.4b (revised on
// December 31, 2020), Section 11 "Power Sequencing", pages 249 and 251.
struct PchPanelParameters {
// Adjusts parameters that are obviously incorrect to safe values.
// The safe values may be sub-optimal. For example, panel delays may be longer
// than necessary, resulting in slightly slower boot time.
void Fix();
// The eDP T3 delay, in microseconds.
// This is the delay expected by the PCH from the moment the panel power rail
// goes above 90% to the moment the panel drives its HPD (Hot-Plug Detect) pin
// high. The eDP specification states that the panel's AUX channel must be
// ready to accept transactions as soon as its HPD pin is asserted high.
// Zero can be configured. Negative values cannot be configured. Typical
// values are in the range of tens of milliseconds (10,000 us).
int64_t power_on_to_hpd_aux_ready_delay_micros;
// The eDP T2 delay, in microseconds.
// After turning on the panel power, the PCH will wait for T3 and this delay
// before it enables the backlight.
// Intel's documentation is a bit unclear here. We currently assume this delay
// is set to eDP T2 - the minimum delay from enabling panel power to Automatic
// Black Video Generation, where the panel renders black video instead of
// noise when it gets an invalid video signal.
// Zero can be configured. Negative values cannot be configured. Typical
// values are in the range of hundreds of milliseconds (100,000 us).
int64_t power_on_to_backlight_on_delay_micros;
// The eDP T9 delay, in microseconds.
// This is the minimum delay needed by the panel from the moment the backlight
// power is turned off to the moment the video signal stops being valid.
// Zero can be configured. Negative values cannot be configured. Typical
// values are in the range of hundreds of milliseconds (100,000 us).
// eDP's T9 matches the SWPG standard's T6.
int64_t backlight_off_to_video_end_delay_micros;
// The eDP T10 delay, in microseconds.
// This is the minimum delay needed by the panel from the moment the source
// stops emitting a video to the moment the panel power rail goes below 90%.
// Zero can be configured. Negative values cannot be configured. Typical
// values are in the range of hundreds of milliseconds (100,000 us).
// eDP's T10 matches the SWPG standard's T3.
int64_t video_end_to_power_off_delay_micros;
// The eDP T12 delay, in microseconds.
// This is the minimum delay needed by the panel from the moment the power
// rail goes below 10% until the moment the power rail is raised again above
// 10%. The PCH's panel power subsystem honors this delay, unless the driver
// forces panel power on.
// Zero can be configured. Negative values cannot be configured. The largest
// value that can be configured is 3 seconds (3,000,000 us).
// eDP's T12 matches the SWPG standard's T4.
int64_t power_cycle_delay_micros;
// The frequency of the brightness PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) pin, in Hertz.
// Lower frequencies have an increased likelihood that users will perceive
// panel flickering when the brightness is not 0% or 100%.
// The range of acceptable brightness PWM frequencies is usually included in
// the panel's specifications. 200 Hz is a safe value for most panels.
int32_t backlight_pwm_frequency_hz;
// If true, the PCH will start the panel power down sequence when it is reset.
// Intel's PRM recommends setting this to true.
bool power_down_on_reset;
// Inverts whether the backlight PWM active duty drives the PWM pin high/low.
// If false (default mapping), the backlight PWM pin is driven high when the
// PWM is in active duty, and the pin is driven low when the PWM is inactive.
// If true (inverted mapping), the backlight PWM pin is driven low when the
// PWM is in active duty, and the pin is driven high when the PWM is inactive.
bool backlight_pwm_inverted;
bool operator==(const PchPanelParameters& lhs, const PchPanelParameters& rhs) noexcept;
inline bool operator!=(const PchPanelParameters& lhs, const PchPanelParameters& rhs) noexcept {
return !(lhs == rhs);
// The target configuration of the PCH panel power subsystem.
// The PCH may need some time to get the PCH panel to the target.
struct PchPanelPowerTarget {
// If true, the PCH will (eventually) power on the panel. If false, the PCH
// will (eventually) power off the panel.
bool power_on;
// If true, the PCH will turn on the panel backlight when the panel is powered
// on. If false, the PCH will always keep the panel backlight off.
bool backlight_on;
// If true, the panel power subsystem is bypassed, and the panel VDD rail is
// powered. If false, the panel's VDD rail is set by the panel power
// subsystem, which follows the panel power on and off sequences.
// This mode can be used to perform transactions over the Embedded DisplayPort
// AUX channel without executing the full panel power on sequence, which
// requires configuring the panel power sequence delays, and setting up some
// display engine resources.
// A call to SetPanelPowerTarget() with `force_power_on` = false must not be
// followed by a call to SetForcePanelPowerOn() with `force_power_on` = true
// within the eDP T12 delay. Otherwise, the panel may be damaged.
// Some Intel FSPs (Firmware Support Packages) ship with a default
// configuration that enables this mode on boot. We turn off the override as
// soon as it's safe to enable the panel power subsystem.
bool force_power_on;
// If true, the backlight brightness PWM (Pulse-Width Modulation) pin signals
// the configured brightness level at the configured frequency. If false, the
// backlight brightness PWM is never active. `PchPanelParameters` controls the
// mapping between the PWM active/inactive states and the PWM pin states.
// The PWM counter should be disabled while `backlight_on` is false, to reduce
// power consumption. If the PWM counter is disabled while the `backlight_on`
// is true, the panel should act as if the backlight is off.
bool brightness_pwm_counter_on;
bool operator==(const PchPanelPowerTarget& lhs, const PchPanelPowerTarget& rhs) noexcept;
inline bool operator!=(const PchPanelPowerTarget& lhs, const PchPanelPowerTarget& rhs) noexcept {
return !(lhs == rhs);
// The state of the PCH panel power sequence subsystem.
// `kPoweredUp` and `kPoweredDown` are stable states.
// Setting the PCH panel power target to "on" will drive the panel through a
// subset of the following states:
// * `kPoweringDown` (if the power target was recently set to "off") ->
// * `kPoweredDown` ->
// * `kWaitingForPowerCycleDelay` (if the panel was recently powered off) ->
// * `kPoweringUp` ->
// * `kPoweredUp` - the target state.
// Setting the PCH panel power target to "off" will drive the panel through a
// subset of the following states:
// * `kPoweringUp` (if the power target was recently set to "on") ->
// * `kPoweredUp` ->
// * `kPoweringDown` ->
// * `kPoweredDown` - the target state.
enum class PchPanelPowerState : int {
// The panel is powered down. This is a steady state.
kPoweredDown = 0,
// The panel was recently powered down.
// The PCH is planning to perform the panel power up sequence, but needs to
// wait for the power cycle delay first.
// Both the eDP and SPWG Notebook Panel standards specify upper bounds on the
// time a panel needs to power up. In practice, we may need to wait for
// significantly longer times for panels to power up.
kWaitingForPowerCycleDelay = 1,
// The PCH is performing the panel power up sequence.
// Once the power up sequence starts, it must be completed. So, powering down
// the panel may need to wait for the power up sequence to complete.
kPoweringUp = 2,
// The panel is powered up. This is a steady state.
kPoweredUp = 3,
// The PCH is performing the panel power down sequence.
// Once the power down sequence starts, it must be completed. So, powering up
// the panel may need to wait for the power down sequence to complete, and
// then wait for the power cycle delay.
kPoweringDown = 4,
// Drives the display engine logic in the PCH (Platform Controller Hub).
// Intel's documentation also refers to this logic as the South Display Engine.
// This name was carried over from the Intel Hub Architecture, which had a
// Northbridge, which hosted the North Display Engine, and a Southbridge.
class PchEngine {
// `mmio_buffer` must outlive this instance.
PchEngine(fdf::MmioBuffer* mmio_buffer, uint16_t device_id);
PchEngine(const PchEngine&) = delete;
PchEngine(PchEngine&&) = delete;
PchEngine& operator=(const PchEngine&) = delete;
PchEngine& operator=(PchEngine&&) = delete;
// Trivially destructible.
~PchEngine() = default;
// If `enabled` is true, the north (main) display engine notifies the PCH
// display engine of resets, and waits for it to acknowledge.
// This method must be called with `enabled` set to true during the cold-boot
// display engine initialization sequence.
void SetPchResetHandshake(bool enabled);
// Overwrites the PCH clocking registers with cached values.
// This method performs MMIO writes unconditionally. It must only be called
// during the display engine initialization sequence, when resuming from a
// low-power (suspended) state.
void RestoreClockParameters();
// Overwrites most PCH configuration registers with cached values.
// This method restores all PCH configuration registers, *except* for the
// registers covered by RestoreClockParameters(). This separation is needed to
// comply with the mode set sequences documented by the Intel PRMs.
// This method performs MMIO writes unconditionally. It must only be called
// when resuming from a low-power (suspended) state, after the display engine
// is re-initialized. In particular, RestoreClockParameters() must have been
// already called.
// Calling this method will restore the PCH to the configuration it had before
// entering a low-power (suspended) state, with the following exceptions:
// * The panel will be powered off, awaiting pipe and transcoder
// configuration.
// * The backlight PWM will be disabled, since the panel is powered off.
void RestoreNonClockParameters();
// Reports the current PCH clocking configuration.
// This method is intended for retrieving the configuration applied by the
// boot firmware. SetClockParameters() can perform any needed adjustments.
PchClockParameters ClockParameters() const;
// Updates the PCH clocking configuration.
// No MMIO writes are performed if `parameters` already matches the clocking
// configuration.
void SetClockParameters(const PchClockParameters& parameters);
// Fixes clocking parameters that are obviously incorrect.
void FixClockParameters(PchClockParameters& parameters) const;
// Reports the current PCH panel configuration.
// This method is intended for retrieving the configuration applied by the
// boot firmware. SetPanelParameters() can perform any needed adjustments.
// The caller should ensure that the PCH clocking is configured correctly
// before calling this method. The result is not meaningful if the PCH
// clocking is incorrect.
PchPanelParameters PanelParameters() const;
// Updates the PCH panel configuration.
// The caller must ensure that the PCH clocks are configured correctly before
// calling this method.
// This method preserves (modulo precision errors) the PWM backlight's
// brightness level when the PWM frequency changes. The brightness level will
// be set to 0% if the PWM was not previously configured. The brightness level
// will be normalized to 100% if it was (incorrectly) set above 100%.
// No MMIO writes are performed if `parameters` already matches the panel
// configuration (unless the PWM brightness level must be normalized).
void SetPanelParameters(const PchPanelParameters& parameters);
// Reports the target configuration of the PCH panel power subsystem.
// This method is intended for retrieving the configuration applied by the
// boot firmware. SetPanelPowerTarget() can drive the transition to new power
// states.
PchPanelPowerTarget PanelPowerTarget() const;
// Returns the panel power state reported by the PCH.
// This method is not idempotent.
PchPanelPowerState PanelPowerState();
// Waits for the PCH panel power sequence to reach a given state.
// Returns true if the PCH panel reached the given state within the allotted
// time. Returns false if the timeout ran out before the PCH panel reached the
// desired state.
// While `power_state` can be any value, the meaningful values are kPoweredUp
// and kPoweredDown.
// `timeout_us` must be positive. The eDP 1.4 standard allows for 90ms. The
// SPWG Notebook Panel standard allows for 210ms. The Atlas panel needs almost
// 400ms.
bool WaitForPanelPowerState(PchPanelPowerState power_state, int timeout_us);
// Updates the PCH panel power subsystem's target configuration.
// The caller must ensure that the PCH panel parameters are configured
// correctly before calling this method with `power_on` set to true.
// The caller must ensure that the PCH brightness PWM is configured correctly
// before calling this method with `backlight_on` set to true.
// No MMIO writes are performed if `power_target` already matches the panel
// power subsystem's target.
void SetPanelPowerTarget(const PchPanelPowerTarget& power_target);
// The brightness level created by the PCH panel backlight PWM.
// Returns a value between 0.0 (no brightness) and 1.0 (maximum brightness).
double PanelBrightness() const;
// Sets the brightness level created by the PCH panel backlight PWM.
// `brightness` must be between 0.0 (no brightness) and 1.0 (maximum
// brightness).
// The caller must ensure that the PCH backlight brightness PWM is configured
// correctly before calling this method.
void SetPanelBrightness(double brightness);
void Log();
// ClockParameters() subset used by other functions. May return zero.
int32_t RawClockHz() const;
// ClockParameters() subset used by other functions. May return zero.
int32_t PanelPowerClockHz() const;
// SetClockParameters() helper that covers the raw clock.
void SetRawClockHz(int32_t raw_clock_hz);
// SetClockParameters() helper that covers the panel power sequence clock.
// This must only be called after the raw clock was configured correctly.
void SetPanelPowerClockHz(int32_t panel_power_clock_hz);
// SetPanelParameters() helper that covers power sequence delays.
void SetPanelPowerSequenceParameters(const PchPanelParameters& parameters);
// SetPanelParameters() helper that covers the backlight PWM.
void SetPanelBacklightPwmParameters(const PchPanelParameters& parameters);
// Kaby Lake-specific logic for configuring the backlight PWM.
// If the PWM frequency is changed, the PWM will be disabled first. The caller
// is responsible for re-enabling the PWM.
void SetPanelBacklightPwmParametersKabyLake(const PchPanelParameters& parameters);
// Tiger Lake-specific logic for configuring the backlight PWM.
// If the PWM frequency is changed, the PWM will be disabled first. The caller
// is responsible for re-enabling the PWM.
void SetPanelBacklightPwmParametersTigerLake(const PchPanelParameters& parameters);
fdf::MmioBuffer* const mmio_buffer_;
// GPU device ID used throughout the driver. Not the PCH's device ID.
const uint16_t device_id_;
registers::PchRawClock clock_;
registers::PchChicken1 misc_;
registers::PchBacklightFreq backlight_pwm_freq_;
registers::PchBacklightDuty backlight_pwm_duty_;
registers::PchBacklightFreqDuty backlight_freq_duty_;
registers::PchBacklightControl backlight_control_;
registers::PchPanelPowerOnDelays panel_power_on_delays_;
registers::PchPanelPowerOffDelays panel_power_off_delays_;
registers::PchPanelPowerClockDelay panel_power_clock_delay_;
registers::PchPanelPowerControl panel_power_control_;
} // namespace i915